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Nama : Ena Milada Tri Handayani
NIM : 150210103097
Class : Microteaching I


School : ……
Class/Semester : XI Science/2
Subjects : Biology
Topic : System Integument
Time Allocation : 15 minutes

A. Core Competencies
3. Understand, implement, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural
sense based on science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the
insight of humanity, national, state, and civilization-related phenomena and
events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study
specific according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. Processing, and reasoning in the realm of the concrete and the abstract realm
associated with the development of the learned in school independently, and
able to use the method according to the rules of science
B. Basic Competencies
3.3 Analyze the relationship between the layers on the skin by the process with
the function of the skin through literature studies, observations, experiments,
and simulations
C.Competency Indicators
3.3.1 Explain Integumentary System Definition
3.3.2 Describe the various functions of an integument system
3.3.3 Describes the compiler structure of the integument system

D. Learning Objectives
1. Student can explain understanding structure of integument system
appropriately based on teacher's explanation and literature study, group
2. Students can explain the various functions of an integument system based on
teacher explanations, literature studies, group discussions
E. Learning Material
The integument comes from the yunani word integumentum, meaning a
cover made up mostly of skin, hair, nails, and glands. Based on the word
derivation the integument system can be said as the most extensive organ
system. This system consists of skin and accessories, including nails, hair,
glands (sweat and sebaceous), and special neural receptors (for stimuli of
internal or external changes). Simply understanding the integument system is
a system involving the skin, which covers the internal structure of the body
and protect it from the outside world or external areas
The integument system layers consist of

1. Epidermis
Epidermis is a layer of stratified squamous epithelium and berkeratin, consisting
of four different cell types and four or five different layers. Various kinds of cells
in the epidermis as follows:
a. Melanocyte cells
Melanocyte cells are known as spider cells, producing melanin through the
process of melanogenesis. Melanocytes or pigment cells are found at the
bottom of the epidermis. Melanocytes are specialized cells of the epidermis
that are primarily involved in the production of melanin pigment, thus
functioning to give color to the skin and hair.
b. Dendritic cell
Dendritic cells are known as star-shaped cells, arising from the bone marrow
and migrating to the epidermis. These cells are also called Langerhans cells,
cells that are bone marrow derived macrophages, which stimulate T cell
lymphocytes, bind, process, and represent antigens to T lymphocyte cells.
c. Tactile cells (Merkel Cells)
Namely known as a pointy spherical cell, acting as a sensory mechanismor and
associated function with diffuse neuroendocrine system, ie as a sensory
receptor for touch or touch
2. Dermis
The skin of the hides or dermis becomes the tip of the taste nerve, the
presence of the hair bladder, the sweat glands, the palm glands (Sebacea) or
the oil glands, the blood and lymph vessels, and the hair-raising muscles
(muskulus pector artery) (Soewono 2000 ).
3. Hypodermis
Hypodermis or also known as subcutaneous tissue, is not actually part of
the skin, but as a protective stock some skin function. Hipodermis is also
called the superficial fascia because it is composed largely of adipose tissue
that provides a cushion between the skin layers and internal structures such as
muscles and bones. In this layer contains many blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels and nerves that also contain sweat glands and the base of the hair
follicles. This network allows skin mobility, changes in body contour and
body heat insulation.
The Function of Skin
a. Protection
The skin is the organ system most easily exposed to both microorganisms,
temperatures and hazardous chemicals. There are three types of barrier on the
skin: chemical, physical and biological.
b. Absorption
The skin can not absorb water, but it can absorb lipid-soluble materials such
as vitamins A, D, E, and K, certain drugs, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Skin
permeability to oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor allows the skin to
participate in the respiratory function. In addition, some toxic materials can be
absorbed such as acetone, CCl4, and mercury.
The skin also functions in excretion by the intermediary of two exocrine
glands, namely sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The body removes a limited
amount of waste containing nitrogen (ammonia, urea, and uric acid) in sweat,
although most of the waste is excreted in the urine
d. Perception
The skin contains sensory nerve endings in the dermis and subcutis. Again hot
stimuli played by Ruffini bodies in the dermis and subcutis. Against the cold
played by Krause bodies located in the dermis, Meissner's tactile body is located
in the dermis papilla plays a role, as is the body of Merkel Ranvier located in the
epidermis. While the pressure played by the body Paccini in the epidermis. These
sensory nerves are more numerous in erotic areas
e. Termoregulation
The body works best when the temperature stays within the homeostatic limit.
As long as the external temperature is lower than body temperature, the skin
surface loses heat to air and to cold objects in its environment, such as car
radiators losing heat to air and other nearby parts. Under normal resting
conditions, and as long as the ambient temperature is below 31-32 ° C (88-90 ° F),
the sweat glands secrete about 500 ml (0.5 L) of sweat per day.
F. Approach / Strategy / Learning Methods
1. Approach: Scientific
2. Method: Group discussion
3. Model: Problem Based Learning

G. Source / materials / tools.

1. Source Book of Biology : Campbell, Neil. A, et al. 2010. Biology vol. 1
(Eighth Edition). Jakarta: Erlangga.
2. Tools: LCD Projector, laptop, white Board
3. Materials: Various Literature, student worksheet

Activity Description
Pre-learning 1.Salutation and prayer 3 menit
2.Teacher checking student attendance and adjusting
classroom condition
3.Teachers convey the purpose of learning
- The learning objectives can be provided with an
intermediate skin image, a picture of a person
Core 1. The teacher divides the students into 2 large groups 10 menit
2. Teachers provide problems in the form of problems
related to the integument system so that students are
able to solve the problem (explanation about the LKS
is under assessment)
3. Teacher asks the students to solve the problem by
discussion and search for answers from the problems
based on the existing literature
4.Teacher gives assistance by checking student’s
progress and asking if students find difficulties and
5. The teacher asks one representative from the group to
present the results of the discussion in front of the
6. Teacher provides additional material after one of the
representatives from the group presents the results of
the discussion, then proceeds to the second group,
gives the material done by the teacher as a spice and
justifies any misunderstanding.
Closing 1.Students conclude the overall learning activities are 2 menit
guided by questions from the teacher.
2.The most active group in the class was awarded by
3. Students are given the task by the teacher to learn the
next section about Integument system
4. Pray and closing greetings
I. Assessment
1. Assessment Techniques
No Aspect Technic Instrument
1 Attitude - Observation activities - observation Sheet
discussion - the Format of the
- self-assessment assessment
- Assessment between - the Format of the
students assessment
2 Knowledge - written Test - The Question In


a. Observation Sheet
At the time of observation activities
At the time of the discussion
No Student name Careful Dicipline Cooperative Skils

Assessment Rubrics
Aspect Score Desription
Careful 4 If observed carefully, as video views or images associated
viruses and record the results observed in full
3 If observed carefully, as the virus related video views and record
the results observed are not complete
2 If only observing fleeting impressions of video related viruses
and record the results observed are not complete
1 If not do both of these

Aspect Score Description

Dicipline 4 Timely collection of duties and on time in attendence
3 Timely collection of duties and not punctual in attendance
2 Not punctual in collecting duties and punctual in attendance
1 Not punctual in collecting duties and not punctual in attendance

Aspect Score Description

Cooperation 4 Bring up the idea of a group, listen to the opinions of my fellow
friends, appreciate the advice of friends
3 Bring up the idea of a group, listen to the opinions of my fellow
friends, less appreciative friends advice
2 Bring up the idea for the group, lack of listening to the opinions
of my fellow friends, less appreciative friends advice
1 Bring up the idea for the Group

Aspek Skor Keterangan

Skills 4 Skilled in making assignments, presenting the tasks and notes the
lessons well
3 Skilled in making assignments, presenting duties and unskilled in
noting the lessons well
2 Less skilled in making assignments, presenting the tasks and notes
the lessons well.
1 Not skilled in making assignments, presenting the tasks and notes
the lessons well.
Maximum score = 4 (number of aspect) x 4 (maximum score) = 16
Minimum score = 4 (number of aspect) x 1 (minimum score) = 4
Minimum score = 16 (maximum total score) / 16 (maximum total score) x 100 =
Minimum score = 4 (minimum total score) / 16 (maximum total score) x 100 =
Difference = 100% - 25% = 75%
Rentang Skala Likert = 75 Very good : 81 ≤ x ≤ 100
(difference) / 4 (maximum score) = Good : 62 ≤ x ≤ 81
19 Less : 43 ≤ x ≤ 62
Not good : 24 ≤ x ≤ 43

Jember, April 23th 2018

Ena Milada Tri Handayani



Members of group 1.




Class :

Topik : Integument System

Work instructions: answer the following questions by discussing with the

group, then convey the result of the discussion to another group!

1. Explain the difference between the integument system and the ecretion
2. What is the order of the skin in humans?


Members of group1.




Class :

Topik : Integument System

Work instructions: answer the following questions by discussing with the

group, then convey the result of the discussion to another group!

1. Why can skin feel pain, touch, and cold?

2. Why is someone after moving outdoors such as sports can sweat?
1. the integument system is a system involving the skin, which covers the
internal structure of the body and protect it from the outside world or
external areas
2. -Epidermis is a layer of stratified squamous epithelium and berkeratin,
consisting of four different cell types and four or five different layers. Various
kinds of cells in the epidermis as follows:
a. Melanocyte cells
b. Dendritic cell
c. Tactile cells (Merkel Cells)
d. Keratinosit

1. Because skin have Ruffini bodies in the dermis and subcutis,Cold

stimulation is played by Krause bodies located in the dermis, Meissner's
tactile body is located in the dermis papilla and the Merkel Ranvier Body
located in the epidermis plays a role
2. Because to keep the inner body temperature in order to remain stable,
Sweating can occur due to the control of the hypothalamus

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