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Session 6:

Diagonalization of the system matrix with distinct and repeated roots.

Session objectives:
1. Undestand matrix diagonalization
2. Learn theorems related diagonalization of matrix
3. Solve example to diagonalize the matrix

Students should have knowledge of matrix operations.

Matrix Diagonalization
Matrix diagonalization is the process of taking a square matrix and converting it into a special
type of matrix--a so-called diagonal matrix--that shares the same fundamental properties of
the underlying matrix. Matrix diagonalization is equivalent to transforming the underlying
system of equations into a special set of coordinate axes in which the matrix takes this
canonical form. Diagonalizing a matrix is also equivalent to finding the matrix's eigenvalues,
which turn out to be precisely the entries of the diagonalized matrix. Similarly,
the eigenvectors make up the new set of axes corresponding to the diagonal matrix.
The remarkable relationship between a diagonalized matrix, eigenvalues,
and eigenvectors follows from the beautiful mathematical identity (the eigen decomposition)
that a square matrix can be decomposed into the very special form
where is a matrix composed of the eigenvectors of , is the diagonal matrix constructed
from the corresponding eigenvalues, and is the matrix inverse of . According to
the eigen decomposition theorem, an initial matrix equation
can always be written
(at least as long as is a square matrix), and premultiplying both sides by gives
Since the same linear transformation is being applied to both and , solving the
original system is equivalent to solving the transformed system
where and . This provides a way to canonicalize a system into the
simplest possible form, reduce the number of parameters from for an arbitrary matrix
to for a diagonal matrix, and obtain the characteristic properties of the initial matrix. This
approach arises frequently in physics and engineering, where the technique is oft used and
extremely powerful.
When we introduced eigen values and eigenvectors, we wondered when a square matrix is
similarly equivalent to a diagonal matrix? In other words, given a square matrix A, does a
diagonal matrix D exist such that ? (i.e. there exists an invertible matrix P such
that A = P-1DP)
In general, some matrices are not similar to diagonal matrices. For example, consider the

Assume there exists a diagonal matrix D such that A = P-1DP. Then we have

i.e is similar to . So they have the same characteristic equation.

Hence A and D have the same eigenvalues. Since the eigenvalues of D of the numbers on the
diagonal, and the only eigen value of A is 2, then we must have

In this case, we must have A = P-1DP = 2 I2, which is not the case. Therefore, A is not similar
to a diagonal matrix.

A matrix is diagonalizable if it is similar to a diagonal matrix.

In a previous page, we have seen that the matrix

has three different eigenvalues. We also showed that A is diagonalizable. In fact, there is a
general result along these lines.

Let A be a square matrix of order n. Assume that A has n distinct eigenvalues. Then A is
diagonalizable. Moreover, if P is the matrix with the columns C1, C2... and Cn the n
eigenvectors of A, then the matrix P-1AP is a diagonal matrix. In other words, the matrix A is
What happened to square matrices of order n with less than n eigenvalues?
We have a partial answer to this problem.

Let A be a square matrix of order n. In order to find out whether A is diagonalizable, we do
the following steps:
Write down the characteristic polynomial


Factorize . In this step, we should be able to get

where the , , may be real or complex. For every i, the powers ni is

called the (algebraic) multiplicity of the eigen value .

For every eigenvalue, find the associated eigenvectors. For example, for the

eigenvalue , the eigenvectors are given by the linear system

Then solve it. We should find the unknown vector X as a linear combination of
vectors, i.e.

where , are arbitrary numbers. The integer mi is called

the geometric multiplicity of .

If for every eigenvalue the algebraic multiplicity is equal to the geometric
multiplicity, then we have

which implies that if we put the eigenvectors Cj, we obtained in 3. for all the
eigenvalues, we get exactly n vectors. Set P to be the square matrix of order n for
which the column vectors are the eigenvectors Cj. Then P is invertible and

is a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries equal to the eigenvalues of A. The position
of the vectors Cj in P is identical to the position of the associated eigenvalue on the
diagonal of D. This identity implies that A is similar to D. Therefore, A is

If the algebraic multiplicity ni of the eigenvalue is equal to 1, then obviously we

have mi = 1. In other words, ni = mi.
If for some eigenvalue the algebraic multiplicity is not equal to the geometric
multiplicity, then A is not diagonalizable.

Consider the matrix

In order to find out whether A is diagonalizable, lt us follow the steps described above.

The polynomial characteristic of A is

So -1 is an eigenvalue with multiplicity 2 and -2 with multiplicity 1.

In order to find out whether A is diagonalizable, we only concentrate ur attention on
the eigenvalue -1. Indeed, the eigenvectors associated to -1, are given by the system

This system reduces to the equation -y + z = 0. Set and , then we


So the geometric multiplicity of -1 is 2 the same as its algebraic multiplicity.

Therefore, the matrix A is diagonalizable. In order to find the matrix P we need to find
an eigenvector associated to -2. The associated system is

which reduces to the system

Set , then we have



But if we set


We have seen that if A and B are similar, then An can be expressed easily in terms of Bn.
Indeed, if we have A = P-1BP, then we have An = P-1BnP. In particular, if D is a diagonal
matrix, Dn is easy to evaluate. This is one application of the diagonalization. In fact, the
above procedure may be used to find the square root and cubic root of a matrix. Indeed,
consider the matrix above


Hence A = P D P-1. Set

Then we have

B3 = A.

In other words, B is a cubic root of A.

Upon completion Students will be able to:
Diagonalize a system matrix

Teaching Learning Material:


Student Activity:
Knowledge, Understanding

State the benefits of diagonalization of matrix

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