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Child Development: Ages 6-12

Parenting Tips
Help your student develop a sense of
responsibility and independence.
• Lessons - allow your student to choose what order to complete his or her lessons.

• Daily Schedule - involve your student in setting the schedule for each day, including
when breaks are scheduled.

Model respect and speak with your student

about respecting others.

• Volunteering - take advantage of our flexible schedule to volunteer for a cause that
means something to your student or family.

Work with your student to set achievable goals.

• SMART - use the SMART acronym to set goals with your student.

Have clear and consistent rules with your student.

• Behavior - set clear expectations for behavior and involve your student in determining
consequences for not following the house rules.

Spend meaningful time with your student.

• Talk to your student - you may want to discuss friends, accomplishments, and any
challenges he or she is facing.

• Have fun - make sure to carve out time in your day to take a break and do
something fun with your student.

Offer frequent praise to your student.

• Efforts - instead of praising the final product, praise your student's effort.

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