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A Hand book of

Optional Mathematics
(Practice MaterialS)
Grade – X

 See Specification Grid-2076.

 Model question issued by CDC.
 With Definitions, formulae and key points.
 Different types of Questions.

Maha Prasad Amgain
SEE Specification Grid 2076
Issued by CDC
S.N. Contents Topics K U A HA Total Total
Each of Each of Each of Each of Questions Marks
1 Mark 2 Marks 4 Marks 5 Marks
1. Algebra Relation and
Sequence and
Series 2 3 2 1 8 21
and Quadratic
Limit and 1 - 1 - 2 5
2. Matrix 1 2 1 - 4 9
3. Co-ordinate Angle between
Geometry two lines
Pair of straight 2 2 1 1 6 15
Conic section
4. Trigonometry Multiple and
of Trigonometric 2 3 3 - 8 20
Height and
5. Vectors Scalar product 1 2 - 1 4 10
Vector Geometry
6. Transformation Combined
Transformation 1 - 1 1 3 10
and Inversion
7 Statistics Quartile
Mean Deviation - 1 2 - 3 10
Deviation and
Total 10 13 11 4 38 100
K= Knowledge U= Understanding A= Application HA= Higher Ability
SEE Model Question 2076
Issued by CDC
Answer all the questions.

Group ‘A’ (10×1=10)

1. a. Define trigonometric function.
b. What is the arithmetic mean between two numbers a and b?
2. a. Write a set of numbers which is continuous in the number line.
 p q
b. If matrix A =   , what is the value of A ?
 r s
3. a. If the slopes of two straight lines and m1 and m2 respectively and θ be the angle between
them, write the formula for tanθ.
b. Which geometric figure will be formed if a plane intersects a cone parallel to its base?
4. a. Express sin2A in terms of tanA.
b.Define angle of elevation.
5. a. What is the scalar product of two vectors a and b if the angle between them is θ?
b. In a inversion transformation if P’ is the image of P and r is the radius of inversion circle
with centre O, write the relation of OP, OP’ and r.

Group ‘B’ (13×2=26)

6. a. Find f-1(x) if f(x) = 4x +5.

b. If g(x) = 2x -1 and f(x) =4x, find the value of gof(x).
c. What will be the points of intersection of the curve f(x) = x2 -1 and f(x) =3?
 2  1
7. a. If A =   , find A and write A-1 is defined or not.
3 1 
b. According to Cramer’s rule, find the values of D1 and D2 for ax +by =c and px +qy =r.
8. a. Find the slopes of two straight lines 3x +4y +5 =0 and 6x +8y +7 =0and write the
relationship between them.
b. Find the single equation for the pair of lines represented by 3x +2y =0 and 2x -3y =0.
9. a. Convert sin6A.cos4A into sum or difference of sine and cosine.
sin A
b. Express in terms of sub-multiple angle of tangent.
1  cos A
c. If 2sin2θ = 3 , find the value of θ. (00 ⦤ θ ⦤ 1800)
10. a. Find the angle between two vectors a and b if a  2, b  12 and a . b =12.

b. From the given figure, find AP and

express p in terms of a and b . A

a P

c. If the standard deviation of a set of data is 0.25, find the variance.
Group ‘C’ (11×4=44)
11. Solve: x3 -3x2 -4x +12 =0.
12. Optimize P= 5x +4y under the given constraints: x -2y⦤ 1, x +y ⦤ 4, x ≥ 0, y ≥0.
13. For a real valued function f(x) =2x +3,
a. Find the values of f(2.95), f(2.99), f(3.01), f(3.05) and f(3).
b. Is this function continuous at x =3?
14. By using matrix method, solve the following system of equations : 3x +5y =11 and 2x -3y =1.
15. Find the single equation of pair of straight lines passing through the origin and perpendicular to
the lines represented by 2x2 -5xy +2y2 =0.
16. Find the value of: sin200.sin300.sin400.sin800.
17. If A +B +C =π , prove that: sin2A –sin2B +sin2C =2sinA.cosB.sinC.

18. From a point at the ground level in front of a tower, the angle of elevations of the top and
bottom of the flagstaff 6m high situated at the top of a tower are observed 600 and 450
respectively. Find the height of the tower and the distance between the base of the tower and
the point of observation.
 0 3 4 1
19. Find the 2×2 matrix which transforms a unit square to a parallelogram   .
 0 0 1 1
20. Find the mean deviation from mean and its coefficient from the given data.
Marks Obtained 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of students 2 3 6 5 4
21. Find the standard deviation and coefficient of variation from the given data.
Age (in years) 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24
No. of students 7 7 10 15 7 6

Group ‘D’ (4×5=20)

22. A contractor on construction company job specifies a penalty for delay of completion beyond a
certain date as: Rs.200 for the first day, Rs. 250 for the second day, Rs. 300 for the third day
and so on. The penalty for each succeeding day being Rs.50 more than that of the preceding
day. How much money the contractor has to pay as penalty, if he has delayed the work for 30
23. On a wheel, there are three points (5, 7), (-1, 7) and (5, -1) located such that the distance from a
fixed point to these points is always equal. Find the co-ordinate of the fixed point and derive
the equation representing the locus that contains all three points.
24. By using vector method, prove that the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid points of
adjacent sides of a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
25. The co-ordinates of vertices of a quadrilateral ABCD are A(1, 1), B(2, 3), C(4, 2) and D(3, -2).
Rotate this quadrilateral about origin through 1800. Reflect this image of quadrilateral about y =
-x. Write the name of transformation which denotes the combined transformation of above two
Relation and function
Let A and B are two non empty sets. Then the any sub-sets of Cartesian product A×B is called
relation from set A to set B where x ϵ A and y ϵ B.
Let A and B are two non empty sets. Then the relation from set A to set B is called function if
every element of set A is associated with the unique element of set B.

Constant Function
A function f : A  B is said to be constant function if every element of set A has the same
image in set B. A

1 2
3 4
4 6

Identity Function
A function f : A  A is said to be identity function if pre-image and image are same
i.e.y=f(x)=x. A

1 1
2 2
3 3

Trigonometric function
A function f : A  B is said to be trigonometric function if it is expressed in terms of
trigonometrical ratios. For examples: y=f(x)=tan2x.

Linear Function
A function f : A  B is said to be linear function if it can be expressed in the form of y= f(x) =
mx + c where m and c are constant.

Quadratic Function
A function f : A  B is said to be quadratic function if it is expressed in the form of y= f(x) =
ax +bx+c, where a, b and c are constant.

Inverse Function
Let f : A  B be a one to one onto function. Then the new function from set B to set A is
called inverse function if every element of set B is associated with the unique element of set A. It is
denoted by f-1.
Composite Function
Let f : A  B and g: B→C be two functions. Then the new function from set A to set C is
called composite function if every element of set A is associated with the unique element of set C. It is
denoted by gof of gf.
A f(x) g(x)

x g(x) gf(x)


Transcendental Function.
A function from set A to set B is called transcendental function if it does not satisfy the
properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division like an algebraic function. For
examples: f ( x)  x , g(x) = sinx, h(x) = xx, etc.

One to one function.

A function from set A to set B is called one to one function if every element of the domain has
a unique/different image in co-domain.

f g
3 a
1 1
4 b
2 2
5 c


Many to one function.

A function f : A  B is said to be many to one function if at least two elements of set A has
same image in set B.
f g
4 a
1 1
5 b
3 c

Onto function.
A function from set A to set B is called onto function if range is equals to co-domain.

f g
4 a
1 1
5 b
3 c

Into function.
A function from set A to set B is called into function if at least on element of set B has no pre-
image in set A i.e. range is not equal to co-domain.

f g
4 a
1 1
5 b
2 6 c


 The value of the function y =f(x) = sinx ranges from -1 to 1.

 The value of the function y =f(x) = cosx ranges from -1 to 1.
 The value of the function y =f(x) = tanx ranges from -1 to 1.
 The y-intercept of function y = sinx is 0.
 The y-intercept of function y = cosx is 1.
 The y-intercept of function y = tanx is 0.

Remainder Theorem
If a polymonial f(x) of degree n is divided by (x-a), then the remainder is given by f(a) or R.
This is Remainder Theorem.
Let p(x) be a polynomial divided by (x-a) and remainder is f(a) and Q(x) be the quotient.
We have,
This is true for all values of x.
So, when x=a,
f(a)= (a-a).Q(a)+R
or, 0.Q(a)+R
.: f(a)=R. which is the remainder theorem.
Factor Theorem
If the polynomial f(x) of degree n is divided by (x-a) and remainder, R=f(a)=0 then (x-a) is a
factor of f(x). This is Factor Theorem.
Let f(x) be a polynomial which is divided by (x-a) and quotient is Q(x).
We have,
or, f(x)= (x-a).Q(x)+0
or, f(x)= (x-a).Q(x)
which show that (x-a) is a factor of f(x).
Synthetic Division Method.
It is the process which helps us to find the quotient and remainder when a polynomial f(x) is
divided by (x – a) where degree of f(x)> 1 and degree of (x –a ) is 1.
Sequence and series:
A set of numbers arranged in a definite order by a certain rule is called a sequence.
For examples: 2,4,8,16,……
3,7,11,15,19,………… etc.
The sum of all the terms of the sequence is called a series.
For examples: 2+4+8+16+…….
3+7+11+15+19+…… etc
Finite series
A series is said to be finite series if it has finite number of terms.
For examples: 2+4+8+10.
3+6+12+24. etc
Infinite series
A series is said to be infinite series if it has infinite number of terms.
For examples:2+4+6+8+10+……
Arithmetic sequence
A sequence is said to be Arithmetic sequence if the difference between a term and its preceding
(previous) term is equal throughout the whole sequence.
For examples: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,……
1, 4, 7, 10, 13. etc.
Arithmetic Mean(AM)
The term or terms between first and last terms of arithmetic progression is called arithmetic
Let AM be the arithmetic mean between a and b.
a, AM and b are in A.P. So,
Or, 2AM=a+b
:. AM= which is the arithmetic mean between two numbers.
In an Arithmetic Progression,
First term = a
Numbers of terms = n
Numbers of arithmetic means=n1
Last term=l/b
Common difference=d
nth term/last term (tn) = a+(n-1)d
Sum of first n terms(Sn) = [2a+(n-1)d]
= (a+l)
Common difference(d)=t2-t1=t3-t2=….. and so on.
In arithmetic means,
Common difference(d)= , where n1 means numbers of means.
n1  1
1st mean(m1)= (t2)= a+d
2nd mean (m2) = (t3) = a+2d
3rd mean (m3) =(t4) =a+3d,….
and mth mean (mn)= a+nd.
Some extra formulae of arithmetic progression
n( n  1)
1. Sum of the first n natural numbers(sn) = .
2. Sum of the first n odd natural numbers(sn)=n2.
3. Sum of the first n even natural numbers(sn) = n(n+1).
n(n  1)(2n  1)
4. Sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers(sn)= .
 n(n  1) 

5. Sum of the cubes of the first n natural numbers (sn)=  .

 2 
The easy method to denote the terms of AP.
No. of terms Terms Common difference
3 a –d, a, a +d d
4 a -3d, a –d, a + d, a +3d 2d
5 a – 2d, a –d, a, a +d, a +2d d
6 a – 5d, a -3d, a -d, a +d, a +3d, a +5d 2d
If the number of terms is odd, the common difference is ‘d’ and middle term is ‘a’ whereas if the
number of terms is even, common difference is ‘2d’ and middle term is ‘a’.

Geometric sequence
A sequence is said to be geometric sequence if the ratio between a term and its preceding
(previous) term is equal throughout the whole sequence.
For examples: 1, 3, 8, 27,……..
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. etc.
Geometric Mean(GM)
The term or terms between a first term and last term of a geometric progression is called
geometric mean.
Let GM be the geometric mean between two numbers a and b.
Here, a, GM and b are in GP. So,
t 2 t3

t1 t 2
GM b
Or, 
a GM
Or, (GM)2 =ab
:. GM= ab which is the geometric means between a and b.
In a Geometric Progression,
First term = a
Numbers of terms = n
Numbers of geometric means=n1
Last term=l/b
Common ratio =r
nth term/last term (tn) = a.rn-1
a(r n  1) lr  a
Sum of first n terms(Sn) = =
r 1 r 1
t t
Common ratio(r)= 2  3 ….. and so on.
t1 t 2
In geometric means
 b  n1 1
Common ratio (r)=   where n1 means the numbers of means.
1 mean(m1)= (t2)= ar
2nd mean (m2) = (t3) = ar2
3rd mean (m3) =(t4) =ar3,….
and mth mean (mn)= arn.
Note:The easy method to denote the terms of AP.
No. of terms Terms Common ratio
3 a r
, a, ar
4 a a 3 r2
, , ar, ar .
r3 r
5 a a r
, , a, ar, ar2.
r r
6 a a a 3 5 r2
, , , ar, ar , ar .
r5 r3 r
If the number of terms is odd, the common ratio is ‘r’ and middle term is ‘a’ whereas if the number of
terms is even, common ratio is ‘r2’ and middle term is ‘a’.
Prove that AM is always greater than GM in between two positive integers.
Let ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two positive integers.
We have, AM= and GM= ab
Now, AM – GM = - ab
a  b  2 ab

 a 2
 2 a. b   b

a b 

 0.
Hence, the arithmetic mean is always greater the geometric mean in two positive integers.

Quadratic Equation:
The quadratic equation is ax2+bx+c=0
  b 4ac  b 2 
:. Vertex (turning point)=  , .
 2a 4a 
If y =ax2 +c, vertex = (0, c).
 The smooth curve obtained by the graph of a quadratic equation is called the parabola.
 In the equations y =2x2, and y =3x3, the equation y =2x2 has wider curve i.e. larger the value of
‘a’ makes narrower opening where as smaller value of ‘a’ makes wider opening.
 The equation of symmetry of parabola is x   . If y =ax2 +c, the equation of line of
symmetry is x = 0 and so on.

Linear programming.
 It is the mathematical technique for finding the maximum or minimum value of a linear
function subject to the set of linear constraints is called linear programming.
 The linear function which is to be maximized or minimized with respect to given constraints is
called objective function.
 A closed plane region bounded by the intersection of the finite number of boundary lines is
called feasible region.

Limit and Continuity

Continuity means continuous. If the graph of a function has no breakage at any point on the
curve, then the function is continuous. If the graph of a function is breakage at a point on the curve, the
function is discontinuous at the particular point.
The discontinuous function jump, gap, hole, break or cusp in a point.
Examples of continuity: growth of plant, water flow, bus movement, number line of real number.
 The set of natural numbers in number line is discontinuous.
 The set of whole numbers in number line is discontinuous.
 The set of integers in number line is discontinuous.
 The number line of real numbers shows the continuity of graph because there are many real
numbers between any two real numbers.
Open interval:-An interval not containing both the end points a and b is known as open interval. It is
denoted by (a, b).
Closed interval:-An interval containing both the end points a and b is known as closed interval. It is
denoted by [a, b].
Left open interval:-An interval not containing the end points a but containing the end point b is
known as left open interval. It is denoted by (a, b].
Right open interval:-An interval containing the end points a but not containing the end point b is
known as right open interval. It is denoted by [a, b).
Limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus and analysis concerning the behavior
of that function near a particular input.
Left hand limit:- When x approaches to a point from the left side of ‘a’, the function f(x) tends
to the definite number line. This is left hand limit. It is denoted by f ( x) .
x  a
Right hand limit:- When x approaches to ‘a’ from a point ‘a’ from the right side of a, the
function f(x) tends to the definite number line. This is right hand limit. It is denoted by
f ( x) .
x  a
A function f(x) is continuous at x = a, if
 f(x) exists /finite.
 Left hand limit = Right hand limit { f ( x) exists}.
 f ( x) = f(a).
i.e. if value of function and limit value of the function at a point ‘a’ are equal, then the function is
continuous at ‘a’.
A set of numbers arranged in a rectangular form in rows and columns and enclosed by square
bracket is called matrix. The matrix is represented by capital letters and the elements are denoted by
small letters.
On what condition the two matrices can be multiplied?
It is possible to multiply two matrices if the numbers of columns of 1st matrix is equal to the
number of rows of 2nd matrix.
Am×n Bn×p

AB is possible

Order of AB

Transpose of a matrix
A matrix obtained by interchanging the elements of rows and columns of a given matrix is
 2 3  2 3
called transpose of a matrix. Let A =   then the transpose of matrix A=AT=   =
 1 0  1 0
 2  1
  .
3 0 
Determinant of a matrix:
a b 
Let A=   be a square matrix of order 2×2, then the determinant of matrix A is given by,
c d 
a b
Determinant A= A = = ad-bc.
c d
A square matrix with determinant zero is called singular matrix.
A square matrix with its determinant is not equal to zero is called non-singular matrix.
Determinant is possible only in square matrix.
Addition and subtraction of two matrices are possible if they have same orders.

Inverse Matrix
If A be a non-singular square matrix then there exists another matrix B such that AB =BA=I,
where I is an identity matrix of same order then matrix B is called inverse of A which is denoted A-1.
a b  a b
Let A=   and Determinant A= A = = ad-bc.
c d  c d
adjoint ofA 1  d  b
:.Inverse of A=A-1= =  .
A ad  bc   c a 

 Inverse of a square matrix is possible if it is a non-singular matrix.

 Simultaneous equations can be solved by matrix method or Cramer’s rule.
Adjoint of a matrix.
A matrix obtained by interchanging the elements of leading diagonal and the sign of remaining
elements of 2×2 matrix is known as adjoint of a matrix.
a b   d  b
Let A    , then adjoint of matrix A    .
c d   c a 
 Associative property of matrix multiplication, (AB)C = A(BC).
 Distributive property of matrix multiplication, (A + B)C = AC + BC.
Cramer’s Rule:
Let two simultaneous equations with two variables are
a1x + b1y = c1.
And, a2x +b2y = c2.
a1 b1 c1 b1 a1 c1
Now, D  , Dx  and D y  .
a 2 b2 c 2 b2 a2 c2
Dx Dy
By, Cramer’s Rule, x and y .
Physical quantities
The quantities which can be measured are called physical quantities. There are two types of
physical quantities. They are:
1. Scalar quantity
2. Vector quantity
The quantity which has both magnitude and direction is called vector quantity.
The quantity which has magnitude only is called scalar quantity.

Position Vector
A vector whose initial point is origin is called position vector.
From the figure, the position vector
 x
of the point P(x, y) is, OP    .
 y
P(x, y)

X’ X

 If A and B are two points, then

AB = Position vector of B – Position vector of A. = OB - OA

Magnitude of a vector is the length of its directed line segment from initial point to the terminal
 x
point. If a    , then
 y
the magnitude/ modulus of a vector a  a  ( x  component) 2  ( y  component) 2 units.
If vector AB displaces the point A(x1, y1) to B(x2, y2). Then
x-component of AB =x2-x1
y-component of AB =y2-y1
:. Magnitude of AB = AB  ( x  component) 2  ( y  component) 2

= ( x2  x1 ) 2  ( y 2  y1 ) 2 units.

Dot/Scalar product of two vectors.

Lea a  (x1, y1) and b =(x2, y2) are two vectors. Then the dot product of two vectors a and b is
given by a . b =x1.x2+y1.y2.
Properties of scalar product
1. Commutative property: a.b  b.a .
2. Distributive property:  
a. b  c  a.b  a.c .
3. Associative property: ma.mb  mn(a.b)  (mna).b  a.(mnb) ,
where m and n are any scalars.
Angle between two vectors.
Let θ be the angle between two vectors a and b , then the angle between them is given by
cos   .

 2
Here, a2 = a = a.a  a . a
1 0
 i and j areunit vectors along X-axis and Y-axis respectively i.e. i    ,and j    . Then,
0 1
2 2
i  j 1 and i. j  j.i  0 .
On what condition the two vectors a and b are perpendicular (orthogonal) to each other?
Two vectors a and b are perpendicular to each other if a . b =0.
On what condition the two vectors a and b are parallel (collinear) to each other?
Two vectors a and b are parallel to each other if a =k b where k is a scalar.
Or, Two vectors a and b are parallel to each other if a b = ±. a b .

Vector Geometry
Triangle law of vector addition:
The sum of vectors represented by two sides in an order is equal A
to the vector represented by remaining side taken in opposite order.
In the adjoining figure,
By triangle law of vector addition,
AC  AB  BC .
Parallelogram law of vector addition:
The sum of two co-initial vectors represented by the
adjacent sides of parallelogram is equal to the vector D C
represented by co-initial diagonal.
In the adjoining figure,
By parallelogram law of vector addition,
AC  AB  AD .
Polygon law of vector addition:
If the vectors represented by the sides of a polygon taken
in order, then the resultant vector is the vector represented D
by the closing side of the polygon taken in opposite order.
In the adjoining figure,
By polygon law of vector addition,
AC  AB  BC  CD  DE . E C

1. Section formula for internal division. Y
If a and b are position vectors of the points
A and B respectively and p be the position B
vector of point P which divides AB in the n
ratio m:ninternally, then the position vector P
n a  mb m
of P is OP  ( p )  .
p A

O a
If P is the midpoint of AB, then p  which is the midpoint formula.

2. Section formula for external division. Y

If a and b are position vectors of the points P m
A and B respectively and p be the position n
vector of point P which divides AB in the B
ratio m:nexternally, then the position vector
n a  mb
of P is OP  ( p )  . b
O a

3. Centroid formula. A
If a , b and c are position vectors of the vertices
A, B and C respectively of ∆ABC and G be the
centroid of ∆ABC whose position vector is g and F E
is given by g = .


* Centroid divides the median in the ratio 2:1 ratio from its vertex.
* The point of intersection of median of triangle is centroid.
* The line joining the midpoint of side with its opposite vertex is called median.
Trigonometric ratios of compound angles.
1. Sin(A+B) = sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB
2. Sin(A-B) = sinA.cosB - cosA.sinB
3. cos(A+B) = cosA.cosB - sinA.sinB
4. cos(A-B) = cosA.cosB + sinA.sinB
tan A  tan B
5. tan(A+B)= .
1  tan A. tan B
tan A  tan B
6. tan(A-B)= .
1  tan A. tan B
cot A. cot B  1
7. Cot(A+B)= .
cot B  cot A
cot A. cot B  1
8. Cot(A-B) =
cot B  cot A
Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub multiple angles.
If A be any angle then 2A, 3A, 4A, …… etc are called multiple angles of A.
If A be any angle then , , ,... etc are called sub-multiple angles of A.
2 3 4
2 tan A 2 cot A
1. Sin2A=2sinA.cosA= = .
1  tan A 1  cot 2 A

1  tan 2 A cot 2 A  1
2. Cos2A = cos2A-sin2A=2cos2A-1 =1-2sin2A = = .
1  tan 2 A cot 2 A  1
2 tan A
3. Tan2A = .
1  tan 2 A
cot 2 A  1
4. Cot2A = .
2 cot A
5. Sin3A = 3sinA – 4sin3A. (:.4sin3A=3sinA- Sin3A)
6. Cos3A = 4cos3A-3cosA. (:.4cos3A =3CosA + cos3A)
3 tan A  tan 3 A
7. Tan3A = .
1  3 tan 2 A
cot 3 A  3 cot A
8. Cot3A = .
3 cot 2 A  1
2 tan 2 cot
A A 2 .= 2 .
9. SinA = 2 sin . cos .=
2 2 A A
1  tan 2 1  cot 2
2 2
10. cosA = cos 2  sin 2 = 2 cos 2  1 =
2 2 2
1  tan 2 cot 2  1
A 2 = 2
= 1  2 sin 2 = .
2 A A
1  tan 2
cot 2
2 2
2 tan
11. tanA = 2 .
A 1  tan 2 A cot 2 A  1
1  tan 2 Cos2A= =
2 1  tan 2 A cot 2 A  1
2 A
cot 1 1  cos 2 A
12. cotA = 2 . Tan2A =
A 1  cos 2 A
2 cot
A A 1  cos 2 A
13. sinA = 3 sin  4 sin 3 . cot2A =
3 3 1  cos 2 A
14. cosA = 4 cos 3  3 cos A 1  cos A
3 3 tan 2 
2 1  cos A
3 tan  tan 3
3 3. A 1  cos A
15. tanA =
A cot 2 
1  3 tan 2 2 1  cos A
cot 3  3 cot
16. CotA = 3 3.
3 cot  1

Transformation of Trigonometric ratios.

Some trigonometric identities which are true only for certain given condition are known as
conditional identities.

1. Sin(A+B) +sin(A-B) =2sinA.cosB.

2. Sin(A+B) -sin(A-B) =2cosA.sinB.
3. Cos(A+B) +cos(A-B) =2cosA.cosB.
4. Cos(A+B) -cos(A-B) = -2sinA.sinB.
:. Cos(A-B) - cos(A+B) = 2sinA.sinB.
5. sinC +sinD = 2 sin . cos .
2 2
6. sinC - sinD = 2 cos . sin .
2 2
7. cosC +cosD = 2 cos . cos .
2 2
8. cosC - cosD =  2 sin . sin = 2 sin . sin .
2 2 2 2
:. cosD – cosC= 2 sin . sin
2 2
Values of trigonometrical ratios.

Angles 00 300 450 600 900 1200 1350 1500 1800

Sin 0 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2
Cos 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 3 -1
- - -
2 2 2 2 2 2
Tan 0 1 1 3 ∞ - 3 -1 1 0
3 3
Cosec ∞ 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 ∞
3 3
Sec 1 2 2 2 ∞ -2 - 2 2 -1
3 3
Cot ∞ 3 1 1 0 1 -1 - 3 ∞
3 3

CAST Rule: Y

(900+θ), (1800-θ) (900-θ), (3600-θ)

S-sin and cosec are positive A-All ratios are positive
2 Quadrant X 1st Quadrant X

X’ X
3rd Quadrant X
O 4thQuadrant
T-Tan and cot are C-cos and sec are positive
(1800+θ), (2700-θ) (-θ), (3600-θ), (2700- X


Trigonometric ratios of an angle(-θ) Trigonometric ratios of an angle (900-θ)
Sin(-θ)= - sinθ Sin(900-θ) = cosθ
cos(-θ) = cosθ cos(900-θ) = sinθ
tan(-θ) = - tanθ tan(900-θ) = cotθ
cosec(-θ) = - cosecθ cosec(900-θ) = secθ
sec(-θ) = secθ sec(900-θ) = cosecθ
cot(-θ) = - cotθ cot(900-θ) = tan θ
Trigonometric ratios of an angle (900+θ)
Sin(900+θ) = cosθ Trigonometric ratios of an angle (1800- θ)
cos(900+θ) = - sinθ Sin(1800- θ)= sinθ
tan(900+θ) = - cotθ cos(1800- θ) = - cosθ
cosec(900+θ) = secθ tan(1800- θ) = - tanθ
sec(900+θ) = - cosecθ cosec(1800- θ) = cosecθ
cot(900+θ) = - tan θ sec(1800- θ) = - tanθ
cot(900+θ) = - cot θ

Trigonometric ratios of an angle (1800+θ) Trigonometric ratios of an angle (2700- θ)

Sin(1800+θ) = - sinθ Sin(2700- θ) = - cosθ
cos(1800+θ) = - cosθ cos(2700- θ) = - sinθ
tan(1800+θ) = tanθ tan(2700- θ) = cotθ
cosec(1800+θ) = - cosecθ cosec(2700- θ) = - secθ
sec(1800+θ) = - secθ sec(2700- θ) = - cosecθ
cot(1800+θ) = cot θ cot(2700-θ) = tan θ
Trigonometric ratios of an angle (2700+θ)
Sin(2700+θ) = - cosθ
cos(2700+θ) = sinθ Trigonometric ratios of an angle (3600-θ)
Sin(3600- θ) = - sinθ
tan(2700+θ) = - cotθ
cos(3600- θ)= cosθ
cosec(2700+θ) = - secθ
tan(3600- θ) = - tanθ
sec(2700+θ) = cosecθ
cosec(3600- θ)= -cosecθ
cot(2700+θ) = - tan θ
sec(3600- θ)= secθ
cot(3600- θ)= - cotθ
Trigonometric ratios of an angle (3600+θ)
Sin(3600+θ) = sinθ
cos(3600+θ) = cosθ
tan(3600+θ) = tanθ
cosec(3600+θ) = cosecθ
sec(3600+θ) = secθ
cot(3600+θ) = cotθ
* If (900×n±θ) where n =0, 2, 4, 6,……….i.e even numbers, there is no change in trigonometrical
* If (900× n ±θ) where n =1, 3, 7, 9,……….i.e odd numbers, there is changed in trigonometrical ratios
Sin cos
Sec cosec
Tan cot

Angle of Elevation:- The angle made by the horizontal line and the lineof sight while observing any
object that is above the eye level is called angle of elevation.

Angle of Depression:- The angle made by the horizontal line and the lineof sight when the
object lies below the level of observer’s eye thenit is called angle of depression.

 The equation which satisfied by all the values of the angle θ are called trigonometric identities.
 The equation which satisfy by only some values of the angle θ are called trigonometric
Trigonometric Ratios:
p b p h h b
sin  , cos  , tan  , cos ec  , sec  , cot  .
h h b p b p
From Pythagorous theorem. h =p + b2.
2 2

So, sin2 + cos2 =1, :. Sin = 1 cos 2 and cos = 1 sin 2

sec2 – tan2 =1, :. Sec = 1 tan 2 and tan = sec 2  1
cosec2 –cot2 =1. :. cosec = 1 cot 2 and cot = cos ec 2  1
The change in shape, size or position of the geometric figure is called transformation. The
geometric figure before transformation is object and the geometric figure after transformation is image.
The four fundamental transformation are:
Enlargement or Reduction.
The types of transformation are:
1. Identity transformation: object and image points are same i.e. invariant
2. Isometric transformation: position is changed but no change in size of the object figure.
3. Non-Isometric transformation: size of geometric figure is changed.
 Reflection, Rotation and Translation are isometric transformation.
 Enlargement and Reduction are non-isometric transformation.
In which transformation does the size of image figure alter (change)?
The size of image figure alters in non-isometric transformation.
In which transformation the size of image figure doesnotalter (change)?
The size of image figure doesnot alter in isometric transformation.
Formulae of Reflection.
1. Reflection about X-axis.
P(x, y) P’(x, -y)
2. Reflection about Y-axis.
P(x, y) P’( -x, y)
3. Reflection on the line y = x.
P(x, y) P’(y, x)
4. Reflection on the line y = - x.
P(x, y) P’(- y, - x)
5. Reflection on the line x = a.
P(x, y) P’(2a –x, y)
6. Reflection on the line y = b.
P(x, y) P’(x, 2b - y)
7. Reflection on the line x+ y = m.
P(x, y) P’(m –y, m-x)
8. Reflection on the line x - y = n.
P(x, y) P’(y +n, x-n)
 If reflection in the line x =h is followed by reflection in the line y =k, the combined
transformation is rotation through half turn about (h, k).
 If the reflection in the line x =h is followed by reflection in y =x, the single transformation is
negative quarter turn about (h, h).
Formalue of Rotation
1. Rotation through +900/-2700about origin(Positive quarter turn)(Anticlockwise rotation).
P(x, y) P’(-y, x)
2. Rotation through 180 about origin(Half turn).
P(x, y) P’(-x, -y)
3. Rotation through -900/2700 about origin(Negative quarter turn)(Clockwise rotation).
P(x, y) P’(y,- x)
4. Rotation through +900/-2700about centre at (a, b).
P(x, y) P’(-y+a+b, x-a+b)
5. Rotation through 1800 about centre at (a, b).
P(x, y) P’(2a-x, 2b-y)
6. Rotation through -90 /2700 about centre at (a, b).

P(x, y) P’(y+a - b,- x+a+b)

Formulae for Translation.

1. P(x, y) T    P’(x+a, y+b)

Formulae for Enlargement.

1. Enlargement with centre at origin and scale factor k.
P(x, y) [(0,0), k ] P’(kx, ky)
2. Enlargement with centre at (a, b) and scale factor k.
P(x, y) [(a, b), k ] P’(kx-ka+a, ky-kb+b)

Transformation using matrices:

S.N. Transformation Object point Image point Matrix

1. Reflection on X-axis. P(x, y) P’(x, -y) 1 0 
 
 0 1
2. Reflection on Y-axis. P(x, y) P’( -x, y)  1 0
 
 0 1
3. Reflection on the line y=x. P(x, y) P’(y, x) 0 1
 
 1 0 
4. Reflection on the line y = -x. P(x, y) P’(-y, -x)  0  1
 
1 0 
5. Rotation through +900 about P(x, y) P’(-y, x)  0  1
origin.  
1 0 
6. Rotation through 1800 about P(x, y) P’(-x, -y) 1 0 
origin.  
 0  1
7. Rotation through -900 about P(x, y) P’(y, -x) 0 1
 
 1 0 
8. Enlargement with centre at P(x, y) P’(kx, ky) k 0
 
origin and scale factor k.
0 k 

 To find 2×1 transformation matrix, we use translation method.

 Image = Transformation Matrix ×Object.
Inversion Transformation, Inversion Circle.
A transformation with respect to a circle is called inversion transformation or inversion.

In a circle with centre O and radius ‘r’, if P

be a point other than origin then the inverse of P
withrespect to the circle is a point P’ on line OP
suchthat OP ×OP’ = r2. The image P’ is the inversion
point of P and the circle is inversion circle. r
O is called centre of inversion and radius of
circle is called the radius of inversion of circle. O P P’

 If OP < r, P’ lies outside the circumference of inversion circle i.e. OP’ > r.
 If OP = r, P’ lies on the circumference of inversion circle i.e.OP = OP’.
 If OP > r, P’ lies inside the circumference of inversion circle i.e.OP’ < r.
 If the point and its inverse point can be always be interchanged, this property is called
symmetric feature of inversion.
1. The inversion of a point P(x, y) with respect to a circle with centre at origin and the radius ‘r’ is
a point P’(x’ y’) such that:
 r2x r2 y 
P' (x' , y' ) =  2 , .
2 
x y x y 
2 2

2. The co-ordinates of the inverse point P’(x’, y’) of the point P(x, y) with respect to the circle
having centre (h, k) is,
r 2 ( x  h) r 2 ( y  k)
x  h
and, y k
x  h2   y  k 2 x  h2   y  k 2
The three types of series are:
1. Individual Series.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
2. Discrete series:
X 10 20 30 40 50 60
f 3 4 6 8 10 3
3. Continuous series:
Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
frequency 3 5 4 6 2

Quartile Deviation:
 N 1

Position of 1 quartile = . 
 item (In Individual and discrete series)
 4 
=   term (In Continuous series)
 cf
:. Exact 1 Quartile/Lower Quartile (Q1) = l 
st 4 h
Where,L= lower limit of corresponding class interval.
N =Number of observations.
f = frequency of the corresponding class interval.
cf = cumulative frequency just above the corresponding class interval.
h = height/different of the class interval.
 N 1

And, Position of 3rd quartile = .3   item (In Individual and discrete series)
 4 
= 3   term (In Continuous series)
 cf
:. Exact 3rd Quartile/ Upper Quartile (Q3) = l  4 h
 Inter quartile range = Q3 –Q1.
Q  Q1
 Semi inter quartile range (Quartile Deviation) = 3 .
Q  Q1
 Coefficient of Quartile Deviation(Q.D.) = 3 .
Q3  Q1
Mean Deviation(Average Deviation).
Mean( x ) = (For individual Series)

 fx (For discrete and continuous series)
 N 1

Median(Md)=   term (For individual and discrete series)

 2 
=   item (For continuous series)
 cf
Then, Exact Median(Md) = L  2 h
Where, L= lower limit of corresponding class interval.
N =Number of observations.
f = frequency of the corresponding class interval.
cf = cumulative frequency just above the corresponding class interval.
h = height/different of the class interval.

:. Mean Deviation(MD) =
 d (For individual series)

 f d (For discrete and continuous series)
Where, d = x - x or (x –Md)
And,coefficient of MD= .
mean / median

Standard Deviation/Root mean square deviation(σ)

d x x
2 2 2

Standard Deviation(σ)= (or,=   (For individual series)(d= x- x )

N n  N 
 

 fd  fd
  fd 
2 2 2

= (or,=   (For discrete and continuous series)

N n  N 
 
Standard Deviation(  )
Coefficient of standard deviation(σ) =
mean( x)
Variance = σ .

Standard Deviation(  )
And, coefficient of variance = ×100%
mean( x)

lower lim itof 2 nd clas sin terval  upper lim itof 1st clas sin terval
 Correction factor (cf) = .
Now, to make continuous data, we use L -cfandU +cf for each class interval.
Co-ordinate Geometry
Angles between two straight lines
Find the angles between two straight lines having slope and Y-intercept.
(Or, Find the angles between two straight lines having the equations y =m1x+c1 and y +m2x+c2.

Let AB and CD are two straight Y

lines with equations y =m1x+c1 and
y +m2x+c2 respectively and P be the Y=m2x+c2
point of intersection of lines AB and
CD which makes an angle θ. 1800-θ
Here, θ
Slope of line AB (m1) = tanθ1.
Slope of line CD (m2) = tanθ2.
θ2 θ1
From figure,θ1 =θ +θ2 X’ X
Or, θ =θ1 –θ2
Taking tan on both sides, we get D
Tanθ =tan(θ1 –θ2) B
tan  1  tan  2 tan A  tan B
Or, tanθ = [:. Tan(A –B) = ]
1  tan  1 . tan  2 1  tan A. tan B
m1  m 2
or , tan   (i)
1  m1 .m 2

Again, (πc – θ) be the another angle between AB and CD. Then,

Tan(πc –θ) = - tanθ
m1  m 2
Tanθ = (ii)
1  m1 .m 2
Combining equations (i) and (ii). We get,
m  m2
tan    1
1  m1 .m2
 m  m2 
:. θ = tan 1   1  which is the angles between two straight lines.
 1  m1 .m2 
Case I: When the lines are parallel (coincide) to each other i.e. θ =00.
m  m2
Tanθ = ± 1
1  m1 .m 2
m1  m 2
Or, Tan00 =
1  m1 .m 2
0 m  m2
Or, = 1
1 1  m1 .m 2
Or, 0 =m1 –m2
:. m1 =m2.
Case II: When the lines are perpendicular (orthogonal) to each other i.e. θ =900.
m1  m 2
Tanθ = ±
1  m1 .m 2
m1  m 2
Or, Tan900 =
1  m1 .m 2
1 m  m2
Or, = 1
0 1  m1 .m 2
Or, 1 + m1.m2 = 0
:.m1.m2 = -1.
 Slope of the line AX+BY+C is (m) =  .
y 2  y1
 Slope of the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is (m) = = tanθ.
x 2  x1
Find the equation of a line parallel to ax +by +c =0.
The equation of the line is,
ax +by +c =0
Slope (m1) = 
Let m2 be the slope of the required line. As they are parallel to each other.
So, m1 =m2 =  .
The equation of the line is,
y =m2x +c1
or, y =  x +c1
 ax  bc1
or, y=
or, yb = -ax +bc1
or, ax +by –bc1 =0
or, ax +by +k =0 which is the required equation of the line parallel to ax +by +c =0 where k
= -bc1.
Find the equation of a line perpendicular to ax +by +c =0.
The given equation is,
ax +by +c =0
Slope (m1) = 
Let m2 be the slope of the required line. As they are perpendicular to each other.
So, m1 .m2 = -1
.  .m2 = -1
m2 =
The equation of the line is,
y = m2x +c1
or, y = x +c1
bx  ac1
or, y=
or, ay = bx +ac1.
Or, bx –ay +ac1 =0
Or, bx –ay + k =0 which is the required equation of the line perpendicular to ax +by +c =0
where k =ac1.
 Distance formula (d) = x2  x1 2   y2  y1 2
 x  x 2 y1  y 2 
 Mid point formula, P(x, y)=  1 , .
 2 2 
 x  x2  x3 y1  y 2  y3 
 Centroid formula,P(x, y)=  1 , .
 3 3 
 m x  m2 x1 m1 y 2  m2 y1 
 Section formula.P(x, y)=  1 2 ,  . (For Internal Division)
 m1  m2 m1  m2 
 m x  m2 x1 m1 y 2  m2 y1 
 Section formula.P(x, y)=  1 2 ,  . (For External Division)
 m1  m2 m1  m2 
 Equation of straight line in:
1. Slope intercept form, y = mx +c.( m= slope and c = Y-intercept)
x y
2. Double intercept form,   1 . (a= X-intercept and b = Y-intercept)
a b
3. Normal/Perpendicular form, x cosα +y sinα = p. (p = perpendicular distance from
origin to the straight line and α = angle made by the perpendicular line with positive X-axis.
4. Slope point form, y – y1 =m (x - x1).
y  y1
5. Double intercept form, y  y1  2 ( x  x1 ) .
x2  x1
Ax1  By1  c
 Length of perpendicular from a point to the straight line Ax +By +C = 0 is, d 
A2  B 2

Pair of straight line.

Homogeneous equation.
A equation in x and is said to be the homogeneous equation if the sum of power of x and y in every
term of the equation is same.

Homogeneous equation of second degree.

A equation is said to be the homogeneous equation of second degree if the sum of power of x
and y in each term of the equation is 2. For examples: ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0, 2x2 +3xy +y2 =0, etc.
Find the general equation of second degree.
Let the two linear equations are,
a1x +b1y +c1 =0.
And, a2x +b2y +c2 =0.
Combining both the equations,
(a1x +b1y +c1).(a2x +b2y +c2) =0.
Or, a1.a2x2 + a1.b2xy + a1.c2x + a2.b1xy + b1.b2y2 + b1.c2y + a2.c1x + b2.c1y + c1.c2 = 0.
Or, a1.a2x2 +a1.b2xy +a2.b1xy +b1.b2y2 + a1.c2x +a2.c1x + b1.c2y +b2.c1y +c1.c2 = 0.
Or, a1.a2x2 +(a1.b2 +a2.b1)xy +b1.b2y2 + (a1.c2 +a2.c1)x + (b1.c2 +b2.c1)y +c1.c2 = 0.
Or, ax2 +2hxy +by2 +2gx +2fy +c =0 which is the general equation of second degree.
Where, a1a2 =a, a1.b2 +a2.b1 =2h, b1.b2 =b,
a1.c2 +a2.c1 =2g, b1.c2 +b2.c1 =2f c1c2 =c.

Find the angles between two straight lines having the equation ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0.
Here, the given equation is,
ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0.
Or, by2 +2hxy +ax2 =0.
by 2  2hxy  ax 2 0
Or,  .
b b
2h a
Or, y2 + xy + x 2  0 . (1)
b b
Let the two separate lines are,
y =m1x and y =m2x
or, y –m1x = 0 and y -m2x = 0
combining equation (i) and (ii), we get,
(y –m1x) .(y –m2x) = 0.
Or, y2 –m2xy – m1xy +m1m2x2 =0.
Or, y2–(m1 +m2)xy +m1m2x2 = 0 (2)
The lines (1) and (2) are identical. So,
2h a
m1 +m2 =  and m1.m2 = .
b b
Let θ be the angles between them. Then
m  m2
We have, Tanθ =  1
1  m1 m 2
m1  m2 2
m1  m2 2  4m1 .m2
=  .
 2h  a
   4
 b  b
= .
4h 2 4a

b2 b
=  .
4h 2  4ab
4 2
(h  ab)
= b2
(h 2  ab)
= b
2 (h 2  ab)
1 2 (h 2  ab)
:. θ = tan ( )
which is the angle between two straight lines.
Case I: When the lines are parallel (coincident) i.e. θ =00.
2 (h 2  ab)
We have, tanθ = 
0 2 (h 2  ab)
Or, tan0 =
2 (h  ab)
Or, 0 =
Or, 0 = 2 h 2  ab .
Or, 0 = h2–ab.
:. h2 =ab.
Case II: When the lines are perpendicular (orthogonal ) i.e. θ = 900.
2 (h 2  ab)
We have,tanθ = 
2 (h 2  ab)
Or, tan900 =
1 2 (h  ab)
Or, 
0 ab
:. a + b =0.
Prove that the homogeneous equation of second degree ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0 always represent a pair of
straight linesthrough origin.
Here, the homogeneous equation of second degree is,
ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0.
Dividing both sides by bx2.
ax 2  2hxy  by 2 0
 2.
bx bx
a 2h y  y 
Or,  .     0 .
b b x x
 y 2h y a
Or,    .   0 .
x b x b
This is the quadratic of . So, it has two roots/values. Let the two roots be m1 and m2, then
y y
 m1 and  m2 .
x x
Or, y =m1x and y = m2x.
Both of these equation are linear of x and y and satisfied by origin.
Hence, the homogeneous equation of second degree ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0 always represents the pair of
straight lines through origin.
Find the single equation of the lines through origin and perpendicular to the line represented by ax2
+2hxy +by2 =0.
Here, the given equation is,
ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0.
Or, by2 +2hxy +ax2 =0.
Dividing both sides by b. We get,
by 2  2hxy  ax 2 0
Or,  .
b b
2 h a
Or, y2 + xy + x 2  0 . (1)
b b
Let the two separate lines are,
y = m1 x and y = m2 x
or, y –m1x = 0 and y -m2x = 0
Combining equation (i) and (ii), we get,
(y –m1x) .(y –m2x) = 0.
Or, y2 –m2xy – m1xy +m1m2x2 =0.
Or, y2–(m1 +m2)xy +m1m2x2 = 0 (2)
The lines (1) and (2) are identical. So,
2h a
m1 +m2 =  and m1.m2 = .
b b
Now, Equation of the lines through origin and perpendicular to straight lines through origin are,
m1y +x =0 and m2y +x =0.
Combining both the equations,
(m1y +x).( m2y +x) =0.
Or, m1.m2y2 +m1xy +m2xy +x2 =0.
Or m1.m2y2 +(m1 +m2)xy +x2 =0.
a 2 2h
Or, y  xy  bx 2  0 .
b b
ay  2hxy  bx 2
Or  0.
:. bx2 -2hxy +ay2 =0 which is the single equation of pair of lines perpendicular to ax2
+2hxy +by =0 through origin
The locus of a moving point which moves so that its distance from a fixed point is constant is
called a circle.

1. Equation of a circle with centre at origin (Standard Form)

Let O (0, 0) be the centre of the circle. If P(x, y) be any point at thecircumference of the circle.
Here, OP = r
Or, OP2 = r2. Y
Or, (x2 –x1) +(y2-y1) = r .
2 2 2

Or, (x –0)2 +(y-0)2 = r2. P(x,y)

Or, x2 +y2 = r2.which is the
equation of a circle with centre
at origin.

X’ X
O(0, 0)

2. Equation of a circle with centre at the point (h, k) (Central Form)
Let A (h, k) be the centre of the circle
with radius r and P(x, y) be any point at the Y
circumference of the circle. ’ P(x,y)
Here, PA = r r
Or, PA2 =r2.

Or, (x2 –x1)2 +(y2 –y1)2 =r2.
Or, (x –h)2 +(y –k)2 = r2. which A(h,k)
is the equation of the circle with
centre at the point (h, k).
X’ ’ X

3. Equation of a circle in diameter form.
Let O be the centre of the circle and A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) be two ends of diameter of
the circle.Suppose P(x, y) be any point at the circumference of a circle.
y  y1 y  y1 P(x, y)
Slope of AP (m1) = 2 = .
x 2  x1 x  x1
y 2  y1 y  y 2
Slope of BP (m2) = = .
x 2  x1 x  x 2
Here, AP  BP i.e. APB  900 . So,
m1.m2 = -1 B(x1, y1) B(x2, y2)
y  y1 y  y 2 O
. = -1.
x  x1 x  x 2
Or, (y – y1).(y – y2) = -(x - x1).(x –x2).
Or, (x - x1).(x –x2) + (y – y1).(y – y2) = 0
which is the required equation of the circle in diameter form.

4. Find the general equation of the circle.
’ P(x,y)
Let A (h, k) be the centre of the circle
with radius r and P(x, y) be any point r
at the circumference of the circle. ’
Here, PA = r A(h,k)
Or, PA2 =r2.
Or, (x2 –x1)2 +(y2 –y1)2 =r2.
Or, (x –h)2 +(y –k)2 = r2. O
Or, x2 -2hx +h2 +y2 -2ky +k2 = r2. X’ ’ X
Or, x2 + y2-2hx -2ky + h2 +k2- r2= 0.
Putting -2h =2g, -2k =2f and h2 +k2 –r2 =c. Y’
We get, x2 + y2 + 2gx +2fy +c =0.
This is the general equation of circle.

Some special cases:
1. When touches to X-axis:
Equation of the circle is,
(x – h)2 + (y –k)2 =r2/k2.


2. When touches to Y-axis: Y

Equation of the circle is,
(x – h)2 + (y –k)2 =r2/h2.

h=r A(h,k)

X’ X

3. When touches to both axes:
Equation of the circle is, Y
(x – h)2 + (y –k)2 =r2/h2/k2.

h=r A(h,k)


4. When passes through the origin: Y Y’

Equation of the circle is,
(x – h)2 + (y –k)2 =r2(h2+k2).



 Concentric – centre of different circles are same.
 Concyclic– many points lie on the circumference of a circle.

When does the general equation of second degree ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0 represent the equation of
The general equation of second degree ax2 +2hxy +by2 = 0 represent the equation of circle if:
i. Coefficient of x2 = coefficient of y2 i.e. a =b.
ii. Coefficient of xy =0 i.e. 2h =0.
iii. It is the general equation of second degree.
Find the centre and radius of a circle of equation x2 +y2 +2gx +2fy +c =0.
The given equation of circle is,
x2 +y2 +2gx +2fy +c =0.
Or, x2+2gx +y2 +2fy = -c.
Or, x2 +2.x.g +g2 – g2 +y2 +2.y.f +f2 – f2 = -c
Or, x2 +2.x.g + g2+ y2 + 2.y.f + f2= g2 + f2 -c.
Or, 
(x +g)2 + (y +f)2 = g 2  f 2  c . 

Comparing it with (x –h)2 +(y – k)2 = r2.

:. Centre of the circle, (h, k) = ( -g, -f)
And, radius of the circle ( r) = g 2

 f 2  c units.
Conic Section:
Cone: A 3-dimensional solid object that has a circular base joined to a point by a curved surface is
called cone.
 The point which divides the cone is called vertex.
 The line joining the vertex and centre of the circular base is called axis of cone.
 A conic section is a curved obtained by the intersection of a plane and a right circular cone.
 The rotating line is called generator of the cone.
 The vertex divides the cone into two parts called nappies.



Upper Nappe

Semi vertical angle (θ)

V- Vertex

Lower Nappe

The plane curve formed by intersecting a cone with a plane surface making an angle of 900
with the axis of cone or parallel to the base of the cone is called circle.
Or, If a plane cuts the cone perpendicularly to the axis, then the section formed by the intersection
of the plane and cone is called circle.
 A plane perpendicularly intersects a cone not passing through the vertex.
The plane curve formed by intersecting a cone with a plane surface in such way that the plane
surface is parallel to the generator and the angle made by the plane surface with the axis of cone (θ) is
equal to the semi -vertical angle (α) [i.e. θ = α] is called parabola.
Or, If a plane cuts the cone such that it is parallel to the generator of the cone, then the open
curve/section formed is called parabola.
 The vertical angle of a cone is 800. If the cone is intersected by a plane so that a parabola is
formed, the angle between the axis of cone and the plane surface is 400.
The plane curve formed by intersecting a cone with a plane surface making an angle of θ with
the axis of cone in such a way that the value of θ is greater than semi-vertical angle (α) and less than
900[i.e. α < θ <900] is called ellipse.
Or, If a plane cuts cone such that the angle made by the plane with the axis is greater than the semi-
vertical angle, then the closed curve/section formed is called ellipse.
 Intersection plane is parallel to the generator of the cone.
 The vertical angle of a cone is 840. If the cone intersected by a plane so that an ellipse is
formed, the possible values of angle between axis of cone and plane is > 420(more than 420).
When the plane intersects both the nappies, then the section is called hyperbola.
Or, When the cutting plane is included to the axis such that it also cuts the other part of the double
cone, then the section so formed is called hyperbola.
Or, A plane curve formed by intersecting a double napped cone with a plane in such a way that the
angle made by the plane surface with the axis of cone (θ) is less than semi-vertical angle (α) [i.e. θ < α]
is called hyperbola.
 Intersection plane is parallel to the axis of cone.
 The vertical angle of a cone is 700. If the cone intersected by a plane so that an hyperbola is
formed, the possible values of angle between axis of cone and plane is < 350(less than 350).
SEE Question No. 1(a and b)[Algebra]
Relation and Function:
1. Define the following terms:
a. Composite function d. Transcendental function g. Inverse function
b. Constant function e. Quadratic function h. Trigonometric function
c. Cubic function f. Identity function i. Linear function
2. For what values of m and c in y =f(x) =mx +c make it an identity function?
3. What is the Y-intercept of y =sinx?
4. What is the maximum value of y =cosx?
5. What is the necessary condition to find the composite function of two functions?
6. If h ={(1, 2),(2, 3),(3, 4)} and g ={(2, a),(4, c),(3, b)}, then find goh(3).
7. If f:R→R and g:R→R are inverse to each other for a ϵ R, what is the value of gof(a)?
8. Which domain of the functions between f and g is equal to the domain of the functions gof(x)?
9. If f ={(2, -4)}, what is f-1(x)?
10. Under what condition the inverse function of a function is possible?
11. What does ‘d’ represent in the cubic function ax3 +bx2 +cx +d =0?
12. If f(x) = m and g(x) =n then what is the value of fog(x)?
13. If f-1 ={(x, y),(c, d)} then find the function f.
14. Write the range of the function y =tanx.
15. If f ={(m, n),(a, b)} and g ={(n, a),(b, c)} then what is the range of gof?
16. If f:A→B and g:B→C be two functions then what will denote the composite function A→C?
1. Define the following terms:
a. State factor theorem. b. State remainder theorem. c. Division Algorithm.
2. If the degree of f(x) is 4m and degree of g(x) is m, what is the degree of f(x) ÷g(x)?
3. If the quotient q(x), remainder r(x) and divisor d(x) then write the polynomial f(x) in terms of q(x0,
r(x) and d(x).
4. If a polynomial q(x) is divided by (ax –b), what will be its remainder?
5. In f(x) =(x –c) ×q(x) +r(x), (x –c) is a factor of f(x) then what will be the remainder?
6. In a polynomial f(x), f( ) =0, what will be its one of the factors?
7. What is the degree of x +x2 +2x +5?

8. Find the roots of the polynomial p(x) =(x +3).(x -4)?

9. If (x –m) is a factor of a polynomial p(x), what is the value of p(m)?
10. When a polynomial q(x) is divided by another polynomial such that remainder q(-a) =0, what will
be its one of the factor?
Sequence and Series:
1. Define the following terms:
a. Sequence c. Series e. Arithmetic sequence
b. Geometric sequence d. Arithmetic mean f. Geometric mean
2. What is the nth term of an AS whose first term is ‘a’ and common difference is ‘d’?
3. What does ‘n’ represent in the common difference(d) = ?
n 1
4. What is the sum of GS having first term ‘a’ and common ratio ‘r’?
5. Write the sum of first 11 even natural numbers.
6. Find the arithmetic mean between 19 and 25.
7. 8th term of an AP is 44 and common difference is 4. Find its 7th term.
8. Write the meaning of each term in the formula: s n  {2a  (n  1)d } .
a(r n  1)
9. Write the meaning of each term in the formula: s n  .
r 1
10. The sum of 10 terms of a GS is 2046 and 10th term is a024. Find the sum of first 9 terms of the GS.
11. Find the fifth term of GS whose 4th term is 16 and common ratio is 2.
12. What is the geometric mean between two positive numbers m and n?
 b  n 1
13. What does ‘n’ represent in the formula r    ? Where the symbols have their own usual
14. What is the nth arithmetic mean of an AS whose first term is ‘a’ and common difference‘d’?
15. If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two positive numbers, write the relation between their AM and GM.
16. If ‘s’ is the sum of ‘n’ terms of a GS with first term ‘a’ and common ratio ’r’ then find the relation
between s, a, r and n.
17. What is the common ratio of the series 4, 8, 16, 32,….?
Linear Programming and Quadratic Equation:
1. Define the following terms.
a. Linear programming c. Objective function
b. Parabola d. Vertex of parabola
2. Which quadrants do the inequality x ≥ 0 represent in a graph?
3. Write the equation of boundary of the inequality 2x +3y ⦤ 6.
4. Write the inequality whose solution is downward from the line y =4 including itself.
5. Find the inequality whose boundary line 4x +3y =12 and the solution set does not contain (1, 2).
6. Does (1, 0) lie on the solution set of inequality 4x +5y ⦤20?
7. Write the equation of boundary line of the inequality ax +by ⦤c.
8. What is the co-ordinates of vertex of parabola whose equation is y =ax2 +bx +c, a≠0?
9. What is the co-ordinates of vertex of parabola whose equation y =a(x –h)2 +k?
10. In which side, above or below, the opening of parabola y =ax2 faces when a >0?
11. What is the equation of line of symmetry of the parabola whose equation is ax2 +bx +c =0?
12. Which of the equations y =2x2 and y =3x2 has the wider curve?
13. Find the co-ordinates of vertex of parabola whose equation is y =x2+5.
14. What is the maximum value of y =-3x2?
15. Write a complete quadratic equation having constants p, q and r?
16. Which value of a, positive or negative, in the quadratic equation y =ax2 is the vertex point
17. What does (h, k) in the equation f(x) =a(x –h)2 +k, a ≠0?
18. When will be the opening, wider or narrower, when the positive value of ‘a’ increases in y =ax2?
19. Find the inequality that represents the shaded region in the given figure.

X’ X

SEE Question No. 2(a and b)
Limit and Continuity: 2(a)
1. Define the following terms:
a. Continuity c. Discontinuity e. Open Interval
b. Closed Interval d. Left hand limit f. Right hand limit
2. Write the set of numbers is continuous in number line.
3. In which set of numbers, do you find continuity between set of natural numbers and set of real
numbers in number line?
4. Write the symbolic notation of left hand limit.
5. Write the interval notation for “the set of all numbers x such that -3≤ x≤ 3”.
6. Write the interval notation for “the set of all numbers x such that -4˂ x ˂ 4”.
7. What is the meaning of the interval [a, b].
8. Determine the growth of a plant whether as an example of continuity or discontinuity.
9. Determine number line of integers whether as an example of continuity or discontinuity.
10. What is the necessary condition for a function to be continuous?
11. Write the condition in notation of continuity of f(x) at x =a.
12. Determine sound from drum beating whether as an example of continuity or discontinuity.
13. Determine locus of the wheel cycling in the street whether as an example of continuity or
14. Determine number line of real numbers whether as an example of continuity or discontinuity.
15. Write the interval notation for {x: 6 < x ⦤20}.
16. Write f ( x) in sentence.
x  a
17. Write f ( x) in sentence.
x  a
18. Write the interval notation for the given number line.
X’ X
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

19. Write the interval notation for the given number line.
X’ X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
20. In which points, the given
function is discontinuous? Y


X’ O X

21. From the given graph, find the left Y

hand limit of the function at x =a.

X’ O X
22. Write the point of discontinuity if function f(x) = .
x 1
23. Write the interval of the given function.


X’ X
O a b


Matrix: 2(b)
1. Define the following:
a. Singular matrix c. Inverse matrix e. Non-singular matrix
b. Triangular matrix d. Upper triangular matrix f. Upper triangular matrix
2. Under what condition the system of simultaneous equation has no unique solution?
3. Under what condition, the inverse of a matrix is possible?
4. If AB =BA =I, what types of matrices are A and B?
a c  1  d  b
5. If A =   , what does   denote?
b d  ad  bc   c a 
6. What is the determinant of a 2×2 identity matrix?
7. According to Cramer’s Rule, write the value of Dy in the equations a1x +b1y =c1 and a2x +b2y
a c 
8. What are the elements of secondary diagonal of a matrix   ?
b d 
9. What is the value of (A-1)-1?
2 5
10. If   is a singular matrix, find the value of x.
6 x
11. If A =[4] then find A .
1 2
12. Evaluate: .
3 4
13. A,B and X are three matrices. If AX =B and A ≠0, what is the value of X?
14. A,B and X are three matrices. If XA =B and A ≠0, what is the value of X?
15. In a matrix, the product of elements of leading diagonal is m and the product of elements of
secondary diagonal is n. Find the determinant of the matrix.
16. Express the equations ax +by =c and mx +ny =p into matrix form.
a c   d  c
17. If A =   then what does   denote?
b d   b a 
18. If the determinant of coefficient of x and y i.e.(D) =18, determinant of coefficient of x and
constant term (Dy) = then using Cramer’s rule, find the value of y.
SEE Question No. 3(a and b) [Co-ordinate Geometry}

Angles between two lines:

1. Find the equation of straight line parallel to ax +by +c =0.
2. What is the equation of straight line perpendicular to ax +by +c =0.
3. If the slopes of two straight lines are m1 and m2 respectively and θ be the angle between them,
write the formula for tanθ.
4. What will be the equation of a line perpendicular to the line y =  x +c.
5. The slope of a line is 2x -3y =5 is . Find the slope of the line perpendicular to 2x -3y =5.
6. What is the condition under two straight lines will be perpendicular?
7. If the lines y =m1x +c1 and y =m2x +c2 are parallel to each other, write the relation between
their slopes.
8. Define the perpendicular lines on the basis of slope.
9. What is the angle between the lines x =0 and y =0?
10. What is the angle between the lines x =y and x = -y?

Pairs of Straight lines:

1. Define the following terms:
a. Homogeneous equation b. General equation of second degree
2. Under what condition, the pair of straight lines ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0 will be parallel?
3. Under what condition, the pair of straight lines ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0 will be perpendicular?
4. What is the single equation of pair of lines perpendicular to ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0 and passing
through origin?
5. Write the formula to find angle between the pairs of lines ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0.
6. If m1 and m2 are the slopes of two lines ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0 then write the value of m1.m2.
7. What is the single equation to represent the pair of lines x +a =0 and x –a =0?
8. What is the homogeneous equation of second degree in x and y representing a pair of straight
lines through origin?
9. If m1 and m2 are the slopes of two lines ax2 +2hxy +by2 =0 then write the value of m1 +m2.
10. The single equation of pair of lines (x –y)(x +y) =0. Find the separate equations of the lines.

Conic Section:
1. Define the following terms:
a. Conic section c. Cone e. Hyperbola
b. Ellipse d. Circle f. Parabola
2. Which geometrical figure is formed if a plane intersects a cone parallel to its base?
3. If the intersection figure is parallel to the generator of cone then what conic does it form?
4. A plane perpendicular to the axis of cone intersects a cone not passing through the vertex.
Name the section so formed.
5. A plane cuts the right cone not passing through its vertex and semi vertical angle α is less than
angle made by the plane to the axis of cone. Name the section so formed.
6. In which condition, ellipse is formed?
7. In which condition, parabola is formed?
8. In which condition, hyperbola is formed?
9. If the intersection plane is parallel to the axis of cone then what conic does it form?
10. The semi vertical angle of a cone is α and the angle made by the plane with the axis of the cone
is θ. If θ =α, what is the name of the conic section formed by the intersection of the plane
surface and cone?
11. The semi vertical angle of a cone is α and the angle made by the plane with the axis of the cone
is θ. If α < θ < 900, what is the name of the conic section formed by the intersection of the plane
surface and cone?
12. What does AO represent in the figure? O

13. The semi vertical angle of a cone is α and the angle made by the plane with the axis of the cone
is θ. If θ < α, what is the name of the conic section formed by the intersection of the plane
surface and cone?
14. The semi vertical angle of a cone is 500. If the plane surface intersects the cone making an
angle of 600 with the axis of cone, write the name of the conic section so formed.
15. The semi vertical angle of a cone is 450. If the plane surface intersects the cone making an
angle of 450 with axis of the cone, write the name of the conic section so formed.
16. The semi vertical angle of a cone is 500. If the plane surface intersects the cone making an
angle of 900 with the cone, write the name of the conic section so formed.
17. The semi vertical angle of a cone is 700. If the plane surface intersects the cone making an
angle of 550 with the axis of cone, write the name of the conic section so formed.

1. Write the name of the locus represented by the equation x2 +y2 =r2.
2. State the diameter form of the equation of the circle.
3. A circle has the centre at (-4, -5) and touches X-axis. What is its radius?
4. Under what condition will r =k of a circle with centre (h, k) and radius ‘r’ units?
5. Which axis does the circle (x -4)2 +(y -2)2 =16 touch and why?
6. Find the centre and radius of circle (x -4)2 +y2 =33.
7. If two circles with centres P and Q touch externally at a point A then write the relation among
PA, QA and PQ.
8. If two circles with centres P and Q touch internally at a point A then write the relation among
PA, QA and PQ.
9. What do g 2  f 2  c and (-g, -f) represent in the equation of circle x2 +y2 +2gx +2fy +c =0?
10. State the equation of circle whose centre is (a, b) and radius ‘r’?
11. If the equation x2 +y2 +2gx +2fy +c =0 represents equation of the circle then find the radius of
the circle.
12. If the equation x2 +y2 +2gx +2fy +c =0 represents equation of the circle then find the centre of
the circle.
13. Under what condition will r =h =k of a circle with centre (h, k) and radius ‘r’?
SEE Question No. 4(a and b) [Trigonometry]
Multiple and Sub-multiple angles, Transformation of Trigonometric ratios,
Conditional trigonometric Identities, Trigonometrical Equations and Height
and Distance:
1. Define multiple angles.
2. Define sub-multiple angles.
3. In sin(A +B) = sinA.cosB +cosA.sinB, if A =B then which formula will be formed?
4. Express sin2P –sin2Q into product form.
5. Express cos2M +cos2N into product form.
6. If A +B +C =πc, express cos(4A +4B) in terms of angle 4C.
7. Express cos4A in terms of cos2A.
8. If tanA =z then what is tan2A?
9. If A +B +C =πc, express cot (  ) in terms of angle C.
2 2
10. From the figure, write AB in terms of AC and ED. A


11. Express 2cosθ.sinβ in sum or difference form.
12. Express cosA - cosB in terms of product of cosine.
13. Express sinα + sinβ in terms of product of sine or cosine.
14. Express 2sinx.cosy in the sum or difference form.
15. In the figure, which is greater between α and θ. A

α θ
2a D 3a
16. Write the relation between tan A and tan .
17. Write the relation between sin3A and sinA.
18. Define angle of depression.
19. Define angle of elevation.
20. Write tanA in terms of tan .
21. If A +B +C =πc, express sin (B +A) in terms of angle C.\
22. Express sin2A in terms of tanA.
23. What are the values of θ in sin2θ +cos2θ =1?
24. If tanθ + 3 =0, 00⦤ θ ⦤ 1800, what is the value of θ?
25. If cos(3600 –θ) =x then what is x?
26. Is secA =cosecA, what is the acute value of A?
27. If x ⦤ cosθ ⦤ y, write the values of x and y.
SEE Question No. 5(a and b)

Vector: 5(a)
1. State the condition of perpendicularity in scalar product of two vectors.
2. What is the scalar product of two vectors a and b if the angle between them is θ?
3. What should be the angle between a and b to get the maximum value of a . b ?
4. If a  m, b  n , a . b =p and the angle between a and b is 600, write the relation among m, n and
5. If i is the unit vector along X-axis, what is the value of i 2?
mOB  nOA
6. What do m and n represent in the formula OP  ?
7. State the section formula for external division.
8. ∆ABC is triangle such that OG  (OA  OB  OC ) and O be the origin, write the special name of
the point G.
9. If p =(a, b) and q =(b, a), what is the value of p . q ?
10. If the sum of position vectors of vertices of a triangle is 6 i +9 j then find the position vector of its
11. If a  k b ,what is the angle between a and b where k is a scalar quantity?
12. What should be angle between a and b to get the maximum value of a . b ?
13. What should be angle between a and b to get the minimum value of a . b ?
14. If j is the unit vector along Y-axis, what is the value of j 2?

15. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle.

What is the value of AB.BC ?

1  0
16. If i    and j    then find i. j ?
 0 1
17. If a =4 then find a .

18. If a and b unit vectors and a . b = , find the angle between a and b .

19. In the figure, T and K are the mid points R

of AR and RM respectively. Write the
relation between KT and MA.

20. Define triangle law of vector addition.
Transformation: 5(b)
1. What are the four fundamental transformations?
2. State the single transformation when the reflection in X-axis is followed by the reflection in Y-
3. If F be the reflection on y =x and G be the reflection on Y-axis then state what does GoF represent?
4. F:(x, y) →(2x, y) and T: (x, y) →(x ,y -1) are any two transformations. Find the combined
transformation FoT.
a c
5. If T1 =   and T2 =   , find T1T2.
b d 
6. A rotation R1 [(0, 0); x0) is followed by R2[(0, 0); y0]. What is combined rotation?
7. What is the single enlargement of two successive enlargements defined by E1[(a, b), m] and E2[(a,
b); n]?
8. Find the co-ordinates of the image of a point P(x, y) when it is first rotated by 900 about the origin
and then reflected on the X-axis. Also, write down the single transformation which represents both
of these two transformations.
9. Define inversion transformation.
10. State inversion point.
11. Where is the inverse of P if point P is outside the circle of inversion?
12. Write the formula to find P’(x’, y’) if P’(x’, y’) is the inversion point of P(x, y) in a circle with
centre at origin.
13. Write the formula to calculate x’ if P’(x’, y’) is the inversion point of P(x, y) of a circle whose
centre is at (h, k) and radius ‘r’.
14. In a circle with centre O and radius ‘r’, P’ is the inversion of P. If Op =2cm and OP’ =8cm, find the
value of r.
15. In the figure of the inversion circle,
A’ is the inverse of A. If r =8cm then
find the measure of OA ×OA’. r

O A’ A

16. In the figure of the inversion circle,

P’ is the inverse of P. If OA ×OA’ =25cm2
then find the radius of the inversion circle. r

O P P’

17. Write down the matrix associated with reflection in X-axis.

18. Find the 2×2 matrix which transforms A(x, y) to A’(-x, y).
19. Find the transformation represented by the given matrix.
1 
 1 0  0 1 0  3 0 1 0  a 0
a.   b.  2  c.   d.   e.   f.  
 0 1  0 1  0 1  0 3  0  1 0 a
 2
20. Find a 2×1 matrix which transforms a point (a, b) into the point (a +2, b-3).
21. In an inversion transformation if P’ is image of P and r is radius of inversion circle with centre
O, write the relation of OP.OP’ and r.
22. Write down the matrix associated with identity transformation.
23. What is the matrix to represent an enlargement of scale factor k with centre (0, 0)?
24. In a circle with centre O and radius ‘r’, the image of P is P’. If r =4cm and OP’ =2cm, find the
measure of OP.
25. Write down the matrix associated with the rotation through +900 about the origin.
26. State the single transformation when the reflection in x =y is followed by reflection in x =-y.
27. Find the transformation matrix from the equations x’ = -y and y’ = x.
28. What does (h, k) represent in the formula (x’, y’) =
 r 2 ( x  h) r 2 ( y  k) 
 h  , k  ?
2 
 ( x  h ) 2
 ( y  k ) 2
( x  h ) 2
 ( y  k ) 
 2
29. Transform a point (4, 5) by a 2×1 transformation matrix   .
 3
SEE Question No. 6(a, b and c) [Algebra]

Relation and Function:

1. If f ={(1, 2),(2, 3),(3, 4)} and g ={(2, a),(4, c),(3, b)}, then show the composite function gof in
arrow diagram and find it in ordered pair form.
2. If g(x) =2x -1 and g(x) =3x +2, find the value of fog(x).
3. If f(x) = 2x +5 and g(x) = , prove that fog(x) is an identity function.
x 2
4. If f(x) = and g(x) = then find the composite function of g and f.
x3 x
5. If f(x) =3x, g(x) =x +2 and fog(x) =18, find the value of x.
6. If f(x) =4x +5 and fog(x) =8x +13, find g-1(x).
7. If h(x) =(3x +2)3 and h(x) =(fog)(x), find the possible formulas of f(x) and g(x).
8. If f(x) =5x -4, where domain = {-1, 0, 1} then find range. Also find the find the inverse of f(x)
in ordered pair form.
9. For: R→R, f(x) =2x -1, find f-1(3).
10. If f(x) =3x +1 and g(x) ={(9, 4),(11, 6),(13, 8) then find the function fog in ordered pair form.
11. If f = {(1, 3),(2, 6),(3, 9),(4, 12)} and g ={(3, 4),(6, 7),(9, 10) then find gof(3) and fog(3).
x 1
12. If f(x) = , find the value of fof(sinθ).
x 1
13. If f(2x +5) =6x +19, find fof(2).
14. If f(x +3) = 3x +5 then find f-1(x).
15. If f(x) =4x +k and f-1(11) =2, then what is the value of k?
16. If f(x) =x2 +8 then prove that ff-1(x) is an identity function.
17. If h-1(x +2)) = , find h(x).
18. If f(x) =2x +3 and g(x) =x +2 then find (fog)-1(x).
19. If h(x) =2x +3and g(x) =3x -2, find the value of goh(5).
20. If f:x→3x +b and ff(20 =12, find the value of b.
2r  3
21. If function f (r) = and g(r) =r -2 then find the value of fg(x).
22. If f ={x, 3x +4} and g ={x, 2x -1} then find fog(x).
23. If f ={(1, 2),(2, 3),(4, 5), find f-1 and the domain and range of f-1.
24. Let f:R→R and g:R→R and f(x) is defined by f(x) =2 -3x and g(x) is a quadratic function. If
fog(x) = 3x2 -9x -4, find g(x).
25. If f-1 ={(2, 1),(3, 2),(5, 3)} and g-1 ={02, 3),(4, 5),(6,2)} then show the function gof in an arrow
diagram and find it in ordered pair form.
26. If f(x) =4x +5 and gof(x) =16x +7, find g(x).
27. From the given diagram, find (gof)-1 in ordered pair form.
f(x)=x+1 g:x→x+2

5 … 8 …
7 … 6 …
9 … 10 …
1. If x3 -19x -30 =(x +2).Q(x), find Q(x) by using synthetic division method.
2. Find the remainder when x3 –x2 +1 is divided by (x -2), using remainder theorem.
3. If polynomial x4 +5x3 –kx2 +7x +10 is divided by (x+1), the remainder is 12, find the value of
4. Find the value of k, if f(x) =x3 +4x2 +kx +6 is exactly divisible by (2x -1).
5. A polynomial is expressed as 3x3 +x2 +x +1 =(x -1).Q(x) +R, find the values of Q(x) and R.
6. If (x +1) is a factor of polynomial f(x) =x3 -6x2 –x +k, then find the remainder when f(x) is
divided by (x -2).
7. The polynomial f(x) =2x3 +3x2 +kx +4 leaves a remainder 2(4 –k) when divided by (x -2). Find
the value of k.
8. If p(x) =x2 -3x +5 and q(x) =x3 -5x2 +x +2, find p(x).q(x) and its degree.
9. Using synthetic division to find the quotient and remainder: (y3 +y2 -20) ÷(y +2).
10. If (x –a) is a factor of x3 –mx2 -2nax +na2 then show that a =m +n.
11. If (x -1) is a factor of p(x) =ax4 +bx3 +cx2 +dx +e then show that a +b +c +d +e =0.
12. Find the remainder when x30 +2x20 +11x10 -6 is divided by (x -1).
13. Find the remainder when p(x) =x3 -6x2 +2x -3 is divided by 3x -1.
14. If (x –m) is a factor of x3 –mx2 -4x +m +12 , calculate the value of m.
15. What must be added to x3 -6x2 +11x -8 to make it a polynomial having a factor (x -3)?
16. Use remainder theorem, to determine whether (x -2) is a factor of x6 -64 or not?
17. The polynomial px2 -11x -6 has a factor (5x +2). Find the other factor.
18. What number should be subtracted from 3x2 +5x so that the resulting polynomial leaves the
remainder 1 when divided by (2x +5)?
19. A polynomial p(x) is divided by 4x +3 to get the quotient 2x2 -3x +1 and remainder 4, find the
20. If (x -2) is a factor of xk -3xk-1 +4x -4, find the value of k.
21. One factor of x2 –kx +6 is (x -3). Prove that (x –k) is a factor of x2 -7x +10.
22. For what value of k, f(x) =3x3 +3x +k and f(-1) =0?
d b
23. If x2 –ax +b and x2 –cx +d both have a factor x –m then prove that m = .
24. Prove that the polynomial p(x) =(2x +1).(x -2). (2x -3) -3 has a factor (x -1).
25. If a common factor of polynomial x2 +px +q and x2 +mx +n is (x +a) then prove that:a(m –p)
=(n –q).
26. If a polynomial 4x4 –(p +1)x2 +8x +14 is divided by 2x +1, leaves the remainder 8.5. find the
value of p by using remainder theorem.
Sequence and Series:
1 1 1 1
1. Is a term of the series    .....?
512 2 4 8
2. If the 5th term of an AS is 19 and 8th term is 31, which term is 67?
3. The product of 10th,12th, 14th and 16th terms of a GP is 1296. Find the 13th term.
4. The first and fifth terms of a GP are 2 and 1250 respectively, find the common tratio.
5. If a, m, b are in GP, prove that m =  ab .
6. The ninth term of an arithmetic series is 4. Find the sum of the first seventeen terms.
7. The geometric mean between and b is 2. Find the value of b.
8. A girl saves Rs.400 during one month, Rs.800 in the next month, Rs.1600 in the third month. If
she continues her saving in this sequence, find her saving in 8th months.
1 781
9. How many terms can be inserted in the gap of +1 +5 +………. = ?
5 5
10. If the first term of a geometric series is 8 and common ratio is 3, find the third term and eight
11. If the first and fifth terms of a Gs are 625 and 1 respectively. Find the common ratio of the
12. Find the sum of first eight powers of 4 starting from 41.
13. Find the sum of 15 +30 +60 + ….. to 9 terms.
14. If the nth term of the series 80 +70 +60 +….. is zero, find the value of n.
15. If 25, m +1, 35 is an arithmetic sequence then find the value of m.
16. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. If their arithmetic mean is 40, find the numbers.
17. How many terms are there in the series 5 +9 +13 +…… +77?
18. If a, a -2, a+1 are in geometric sequence, find the value of a.
19. Find the fifteen term of a geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16,……..
20. Find the common ratio of a Gs, whose 1st term is 2 and 3rd term is 242.
21. If , p, q, 9 are in the geometric sequence, find the values of p and q.
22. Which term of the series 5 +9 +13 +….. is 85? Find it.
23. The third term of a geometric series is 3, find the product of its first five terms.
24. Which term of the series 3 +6 +12 +….. is 192? Find it.
25. Find the sum of the series 9 +3 + 1 + ……….+ .
26. Find the sum of first 20 odd natural numbers.
27. If the geometric mean is 4 between 2 and x, find their arithmetic mean.
28. If the 1st term is 2 and the last term is 32 of a GS, find three geometrical means.
29. Calculate the arithmetic mean and geometric mean between 3 and 27.
30. Find the 12 term from the end of an arithmetic sequence 3, 5, 7, 9, ……, 201.
31. If the 1st and 3rd terms of an AS are (a3 +b3) and (a3 –b3) respectively, what is its 5th term?
32. The 1st term of an As is 12. If 24th term is 240 then find the sum of first 24th term.
33. If arithmetic mean between a and a is 20, find the value of a.
34. One number is reciprocal to another and the AM between them is . Find the numbers.
35. Insert 2 arithmetic means between 5 and 20.
36. If k2, k2 +1 and k +6 are in an AP, find the value of k.
37. In an AS, 24th term is 240 and the sum of first 24 term is 3600. Find the first term.
38. The sum of first 23 terms of an AS is 1035. Find the 12th term of the series.
39. If the sum of first five terms of an As with 1st term 16 is 120, find the common difference.
40. The product of the first five terms of a geometric series is 512. Find the third term.
41. Which term of the AP -75, -70, -65,….. is the first positive term?
42. If (p +100 is geometric mean of (p +2) and 9(p +2), find the arithmetic mean.
43. Find AM and GM between 16 and 25 and show that AM > GM.
44. If AM and GM are arithmetic mean and geometric mean, prove that AM > GM.
45. 5, x, y, 11 is an arithmetic sequence. Find the values of x and y.
46. Show that {an} ={3n +5} is an arithmetic sequence and find 10th term.
47. The sum of first n terms of an AP is 3n2 +2n. Find the common difference of the AP.
48. In a sequence tn =5n -2, find sn.
49. The sum of first five terms of an AP is 65, find the third term.
50. If the sum of n terms of an AP is 3n2 +5n and its mth term is 164, find the value of m.
51. The length of sides of a quadrilateral form an AS. If the perimeter of the quadrilateral is 28cm
and the shortest side is 4cm long, find the length of other sides.
Linear Programming and Quadratic Equation):
3x  2 y
1. Show  1 in a graph.
15 Y
2. Write down the inequality represented O
by the shaded region in the figure. X

3. The curve of a cubic equation passes through the origin contains the point (-4, 32). Find the
cubic equation.
4. Find the equation and Y-intercept Y
of the parabola shown in the graph.
(-1,3) (1,3)

X’ X

5. Find the minimum value of the objective function Z =7x +3y when the vertices of a polygonal
feasible region are R(7, 0), A(0, 7) and O(0, 0).
x y
6. If the point (3, 4) lies in the solution set of  > 4, find the possible value of k.
4 k
7. Write down the corresponding inequality Y
represented by the shaded region in the graph.

X’ X
O B(4,0)

8. Find the equation of the parabola which passes
through the point (4, 32) and vertex lies at the origin. Y
9. Without drawing the graph, find the vertex
of parabola x2 +2x -3 =0.
10. Find the inequality of half-plane that satisfies P
the point A with respect to the line PQ.

X’ X

11. Write the standard equation of a parabola and find the vertex of y =x2 -2x +1 =0.
12. Find the inequality that represents Y
the shaded region in the given figure.

X’ X

13. Draw (2x -1) ≥ (x +13) on a graph and shade the region which represents its solution.
14. The parabola of a quadratic equation is symmetric with Y-axis. If it passes through (0, 0) and
(2, 4),
find the equation.
15. Show the inequality 4x +5y ≥ - 20 on a graph.
16. Adjoining figure represents the sketch of Y
the graph y =x2 +4x -5. It cuts the X-axis
at P and Q. what are the co-ordinates of P
and Q? what do these X-co-ordinates denote?

X’ X

17. What will be the points of intersection of the curve f(x) = x2 -1 and f(x) =3?
18. Find the X-intercept and Y-intercept of the parabola given by the equation y =x2 +4x.
19. From the given information,
find the co-ordinates of points A, B and C. Y
y =x2-3

X’ X

20. If the inequality ax +2y ⦤ 6 satisfies the point (4, 5) then find the value of a.
SEE Question No. 7(a and b)[Matrix]
1. Find the value of x using Cramer’s rule: x +2y =7 and 2x +y =8.
a b b c c a
2. Find the value of :   .
b a c b a c
 3k  2 
3. If M=   and the value of its determinant is 26, find the value of k.
 4 k 
 2m 7   9 n
4. If the matrices  and   are inverse matrices to each other, calculate the value of x
 5 9    5 4 
and y.
1 2
5. If the inverse of the matrix A is given by   then find A.
3 4
 x  1 2 x 2  11 
6. For what values of x, the matrix   is a singular matrix?
 2 2 x  3 
cos ecA cot A 
7. Find the inverse of the matrix  .
 cot A cos ecA
bc a ca a b
8. Prove that:  .
ca c c ca
5 9   11  9 
9. Prove that A =   and B =   are inverse matrices.
 6 11    6 5 
 1  2    3 0 
10. If P =   and Q =   , find the determinant of 5P -2Q -3I.
 3 4   1  2 
  4 5   4 6 
11. If A =   , B =   and A  B  5I  14 , find the value of x.
 7 8   x 3 
 x  3 x 1 
12. For what value of x, the matrix A =   has no inverse?
 2 2 x  2 
  1 2  
  2
13. If   ×B =   , find the matrix B.
 2  2  4 
14. For what value of k, the equations x +2y =8 and 2x +ky =4k -1 have Dx =5 –k?
1 5 8 5 1 8
15. If D  , Dx  and D y  then write the corresponding equations of these
6 11 7 11 6 7
 2 1  3  1
16. Test whether A =   and B =   are inverse to each other or not.
 5 3  5 5 
D1 D1
17. In Cramer’s rule for solving equations 3x -5y =14 and 6x -7y =25, x =  and y =
D 9
D2 D2
 . Find the values of D1 and D2.
D 9
1 a 1 1 1
18. Verify that:  ab(1   ) .
1 1 b a b
2x  3 2 1 2
19. Solve  .
x 1 5 3 7
x2  x 1 x2
20. Evaluate: .
x 1 x 1
21. According to Cramer’s rule, find the values of D1 and D2 for ax +by =c and px +qy =r.
1 1 2 1 1 2
22. If D= , Dx = and Dy = then find the value of x and y.
1 2 3 2 1 3
 2 4 0  2 
23. If M =   and N =   then find the value of M T N .
1 3  5  1 
 3 1 1 2
24. If A =   and B =   then find the value of AB .
 4 2 3 5
 p 3  1 3
25. If P =   and Q =   , for what value of p, AB is a singular matrix?
 2 1  2 4
 3 1
26. Find the determinant of A2 if A=   .
 4 2
27. Find the determinant of a 2×2 matrix A whose elements are given by aij =3i +2j.
28. On what condition, two matrices can multiply?
29. A matrix A has (x -5) rows and y columns and another matrix B has (11 –x) and y rows. If AB
and BA both are defined, find the order of matrix A.
SEE Question No. 8(a and b) [Co-ordinate Geometry]
Angles between two lines:
1. Find the acute angle between two lines 2x –y = -4 and 3x +y +3 =0.
2. Find the slopes of two lines 3x +4y +5 =0 and 6x +8y +7 =0 and write the relationship between them.
3. If the lines 2x -8y +6 =0 and px –2y -4 =0 are parallel to each other, find the value of p.
4. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line 3x -4y =10.
5.    
Prove that the lines having equations 2  3 x  y  1  0 and 3  2 x  y  5 are
perpendicular to each other.
6. Two straight lines px +3y -12 =0 and 4y -3x +7 =0 are perpendicular to each other, find the value of p.
7. Calculate the value of m if the line 3x –my =19 makes an angle of 450 with the line 3x +5y =7.
8. Find the slope of the line which is perpendicular to the line x cosα +y sinα =p.
9. Find the slope of a straight line which makes an angle of 300 with the line 3 x +y =2.
10. The vertices of triangle ABC are A(10, 4), B(-4, 3) and C(-2, 1). Find the slope of altitude BD.
11. If the lines ax +by +7 =0 and 4x -3y +3 =0 are parallel to each other, find the relation between a
and b.
12. In the figure, the slope of line AB is θ
2 A
and slope of BC is . Find the complementary
angle of ∠ABC.
13. The line joining the points (2, p) and (3, 6) and line joining the points (4, 8) and (6, 12) are
parallel to each other then find the value of p.
14. If the lines (a2 –b2)x =(p +q)y and (p2 –q2)x + (a +b)y =0 are orthogonal then prove that(a –b)(p
–q) =1.
15. In the adjoining figure, AB||CD.
If the slope of CD is then
3 D
find the equation of line AB.
16. Find the equation of straight line passing through (2, 3) and coincident to the line having slope 6.
17. If two lines px +qy +r =0 and lx –my +n =0 are perpendicular to each other, show that pl =qm.
18. State the conditions for the lines a1x +b1y +c1 =0 and a2x +b2y +c2 =0 to be parallel and
 11 
19. If the angle between 2x +y =5 and 3x –ky +5 =0 is tan 1    , what is the value of k?
 2
20. Find the obtuse angle between the lines x -5y +3 =0 and 3y =x -4. l1

21. In the figure, line l1 and l2 are parallel. X=y=7

What is the value of k?


3 4 7
22. The lines given by the equations    0 and 4x –my -5 =0 are perpendicular to each
y x xy
other. Find the value of m.
Angles between two lines:
1. Find the separate equation of the line represented by the following equations. Also find the
angles between them.
a. 2x2 +7xy +3y2 =0 d. 3x2 -8xy -3y2 =0 g. x2 +x –y –y2 =0
b. 3x -5xy -2y –x +2y =0 e. x -2xycosecα +y =0
2 2 2 2
h. ab(x2 +y2) –xy(a2 +b2) =0
1 1
c. x2 +2xysecβ +y2 =0 f. x2 +2xy + y2 =0 i. x2 – 2xycot2α –y2 =0
2 2
2. Find the single equation for the pair of lines represented by 3x +2y =0 and 2x -3y =0.
3. Prove that the angle between the lines represented by the equation 5x2 -6xy -5y2 =0 is a right
4. For what value of m, the two lines represented by 3x2 +8xy +my2 =0 is orthogonal to each
5. Find the value of k, if the lines represented by the equation 16x2 –kxy +9y2 =0 are coincide?
6. Find the single equation of the lines represented by y =xsinθ and y +xsinθ.
7. Find the single equation to represent x +2y =5 and Y-axis.
8. Prove that an acute angle between the lines represented by (p2-3q2)x2 +8pqxy +(q2 -3p2)y2 =0 is
9. If the angle between the lines represented by the equation x2 +2mxy +y2 =0 is 600. Find the
value of m.
10. If (a +b)x2 +5xy –(2a –b)y2 =0 represents two straight lines perpendicular to each other, write
the relation between a and b.
11. If (a +1)x2 +4bxy +5y2 =0 represents two parallel straight lines, write the relationship between
a and b.
x y
12. Find the homogeneous equation of second degree from the pair of lines  2 and  2 .
y x
13. Find the equation of lines represented by x(x +y –c) –yc =0.
14. Find the equation of lines represented by abx2 +a2x +b2x +ab =0.
15. If the lines (k +3)x2 +2(k -3)xy +(k -3)y2 =0 are coincident, what is the value of k?
16. Prove that the lines represented by 9x2 +12xy +4y2 =0 are coincident.
17. In the figure, AB and CD are passing
through origin. If the points (-3, 2) and
(4, 4) are in the lines AB and CD respectively
then find the joint equation of AB and CD. Y


X’ X


5 2 18 25 2
18. Find the value of p, if the lines represented by the equation x + xy +(p + ) y =0.
6 13 6
Conic Section:
1. The vertical angle of a cone is 600. If the cone is intersected by a plane so that a hyperbola is
formed, what will be the possible value of angle between axis of cone and the plane?
2. The vertical angle of a cone is 840. If the cone is intersected by a plane so that an ellipse is
formed, what will be the possible value of angle between axis of cone and the plane?
3. The vertical angle of a cone is 800. If the cone is intersected by a plane so that a parabola is
formed, find the angle between axis of cone and the plane surface?

1. If the radius of the circle x2 +y2 -6x -4y +k =0 is 2 units, find the value of k.
2. Find the co-ordinates of the centre and radius of the circle of equation x2 +y2 -10x -4y =7.
3. If the centre of circle x2 +y2-ax –by -12 =0 is (2, 3), find the value of a and b.
4. Find the co-ordinates of the centre of a circle having equations of two diameters x –y = -1 and
2x +y =13.
5. Find the length of circumference of a circle having equation x2 +y2 -2y -48 =0.
6. Find the equation of the circle having centre (3, 4) and passes through the point (7, 7).
7. Find the equation of the circle having centre at (5, 4) and that touches the Y-axis.
8. Find the equation of circle whose two ends of diameter are (-1, 2) and (0, -4).
9. The centre of a circle having radius 6 units lies in the 1st quadrant. If the circle touches the X-
axis at (5, 0), find the equation of the circle.
10. The centre of a circle having radius 4 units lies in the 2nd quadrant. If the circle touches the Y-
axis at (0, 3), find the equation of the circle.
11. Find the equation of the circle which touches both axes and has its centre on the line x -2y =3.
12. Find the points on X-axis where the circle with equation x2 +y2 -8x -8y -9 =0 intersect.
13. Find the points on the line y =3, where the circle with equation 2x2 +2y2 -5x +7y -36 =0
14. If the length of a chord of a circle with equation x2 +y2 =100 is 16 units, how far is the chord
from the centre?
15. When does the general equation of second degree ax2 +2hxy +by2 +2gx +2fy +c =0 represent
equation of the circle?
16. What is the length of radius of the circle having centre at P(3, 4) and that touches the Y-axis at
(0, 4)?
17. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is (2, -1) and which just touches the line 3x -4y +1
18. Find the equation of the given circle.
a. Y
Y b.
B OB=30units
(6,3) OA=16units

X’ X’ X
19. If the equation of a circle is x2 +y2 -6x +4y -23 =0, find the length of diameter of the circle.
20. If the radius of adjoining circle is 5 units then find the equation of the circle.

5 X

21. Find the equation of circle having centre (4, 5) and radius 5 units. Also find a point at the
22. Find the length of the chord of the circle with equation x2 +y2 -14y =51 which is at a distance of
6 units from the centre.
23. Find the equation of the circle having centre (0, 3) and area 154 sq. units.
24. Find the equation of the circle passing through the point 91, 2) and touching both axes.
SEE Question No. 9(a, b and c)[Trigonometry]

Multiple and Sub-multiple angles, Transformation of Trigonometric ratios,

Conditional trigonometric Identities: 9 (a and b)
3 12
1. a. If sinθ = , find the value of cos2θ. b. If cosθ = , find the value of cos3θ.
5 13
1 1 1 2 1
2. If sin α = (a  ) then prove that :cos2α + (a  2 ) .
2 a 2 a
 1 3 3 1
3. a. If sin = , find the value of cosβ. b. If cos3300 = , prove that sin1650 = .
2 2 2 2 2
3 1
4. a. If cos 300 = , find the value of cos150. b. If cos450 = , prove that:
2 2
tan 22  2 2 .
A  1 1
5. a. Express sinA in terms of cot . b. If cos  (a  ) then prove that cosB=
2 3 2 a
1 3 1
(a  3 ) .
2 a
sin A
6. Express in terms of sub-multiple angle of tangent.
1  cos A
b  3 117
7. i. If tanA = , prove that acos2A +bsin2A =a. ii. If sin  , prove that sinα = .
a 3 5 125
3 2 3
8. If cos3300 = , prove that: sin21650 = .
2 4
 5
9. If tan = , find the value of sinα, cosα and tanα.
2 12
10. Find the value of : sin700 –cos800 +cos1400.
11. Express cos8A.cos6A in the sum or difference form.
12. Evaluate: a. sin750 -sin1050. b. Cos150.cos750.
13. If A +B +C =π and cosA =cosB.cosC then prove that: tanA =tanB +tanC.

14. If A +B +C =πc and sinA =sinB.sinC then prove that: tanB +tanC =tanB .tanC.
15. Without using calculator or table, find the value of cos67.50.
16. Without using calculator or table, find the value of cos360 +cos1080 –cos3240 –cos4680.
17. Without using calculator or table, find the value of cos180 +cos540 –cos1620 –cos2340.
18. Prove the following:
1  tan 2 (450  A) sin 2 A  cos A
a. i.  sin 2 A . ii.  cot A .
1  tan (45  A)
2 0
1  sin A  cos 2 A
1 1  cos   sin  
b. i. Cos(450 +θ).sin(450 –θ) = (1- sin2θ). ii.  cot .
2 1  cos   sin  2
cos 8  sin 8
0 0
sin 3 A  sin A
c. i.  tan 530 . ii.  cot A
cos 8  sin
0 0
cos 3 A  cos 3 A
d. i. Cos2A =cos2A –sin2A. ii. Sin550 +sin350 = 2 sin 80 0 .
e. i. Sin700 –cos800 –cos400. ii. Sin3A =3sinA -4sin3A.
c  c  2 sin A  sin 2 A A
f. i. cos ec(  ). cos ec(  )  2 sec . ii.  cot 2 .
4 2 4 2 2 sin A  sin 2 A 2
1  cos  1  sin   cos  
g. i. Tanα = . ii.  tan .
sin  1  sin   cos  2
1 A A 1  sin 2
h. i. cotA = (cot  tan ) . ii.  tan  .
2 2 2 1  cos   cos 2
1  cos 2 1  cos 2
i. i.  cot 2  . ii.  cot  .
1  cos 2 sin 2
j. i. Cos4A –sin4A =cos2A. ii. Cos180 –sin180 = 2 sin180.
 tan   sin   
k. i. cot 2  . ii. tan  450   =s ecθ +tanθ.
2 2 tan   2
l. i. Sin460 +cos760 –cos160. ii.cos5θ +cos3θ = 2cos4θ.cosθ.
m. i. tan150 +cot150 =4. ii. 2cosα = 2  2  2 cos 4 .
n. i. Cos(450 +θ) +cos(450 -θ) = 2 cosθ. ii.Cos4x =8cos4x -8cos2x +1.
o. i. Sin510 +cos810 =cos210. ii.Sin2(450 –α) +sin2(450 +α) =1.
p. i. 4sin3200 +4cos3100 =3(sin200 +cos100). ii.Sin800 –cos1100 = 3 sin500.
sin 5  sin 3 1
q. i.  sec 2   1 . ii. Cos1050 +sin1050 = .
cos 5  cos 3 2
1 sin 8 A  sin 2 A
r. i. Sin4B +cos4B = 1 - sin22B. ii,  tan 5 A .
2 cos 8 A  cos 2 A
sin  sin A  cos A
2 A 1
s. i.  tan . ii. (cos2θ –cos8θ) =sin5θ.sin3θ.
A 2 2
1  cos
1  2 sin A, cos A c 
t. i.  sin 2 (  A) . ii. Cosecθ –cotθ =tan .
2 4 2
cos 40  sin 30
0 0
1  cos 2  sin 2
u. i.  tan 50 0 . ii.  cot  .
sin 60  cos 50
0 0
1  cos 2  sin 2
v. i. 2cos700.cos200 =cos500. ii. 2sin7θ.cos2θ =sin9θ +sin5θ.
A 1
w. i. 1  2 sin 2 (45 0  )  sin A . ii. sinA.cos2A = sin4A.secA.
2 4
1 0
10 c c
x. i. cot 22  tan 22  2 . ii. 8 cos 3  6 cos  1.
2 2 9 9

cos  1  sin 
1  sin 4 A 1  tan 2 A 2 
y. i.  . ii.  tan .
cos 4 A 1  tan 2 A  2
sin 1  sin 
z. i. 2cos2θ +cos22θ -2cos2θ.cos2θ =1. ii. Tan750 +cot750 =4.

Trigonometrical Equations and Height and Distance : 9( c )

1. Solve:(Range of value upto 1800).
a. i. 2sinθ - 2 =0. ii. Cot2x =3. iii. Sin2A +cosA =0.
1  1
b. i. Sinx - 3 cosx =0. ii. Sin2θ –sinθ + =0. iii. cos 2  cos 
 0.
4 2 2 4
c. i. secA:cosecA =1: 3 . ii. Tanθ =2sin60 .
iii. sinC (1 -2cosC) =0.
d. i. Tanθ +cotθ =2. ii. 4cos2x -1 =0. iii. Cos450 +sin450 = .
    cos  cos 
e. i. 1 =2sin .cos . ii. 4cos2 +4cos -3 =0. iii.  =4.
2 2 2 2 1  sin  1  sin 
f. i. 4 -3sec θ =0.
ii. 1 –tan θ = -2.
iii. 3secθ =4cosθ.
g. i. SinA –cosA =0. ii. Tan6θ +tan3θ =cos900. iii. sinB =cos4B.
h. i. sinα.cos300 –cosα.sin300 = .ii. Tanx =cot5x. iii. Cos (450 +θ) +cos(450 –θ) = 2
i. i. Sin3x =cos7x. ii. Sin2θ +sinθ =1. iii. Cosec2A +cot2A =3.
j. 2cos2θ = - 3 cosθ. ii. 3 tanα =secα -1. iii. 3cosec2θ -3 =cot450.
2. If sin3θ =cos(θ -6 ), find the value of θ between 00 to 900.

3. From the given figure, find the values of x and y.

A b. A

300 450
600 450
C y B D C
B D x
x 30cm
SEE Question No. 10(a, b and c)
Vector: 10 (a and b)
1. If a  b  c  0, a  3, b  5 and c =7, find the angle between a and b .
2. Find the position vector of a point which divides the join of P(4, 6) and Q(5, -3) in the ratio 2:3
3. If a = 2i  4 j , find the vector perpendicular to a whose length along Y-axis is 5 units.
4. In the figure, AM is median of ∆ABC.
1 A
Prove that: AM  ( AB  AC ) .

5. If b = 6i  2 j , find the vector perpendicular to b whose length along X-axis is 3 units.
6. D is the mid point of side BC of ∆ABC. If the position vectors of the points A and D are
3i  5 j and 3i  4 j respectively, find the position vector of centroid (G) of ∆ABC.
7. In the figure, OA  a, OB  b, OM  m and O
M is the mid point of AB . Prove that: m  . b

8. If m  2a  3b, n  3a  2b and m.n  12 then prove that units vectors a and b are
9. It is given that a  5 and b  13 . If the acute angle between a and b is cos 1 , find
a .b .
10. There are three vectors a  3i  k j, b  (k  1)i  j and c  2i  (k  2) j such that a . b = b . c .
find the value of k.
11. In the figure, prove that: AB  BC  CD  DA  0 .


 3 4
12. ABCD is a parallelogram where AB    and CD    . Find the position vectors of
 5   1
diagonal AC and BD . O
13. Find the angle between the unit vectors i and a  3i  j .
14. In the figure, OA  a and OB  b . If AC =3 AB , find OC .

15. if p and q are perpendicular to each other, prove that ( p  2q) 2  ( p  2q) 2 .
16. Find a vector whose magnitude is 7 and parallel to a  4i  3 j .
17. The position vector of A and B are 6i  3 j and 2i  4 j respectively, then find the position
vector of C in which B divides AC externally in the ratio 3:2.
18. If OA  7i  5 j and OB  5i  7 j , find the value of ∠AOB.
 3  3
19. If OA    and OB    , find the value of ∠AOB.

 
1  3 3 
20. In the figure, OL  l , OM  m and ON  3m  2l then O

prove that LN  3LM .


21. If a  10i  7 j and b  7i  10 j , find the angle between a and b .

22. In ∆XYZ, X(2, 2), Y(r +2, 4) and Z(10, 2). If XY .YZ  12 , find the value of r.
23. If A(2, 5), B(0, 3) and C(2, 1) then prove that : AB  BC.
24. In the figure, OA  a, OC  a  b and OB  a  3b ,
find BC and AB in terms of a and b . C B

 a  2  a  1
25. If p    , b    and p.q  16 , find the value of a.
 1   4 
QS 1 Q
26. In the diagram, PQ  p and QS  q . If  ,
SR 3 q
express PR in terms of p and q . S


27. If A(1, 2) and B(5, 4) are two points then express AB in the form of xi  y j .
28. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram.
If E is any point on the diagonal AC
then prove that : BE  AE  ED  CE .

 p    5
29. If a    and b    are perpendicular to each other, find the value of p.
 p  2  3 
2 2
 a b  ab
30. If a and b are two unit vectors then prove that:  2  2     .
a b   ab 
   
31. In the given figure, prove that: AO  BO  BC  AC . D C

32. If a  6i  8 j and b  4i  3 j , prove that a and b are perpendicular to each other.
33. In the given figure, prove that: AB  CD  AC  DB .


34. If OA  a,OB  b . OM  m and M divides BA internally in the ratio of 3:2 then prove that :

m  3a  2b .

35. In the figure, if AD  2 BC then prove that: AB  CD  BC . D


36. If p.q  6, q  2 3 unit and the angle between p and q is 300, find the length of p .
37. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram.
If OA  a, OB  b and OC  c , find OD . D C


38. The position vectors of the points A and P are 3i  5 j and i  4 j . If P is the middle point of
AB then find the position vector of B.
39. In the given ∆ABC, AB =BC =CA =6cm.
Find the value of AB. AC .

40. In ∆ABC, AD =DC and the point G is the centroid of triangle ABC. If the position vectors of
the points B and D are 3i  7 j and 3i  2 j respectively, find the position vector of G.
41. If a  3i  m j and b  6i  2 j are perpendicular to each other, find the value of m.
42. If the position vectors of the vertices A, B and C of ∆ABC are 3i  4 j , 4i  5 j and 5i  6 j
respectively, find the position vector of the centroid of the triangle.
43. In the parallelogram, SR  4i  2 j and
PR  6i  5 j , find QR . P

44. If a  2b and 5a  4b are perpendicular to each other and a and b are unit vectors, find the
angle between a and b .
45. In the figure, BD =DC, prove that: AC  2 AD  BA .

 2 3
46. If a    and b    then find a2 and b2. D
 
3 
 1
47. If ( x  y)  ( x  y) 2 , prove that x and y are perpendicular to each other.

48. If a and b are perpendicular to each other then prove that ( a  b) 2  (a  b) 2 .

49. If a  b  c  0, a  12, b  5 and c  129 then find the value of a.c .

50. If a and b are two vectors of unit length and θ be the angle between them, show that:
1 
a  b  sin .
2 2
51. From the given figure, find AP and A
express p in terms of a and b .
p P

52. In ∆ABC, D and E divides Ab and AC in the ratio of 1:2 respectively. Prove that: DE  BC .
53. In what ratio does p divide the line segment AB, where OA  4i  4 j , OB  7i  7 j and
OC  i  j .
  
54. For any two vectors a and b , if a  b . a  b  0 then prove that a  b .
55. Find the distance between the points A(2, 2) and B(11, 14) by using scalar product.
56. If a and b are two vectors of unit length and θ be the angle between them, show that:
a b 
 tan .
ab 2
2 2 2
57. In ∆ABC, ∠ABC =900. Prove that: AC  AB  BC .
Statistics: 10(c)
1. In a continuous series, N =20, Ʃfm =570, Ʃfm2 =19100 and x =28,50 then find the coefficient
of variation.
2. I n a continuous data, N =20, Ʃfd’ = -4, h =10 and standard deviation is 16 then find Ʃfd’2.
3. In a continuous series, N =20, Ʃfd’ = -2, Ʃfd’2 =36 and 10d’ =m –a then find the standard
4. If the standard deviation of the data is 5.5 and the mean is 20, find its variance and coefficient
of variation.
5. In a continuous series, Ʃfm =114, x =19 and Ʃf(m- x )2 =232 then find the standard deviation
and its coefficient.
6. If the standard deviation of a set of data is 0.25, find its variance.
7. The first quartile of a data is 70 and third quartile is 25 more than the double of the first
quartile. Find the coefficient of the quartile deviation.
8. In a continuous series, the value of first quartile is two times of the value of quartile deviation.
Find the coefficient of quartile deviation.
9. In a data, the quartile deviation and its coefficient are 15 and respectively. Find the third
10. The 3rd quartile of a data is 15. If the coefficient of QD is , find the 1st quartile and the inter-
quartile range of the data.
11. In a continuous data, median =50, N =8 and ∑f(m -md) =59. Find the mean deviation from
median and its coefficient.
12. In a continuous series, ∑fm =2400, N =100 and ∑f(m - x ) =448 then find the mean deviation
from mean and its coefficient.
13. In a continuous series, ∑fd =0, ∑fd2 =848, N=100, d =m –A and A =12 then find the standard
deviation and its coefficient.
14. In a continuous series, N =30, ∑fm =870 and ∑f(m - x )2 =1070 then find the standard deviation
and its coefficient.
15. In a data, value of 1st quartile is ‘x’ and QD is also ‘x’. find the coefficient of QD.
16. In a continuous data, the position of 1st quartile is 15th term. Find the sum of frequencies of the
data and the position of the 3rd quartile.
17. In a continuous series, 3rd quartile is two times of 1st quartile. If the median of the data is 45,
find the quartile deviation.
18. The inter quartile range of a continuous data is 20 and Q1 =10. What is the value of quartile
deviation and its coefficient?
19. The difference of Q3 and Q1 in a data is 20 and their sum is 40. Find QD and its coefficient.
20. The 3rd quartile and inter quartile range of a data are 58 and 28 respectively. Find the
coefficient of the quartile deviation.
21. The 1st quartile of a data is 13. If the coefficient of QD is , find the third quartile and the
inter-quartile range of the data.
22. In a continuous series, ∑fm =1775, ∑fm2 =639375 and N=5 then find the standard deviation
and its coefficient.
23. If the standard deviation of a data is 5.5 and the mean is 20, find its variance and the
coefficient of variation.
SEE Question No. 11, 12 and 22

Relation and function:

2x 2x+1
1. If f(x) = , g(x) = and h(x) = 3x + 2, find fgh(-1) and ghf(3).
5−x x+2
2. If f(x) = 3x + 4, g(x) = 2(x + 1). Prove that: fog = gof and find the value of f -1(2).
3. Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions defined by f(x) = x + 2 and g(x) = . If f(x) = g -
1(x), find the value of x.
4. It is given that the function f(x) = x2 – 2x and g(x) = 2x + 3. If fg -1(x) = 3, calculate the
value of x.
5. If function f(x) = , g(x) = bx – 2 and gf(4) = -8, find the value of f -1(-2) and b.
6. If f(x) = 3x – 2 and fog(x) = 6x – 2, then find the value of x such that gof(x) = 8.
x−2 −1 1
7. Functions f(x) = ,x ≠ and g(x) = , x ≠ 0, are given. If f -1(x) = gf(x), find the
2x+1 2 x
value of x.
8. If f(x) = ax + 9, g(x) = 3x + 8 and f -1(10) = g -1(11), find the value of a.
9. If f(x) = and g(x) = 0, prove that fog(x) is not defined.
10. If f -1(x) = 2x – 5, x ∈ R, find the value of f -1of(4).
11. If f(x) = 3x – 2 and fof -1 = f -1(x+3), find the value of x.
12. If f(2x + 4) = 4x2 + 1 and g(x) = 7x – 5, find fog(x).
13. If f(x) = 4x – 5 and fog (x) = 4x + 3, find g(x) and hence g -1(3).
14. If f(x) = , prove that f -1of(x) is an identity function and find the value of f -1(2).
15. If 3f(x) = 4x + 5 and g(x) = 5x – 4, find the value of f -1og -1(1).
16. If g(x) = 2x and fog(x) = 6x – 2, then find the value of x such that gof(x) = 10.
17. If f(x) = 3x – 2 and fog(x) = 6x -2 then find the value of x such that gof(x) = 8.
2x  3 4x  3
18. If f(x) = and g(x) = , prove that f and g are inverse to each other by showing
x4 2 x
f[g(x)] = x and g[f(x)] =x.
a 4 1
19. If f(x) = , g(x) = 11 – bx2, fof(5)= and fog(2) = , find the values of a and b.
3 x 5 2
2x  7
20. If f ={x, 5x -13}, g ={x, } and g-1(x) = fof(x), find the values of x.
21. Q denotes the set of rational numbers f : Q  Q : f(x) =4x +5, x ϵ Q is a function. Is the
function f one to one onto? If so, find f-1 (x).
22. The number of bacteria in a food kept in a refrigerator can be expressed as N(T) =20T2 -
80T +500 (2⦤ T⦤14), where T represents the temperature of food and T(t) = 4t +2, (0 ⦤t
⦤), where t represents time in hours.
a. Find NoT(t).
b. How many bacteria will be there in the food when it is kept in refrigerator for two
hours ? Find it.
c. In how many hours will the numbers of bacteria is 3300 in food? Find it.
23. If f(x) =3x2 +5 and g(x) =2x -1, find the values of:
a. fog(x) b. gof(x) c. f-1(x) d. g-1(5).
24. The image of a function f is 3 times of its pre-image plus 5 then divided by 4. The image of
another function g is 2 times of its pre-image plus 3. Find gf-1(2) and gf(9).
25. In a function f, the image of ‘a +3’ is a2 +6a +11. In another function g, the output of p is
. If fog-1(x) =83, then what is the value of x?
26. To convert x0 Celsius into y0 Fahrenheit, we use the formula y = f(x) = x +32. If g(x) is the
formula to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius, then find g(x) and gof(x). Also find f -1(770) and g-

x T  R
27. The amount of a sum of Rs ‘x’ is y =f (x) =x + where T =10 years and R =5%,
a. Find f (5000).
b. Find f-1(x) and f-1(7500).
c. What does f-1(x) represent?
28. Function f(x +2) =3x +5 is given. If f[g(x)+2] = x +3, find g(8).
29. Two linear functions are f and g having 0 image of 0 are given. If f(5) =10 and g(4) =12, find
the inverse function of linear composite function.
x5 x2
30. Inverse functions of f and g are f-1(x) = and g-1(x) = respectively. If f-1[g(x) +3] =3,
4 3
find the value of x.

1. Solve the following polynomials:
(a) 2x3 + 3x2 – 11x – 6 = 0
(b) y = x3 – 4x2 + x + 8 and y = 2
2. Find the roots of: f(x) = x3 – 4x2 + 5x – 2
3. Factorise: x + 9x2 + 26x + 24

4. Find the values of p and q so that (x + 2) and (x – 1) are the factors of the polynomial:
x3 + 10x2 + px + q
5. If the polynomials x3 + 4x2 – 2x + 1 and x3 + 3x2 – x + 7 are divided by x – a leaves the
equal remainder, find the possible values of a.
6. If f(x) = x(x2 – 19), solve for x, f(x) = 30.
7. If the polynomial 2x3 + ax2 + bx – 2 has factor x – 2 and leaves remainder 7 when divided
by 2x – 3, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
8. Show that 6x3 + 7x2 – x – 2 has the factors (2x – 1), (x + 1) and (3x + 2).
9. Solve: 2x3 + 6 = 3x2 + 11x.
10. A polynomial x3 -4x2 +x +6 has a factor (x -3). Find the other factors.
11. If (x -2) is a common factor of x2 +ax -6 =0 and x3 -9x +b =0, find the values of a and b.
12. If a factor of 8x4 -2x3 -145x2 -216x -45 is (x -5), find the other remaining factors.
13. If 4 times a square of a number and seven times of the number are subtracted from the
cube of a number then it becomes -10, find the possible numbers.
14. If (x2 -1) is a factor of p(x) =ax4 +bx3 +cx2 +dx +e, show that a +c +e =b +d =0.

Sequence and Series

1. If the 5th term of an A. P. is 19 and 8th term is 31. Which term is 67?
2. If 13, p, q, r, 29 are in A. P., find the values of p, q and r.
3. The sum of three numbers in G. P. is 38 and their product is 1728. Find the series.
1 1
4. Insert 3 arithmetic means between 1 2 and 6 .
5. If 5 arithmetic means are inserted between 2 and 26, find the ratio between 2nd and 5th
6. Seven arithmetic means are inserted between 2 and b. If the 4th mean is zero, find the
other means and the value of b.
7. The sum of the first 9 terms of an A. P. is 72 and that of first 17 terms is 289, find the sum
of the first 25 terms.
8. Find the sum of the series: 2.01+2.02+2.03….+3.00
9. If the nth term of the A. P. 7, 12, 17, 22, …. is equal to the nth term of the A. P. 27, 30, 33,
36, …., find the numbers of terms.
10. Find the no. of G. M. S. inserted between 1 and 64 in which the ratio of first mean to the
last mean is 1:16.
11. The last term of an A. S. of 20 terms is 195 and common difference 5. Calculate the sum of
the series.
12. The first and last terms of an A. S. are -24 and 72 respectively. If sum of all terms of the
series is 600, find the no. of terms and the common difference of the series.
13. In an A. S., the sum of first ten terms is 520, if its seventh term is double of its third term,
calculate the first term and the common difference of the series.
14. Find two numbers whose A. M. is 10 and G. M. is 8.
15. The second, fourth and ninth terms of an A. P. are in G.P. Calculate the common ratio of the
16. 3+6+12+…….+768 is the given series, find the sum of the series.
17. In a G. S., the sum of the first three terms is 1 and sum of its first six terms is 28, find the
common ratio and the first term.
18. In a G. S., if the sixth term is 16 times the second term and the sum of first seven terms is
, then find the positive common ration and first term of the series.
19. In an A.S., the sum of first 20 terms is equal to that of 30 terms. What is the sum of first 50
20. Find the sum of all the integers between 200 and 500 which are divisible by 9.
21. The sum of three numbers of an A.S. is 27 and the sum of their squares is 293. Find the
22. If the first 3 terms of an A. S. are p + 2, 2p – 1 and p + 6, find p and the sum of its first five
23. A G. P. has 8 terms whose common ratio is positive. If the sum of the first 4 terms is 45
and the sum of the last 4 terms is 720, find the common ratio and the first term.
24. The fourth, seventh and the last terms of a G. P. are 10, 80 and 2560 respectively. Find the
first term and the no. of terms in the G. P.
25. Insert 4 GMS between , and 162.
26. The sum of three numbers is A. S. is 36 and their product is 1140. Find these numbers.
27. The sum of first three terms of an A. S. is 21. If the sum of first two terms is subtracted
from the third term then it would be 9. Find the three terms of the series.
28. if the ninth term of an A. P. is 4, find the sum of the first seventeen terms.
29. The sum of first 23 terms of an A. S. is 1035. Find the twelfth term of the series.
30. If 10, x + 5, ….., 3x, 35 are the terms of A. P. Find the value of x and the fourth term.
31. If a, b and c are in A. P., prove that (a – c)2 = 4(b2 – ac).
32. If a, -3, 9, b are in G. P., find the values of a and b.
33. If 4, 2x – 4, ……, 64, 21x + 2 are the terms of G. P., find the value of x and the fourth term.
34. Three numbers are in A.S. and their sum is 15. If the first two terms are each decreased by
1 and third term is increased by 1, then resulting numbers are is G.S. Find the numbers.
35. Three numbers whose product is 27 are in G.P. If 5,2 and 3 are subtracted from them
respectively, then the numbers are in A.P. Find the numbers.
36. Divide 32 into 4 parts which are in A.P. such that the product of extremes is to the product
of means is 7:15.
37. There are n arithmetic means between 3 and 39. Find the value of n so that third mean
:last mean=3:7.
38. The sum of first four terms of G.P. is 30 and that of last four terms is 960. If the first and
last terms of the GP are 2 and 512 respectively, find the common ratio.
39. The product of three numbers in G.P. is 216 and the sum of their product in pairs is 126.
Find the numbers.
40. The four times of the AM is five times of the GM of two numbers. If the sum of AM and GM
is 18, find the two numbers.
41. The AM between two positive numbers a and b where a > b is twice their GM. Prove that
a:b = (2  3) : (2  3) .
42. a, b and c are in AS and x, y and z are in GS. Prove that
43. The second, fourth and ninth terms of an AP are in GP. Calculate the common ratio of the
44. A contractor on construction job specifies a penalty for delay of completion beyond a
certain date as: Rs. 200 for the first day, Rs. 250 for the second day, Rs. 300 for the third
day and so on. The penalty for each succeeding day being Rs. 50 more than that of the
preceding day. How much money the contractor has to pay as penalty, if he has delayed
the work by 30 days?
45. 8 AMs are inserted between a and b such that the third and last means are 8 and 18
respectively. Find the value of a and b.
46. There are 8 varieties of monkey in a zoo. The number of each variety forms a GP. If the 4 th
and 6th varieties consist of 54 and 486 monkeys respectively, find the number in the first
and last variety. Also find the total number of monkeys in the zoo.
47. The product of the first five terms of s GS is 32. If the third term of the GS is equal to the
10th term of an AS, find the sum of first 19 terms of the AS.
48. If the first term of an AP is 2 and the sum of first five terms is equal to one fourth of the
sum of the next five terms, find the sum of first 30 terms.
49. Split 69 into three parts such that they are is As and the product of two smaller parts is
50. A person pays a loan of Rs. 45750 in monthly installment, each installment being more
than the former by Rs. 50. The amount of first installment is Rs. 800. In how many
installments will the entire amount be paid? Give reasons.
51. Sudhir borrows Rs. 4368 which he promises to pay in 6 annual installments, each
installment being treble of the preceding one. Find the first and the last installments.
52. A community consists of a number of people whose ages are in AP. The common
difference of their ages is 3 months. The youngest people is of 10 years and the sum of
their ages is 341 years and 3 months. Find the total number of people and the age of
eldest people.
53. If pth, qth and rth terms of AS are a, b and c respectively, prove that a(q –r) +b(r –p) +c(p –
q) =0.
16 243
54. ‘n’ geometric means are inserted between and such that (n -1 )th mean : 4th mean
27 16
= 9:4. Find ‘n’

Linear programming and Quadratic equation

1. Find the maximum and minimum value of the objective function under the following
(a) x – 2y ≤ 1, x + y ≤ 4, x >, 0, and y >, 0, P = 3x + y
(b) x + 2y>, 5, y ≤ 2x and x ≤ 5, p(x, y) = 6x + 2y
(c) 2x – y≥ , -4, x + y≥, -2 and 4x +y ≤ 4, F = 7x + y.
(d) 6x + 2y≥2, 2x + 2y>, 8, 4x + 12y≥ , 24, x>, 0, and y >, 0.
2. Solve graphically:
(a) x2 + x – 12 = 0
(b) y = -x2 + 2x + 4 and x + y = 4
3. Find the equation of parabola passing through the point (2, 5) and making x-intercept and
y-intercept 1 and -3 respectively.
4.. Find the point of intersections of the parabola of a quadratic equation y = x 2 + 2 and the
line passing through the points (-2, 6) and (2, 6).

5. Write down the system of inequalities that

describe the shaded region in the given figure
and also find the maximum value of p = 5x – 2y. Y



6. Write down the system of inequalities

that describes the shaded region and
find the maximum value of Q = 2x + y – 4. Y


’ O R

Y’ x+2y=0
7. Derive the equation of parabola given in the adjoining figure.


X’ X
O A(1,0)

8. The graph of the function f(x) = ax2 +bx +c has vertex at (1, 4) and passes through the
point (-1, -8). Find a, b and c. Also show the function in a graph.
9. Find the equation of a parabola with vertex at (-1, 2) and passing through the point (1, -
10. Find the equation of the parabola passing through the points (0, -2), (1, 0) and (2, 4).

11. Find the equation of parabola from the adjoining diagram.



X’ X

SEE Question No. 13

Limit and Continuity.

1. Use the table to find the following values of function f (x) =3x -1 and examine continuity
or discontinuity at x =a.

X 5.8 5.9 5.99 5.999 … 6.001 6.01 6.1 6.8

F(x)=3x -1
lim lim
i. f ( x) iii. f ( x)
x  6 x6
ii. f ( x) iv. f(6).
x  6
4 x  3 x2
2. Examine the continuity or discontinuity of f(x) =  at x = 2.
5x  1 x>2
3. If f(x) = 2x -3 and x ϵ R then
a. Find f(1.99), f(1.999), and f(1.9999).
b. Find f(2.001), f(2.0001) and f(2.00001).
c. Find f(x) and f(2).
d. What conclusion can be drawn?

4  x 2 x  2
4. If f(x) =  Y
 3 x  2
then find the followings.
a. f ( x) .
x  2 
y =f(x)
b. f ( x)
x  2 
c. f(-2).
d. Is f continuous at x =-2. X
X’ O

4  x x 1
5. If f(x)=  then find the following
 2 x 1 Y
a. f ( x) .
x  1
b. f ( x) . Y =f(x)
x  1
c. f(1).
d. Is f continuous at x =1?
X’ O X

6. Use the graph to find the following: Y
a. f ( x)
x  a
b. f ( x)
x  a
c. f ( x)
d. X’ X
f(a) O
2x  1

a= -1

7. If f(x) =5x +2 when x ⦤2 and f(x) =6x when x >2 then Y’ examine the continuity or
discontinuity of the function at x =2.
3 x  1 x<2

8. Prove that the function f(x) =  5 x  2 is continuous at a point x =2.
2 x  1
 x>2
9. If f(x) =2x -1 for x < 3, f(x) =5 for x = 3 and f(x) =8 –x for x > 3 then prove that the
function f(x) is continuous at x =3.
 kx  1 x < 2
10. If the given function is continuous at x =2 then find the value of k, f(x) =  .
 2 x  3 x  2
11. Use the graph to examine the continuity at the given point.
a. f ( x) Y
x  a
b. f ( x)
x  a
c. f ( x)
d. a=-2
f(a) X’ X

12. Use the graph to determine Y
i. Continuity interval.
ii. Points of discontinuities.
iii. Examine continuity or
discontinuity at x =0.

X’ X

13. In the following figure, the graph of a rational function is shown. The graph represents the
profit/loss of a company. At which points does the function is discontinuous and why?
Give reason. Y


SEE Question No. 14

1. Solve by matrix method and Cramer’s Rule both.
a. 3x – 2y = 5 and x + y = 5
4 3 3 2 1
b. + = 1 and − =
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦 24
1 1 1
c. = and =1
𝑥+𝑦 5 𝑥−𝑦
𝑥 𝑦 5𝑦
d. + = 4 and 2𝑥 − =1
4 3 2
6 5𝑦
e. 4𝑥 + = 10 and 2𝑥 − 2
3 2
f. + = 13 and 5y – 3x = 9xy
𝑥 𝑦
g. 43x + 2y=256 and 32x – y=27
x 2y 3x 7 y
h.   1 and   1.
7 7 5 5
x  2y
i. 1 y  x.
3x  5 y 5 x  2 y 3 2
j.   .
24 9 4 3
k. x sinα –y cosα =sinα and x cosα +y sinα =cosα.
1 1
l. 3x +5y = 3 and 6x – 3y =
2 2
2. One fifth of the difference of two numbers is 3 and one-third of their sum is 7. Find the
numbers by matrix method and Cramer’s Rule.
3. 17 kg of sugar and 4kg of tea cost Rs. 1110 and 8kg of sugar and 2kg of tea cost Rs. 540.
Find the cost of per kg of sugar and tea by matrix method and Cramer’s Rule.
5 −3 4 2
4. If 𝐴 = ( ) and 𝐵 = ( ), verify that |𝐴𝐵| = |𝐴||𝐵|
2 −4 −3 5
3 2 3 0
5. If 𝐴 = ( ) and 𝐵 = ( ), verify that (𝐴𝐵)−1 = 𝐵 −1 . 𝐴−1
6 8 0 2
1 𝑎 3 2
6. If 𝐴 = ( ),𝐵 = ( )and det. Pf A2 – BT is 8, find the values of a.
0 1 −5 4
2 1 −3 2 1 0
7. If ( ).𝐴( )=( )., find the matrix A.
3 2 5 −3 0 1
SEE Question No. 15 and 23
Angle between two straight lines:
1. Find the equation of a straight line passing through the point (2, -1) and parallel to the
line 4x + 5y + 12 = 0.
2. Find the equation of straight line perpendicular to 5x + 4y = 9 and making an intercept -5
on X-axis.
3. Find the equation of straight line passing through (3, -2) and making 450 with the line
4. Find the equation of straight line passing through the point of intersection of the lines
2x – 3y + 5 = 0 and 7x + 4y + 3 = 0 and parallel to the line 6x – 7y + 8 = 0.
5. Find the equation of perpendicular bisector of the line joining the points (-5, 6) and (0, -
6. In the adjoining figure, find the equation of AD.
A D(2,5)


7. The vertices of a triangle are A(-3, 4), B(-4, 3) and C(-2, 1). If AD is the altitude of
x + 2y + 12 = 0.
8. In the figure, the equation of BD
is 4x – 3y =10, find the equation
of AC.

9. Find the equation of straight line perpendicular to the line joining (2, 3) and (10, 15) and
dividing it in the ratio 1:2.
10. From the point P(-2, 4), if PQ is drawn perpendicular to the line 7x – 24y + 10 = 0. Find
the equation of PQ and also determine the length of PQ.
11. Find the equation of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 0) and inclined at an
angle of 300, with the line −√3𝑦 = 4 .
12. Find the equation of a straight line parallel to the line 4x + 5y = 9 and passing through the
point which divides the line segment joining the points (3, 4) and (-4, -10) in the ratio 2:5.
13. Find the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from (2, 3) to the line
14. Find the equation of the sides of an equilateral triangle whose one of the side is y = 0 and
one vertex is (-1, 2).
15. In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. D(4,3) C
Find the equation of AC.

16. Find the angles between the lines A1x+B1y+C1=0 and A2x+B2y+C2=0. Also find the
conditions to the parallel and perpendicular.
𝑥 𝑦
17. If the line 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 1 passes through the point of intersection of the lines x + y = 3 and
2x – 3y = 1 and is parallel to the line y = x – 6, then find the values of a and b.
18. A straight line ‘l’ is perpendicular to the line 3x – 2y + 4 = 0. The area of the triangle
formed by the line ‘l’ and the co-ordinate axes is 27 sq. units. Find the equation of the
straight line ‘l’.
19. If the line my +x =cm passes through the point of intersection of the lines x -23 = -4y and
7x =3y +6 and parallel to the line 5x -4y =6 then find the value of m and c.
20. If the line x cosα +y sinα =p passes through the point of intersection of the lines x =2 and
y =3 and is parallel to the line 3x  y  2 , find the values of acute angle α and p.
21. ABCD is a square. If the equation of diagonal BD is
x -3y =2, find the equations of AB and BC.


22. The vertices of ∆ABC are A(2, 4), B(1, 1) and C(5, 1). Find the equations of median AD and
height AE.
23. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (3, -2) and inclined at an angle of
600 to the line 3x  y  1 .
24. Find the equation of the line passing through the centroid of ∆PQR with vertices P(3, 3),
Q(-2, -6) and R(5, -3) and parallel to the line QR.
25. Find the angle between the lines joining the points (1, 2) and (3, 4) and the points (2, 2)
and (5, 2).
26. Find the equation of the straight line which is parallel to 2x +3y =11 and such that the
sum of the intercepts on the axes is 15.
27. Prove that the equation of straight line which passes through the point (acos3θ, asin3θ)
and is parallel to the straight line x cosecθ –y secθ =a is x cosθ –ys inθ =x cos2θ.
28. Find the equation of the straight line joining the point (4, 1) to the foot of the
perpendicular drawn from the point (3, 2) on the line 2x -3y =1.

Pairs of straight lines:

1. Find the separate equation of straight line and also find the angles between them
represented by the following equations:
(a) x2 – 3xy + 2y2 = 0
(b) x2 – 2xy cosec𝛼 – y2 = 0
(c) x2 – 2xy cot2𝛼 – y2 = 0
(d) 6x2 – xy – 12y2 – 8x + 29y - 14= 0
(e) x2 – y2 – 2x + 3y = 0
2. Prove that the line x2 + 2xy + y2 –2x – 2y – 15 = 0 represents the pair of straight lines.
Also find the separate lines, angles between them and point of intersection of these lines.
3. Find the equation of straight lines which pass through the point (3, -1) and perpendicular
to the line x2 – xy – 2y2 = 0.
4. Prove that the two lines represented by x2 – y2 + x + y = 0 are perpendicular to each
5. If the lines represented by 4x2 – 2kxy + 9y2 = 0 are coincident, find the value of k and the
separate equations of the lines.
6. Prove that the angles between the lines represented by (x2 + y2)sin2𝛼= (xcos𝜃 – ysin𝜃)2
is 2𝛼.
7. If the angle between the lines represented by ax2 – 7xy + 3y2 = 0 is 450, find the separate
equation of the lines.
8. Show that the lines through the origin which make an angle of 450 with the line
ax+by+c=0 are given by the equation (a2 – b2) (x2 + y2) + 4abxy = 0.
9. Prove that an obtuse angle between the straight lines represented by the equation (a 2 -
3b2)x2 +8abxy +(b2 -3a2)y2 =0 is 1200.
10. Find the single equation of straight lines which of one is making intercepts 8 and 10 on
axes and other is passing through the points (4, 6) and (8, 10).
11. From the figure, find the joint Y
equation of AB and CD and
angle between them. C

X’ X
O 2
Y’ D

12. Prove that two straight lines represented by the equation (x2 +y2)sin2α = (xcosβ –ysinβ)2
makes an angle of 2α.
13. If the lines represented by (a +2)x2 +8xy +(1 -4a)y2 =0 are perpendicular to each other,
find the equation of the lines.
14. In the figure, the joint equation of lines Y
AB and CD is x2 +xy -6x -2y +8 =0.
Identify the equation of line CD and A
the angle made by CD with X-axis.



Y’ E
p2 1
15. If the lines represented by q2(x2 +y2) =p2(y –mx)2 are coincident, prove that 
q 2
1  m2
1. Find the co-ordinates of the centre and radius of the circle given by the equation
2. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points (6, 6), (5, 7) and (2, -2).
3. Find the equation of a circle concentric with x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y + 4 = 0 and passing through
(4, -1).
4. Find the equation of a circle whose centre lines on the line x – 4y = 1 and which passes
through the points (3, 7) and (5, 5).
5. Find the equation of a circle having centre (2, 3) and the line 3x + 4y + 2 = 0 touches the
6. Find the equation of the circle whose two diameters are x + 2y = 4 and x + y = 6 and
circle passes through the point (2, 6).
7. Prove that the points (5, 2), (5, 0), (-1, -4) and (1, 6) are co cyclic.
8. Find the equation of the circle which touches X-axis at (4, 0) and the circle cuts off an
intercept 6 from Y-axis.
9. Find the equation of a circle whose centre lines on the line 2x + y = 6 and touches both
the positive axes.
10. If one end of a diameter of a circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y – 12 = 0 is (2, -2), find the co-
ordinates of the other end and the length of the diameter.
11. A circle touches the lines 3x – 4y = 7 and 3x – 4y + 43 = 0 and has its centre on the line
2x – 3y + 13 = 0. Find its equation.
12. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is the point of intersection of the lines
x+2y– 1=0 and 2x – y – 7 = 0 and passes through a point (4, 1).
13. Find the equation of the circle which touches the X-axis at a point (3, 0) and passing
through the point (1, 2).
14. If the line x + y = 1 cuts a circle x2 + y2 = 1 at two points, find the distance between them.
15. Find the equation of a circle whose centre is at (-4, -5) and equation of the tangent is
3x – 4y + 2 = 0.
16. Find the equation of tangent of the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 10y + 1 = 0 at the point P(-3, 2).
17. If the centre of the circle x2 + y2 – 12x – 10y + 36 = 0 is (6, 3), find the radius of the circle.
18. Find the equation of circle which touches the X-axis at (-3, 0) and cuts off the intercepts of
8 from the positive Y-axis.
19. Prove that a line y – x = 4 is a tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = 8.
20. Show that circles x2 + y2 = 2 and x2 + y2 + 3x + 3y – 8 = 0 touch internally.
21. Find the equation of a circle with centre at (3, 4) and touching X-axis.
22. Find the equation of the circle touches both the negative co-ordinate axes and has its
centre on the line x – 2y = 3.
23. Find the equation of the circle through the point (4, -2) which touches the axes such that
the whole of the circle lies in the 4th quadrant.
24. Prove that the circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y + 4 = 0 touches both the axes.
25. The extremities of a diameter of a circle have co-ordinates (-1, 4) and (3, 0). What length
does the circle intercept on the X-axis.
26. Find the equation of a circle which passes through the points (3, -2) and (-1, 6) and its
radius is 10 units.
27. A circle has radius 5 units and the equations of its two diameters are 2x – y = 5 and
x–3y+5=0. Find the equation of the circle and show that it passes through the origin.
28. Find the equation of the circle whose centre lies in the first quadrant, touches the axis of Y
at a distance 4 units from the origin and cuts intercepts 6 from the axis of X.
29. In the given figure, the centers of
two circles A and B are X and Y X2+y2-2x=6y+1=0
respectively. If the co-ordinates A
of X is (2, 3) and the equation of B
B is x2 +y2 -2x +6y +1 =0, then
find the equation of circle A. X(2,3) Y

30. Find the equation of a circle with centre )2, 3) and passing through the centre of the circle
x2 +y2 -6x +2y +6 =0.
31. Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle 2x2 +2y2 +4x -2y +1 =0 and
passing through the point (4, -2).
32. If y –x =2 is the equation of a chord of the circle x2 +y2 +2x =0, find the equation of circle
of which this chord is a diameter.

33. P(3, 6), Q(10, 7) and R(7, 3) are the points at the circumference of a circle. If ∠PRQ =900,
then find the equation of the circle and the equation of radius (RC).
34. The circles are concentric and equation of great circle is x2 +y2 -4x -6y =3. If the small
circle touches Y-axis, find the equation of small circle.
35. The centre of the circle x2 +y2 –px –qy +9 =0 is (3, 2). Find the value of p and q and also
the radius of the circle.
36. The equation of a diameter of a circle is x –y +1 =0. If one end of the diameter is (3, p)
and other end is (a, 2), find the equation of the circle.
37. Find the equation of the circle which has its centre on the line y =2 and which passes
through the points (2, 0) and (4, 0).
38. Find the equation of a circle with radius 4 units, whose centre lies on the line 13x +4y
=32 and which touches the line 3x +4y +28 =0.
SEE Question No. 16 and 17
Trigonometry (Prove the followings):-
sin 2 A  sin 2 B
1.  tan( A  B)
sin A. cos A  sin B. cos B
 
m 1
2. If tanA= and tanB= , show that: A+B=   .
m 1 2m  1 4
3 1
3. a. Cosec2θ+cot4θ=cot θ- cosec4θ. b. 0
  4.
sin 20 cos 20 0
4. a. 4cos3θ.sin3 θ + 4sin3 θ.cos3 θ=3sin4 θ b. Cos6θ + sin6θ= (5+3cos4 θ).
5. a. Cos400.cos800.c0s1600= - . b. 8sin100.sin500.sin700=1.
6. Cosθ.cos(600- θ).cos(600+ θ)= cos3θ.
 11 3 7
7. sin .sin +sin .sin =sinθ.sin2θ.
4 4 4 4
8. a. sin200.sin300.sin400.sin800= .

9. 4(cos6A-sin6A)=cos2A(4-sin22A).
b. 4

cos 4   sin 4 
cos 4   sin 4 
cos14 0  sin 14 0
10.  cot 59 0.
cos14  sin 14
0 0

 
1 1
11. If sinα= and sinβ= , show that α+β=   .
10 5 4
1  cos 2 1  cos  
12. .  cot .
sin 2 cos  2
sin 2
13. If 2tanα=3tanβ, prove that: tan(α-β)= .
5  cos 2
14. (1+sin2A+cos2A)2=4cos2A(1+sin2A).
 1 1 1 1
15. If sin  ( p  ) , prove that sinα=  ( p 3  3 ) .
3 2 p 2 p
16. 4(cos3100+sin3200)=3(cos100+sin200).
x y sec 8  1 tan 8
17. a. (cosx+cosy)2+(sinx+siny)2= 4 cos 2 . b.  .
2 sec 4  1 tan 2
18. Tanθ+2tan2θ+4tan4θ+8cot8θ=cotθ.
19. (2cosθ+1)(2cosθ-1)(2cos2θ-1)(2cos4θ-1)=2cos8θ+1.
c 3 c 5 c 7 c 3
20. sin 4  sin 4  sin 4  sin 4  .
8 8 8 8 2
sin 40  sin 20
0 0
21.  3.
cos 2200  cos 2000
1  cos A  cos B  cos( A  B) A B
22.  tan . cot .
1  cos A  cos B  cos( A  B) 2 2
sin 180. cos 24 0  sin 6 0. cos12 0
23.  tan 12 0 .
sin 24 . sin 6  cos 6 . cos 36
0 0 0 0

sin   sin 3  sin 5  sin 7

24.  cot 2 .
cos   cos 3  cos 5  cos 7
1 5
25. a. Cos3x.sin2x= (2cosx - cos3x - cos5x). b. Cos360.cos720.cos1080.cos1440= .
16 16
26. If A+B= , prove that (cotA-1).(cotB-1)=2.
27. If A+B+C=1800 and cosA= cosB.cosC, prove that: cotB.cotC= and tanA=tanB.tanC.
5 c 2 c 5 c 2 c
28. 1  cos . cos  sin . sin .
7 7 7 7
5 1 1 1
29. a. Sin180= . b.   cot 4 A
4 tan 3 A  tan A cot 3 A  cot A
30. (1+tanα-secα).(1+tanα+secα)=sin2α.sec2α.
1 1 x y 1
31. If cosx+cosy= and sinx+siny= , prove that tan  .
2 4 2 2
32. An angle θ is divided into two parts α and β such that tanα:tanβ=x:y, prove that
x y
sin(x-y)= sin  .
x y
3 1
33. a. Cos6θ+sin6θ= 1  sin 2 2 . b. Cos8θ +sin8θ =1 –sin22θ + sin 4 2 .
4 8
34. Cosec160 –cot320 =tan80 +cosec 320.
35. a. Sin2A –cos2A.cos2B =sin2B –cos2B.cos2A. b. Sin42A = (3 -4cos4A +cos8A).
   
3  
5  
7  1
36. 1  cos  . 1  cos  . 1  cos  . 1  cos = .
 8   8   8   8  8
 c A 1  sin A 1  sin A
37. tan    = = .
 4 2 1  sin A cos A
1 1 1 1 A B
38. If    , prove that: cot =tanA.tanB.
sin A cos A sin B cos B 2
 c    c  
39. cos ec   . sec   =2secθ.
 4 2  4 2
c 9 c 3 c 5 c
40. 2cos .cos +cos +cos =0.
13 13 13 13
2  (1  tan A) 2

41. 2 sin   A  = .
 1  tan A
 4
c 3 c 5 c 7 c 5
42. sin 6 + sin
+ sin 6 + sin 6 = .
8 8 8 8 4
43. Sin4300.sin4900.sin5300 = .
44. Cos2(A +1200) + Cos2(A -1200)+cos2A = 1.5
45. If tan2α =1 +2tan2β, prove that: cos2β =1+2cos2α.
46. tanA +tan(600 +A) +tan(600-A) =3tan3A.
47. sin3A +sin3(600+A) +sin3(2400+A) =sin3A.
k 1
48. If cotB =k cotA, prove that: cosec(A-B) = cosec(A+B).
k 1
cos 2 A cos A  sin A 1  tan A
49.   .
1  sin 2 A cos A  sin A 1  tan B

50. 2cosA = 2  2  2  2  2 cos16 A .

2 cos 8  1
51. (2cosθ-1).(2cos2θ-1).(2cos4θ-1)= .
2 cos   1
2 sin x 2 sin 3 x 2 sin 9 x
52.   =tan27x –tanx.
cos 3 x cos 9 x cos 27 x
c 2 c 3 c 1
53. cos .cos .cos = .
7 7 7 8
2 c
4 c
8 c
54. cos +cos +cos = .
7 7 7 2

Conditional Trigonometry:
If A+B+C= πc, prove the following identities:
1. Sin2A-sin2B+sin2C=4cosA.sinB.cosC.
2. Cos2A+cos3B-cos2C=1-4sinA.sinB.cosC.
3. 1-cosA+cosB+cosC= 4 sin . cos . cos .
2 2 2
BC CA A B
4. sinB+sinC-sinA= 4 sin . cos . cos .
2 2 2
5. Cos2A-sin2B+sin2C=1-2sinA.sinB.cosC.
6. cos 2  cos 2  cos 2  2 cos . cos . sin .
2 2 2 2 2 2
sin 2 A  sin 2 B  sin 2C A B C
7.  8 sin . sin . sin .
sin A  sin B  sin C 2 2 2
8. Cos(B+C-A)+cos(C+A-B)+cos(A+B-C)=1+4cosA.cosB.cosC.
cos A cos B cos C
9.    2.
sin B. sin C sin C. sin B sin A. sin B
A B C c  A c B c C
10. cos  cos  cos  4 cos . cos . cos .
2 2 2 4 4 4
11. Tan2A+tan2B+tan2C=tan2A.tan2B.tan2C.
12. cot  cot  cot  cot . cot . cot .
2 2 2 2 2 2
Bc CA A B
13. Sin(B+2C)+sin(C+2A)+sin(A+2B)= 4 sin . sin . sin .
2 2 2
14. sinA.cosB.cosC + sinB.cosC.cosA + sinC.cosA.cosB = sinA.sinB.sinC.
A B C BC AC A B
15. sin 2  sin 2  sin 2 = 1  2 sin . sin . cos .
2 2 2 2 2 2
16. Cos22A +cos22B +cos22C =1 +2cos2A.cos2B.cos2C.
17. Sin(π –A - B) +sin (π –B –C) +sin(π –c –A) =4cos .sin .sin .
2 2 2
18. If B+C=πc, prove that 2(1-sinB.sinC)=cos2B+cos2C.
19. If A+B=C, prove that cos2A+cos2B+cos2C=1+2cosA.cosB.cosC.
20. If 2(A+B+C)= πc, prove that sin2A+sin2B+sin2C=1-2sinA.sinB.sinC.
21. If A +B +C =2S, prove that sin(S –A).sin(S-B) +sinS.sin(S-C) =sin A.sinB.
A B BC CA
22. If A+B+C+D =2πc, prove that: sinA +sinB +sinC +sinD =4sin .sin .sin .
2 2 2

Equations of trigonometry:
Solve the following trigonometrical equations (00-3600).
1. Cos2θ+3sin2θ+sinθ=2.
2. 2 3 sin2θ=cosθ.
3. 2sinθ+3cosθ=3.
4. secθ.tanθ= 3 .
5. Tan2θ-(1+ 3 )tanθ+ 3 =0.
 1 
6. Cot2θ+  3   cot θ= -1.
 3
7. Sin2θ+cosθ=1+2sinθ.
8. tanθ+tan2θ+tan3θ=0.
9. cosθ+sinθ=cos2θ+sin2θ.
10. Cosθ+cos2θ+cos3θ=0.
11. 3 sinθ- cosθ= 2 .
12. 3 cotx= 1.
sin x
1 3
13.   4.
sin 2 cos 2
sin  sin 
14.   4.
1  cos  1  cos 
15. Cosθ-cos7θ=sin4θ.
16. Sin2A=3tanA.cos2A.
17. Tanθ+tan2θ+ 3 tanθ.tan2θ= 3 .
18. 3cos2x-1=2sin2x.
19. Tan2x-3secx+3=0.
20. If 2cosx.cosy=1 and tanx+tany=2, find the values of x and y.
1 1
21.   3.
tan 3  tan 2 cot 3  cot 2
SEE Question No. 18
Height and Distance:
1. A flagstaff of height 7m stands on the top of the tower. The angles subtended by the tower
and the flagstaff at a point on the ground are 450 and 150 respectively. Find the height of
the tower.
2. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point was observed to be 450. On
walking 30m away from that point it was found to be 300. Find the height of the tower.
3. From the top of 21m high cliff, the angles of depression of top and bottom of a tower are
observed to be 450 and 600 respectively. Find the height of the tower.
4. The angle of depression of the top of a building of 24m height from the top of a tower is
300 and the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the foot of the building is 450.
Find the height of the tower.
5. A bird is sitting on the top of a tree which is in front of a house. The angle of elevation and
angle of depression of the bird from the bottom and top of the house are 600 and 300
respectively. If the height of the tree is 21m, find the height of the house.
6. Two men are on opposite side of a tower of 30m high. They observed the angles of
elevation of the top of the tower and found to be 300 and 600. Find the distance between
7. From the top of a building 30m high, a man observes two persons sitting on the ground;
both due east on the same line ate angles of depression of 450 and 300. How far apart are
the two persons?
8. From the top of building of 20m high, the angles of depression of top and bottom of a pole
are observed to be 450 and 600 respectively. Find the height of the pole and the distance
between the house and the pole.
9. The angle of elevation of a bird from a point 400 ft above the pond is 300 and the angle of
depression on its image in the pond is found to be 600. Find the height of the bird from the
surface of the water.
10. The angle of elevation of a cloud from a point above h m of the pond is α and the angle of
depression of its image in the pond is β then prove that the height of the cloud above the
h(tan   tan  )
surface of the water is m.
tan   tan 
11. A flagstaff of height 7m stands on the top of a tower. The angles subtended by the tower
and the flagstaff to a point on the ground are 450 and 150 respectively. Find the height of
the tower.
12. A man of 1.68m high observed the angles of elevation of the top of a house and its window
from a place and found to be 450 and 300 respectively. If the height of the window from
the ground is 11.68m, calculate the height of the house.
13. A ladder 9m long reaches to a point below the top of building. From the foot of the ladder,
the angle of elevation of the building is 600. Find the height of the building. Here the
ladder makes the angle 450 with the ground.
14. A ladder 12m long reaches to a point 12m below the top of a vertical flagstaff. From the
foot of the ladder, the angle of elevation of the flagstaff is 600. Find the height of the
15. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower as observed from the distance of 36m and 16m
from the foot of the tower are found to be complementary. Find the height of the tower.
16. The angles of depression of the top and foot of a lamppost observed from the roof of a
60m high house, and found to be 300 and 600 respectively. Find the height of the lamppost
and its distance from the house.
17. AB is a vertical pole with its foot B on a level ground. C is a point on AB such that AC:CB
=3:2. If the parts AC and CB subtended equal angles at appoint on the ground which is at a
distance of 20m from the foot of the pole, find the height of the pole.
18. A man 1.75m tall stands at a distance of 8.5m from a lamppost and it is observed that his
shadow is 3.5m long. Find the height of the lamppost.
19. A tree, 12m high is broken by the wind in such that its top touches the ground and makes
an angle of 600 with the ground. At what height from the bottom is the tree broken by the
wind? Give the answer correct to the second place of decimal.
20. Two posts are 120ft apart, and the height of one is double that of the other. From the
middle point of the line joining their feet, an observer finds the angle of elevation of their
tops to be complementary. Find the height of the shorter post.
21. A flagstaff is placed at one corner of a rectangular playground 40m long and 30m wide. If
the angle of elevation of the top of the flagstaff from the opposite corner is 300, find the
height of the flagstaff.
22. A and B are two points on a straight road leading to C, the foot of a tower. A is at a
distance of 200m from C and B is 125m nearer than A. If the angle of elevation of the top
of the tower at B is double that of the angle of elevation at A, calculate the height of the
23. At the foot of the mountain, the elevation of its summit is 450. After going upto at a
distance of 1km towards the top of the mountain at an angle of 300, the elevation changes
to 600. Find the height of the mountain.
24. A man standing at the bank of a river observers the angle of elevation of the top of a tree
at the opposite bank is 300 from his eye, and the angle of depression of image of the top in
water is 600. If the height of the man is 1.5m, find the height of the tree above water level.
25. A poster hanging on a wall has vertical height 3.66m. From a point 5m away from the wall
on the same plane, the angle of elevation of the bottom edge of the poster was found to be
450. What will be the angle of elevation of the top edge of the poster if it is observed from
the same point on the horizontal plane.
26. The length of the shadow of a vertical column increases by 10√3m when the altitude of
the sun becomes 450 from 600. Find the height of the column and the length of the shadow
when the sun’s altitude was 600.
27. Two lampposts are of equal height. A boy standing midway between them observes the
angle of elevation of either post to be 300. After walking 30m towards one of them, he
observes its elevation to be 450. Find the height of the posts and the distance between
28. There are two towers on a horizontal plane. When observed from the foot of the first, the
angle of elevation of the top of the other is 600 and when observed from the foot of the
second, the angle of elevation of the top of the first is 300. Prove that the second tower is
three times as high as the first.
29. From the top of a cliff, a boy finds the angle of depression of a girl coming towards it to be
300. After 20 minutes, the angle of depression is observed to be 450. If the height of the
cliff is 2km, find the speed of the girl.
30. A rope dancer was walking on a loose rope tied to the top of two equal posts of height 9m.
When he was 2.7m above the ground, it was found that the stretched pieces of the rope
made angles of 300 and 600 with horizontal line parallel to the ground. Find the length of
the rope.
31. The elevation of a hill from a place P due north of it is 600, at a place M due south of the
hill, the elevation is 450. If the height of the hill is 150m, find the distance between P and
32. From the top of the tower 96ft high, the angles of depression of two vehicles on a road at
the same level as the base of the tower and on the same side of it are x0 and y0
3 1
respectively where tanx0 = and tany0 = . Calculate the distance between the vehicles.
4 3
33. The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point on the ground is 450. After a flight foe
30 seconds, the elevation changes to 300. If the aeroplane is flying at a constant height of
6000m, find the speed of the aeroplane.
34. At a point on the ground level, the angle of elevation of a vertical tower is found to be
such that its tangent is . On walking 192m towards the tower, the tangent of angle is
found to be . Find the height of the tower.
SEE Question No. 19 and 25

Combined transformation:
1. A triangle with vertices A(1, 2), B(4, -1) and C(2, 5) is reflected successively in the line
x=5 and y=-2. Find by stating co-ordinates and graphically represent the images under
these transformations. State also the single transformation of these transformations.
2. On a graph paper, draw ∆ABC whose vertices are A(3, 2), B(4, 2) and C(3, 4). On the same
graph paper, draw the ∆A’B’C’, the image of ∆ABC by an enlargement with the vertices
A’(6, -1), B’(4, -1) and C’(6, -5). Find its centre of enlargement and the scale factor.
3. R1 denotes an enlargement about the centre (3, 4) and a scale factor of 2 and R2 denotes a
reflection on the line y=x. ∆PQR with vertices P(-3, 5), Q(7, 4) and R(6, -2) is mapped
onto the∆P1Q1R1 under the transformation R2oR1. Find the co-ordinates of P1, Q1 and R1
and present both images on the graph paper.
4. The vertices of a quadrilateral ABCD are A(2, 3), B(4, 5), C(6, 2) and D(3, 0) respectively.
Find the co-ordinates of final image when the rotation of +800 is followed by+1900 about
5. Find the combination of reflection of ∆ABC with vertices A(1, 2), B(3, 4) and C(4, 1) over
two intersecting axes OY and OX respectively.
6. A rhombus ABCD with vertices A(2, 0), B(3, -3), C(4, 0) and D(3, 3) is translated by the
translation vector AC and then rotated through -2700 about (2, -3). Determine the co-
ordinates of final image and draw on a graph paper.
7. The vertices of ∆ABC are A(2, 2), B(1, -1) and C(3, 0). If E1=[(0, 2),2] and E2=[(0, -2),  ]
then find the final image of ∆ABC when it is enlarged by E2E1 , also find the centre and
scale factor of combined enlargement.
8. The vertices of ∆ABC are A(-2, 2), B(-4, -2) and C(0, -6). Enlarge it by the combined
transformation E1oE2 where E1[(2, 3),2] and E2[(2, -2), ]. Also draw both figures on a
graph paper. Find the single transformation equivalent to this combined transformation.
9. Points A(1, 2), B(3, 2) and C(1, 3) are reflected in X-axis then translated by the translation
vector A' B' . Find the co-ordinates of final image.
10. A triangle having vertices A(2, 5), B(-1, 3) and C(4, 1) is rotated about origin through
+900. The image so obtained is reflected on the line x =0. Find the vertices of image
triangles. Show all the triangles in the same graph paper and also write the single
transformation to represent these two transformations.
11. Triangle PQR of vertices P(2, 1), Q(4, 2) Y
and R(6, 4) is reflected on the line CD
and then on the line AB. Find the vertices A
of image ∆P’Q’R’ under the combined
transformations if ∠AED =450. Show both
the triangles on the same graph paper. Y=2 E 450

X’ X

B Y’
12. Draw a figure having the vertices A(4, 8), B(6, 6), C(3, 6) and D(4, 4) on the graph. It is
reflected on the line y =4, then draw A’B’C’D’. Then after reflect it on the line y =0 and
draw A”B”C”D” on the same graph paper and find the co-ordinates of A”, B”, C” and D”.
Also find the single transformation to represent this combination of reflections.
13. Rotate ∆OAB where A(3, 0) and B(2, 1) are given , through 900 about O and then reflect
the image in the line x =y. Find the final image of ∆OAB and also find the single
transformation which is equivalent to the combination to these transformations.
14. Triangle ABC having vertices A(-2, 2), B(2, 2) and C(2, 8) is translated by the translating
1 a
vectors T1 =   and T2 =   . If the co-ordinates of the final image are A’(1, 5), B’(3, 5)
 2 b
and C’(5, 11) after T1T2, find the translating vector T2.

Inversion Transformation and Inversion Circle:

1. Find the inversion point of the given point with respect to the circle x2 +y2 -4x -6y -3 =0.
Also, show in the graph.
2. If the inversion of a point A(3, 4) with respect to a circle having centre as origin is A’(12,
16), find the diameter of the circle. Also find the inversion point of B(6, 8) with respect to
the circle.
3. Find the inversion points P(2, 1) and Q(3, 1) with respect to the circle x2 +y2 =20.
4. Find the inversion of line segment joining the points P(12, 15) and Q(12, 9) with respect
to a circle with centre C(6, 9) and diameter 24 units. Show the inversion transformation
in the graph.
5. The inversion points P and Q with respect to the circle x2 +y2 =20 are P’(2, 1) and Q’(3, 1)
respectively. Find the co-ordinates of P and Q.
6. The vertices of ∆ABC are A(4, 0), B(4, 2) and C(2, 4). Find the inversion points of the
vertices of ∆ABC with respect to the circle x2 +y2 =20. Also, show ∆ABC and inversion
∆A’B’C’ in the graph.
 3 0
7. A point A(2, 3) is reflected in the line x =3 and then transformed by the matrix   .
 0 3
Find the inversion point of the image with respect to the circle x2 +y2 =75.
8. The inversion points of line segment joining the points P and Q with respect to a circle
with centre R(2, 2) and radius 10 units are P’(6, 4) and Q’(7, 2) respectively. Find the co-
ordinates of P and Q. Show the inversion transformation in the graph.

Matrix Transformation:
1. Triangle PQR whose vertices are P(3, 6), Q(4, 2) and R(2, 2) maps onto the triangle P’Q’R’
with the vertices P’(-6, 3), Q’(-2, 4) and R’(-2, 2). Which is the single transformation for
these mapping? Also find 2×2 transformation matrix.
 0 3 4 1
2. Find 2×2 matrix which the unit square transforms to a parallelogram   .
 0 0 1 1
3. Point P(-3, 2), Q(-1, 4) and R(2, 0) are the vertices of ∆PQR. Find the vertices of image
triangle under the reflection on X-axis by using matrix method.
4. The rectangle with vertices A(2, 3), B(2, 6), C(5, 2) and D(5, 6) is transformed by the
 1 0
matrix   . Find the vertices of the image ⎕A’B’C’D’ of rectangle. Present ⎕ABCD and
 2 1
⎕A’B’C’D’ on the same graph.
1 0   1 0
5. If X=   and Y=   . Find the image of A(1, 1), B(4, 1) and C(4, 4) under YX.
 0 1  0 1
 3 0
6. Points A, B and C are transformed by matrix   to get A’(9, 9), B’(6, 9) and C’(6, 3).
 0 3
Find the co-ordinates of A, B and C.
7. Using matrix method, show that a reflection about the line y=x followed by reflection
about Y-axis is equivalent to the rotation through +900 about origin.
 2 6 6 0 1
8. Triangle   is transformed under the combined transformation   followed
 1 1 5 1 0
 0 1
by   . Find the final image.
 1 0
1 2 
9. Prove that the matrix   transformed the unit square into the parallelogram
1 1 
 0 1 3 2
  .
0 1 2 1
10. A square PQRS with vertices P(0, 3), Q(1, 1), R(3, 2) and S(2, 4) is mapped onto the
parallelogram P’Q’R’S’ by 2×2 matrix so that the vertices of the parallelogram are P’(3, 0),
Q’(1, -1), R’(2, -3) and S’(4, -2). Find the 2×2 matrix. Which transformation does the
matrix denote?
 a 2 0 4 c 2 
11. If the matrix   transforms a unit square to the parallelogram   , find the
 b 2 0 1 3 d 
values of a, b, c and d.
12. The vertices of a square O(0, 0), A(2, 0), B(0, 2) and C(2, 2) are transformed by the matrix
 2 0 10 
M =   to O’A’B’C’ and then transformed to O”A”B”C” under the translation   .
 0 2 2
Find the co-ordinates of O’A’B’C’ and O”A”B”C”.
SEE Question No. 20 and 21
1. Find the standard deviation, its coefficient, variance and its coefficient from the given data.
Also calculate Mean deviation (from mean and median separately) and its coefficient.
And find the Quartile Deviation with its coefficient.
a. 4, 7, 3, 2, 6.
b. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
X 14 18 22 28 32 40
f 12 10 13 9 20 11
C.I. 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30
f 7 4 8 6 5
C.I. 0≤x < 10 10≤x <20 20≤x <30 30≤x < 40
f 15 12 7 8
C.I. 3-7 11-15 19-23 27-31 35-39
f 3 4 1 2 5
C.I. 2-5 2-8 2-11 2-14 2-17
f 3 7 11 16 19
Size 5-10 5-15 10-20 5-25 5-30 5-35
f 2 11 38 94 105 110
Mid value 4 8 12 16 20 24
Frequency 10 15 11 16 14 8
Age (in yrs) Less than Less than Less than Less than Less than
50 40 30 20 10
No. of people 20 18 16 7 5
Class Interval Less than Less than Less than Less than Less than
20 30 40 50 10
frequency 6 10 15 20 3
Class Interval More than More than More than More than More than
0 10 20 30 40
frequency 50 45 37 22 6

2. Prepare the frequency distribution table factors 0-4 and calculate standard deviation, its
coefficient, variance and its coefficient from the given data.
Also calculate Mean deviation (from mean and median separately) and its coefficient.
And find the Quartile Deviation with its coefficient.
SEE Question No. 24

Vector Geometry (Prove vectorically): A

1. In the given figure, P and Q are middle points
of sides AB and AC respectively of ∆ABC,
1 P Q
prove that PQ∥BC and PQ= BC.


2. The lines joining the middle points of the sides of a quadrilateral taken in a order is a
3. Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect to each other.
4. Angle at the circumference in a semi-circle is 900.
5. Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angle.
6. The middle points of hypotenuse of a right angled triangle are equidistant from its
7. Diagonals of a rectangle are equal to each other.
8. The median of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base.
9. The quadrilateral whose diagonals bisect each other is a parallelogram.
10. The position vector of the centroid of a triangle is one third of the sum of the position
vectors of its vertices.
 
 na  mb
11. Prove that p  where the symbols have their usual meanings.
 
 mb  na
12. Prove that p 
mn P
from the following figure. n
p b B

13. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, D L C
L and m are mid points of CD and BC
respectively. Prove that: 2( AL  AM )  3 AC .


14. The line segment passing through the centre of a circle and perpendicular to the chord
bisects the chord.
15. Median of a trapezium is parallel to its bases.
16. In parallelogram ABCD, AC=BD. D C
Prove that, ABCD is a rectangle.

17. ABCD is a parallelogram and G is the point of intersection of its diagonals. If O is any point,
prove that OA  OB  OC  OD  4OG .
18. In ∆ABC, D, E and F are mid points
of sides BC, CA and AB respectively.
Prove that AD  BE  CF  0 . A




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