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Ordinary Differential Equations 04-Apr-2020

Calculated values of DEQ variables

Variable Initial value Minimal value Maximal value Final value
1 Ca 1.6 6.797E-18 1.6 6.797E-18
2 Cb 0 0 1.455486 0.6036996
3 Cc 0 0 0.9963004 0.9963004
4 K1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
5 K2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
6 ra -0.64 -0.64 -2.719E-18 -2.719E-18
7 rb 0.64 -0.0132415 0.64 -0.006037
8 rc 0 0 0.0145549 0.006037
9 t 0 0 100. 100.

Differential equations
1 d(Ca)/d(t) = ra
2 d(Cb)/d(t) = rb
3 d(Cc)/d(t) = rc

Explicit equations
1 K1 = 0.4
2 ra = - K1*Ca
3 K2 = 0.01
4 rb = K1*Ca - K2*Cb
5 rc = K2*Cb

Total number of equations 8
Number of differential equations 3
Number of explicit equations 5
Elapsed time 0.000 sec
Solution method RKF_45
Step size guess. h 0.000001
Truncation error tolerance. eps 0.000001

about:blank 4/4/2020

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