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APRIL 2020
(To be reviewed April 30th 2020)

1. Our Current Position

Lock Down:
On the 17th March 2020, we made the difficult decision to shut the doors of both Artz Centres in
Skelmersdale and Upholland; following advice from the UK Government. We are still in the middle of
a Government enforced Lock Down, with no clear indication of when it will be lifted, or when
business can resume.

As always, we will be guided by expert advice, and we will only look to reopen our doors when it is
deemed safe to do so. In the meantime, we our following advice to Stay at Home, Protect our NHS
and Save Lives.

2. What Are We Doing Instead?

Our Response
As a creative team, we have tried to remain optimistic and productive despite the huge uncertainty
about our future. It was our initial intention to create a range of activities that would help our students
and families to stay connected, stay focussed and keep smiling during these unprecedented times.

As a team we quickly developed a full “Lock Down Timetable” for people to get involved in over the
coming weeks/months. The timetable was designed to feature challenges and activities across all art
forms; enabling all the team to feel that they where contributing to the Artz Centre’s response to
Covid-19. We have invested time and money into an online infrastructure that has allowed us to
make these opportunities available in a virtual world. We have had to learn and adapt quickly to the
challenges that this transition has posed, but have already made great strides in making it work in a
far from ideal situation.

I once again want to pay tribute to the attitude, commitment and creativity of the whole team at such
a difficult time, and for delivering on their promise to provide high quality arts provision to those that
want it and need it.

Artz Centre Covid-19 Action Plan (April 2020) Page 1

See attached; ARTZ LOCKDOWN TIMETABLE which was launched on Monday 6th April 2020.

Now it's one thing to produce a colourful weekly planner, but what does it actually all mean?

Here is how the LOCKDOWN TIMETABLE works in practice:

• A structured weekly plan to help everyone to stay focussed

• A new SING IT competition for everyone to get involved in

• Launch of “Artz Insider” the new blog for student and parent voices and stories

• Daily updates across 9 Social Media platforms

• Weekly live video session/class alternatives

• Video Diaries and Vlogs from staff and students

• Daily Wake up and Shake up with Artz Dance teachers Charlene and Abbi (Keep fit)

• Launch of a new online space to share our catalogue of Artz Production videos (Vimeo)

• Upload of entire 2019 Artz show photo collection to be made available for download

• Weekly sharing of home rehearsal stories

• Weekly show-specific challenges for all students to submit

• Weekly photography challenge in collaboration with professional photographers

• Weekly art challenge in collaboration with two professional artists

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• Online music sessions for both song writing and playing guitar

• 3 Weekly storytelling sessions for young ones with Story Time’s Lorna and Mary

• Weekly Quiz Night designed for families

• An online book club for people to share recommendations and stories with others

• Bespoke Leadership Training for new and existing Peer Mentors

• 3 exclusive weekly music releases showcasing the talents of Artz Centre students and staff

Despite this extensive programme of events, our team have not stopped there. We have been busy
building on some of our other resources too:

• Redesign of the Artz Website

• Development of an RSL Revision Guide for Exam Students

• Development of a new Peer Mentor Handbook

• Work on Graphic Design, Set Design and Costume Design for upcoming shows
• Audition and Casting of Artz adult production of The Addams Family

Since the enforced lock down just 30 days ago ,we have managed to actively engage more than 500
people in our activities and this does not include the thousands of views and engagements we have
had on our videos.

3. Our Current Financial Position

The Artz Centre is a self funded, not-for-profit organisation, that over the last 7 years has invested a
huge amount into providing high-quality opportunities to people of all ages. Since 2011, we have
worked with over 25,000 people across Skelmersdale and Up Holland, and our work has no doubt
had a genuinely life-changing and profound impact for so many.

Across our two Artz Centre sites, we have brought people together, taught new skills, raised
aspiration, promoted confidence, boosted self esteem, built a community, believed in people,
created countless opportunities, and helped people to create friendships and memories that will last
a life time.

With this in mind, nearly 75% of our income comes from the tuition fees paid by our students. It was
always our intention to keep these costs low, to create affordable provision for everyone. Instead of
focusing on a small group paying a lot; we have created a culture where a large group can pay a
little. A further 15% of our annual income comes from affordable ticket sales from our range of shows
and events.

The facts where clear. By closing the doors to the Artz Centres in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic pack
in March, we stood to lose up to 90% of our revenue. Meaning bills could not be paid in order to
keep the Centres running; and we would be unable to pay our staff.

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We have since managed to secure some emergency funding from the government which has
enabled us to pay bills from last month, and up to the end of this month (April 2020).

Some of our staff have been furloughed, meaning they can still receive up to 80% of their income.
However, for some of our staff, this is not the case as they are employed by the Artz Centre on a
freelance basis. It has always been my intention to protect all of our team and to be able to support
them through this period of huge uncertainty. The Artz Centres simply do not function without

4. How Can You Help?

The “Contribution Method”:
At the beginning of the crisis, we outlined a simple and sustainable solution to ensure, that once the
Covid-19 Pandemic had passed, that we still had two Artz Centres to come back to; and this solution
called for a great deal of support from our Artz community.

We were asking that people continued to contribute the normal fees that they would have
paid, for any forthcoming sessions between March 18th and April 30th; in order to help
support our Artz Centres and our Team during these challenging times (this situation was set
to be reviewed on 30th April 2020).

We were very mindful this action may not have been within everybody’s gift; and fully understood
that the nature of Covid-19 may have left many of our families facing their own financial challenges.
We simply asked that if you could continue to contribute during this period of uncertainty, for our
student’s families to please continue to do so.

I felt this solution would provide a constant and consistent revenue stream for the Centres during this
difficult period, and was the most sustainable option. Ultimately, this method allowed a larger group
of people to make smaller contributions that would result in making a big difference.

The Story So Far:

Since our enforced closure, the support we have received from lots of our Artz Family has been
incredible; and on behalf of the team, I extend a heartfelt thank you to those who continue to
contribute in what ever way you can.

I also wish to thank those who have made us aware of their situation, those who perhaps cannot
contribute in the way they would like to at this difficult time; this information helps us to formulate a
plan going forward. We have also seen some inspiring stories of students making their own
contributions to a cause they feel so passionate about.

The numbers however, are still worrying. As indicated by thes graphics below. Only 31% of families
made contributions to the Artz Centre between the 18th of March and 31st March. That number has
then fallen considerably to now 22%, from the 1st of April to the 15th of April.

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Contribution Figures for March 2020 Contribution Figures for April 2020

Contributed Did Not Contribute Contributed Did Not Contribute

31% 69% 22% 78%

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Despite the necessary intervention from Government, and based on the current figures, we are still
faced with the grim reality that if this climate of isolation is to go on much longer, then the threat of
complete closure remains very real.

We are currently reviewing our communication strategy, as it is highly likely that there are still a high
proportion of people that have not read or received the previous ACTION PLAN. It is vital that
people know how to contribute, if they are in a position to do so.

4. Making a Contribution Payment

If you wish to continue to contribute fees, or just to contribute what you can, you can do so by
making a bank transfer, or setting up a standing order to the following (please reference payments as
“Contribution Payment”):

Account Name: Artz for All C.I.C (Barclays Bank)

Account No: 83895270
Sort Code: 20-74-45

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5. FAQs
Finally, we want to ease your mind as best we can, by providing some much-needed answers to the
frequently asked questions. You may have other questions, which we will be happy to answer and
discuss, too. Just get in touch via the usual streams.

1. Are you still planning to review the situation on the 30th of April?

We are monitoring the situation constantly. As the business faces new challenges we are trying to
adjust accordingly. We will issue our next full update on the 1st of May as to our current position.

2. The Artz App is sending me two notifications every time. How do I stop it?

Due to the increased demand on the internet and technology, we are experiencing some glitches
within some of our systems. We have spoken to the App provider who are trying to solve this issue.
Rather than turning off your notifications, just bear with us. We don’t want you to miss important

3. We have created content at home, where do we send it?

We have continued to receive amazing content from students who are engaged in some of our
creative challenges. If you have created something send it to

If the file is too big, you can send it via WETRANSFER to the above email address, via WhatsApp to
Joe (07511427208) or by any other means necessary. So long as we get it, we don’t really care. If you
are still struggling, then please get in touch.

4. I have a general enquiry, what is the best means of contact?

We are still here to answer any of your questions. Please send us an email on
This is received by all members of our team. Alternatively we constantly monitor the inboxes of all of
our social media sites.

5. Am I too late to get involved in the SING IT Competition?

Absolutely not, you can submit songs to the SING IT Competition whenever you want to. It is a bit of
fun to keep everyone engaged at home. The more the merrier.

6. Where and when do we get invited to ZOOM Classes?

Zoom is a safe and secure online platform for conferences that we have been using as a face-to-face
alternative. Students will receive an individual link to their chosen emails 10 or 15 minutes before
their allotted session time. If you experience any technical difficulty we are here to help.

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