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Autonomous University of Chiriqui

School of Medicine
medical emergency school
subject: English
teacher: Aparicio Ana
topic: unit 2 accidents
student Abdiel Santo
ID: 1-748-2353
1-key words
 Hairline-hairlines: When I went for an X-ray, our doctor said it is a small
hairline fracture so I need not worry.
 Impacted-amaze: Maria was impacted when I told her the truth
 Prone-exposed: people over 50 are so prone die from covid-19
 Simple-easy: the exercise the teacher left was simple
 spiraI-propeller: Sofia drew and painted a spiral
 Avulsion-ripping: The athlete commonly presents to the physician with a
chronic untreated profundus avulsion.
 Fracture-break: Severe pain over a bone might indicate a fracture or an
injury to a ligament.
 Pop-famous: Roberto became popular for his heroism.
 safety net -emergency plan: The consistent defense provides a safety net
for the offense when it's struggling.
 bang-outbreak: yesterday there was an bang at the canning factory.
 Dislocate-: dislodge When I told him, he probably dislocated his jaw.
 Land-encompasses: maria covers a good index.
 Slip-stumble: my dad had a slip when he mopped the floor.
 Smash-squeeze: my friends decided smash the ball.
 Squash-crush: wash and squash the cans for the recycling bin.
 Stub-heel: last night my mom got hit heel
 Stumble-stumbling block: today at the mall I tripped and was sorry
 trip (over /up)- displacement: my friend won a trip to Greece
 twist-distort: let’s do the twist

2-sentences in past time

I had dinner with my friends yesterday
I received a call from a friend and I immediately answered
she always traveled to Rome in December to see her family
Gabriel Garcia Marquez died in 2014
she didn't find a job for years
I had good grades last semester

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