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"Homeschooling during the Coronavirus epoch"

These days of preventive isolation have been difficult to assimilate into our daily
lives, because due to the global pandemic known as the Coronavirus, our lives
have changed a lot because this disease is consider a death threat. One of the
aspects that have changed in recent days is the virtual classes, so from our homes
we carry out school activities to advance our current year.

The first consideration why it is good to continue with homeschooling is the

development of the year we are studying and our cognitive development, this
means that despite not being in classroom we are learning and it also a form of
distraction for the days that we are living. As an example of this is, the situation of
my older brother since graduated from university has nothing to do in these days of

On the other hand, in some schools virtual classes have become vital these days
because they leave too much work for the students and this cause that time cannot
be shared with the family, which is the most important thing. For example, my
cousin of my same age is saturated with virtual jobs and this does not give her time
to be with her loved ones.

Ultimately, this time we are in our homes we must take advantages of two things
that I consider fundamental, the family first and the use of time for our knowledge
and learning.

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