Essay Bahasa Inggris

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Optimization of Mimba Leaf as Semi-Solid Soap to Treat Acne

Until now chemicals are still one of the choices used to treat acne. We can find in
every aspect of life, such as foods, drinks, textile, and the other chemical is one of the most
important ingridients. But sometimes, chemical materials have long-term side effects on the
for our body. as intelligent human in this globalization era, we should resources and optimize
natural ingredients rather than relying solely on chemicals that available in the
nature. these natural ingredients can be processed with modern technology that already exists
today. natural ingredients become an alternative choice to reduce the use of chemicals in our
daily life.
For example, we can use plants that are around us. Because without
realizing that the natural resources around us are very useful for us. For
this time, we choose Neem Leaf as our target because without we know
Neem leaf have a lot of benefit for our daily life
Neem or Neem Leaves or Azadirachta indica A. Juss. are leaves belonging to the
shrub / terna plant which was first discovered in the Hindustani area, in Madhya Pradesh,
India. Mimba comes or spreads to Indonesia, estimated since 1500 with the main planting
area in Java. Neem leaf grows in the tropics, in the lowlands. This plant grows in the area of
West Java, East Java, and Madura at an altitude of up to 300 m asl, growing in periodic dry
places, often found on the edge of the road or in bright forests.
It is a tall tree whose stem can reach 20 m. Thick skin, rather rough stem, even
pinnate leaves, and oval shaped with jagged and pointed edges, while the fruit is a stone fruit
1 cm long. Neem fruit is produced in one to two times a year, oval in shape, when ripe the
fruit is yellow, the seeds are covered with hard brown skin and inside are white fruit peels.
The stem is slightly bent and short, therefore the wood is not found in large sizes.
The Neem Leaf extract is taken and processed into semi-solid soap. Semi-solid soap
is chosen because it is considered to be more efficient when taken traveling. Not easily
spilled or soft when exposed to water.
Then, the extrack is process with the other ingridients such as palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil,
vaselin, KOH, sugar.To make semi solid soap. As we know the kinds of oils have benefits to
moisturize our skin, KOH is for saponification, and sugar use to make the soap is semi-solid.
First, take the mimba leaf extract by pounding the leaves of mimba, then squeeze it until just
take the water.
Second, heat the mimba leaf extract to 30 degrees Celsius.
In another beaker, heat coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil up to 70 degrees Celsius.
After the oil has been homogeneous, mix KOH with a predetermined mass and stir it until
Then add sugar to make the soap semi-solid. Stir until the solution becomes homogeneous.
Then wait for the solution to cool.
place it in a container and soap is ready for use.
The functions of this semi solid soap are for treat acne, reduce itching, shrink pores of the
skin, moisturize the skin, etc. This is certainly very useful for us because the material can be
found in the surrounding environment.
We must pay attention to the surrounding natural resources, explore the potential
and maximize existing natural materials. No doubt the era is getting more modern. Many
chemical products are emerging. Therefore, we must utilize and develop the materials around
us and be combined with modern technology that exists today.
WISIK ADELINA (18521062)

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