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Lemon(Citrus Limon) cultivation & production

of lemon product with methods of preparation.

Vishal Rajendra Dandekar.

In India 3.17 lakh hectares of lemon plantation is cultivated every year. The lemon plant blooms
and bears fruit three times a year. Andhra Pradesh is the largest lemon growing state in the country
with cultivation in 45,000 hectares. Apart from this, lemon cultivation is very good in Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Odisha and Tamil Nadu.It is widely cultivated in Shrigonda (Ahmednagar District) and
West Maharashtra in the state of Maharashtra. 37.17 lakh tons of lemons are produced every year.
India neither exports nor imports lemons. For this, hot, moderately dry and humid climates are
suitable for lemon cultivation.

The primary constituents of citrus fruits are Flavonoids, acids, caffeine, pectin and minerals. Citrus
essential oil contains many components, and limonene is the main component of its odor. Lemon
has numerous properties like antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, depurative
and antiscorbutic etc. Lemon essential oil is toxic, especially during pregnancy, nursing and
radiation exposure. Researchers have discovered This plant has healing potential as it is not yet
recognized by more therapeutic items.

 Cultivation of lemon.
 Production of lemon.
 Method of production.


Lemon is a fruit plant rich in vitamin C, citric acid and essential oil that is widely used for food and
medicinal purposes. Consuming lemon juice can help manage kidney stones as it prevents the
accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals which are the main cause of stone formation. It prevents
kidney cell damage due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. It is beneficial in
coughs and colds as it boosts immunity which helps fight various infections. Lemon can help in
weight loss if taken regularly with honey in warm water.

According to Ayurveda, consuming lemon with salt is a common remedy to help control nausea as
it helps improve digestion. Mixing lemon essential oil with other carrier oils such as olive oil can
help reduce stress. The scalp can be massaged to reduce stress symptoms. It can also be used to
manage various skin infections due to its antibiotic activity. It is advised to use lemon juice in
diluted form to avoid skin and scalp irritation due to its acidic properties.

Synonyms of lemon (Citrus Limon)

 Neemboo
 Nimbu
 Nemu,
 Champra
 Elumicchai
 Citrus plant.

Biological source

It is obtained from fruits of Citrus Limon of evergreen trees in flowering plant belonging to family


Lemon is a fruit cultivated mainly as an edible fruit. Following that, some citrus species are also
used for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and hygiene products productions. Lemon production requires
the following requirements for cultivation.


Lemons can be grown in all types of soil. A light soil with good drainage is suitable for its
cultivation. The PH range of the soil should be 5.5-7.5. They can also grow in slightly alkaline and
acidic soils. A light loamy well-drained soil is best for lemon cultivation.

Varieties of lemon

Punjab Baramasi:- Shoots dropping are usually ground touching. Lemon has yellow fruits, round
shaped with tapering base. Seedless fruits and are juicy in nature. The average fruit yield is 84 kg
per trees.

Punjab Galgal:- Vigorous trees with light green foliage. Medium sized, oval shaped fruit. The juice
is very acidic with 8-10 seeds per fruit. Fruits ripen in the month of November-December. Average
fruit yield is 80-100 kg per tree.

PAU Perennial:- The ideal time for fruit ripening is the first week of July. It contains very less
seeds. It gives an average yield of 84 kg per tree.

Rasraj:- Developed by IIHR. Yellow fruits contain 70% juice and 12 seeds. It has an acidity of 6%
and a TSS content of about 8 Brix. It is resistant to bacterial blight and canker disease

Lucknow seedless:- Fruits are of medium size with yellow color.

Other Verities

Assam Lemon, Italian Lemon, Eureka lemon, Malta lemon and Sai sharbati.

Land preparation

Land should be ploughed , horizontal ploughing should be properly leveled. Cultivated on slopes
of mountains. Such high density planting is also possible.


Time of sowing:- The best season for planting is July-August.

Intercropping:- Intercropping with cowpeas, vegetables, french beans can be done in initial two to
three years.

Spacing:- Spacing between plants should be kept between 4.5×4.5m. Pits of size 60×60×60cm
should be dug for planting seedlings. 10Kg of Farmyard Manure and 500g of single
superphosphate should be applied to pits while planting.

Sowing Depth:- Pits of size 60×60×60cm should be dug for planting seedlings.

Method of sowing:- Plants are propagated by budding or air layering.

Method of preparation

List of preparation

1. Lemon extract:- solid and liquid in nature.
2. Lemon preparation for hair:- shampoo, cream
3. Lemon preparation for face:- face wash, face powder, face cream
4. Lemon preparation for skin:- soap, cream
5. Lemon juice:- energy drink, cold drink
6. Lemon for consumption preparation:- lemon candy, lemon cream, ice-cream, flavour
products, pickles, lemon jam, lemon jelly candy, lemon tea
7. Lemon preparation used for cleaning purpose:- toilet cleaner, bathroom cleaner, floor
cleaner, dish wash, cloth washing soap, washing powder
8. Disinfectant:- hand wash, sanitizer, soap
9. Antacid:- acidity powder, acidity liquid
10. Perfume product:- body perfume, body spray, body cream


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