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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin…
a. A,D,E and K
b. B and C
c. B,C and K
d. A,B,C and D
2. The water sluble vitamins are vitamin ….
a. A,D,E and K
b. B and C
c. B,C and K
d. A,B,C and D
3. Which one the following tests for starch, protein, glucose?
a. Iodine, Biuret, Benedicts
b. Benedicts, Biuret, Emulsion
c. Biuret, Iodine, Benedicts
d. Emulsion, Benedicts, Biuret
4. When starch is present Iodine turns ….
a. Purple
b. Blue-black
c. Orange
d. Brick red
5. When protein is present Biuret turns ….
a. Purple
b. Blue-black
c. Orange
d. Brick red
6. When large amounts of glucose is present Benedicts turns ….
a. Purple
b. Blue-black
c. Orange
d. Brick red
7. How do you test for lipids?
a. By using ethanol and water
b. By using Benedicts solution
c. By using Iodine
d. By using Biuret test
8. Name of enzyme in the process below is …

a. Erepsin
b. Lipase
c. Amylase
d. Protease
9. It is the enzyme responsible for breaking down lipids?
a. Erepsin
b. Lipase
c. Amylase
d. Protease
10. This is responsible for digesting starch in the mouth.
a. Pancreatic amylase
b. Salivary amylase
c. Maltase
d. sucrase
11. The truth about dentine is…

a. Neck tooth, the part of the tooth the location on the tiop of gum
b. Pulp, contains of blood vessels and nerves
c. Dentine, the hardest part of the tooth
d. Enamel, can be damaged bg changes in temperature and acids
12. The digest process which occurs in X organ is …

a. Digestion of protein into amino acids by the trypsin enzyme

b. Secretion of bile to emulsify fat so that it is easier to digest
c. The breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose bt the sucrose enzyme
d. Muscles contract in that organ to stir food mechanically
13. Thia image shows what type of important function of the skeletal system.

a. Storage
b. Movement
c. Protection
d. Blood cell formation
14. The bone marrows is the side for?
a. Storage of calcium
b. Formation of blood cells
c. Muscles attachment
d. Formation of calcium and phosphorus
15. Outer covering of bone that covers diaphysis and is located where muscles attach.
a. Articular cartilage
b. Osteon
c. Haversian canal
d. Periosteum
16. Muscles would be useless without the skeletal system. Why?

a. Muscle attaches to the bone to allow for movement

b. The skeleton can not move without the muscular system
c. We can walk, swim, throw a ball, and breathe because of bone an muscles
d. There are all reason why
17. The hardest, most dense part of the bone tissue is the …
a. Periosteum
b. Spongy bone
c. Osteoblast
d. Compact bone
18. Skeletal mucles are attached to the ….
a. Stomach
b. Lungs
c. Bones
d. Involuntary muscles
19. Involuntary muscles is ….
a. Muscle found in the heart
b. Muscle found in the organs
c. Muscle that works automatically
d. All of these are true
20. All of the followings describes the fuction of roots, except….
a. Absorb water from the soil
b. Absorb sugar from the soil
c. Absorb minerals from the soil
d. Absorb nutrients from the soil
21. The fuction of the leaves is to ….
a. Perform photosynthesisi to produce sugar
b. Absorb and store water
c. Aid in the reproduction of the plant
22. The xylem is responsible for transporting substances from the roots to the shoots. All of the
following substance are transported by the xylem EXCEPT -
a. Glucose
b. Water
c. Minerals
23. Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding stomata?
a. They close to allow photosynthesis to take place.
b. They close during dry periods to limit water loss.
c. They open to allow water to exit the plant via transpiration.
d. They open to allow gasses to diffuse in and out of the leaf.
24. What three things does a plant need to take in to be able to go through photosynthesis?
a. sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
b. sunlight, water, and oxygen
c. oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen
d. water, oxygen, and glucose
25. Which of the following is not a type of plant tissue?
a. ground
b. dermal
c. root
d. vascular
26. The outer layer of the dermal tissue is called the
a. Mesoderm
b. Endodermis
c. Meristem
d. Epidermis
27. Transpiration helps the plant
a. make more sugars at night
b. move water from the roots to the stem and leaves
c. move sugars from the leaf to be stored in the stem & roots
d. make more chloroplasts
28. Most plants appear green because chlorophyll
a. absorbs green light.
b. absorbs violet light.
c. reflects green light.
d. does not absorb violet light
29. Which is NOT a reason why we should care about photosynthesis?
a. It creates food for the plants, which then feed animals.
b. Without it, we wouldn't be able to breathe oxygen.
c. It uses up greenhouse gas CO2 in the atmosphere.
d. It controls the water cycle.
30. What is the name of the structure labelled X in the diagram?
a. Carpel
b. Sepal
c. Stamen
d. Stem

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