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Unit 31.

High Tech Generation

The text is focused on the negative effects of the technology in the society and specifically the
effects of the Internet on the generations that have grown up with it. So they begin mentioning
that the big influence of the internet has been fundamental in the development and advancement
of technology. But, the problem with this situation is that internet is making the people lonely and
there is a high a high probability that the coming generations will be lonelier.

Also, the text mention that studies reveal that the new generations prefer to have pets and in
some cases reaching the point of preferring cyber-pets instead of real pets. And all this is a signal
that new generations are getting isolated of real social contact. And I think that the problem goes
even further, because you can read news about people that is getting married with robots and
with dolls, so those are very clear examples of how isolated we getting from social life.

On the other hand, this increasing dependency of internet has affected people’s health because it
is making us spend most our time seated in front a screen which has brought increasing eyesight
problems and obesity due to the lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle and finally the text
mention that this problem will only grow bigger with the time because of the constant rising of
internet users.

In my opinion, this is an education issue because what I have noticed is that Internet became
massive very quickly and we as society weren’t prepared for it. There are ways to prevent internet
dependency if we teach to the new generations how to use it correctly. I cannot say that internet
is bad in general, it has its advantages when it comes to life quality. So the problem for me is not
the internet as well but the way we use it.

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