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CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

Chemistry I for Pre-Health Sciences, Durham College, winter 2020

____ /30 marks (5% of final grade)

Assignment is deadline: February 7th, 2020 at 11:59 pm

Background and Content:

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore connections between your classroom learning and
healthcare. This case study contains applied questions that tie your course learning to healthcare.

You will develop your problem-solving and critical thinking skills by applying your knowledge of basic concepts
to a case study. This is an important skill to develop as it allows you to relate what you are learning to the
everyday world and helps prepare you for future programs and careers in the health care field. As you proceed
through this case study, think about how these questions connect to your other courses and to your future

Learning Outcomes:
The following course learning outcomes (CLO) and essential employability skills (EES) are addressed
throughout this assignment. The CLO’s and EES can be found in the course outline.
 CLO 1, 2, 3, 9
 EES 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11

 This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
 Points have been attributed to each question.
 While you may work in pairs or small groups to complete the assignment, each student must submit
their own original work.
 Assignments may be checked for authenticity using TurnItIn software.

Handing in your work:

 Submit your completed work to the appropriate Assignment folder in DC Connect.
 File submissions must be PC compatible in Word or PDF format.
 You may type your answers directly in this document OR print this document, write your answers in and
photograph the pages. Photos must be compiled into 1 document for submission.

Other things to note:

 Show all work for full marks.
 Answer in full sentences and apply proper spelling, grammar and mechanics.
 Where required, apply significant digit rules and round final answers appropriately.

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Case Study – Knee Replacement Surgery

 Read the case study below
 Answer the questions in full sentences using your own words
 Make sure to read the question carefully and thoroughly when structuring your answer

Case Study: It was a sunny day in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Leonce was preparing to make his way the hospital
for a double knee replacement that afternoon. He has been an avid runner his whole life and has been unable
to run for years due to the degeneration of his knee caused by osteoarthritis. If the knee replacement works as
it should, Leonce can be running in the near future again. His running coach is starting to prepare some low-
key exercises with a physiotherapist to help him work towards running again. The coach, his doctor and his
physiotherapist came up with a list of supplements Leonce can take prior to and after his surgery to help the
preparing and healing process. Leonce’s doctor advised that he must stop taking the supplements a week
before the surgery as some can affect coagulation of blood and the use of anesthesia. He has been advised to
take vitamin C, vitamin A, iron phosphate, Omega 3 fatty acids, and bromelain for 1 year prior to the surgery.
After the surgery, Leonce will be taking medication to help with pain. Leonce will also be taking the following

 a multivitamin  vitamin D  L-glutamine  CoQ10

 magnesium  zinc  L-arginine
 vitamin C  selenium  Bromelain

Leonce knows what to expect during today’s surgery as he has been doing his research and also meeting with
the doctor as often as possible to discuss what will take place. The knee replacement that the doctor will be
using is called a titanium alloy because it contains titanium, aluminum and vanadium. The chemical formula for
the titanium alloy is Ti6Al4V. The knee replacement also includes plastic parts made of an ultrahigh-molecular
weight polyethylene (UHMWPE).

Once at the hospital, Leonce makes his way to the surgery floor to sign in and be assigned a room. He also
needs to be hooked up to an IV prior to his surgery. He gets signed in, is shown his room, changes into a
horribly fitting hospital gown, and meets his nurse. Nurse Ellie gets him comfortable in his room and gives him
his IV. He now has to wait until the nurse returns with the doctor to go over the surgery plan and take him into
the operating room. Doctor Aaron and Nurse Ellie return thirty minutes later to get Leonce and roll him into the
operating room. On their way down the corridor, Doctor Aaron describes the surgery process once again to
Leonce and makes sure he is comfortable. As the surgery begins, the doctor prepares the joint surfaces then
attaches the pieces of the artificial joint. Before closing the incision, he bends and rotates the knee, testing it to
ensure proper function. The surgery lasts about two hours. Leonce’s surgery is a success and now he must
rest in the hospital. The doctor checks on him and so does Nurse Ellie. Once Leonce is released from the
hospital, his recovery journey has just begun. He will be taking pain medication and supplements. He is
prescribed minimal exercise and plenty of rest for the first few weeks. When the doctor decides he is ready to
start his physiotherapy, he will start his path to recovery, working towards running again in the near future.

Checking in with Leonce a year after his surgery, we catch up with him while out walking with his dog. His new
knees have been a true gift to improving his life. He sits on a bench drinking a Gatorade and remembers the
year of healing he has done. His coach and physiotherapist have created a walking/running schedule for him
that he is enjoying. He is well on his way to running like he used to and he could not be happier!

The questions below relate to the case study above.

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Supplements: Leonce was instructed to start taking some supplements to help his body prepare for his
surgery. When his daughter Maija found out that he was instructed to take so many different supplements, she
began to research what they were. Maija had taken Chemistry in college but was not entirely sure what each
supplement was composed of, nor did she know what their purpose was.

1. In the table below, determine:

a. (1 mark) the chemical formula for each supplement. You can find this information by searching
this website:
b. (1 mark) which of the supplements are elements and which are compounds
c. (1 mark) which supplements contain metals. Write YES if the supplement contains a metal.
Write NO if the supplement does not contain a metal.

Supplement Chemical formula Element or compound? Metal present?

Magnesium Mg Element Yes
Vitamin A C20H30O Compound No
Vitamin C C6H8O6 Compound No
Zinc Zn Element Yes
Selenium Se Element No
L-glutamine C5H10N2O3 Compound No
L-arginine C6H14N4O2 Compound No
Bromelain C39H66N2O29 Compound No
CoQ10 C59H90O4 Compound No

2. (2 marks) Many of the supplements that Leonce must start taking after the surgery contain elements
classified as non-metals. How would you describe the location of non-metals on the periodic table?
How would you describe the location of metals on the periodic table? Be specific and answer in 2-3 full

Non-metals Metals
Non-metals are located on the periodic
table on the right-hand side and there is a
Metals are located left and right and are on
non-metal on the left-hand side at the very
blocks s and d and take up most of the
top (hydrogen). Location of the gases
periodic table, there is 91 metals on the
shows that most non-metals are located on
periodic table including block f
block P, there are 20 non-metals on the
periodic table

Visiting a pharmacy: Bromelain was one supplement Maija had not heard of. She was also curious about
what exactly is in a multivitamin so she decided to visit Shopper’s Drug Mart to speak with a pharmacist. She
wanted to know more about bromelain, multivitamins and why her father would need to take these. Here are
some things she wanted to know.

3. (1 mark) What food source is bromelain derived from?

Bromelain is derived from pineapples, the stems from pineapples are used as a
way to extract the enzymes

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4. Take a photo of the ingredients label on a multivitamin found in your local drugstore or at home. Select
2 elements listed on the ingredients label (i.e. iron, magnesium) and research each element to
a. (1 mark) element symbol
b. (1 mark) their function in the body (1-2 point form notes in your own words)
c. (1 mark) if the element is a metal or non-metal
d. (1 mark) the recommended daily intake (RDI) of each element (including proper units)
e. (1 mark) ways the body can acquire the recommended daily intake of each (1-2 point form
notes in your own words)

Metal or
Element Function in Ways of
non- RDI Photo
symbol the body obtaining the RDI
-Calcium is
very important
to have it
helps create
strong bones,
teeth, muscle
-It is overall
an essential
and very -Having a daily
important intake of dairy
thing to have (milk, cheese)
in your body -Having your
Ca Non-
as it does a lot 100 ng greens broccoli,
(calcium) metal
for you and cabbage
helps keep -Others such as
your bones tofu, nuts, bread,
healthy and and fish (sardines)
your nerve
impulse, also
help with
heartbeat and
the fluid
balance with
your cells

I -Iodine is very Non-metal 40 mcg -Fish (tuna,

(iodine important for shrimp)
the body -Dairy products
because it (cheese, milk,
helps with the yogurt)
body’s -Foods with grains
hormones, (bread)
helps control
also very
important for
the brain and

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in a woman’s

Knee Replacement (metal): Maija was once again wondering about the new knee her father was about to get.
She understands the process of the surgery but needed to know more about what was being put in his body.
Upon doing her research, she discovered that there are options for the types of materials knee replacements
can have. Maija then started to research why her dad was getting the titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) knee. Was this
the best option? Will it be too heavy?

5. (1 mark) The titanium used in the titanium alloy is a mixture of many isotopes of titanium. Complete the
table below for the titanium isotope titanium-47.

Isotope notation Protons Neutrons Electrons Electron configuration

TI4722 22 25 22 1s2, 2s2,2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4p2, 3d2

6. (2 marks) Perform an internet search to determine the mass, in pounds, of an entire titanium knee
replacement. Then, consider the reasonableness of this number. Do you think the mass is high, low or
about what you would expect? Comment in 1-2 full sentences.

Mass in pounds Comments

The mass is what I would expect because I didn’t think it would
be something that weighs a ton because of the body, the body
wouldn’t be able to hold the placement and could cause some
serious damage to the patients knee and would be extremely
hard for them to function with it (weighing them down or even
One to two pounds
causing pain). I don’t find the mass to be too low either because
what kind of effect could something very little do, I find it is a
reasonable mass and reasonable for something that will be in
your body and something your body will have to get use to and
have in it.

Exploring the alloy matter: Maija was able to get a chunk of the titanium alloy. She is amazed at how light it
is! This will be perfect for her dad and will be nice and light to help get him running again. As she looks at the
chunk of metal, she remembers a lesson about the definition of matter.

7. (1 mark) What is the best classification of matter for a piece of titanium alloy, Ti6Al4V?
a. mixture, compound
b. mixture, heterogenous
c. pure substance, homogeneous
d. mixture, homogeneous

Surgery and IV Ingredients: Leonce is prepped for surgery and has been hooked up to an IV. The
intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver medications and fluid replacement throughout the body before,
during and after surgery, because the circulation carries the IV fluid throughout the body. Intravenous therapy
may be used for fluid replacement (such as correcting dehydration), to correct electrolyte imbalances, to
deliver medications, and for blood transfusions. Maija is wondering what type of IV fluid the surgeon is using.
She knows of three types of IV fluids: 0.9% saline, Lactated Ringers, and D5W (5%).

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8. (3 marks) Maija decides to research the ingredients of each IV fluid. She creates a chart to record her
findings. Perform an internet search to fill in the chart below to help Maija learn more about the
ingredients in each type of IV fluid.

IV Ingredients
0.9% saline Lactated Ringers D5W (5%)
- Sodium chloride 6 g/L
- 100 mL of 5% dextrose ( =
-USP contains 9 g/L - Sodium lactate 3.1 g/L
glucose) injection
sodium chloride injection - Potassium chloride 0.3 g/L
- USP contains dextrose
Ingredients - USP (NaCI) with - Calcium chloride 0.2 g/L
hydrous 5 g in water for
in this IV osmolarity of 308 - Sodium 130 mEq/L
fluid mOsmol/L (calc) - Potassium 4 mEq/L
- Caloric value is 170 kcal/L
- 154 mEq/L sodium and - Calcium 2.7 mEq/L
- The osmolarity is 252
154 mEq/L chloride - Chloride 109 mEq/L
mOsmol/L (calc)
- Lactate 28 mEq/L

Scenario 1: Adequate hydration via an IV drip is essential during surgery, but recent reports suggest that
getting the balance of salt and water just right could have an important impact on patient recovery. Salt
solutions delivered intravenously during and after surgery helps to maintain a patient’s fluid balance and blood
pressure within the appropriate range. The increased salt concentration in a hypertonic/isotonic fluid is
designed to keep the body in equilibrium by helping to reduce fluid buildup in the lungs, interstitial spaces and
swelling in the extremities. The hypertonic/isotonic fluid draws out the excess fluid that builds up in these
tissues. Too much swelling can compromise the delivery of blood and oxygen to the organs. That reduction
can slow the healing process.

9. (2 marks) Looking back to the IV ingredients chart you completed, which of the three IV fluids would
you choose for Leonce to maintain his hydration levels? Why? Keep in mind that the term “salt” refers
to certain elements/ions/chemicals and you may need to look up the components.

0.9% Saline would be the best for Leonce to maintain his hydration because this
solution is made of water and salt, also it is known for being the iv that is used for
hydration needs. Sodium and chloride is in 0.9% saline and sodium is used to
help balance the water around your cells, and for chloride is used to help keep the
fluid inside and outside your cells, which in Leonce case he needs hydration
balance so the sodium will help balance the water and the chloride will keep the
water there, so he will keep the balance of water he needs.

Scenario 2: On a cellular level, energy is created through three main processes known as glycolysis, the
Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport chain. In order for cells to create ATP, there is a known requirement to
start this process. You may need to think to your Biology course to help you remember the process.

Leonce came out of surgery and has been in recovery for five hours. He has been on an IV drip to help with
dehydration and to administer some pain medication. The doctor has come in to visit him and check on his
progress thus far. The nurses have noticed that his catheter bag is beginning to show that his blood sugar
levels are dropping. They relay this information to the doctor who suggests changing his IV to another type.

10. (2 marks) Looking back to IV ingredients chart you completed, which of the three IV fluids would you
choose for Leonce to increase his sugar levels? Why?

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D5W 5% will help increase Leonce’s sugar level because it has dextrose and that is basically
the same as glucose which is what will help increase his blood sugar. Also, because dextrose
is so similar to glucose the body can intake it very easily and use it as a form of glucose (blood
sugar). The body can use the dextrose as a source of energy (ATP) to help raise blood sugar
levels in Leonce’s body.

Gatorade and Electrolytes: Leonce was always an avid runner and he has begun the process of healing,
going to physiotherapy, training to walk and run again, exercise using plans from his doctor and
physiotherapist, and resting when needed. He takes daily walks with his dog to loosen up his muscles and help
with the healing of his knees. He often takes a Gatorade with him as the walks are quite lengthy. When he is
training to run, he also takes a Gatorade with him. His daughter knows that these types of drinks are packed
with sugar but wonders what else is in them. Are Gatorade drinks useful for people that exercise and are
thirsty? She begins researching the “things” found in Gatorade. Maija will share what she finds with her dad.
She still worries about him and wants to make sure he is drinking something that will help him, not harm him, in
the long run.

Some Gatorade Ingredients [ CITATION SHA18 \l 4105 ]

 Filtered water: Filtered water is simply water that has been passed through a filtering system to
remove impurities.
 Brominated vegetable oil (BMV): Brominated vegetable oil (BMV) is added to certain beverages that
contain citrus oils. BMV helps prevent the oils from rising to the surface. It also ensures the stability of
the flavor mixture. It is derived from soybean.
 Sucralose: Some sugar free varieties of Gatorade contain sucralose, a non-calorie artificial sweetener.
Sucralose is added simply to enhance flavor and provide sweetness. Sucralose is sold as Splenda.
 High fructose corn syrup: The high fructose corn syrup in Gatorade is a combination of two to three
carbohydrates. The high fructose corn syrup contributes glucose, sucrose and fructose to the sports
drink. Each is added according to results of scientific data to ensure fluid absorption, energy delivery
and desirable taste.
 Citric acid: Citric acid is added for flavor and to act as a preservative.
 Sodium citrate: Sodium citrate is added to Gatorade to enhance flavor and maintain the stability of
active ingredients.
 Monopotassium phosphate: Monopotassium phosphate is added as a source of phosphate and has
been approved by the FDA as a heart healthy food.
 Glycerol ester of wood rosin: Glycerol ester of wood rosin is used in products that contain citric oils. It
prevents the oils from floating to the surface of beverages. It is harvested from the stumps of pine and
purified to beverage grade gum. The National Institute of Public Health has declared glycerol ester of
wood rosin safe for human consumption.
 Artificial colors: Artificial colors are listed in the ingredients as various dyes or a color with a number.
According to, the colors in Gatorade are present to help consumers differentiate the
different flavors. Colors and dyes used in Gatorade are suitable for human consumption as directed by
the FDA. The least amount of dye is used to achieve the desired color.

Maija was very interested in one ingredient – citric acid. An acid! Whoa! She wanted to know more about what
this acid was made of and wondered how strong the acid was. She assumes that it is an acid on the higher
end of the pH scale (making it alright to ingest). Maija looks up the acid in her Chemistry textbook and finds out
that yes, it is an acid that humans can ingest and will not harm her father. She then wants to know which
elements make up the acid.

11. (1 mark) What is the chemical formula for citric acid?

f. C = 4, H = 8, O = 2
g. C = 6, H = 8, O = 7
h. C = 2, H = 4, O = 2
i. C = 4, H = 8, O = 2

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12. (1 mark each column = 3 marks) Record the names of the elements you determined were in citric
acid (see the question above). How many valence electrons are present in each element? Then, draw
the Lewis structure for each element to show the number of valence electrons. [Your Lewis structure
must be drawn by you. You cannot use an image found on the internet. You may use the “draw”
function in Word or draw your structures by hand, photograph and insert photos].

Element name # of valence e- Lewis structure

Carbon 4

Hydrogen 1

Oxygen 6

Maija also noticed that some Gatorade flavors are sweetened with sucralose. She remembers from
Biochemistry class that sucrose is sugar and she decides to compare and contrast the two types of

13. (4 marks) Determine the chemical formula for each sweetener and record in the table below. Then,
compare and contrast the chemical formulas of both sweeteners. Identify 2 differences and comment in
1-2 sentences for each.

Sucralose (Splenda) Sucrose (table sugar)

Chemical formula C12H19CI3O8 C12H22O11

1st difference Sucralose has chlorine (CI) where Sucrose has none

They both contain a different amount of each elements besides carbon,

2nd difference but the differences are sucralose has 19 hydrogen where sucrose has 22
, and for oxygen for sucralose has 8 and sucrose has 11

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