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Engineering geological characterization of sediments at a new metro station,


Article  in  Pollack Periodica · April 2014

DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.9.2014.1.3


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2 authors, including:

Ákos Török
Budapest University of Technology and Economics


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An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences
DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.9.2014.1.3
Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 17–28 (2014)

Nikolett BODNÁR, 2Ákos TÖRÖK

Department of Construction Materials and Engineering Geology, Budapest University of

Technology and Economics Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: 1, 2

Received 5 May 2013; accepted 9 September 2013

Abstract: The present paper focuses on the re-evaluation of archive engineering geological
data of sic core drillings at one of the new metro stations of Budapest (Kálvin square, metro line
4). More than 1000 data of total coring length of more than 210 meters were used for statistical
calculations. The data set includes index of plasticity, skewness, void ratio, water content, dry and
water saturated bulk density, relative humidity, angle of friction, cohesion and compressive
strength. Based on the data set the engineering geological description of sediments was re-
evaluated, and sand, clay, silt and bentonite-rich horizons were identified. Three new cross-
sections were prepared. Statistical analyses proved that there is an increase in cohesion and
density of clays and silts with depth, indicating the role of consolidation.

Keywords: Clay, Silt, Miocene, Bulk density, Water content, Cohesion, Compressive

1. Introduction
Prior to the construction of the new metro line in Budapest (line 4) several
exploratory boreholes and core drillings were made to evaluate the engineering
geological conditions. The core drillings and laboratory analyses were accomplished in
the 1970’s. The engineering geological data obtained at that time was used for the
preliminary design of the tunnel and the metro stations. Samples were analyzed in
different laboratories by using traditional methods rather than standards. The main aim
of this paper is to provide an overview of the engineering geological parameters
available for one station (Kálvin square) in Budapest and to re-evaluate the existing data

HU ISSN 1788–1994 © 2014 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest


by using new approaches and statistical methods. The newly calculated engineering
geological parameters can be used as input parameters in geotechnical and structural
engineering design of the station and of any foundations in the surrounding area. To
achieve these goals the data set of archive core logs and archive laboratory analyses
were gathered and processed. Based on these findings new geological cross-sections
were prepared and the changes of physical parameters of sedimentary rocks in depth
were documented.

2. History of metro construction and geological evaluation

Several plans were prepared in the past decades, to develop the Metro network of
Budapest. The plans were in agreement and concluded that the metro line number 4
should connect southern Buda (Móricz Zsigmond Square) and Zugló (Bosnyák Square)
through the city center. This line should intersect the metro lines number 2 and 3.
In the mid-60 to early 80’s a drilling company (OFKVK) drilled 500 exploration
core for the construction of the metro line on behalf of UVATERV and METRÓBER
[1]. The cores marked by ‘K’ were drilled in 1972.
In the early 1970’s an overview of the previous studies were made, and thus it
marked the beginning of a nearly 30-years-long period ‘pre-construction’ activities.
Continuous changes in finance and in scheduling of works only terminated in 2003,
when a validated metro contract was signed. Consequently, the processes that were
interspersed with a number of lawsuits were postponed by governments or new political
goals were set and the new metro project was started only later. Finally, in 2006, the
construction activity began in several parts of the city with stations and tunnel sections.
The tunneling and excavation works of the stations have been completed by now and
only final works are in progress [2].

3. Geography
Budapest is in the central north part of Hungary with a very unique geographic
setting with a hilly western and a flat eastern side. The topography of Budapest is
divided into two parts by the river Danube. The west side of the river is Buda Hills and
the east side is Pest plain [3]. The four existing metro lines are located on both sides of
the city (Fig. 1). The study area is on Pest side at the intersection of the existing line 3
and the newly constructed metro line no. 4 at the city center of Budapest. A major
square - Kálvin square - and its surroundings were explored by core drillings, labeled
K4 to K10 in the 1970’s (Fig. 2). These core drillings and the related data set of
geological description and laboratory analyses are presented in this paper.

4. Geological settings
The newly constructed metro line 4 (marked in green in Fig. 1) can be divided into
three parts on the basis of geological and tectonic settings: Buda part (from the
Kelenföld railway station to the Gellért square), the Danube crossing part (from the

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western part of the Gellért square to the Pest lower quay) and Pest part (from Fővám
square to the Keleti railway station, Dózsa György Road). Along the metro line,
Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene strata are covered with Quaternary sediments [4].

Fig. 1. The location of Budapest in Hungary and the studied area close
to the riverside of Danube [5]

Fig. 2. The studied area near Kálvin square new metro station, with the location of drillings
(K-4 to K-10)

The Buda part is relatively homogenous in terms of geological setting and it is

moderately deformed, with smaller amounts of faults and tectonic lines [6]. The part of
the line that crosses the Danube was cut through a tectonic asymmetric horst at the
south-eastern part of Gellért Hill. It is divided by NW - SE faults. In this part the metro
tunnel is in Oligocene clay formations [6].
On the Pest part the sediments become younger from the SW to NE. This part is
lithologically more diverse and strongly tectonized. The line cut through Upper

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Oligocene and Miocene strata [7]. The Oligocene and Miocene beds are covered by
river deposits of the Danube, which contains groundwater [8]. Pebbly, sandy, clayey
sediments are typically on the whole territory of the Pest side.
The groundwater flow is primary controlled by river Danube. The water level of the
Danube influences the water-level of the nearby terraces and groundwater tables [8]. At
the studied area only few formations are represented from the stratigraphic column of
Budapest. These include Oligocene to Miocene sediments with a Quaternary cover. The
formations primarily contain sedimentary rocks with smaller intercalations of volcanic
tuffs (Table I).

Table I
Major lithostratigraphic units at Kálvin square area
series stratigraphy short description
Quarternary Quarternary sediments fluvial sandy gravel
Pannonian s.l. Pannonian s.l. sediments fine clastic sediments
Gyulakeszi Rhyolite Tuff generally homogeneous, thick-
Formation bedded, ignimbritic rhyolite tuff
Miocene fluvial floodplain sequence
Zagyvapálfalva Formation consisting of variegated silt,
gravel and sand
marshy-fluvial formation with
Becske Formation
marine intercalations
Törökbálint Szécsény coarse- and siltstone with
Sandstone Schlier fine-grained clay marl and
Formation Formation sandstone fine-grained
Kiscell Clay Formation clay, clay marl, calcareous silt

On the covered geological map of Budapest it is visible that on the surface Holocene
alluvial sediments and anthropogenic landfill are found (Fig. 3). Below Quaternary
Oligocene to Miocene sediments prevail on Pest side, at and in the vicinity of the
studied area (Fig. 4).

5. Data sources
The data used in this study was obtained from borehole logs and core descriptions of
K4 to K10 core drillings. The total drilled length of more than 210 meters of the 6
drillings was studied. The description of the drillings was only available on written
documents (core logs and laboratory analyses) from the 1970’s, since no rock materials
were left from these cores. Drilling descriptions are incomplete at some places, and thus
it was difficult to read or interpret those ones. Additionally, the summary reports of later
activities were also available [6], but no recent results of laboratory analyses and

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engineering geological reports were found. The location of the studied drillings are
shown on Fig. 2, while most important drilling data are given in Table II.

Fig. 3. Covered geological map (studied area is squared)

Fig. 4. Uncovered geological map (studied area is squared)

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Table II
Most important drilling data of the 6 studied core drillings

Anthropogenic fill
Code of Core length Miocene
and Quaternary
drillings (m) (depth in m)
(depth in m)
K-4 40 0 - 12.6 12.6 - 40
K-5 40 0 - 13.9 13.9 - 40
K-7 31.5 0 - 13 13 - 31.5
K-8 35 0 - 14 14 - 35
K-9 33.7 0 - 13.8 13.8 - 33.7
K-10 31 0 - 14 14 - 31

To create the database it was necessary to digitalize the data set, since it was only
available in hand-written reports, on paper. In this case 1043 data was used for
statistical calculations and processing. From the measured and reported engineering
geological properties of cores twelve parameters were selected for the analyses. These
include index of plasticity, skewness, void ratio, water content, dry and water saturated
bulk density, relative humidity, and angle of friction, cohesion, compressive strength,
water conductivity, and grain-size distribution. The data source was not uniform, since
not all the parameters were measured for all rock types, partly because it was not
possible, partly because no laboratory tests were made. The minimum, maximum,
average, standard deviation and median were calculated on every parameter except the
grain-size distribution because the results of the statistics of this parameter were not

6. Data evaluation: geology and engineering geology

Based on the reinterpretation of core logs and updated classification of lithologies
new cross-sections were prepared. On the cross-sections - f for the sake of simplicity -
the pebble and sand beds are illustrated as sand mud, silt clay, medium clay and clay
with high plasticity are shown as clay, while the bentonite and bentonitic clays are
illustrated as bentonite (Fig. 5).
The river deposits of Danube with pebbly sand and sand, as well as the
anthropogenic fill with the soil cover represent the upper 13-15 metres of the sections.
The clayey sediments prevail at the study area, while sandy and bentonitic intercalations
are less common.
The physical properties of the drillings were also evaluated. The results are
presented in four tables showing the number of samples, minimum, maximum vales,
average and median values with standard deviations. The first one contains the results of
all the rock types (Table III), the second one provides data sets of sands (Table IV),
while the fourth one gathers data on silts and clays (Table V).
Besides presenting values in a table format it is also interesting to compare the
physical properties of different lithologies. There is a major difference between the dry
and water saturated densities of coarse sediments (gravel) and fine ones (silt and clay)

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especially when water saturated values are compared (Fig. 6). There are not major
differences in between density values of sand and silt-clay fractions, however the mean
water content of sand is 8.7%, while that of the silt and clay is nearly 13% (Fig. 7).

Fig. 5. Engineering geological sections at Kálvin square

Table III
Statistical data of engineering geological parameters of the 6 studied core drillings




No. of

Water cont. (%) 326 1 35 10.09 7.59 8

Index of plasticity (%) 49 3 32.1 19.01 5.83 19
Skewness (%) 47 2.1 32.6 12.24 7.45 12
Void ratio (-) 67 0.33 1.58 0.52 0.22 0.46
Rel. humidity (-) 67 0.47 1 0.8 0.11 0.81
Water sat. bulk density (kg/m3) 67 1560 2280 2094.33 149.63 2130
Dry bulk density (kg/m3) 67 1070 2070 1827.91 195.17 1870
Friction angle (°) 63 10 42 32.7 5.89 34
Cohesion (kPa) 61 30 380 129.43 77.1 100
Compressive strength (kPa) 63 16 146 60.84 35.65 50
Water cond. (m/sec) 20 2x10-9 7.35x10-5 7.74x10-6 1.73x10-5 1.2x10-7

When the cohesion and compressive strength data are plotted against depth a trend
showing downward increasing is observable (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). Within the increasing
trend lower values also occur.

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Table IV
Engineering geological parameters of sand layers in the 6 studied core drillings





Water cont. (%) No. of
90 1 27 8.69 6.25 7
Skewness (%) 24 2.1 26 9.58 7.06 7.6
Void ratio (-) 14 0.35 0.89 0.54 0.15 0.55
Rel. humidity (-) 14 0.57 1 0.82 0.12 0.81
Water sat. bulk density
14 1840 2250 2070 112.11 2050
Dry bulk density (kg/m3) 14 1540 2040 1801.4 149.71 1745
Friction angle (°) 12 10 39 33 7.55 34
Water cond. (m/sec) 6 10-7 9 x 10-6 1.99 x 10-6 3.46 x 10-6 8.5 x 10-7

Table V
Engineering geological parameters of silt and clay in the 6 studied core drillings




No. of

Water cont. (%) 184 1 35 12.98 7.47 12.5

Index of plasticity (%) 46 3 32.1 19.2 5.97 19.2
Skewness (%) 11 10.8 32.6 17.82 7.51 14
Void ratio (-) 52 0.33 1.58 0.52 0.24 0.45
Rel. humidity(-) 52 0.47 1 0.8 0.11 0.815
Water sat. bulk density
52 1560 2280 2103.5 158.64 2130
Dry bulk density (kg/m3) 52 1070 2070 1835.77 208.09 1880
Friction angle(°) 50 15 42 33 5.56 33.5
Cohesion (kPa) 49 30 380 141.4 76.58 130
Compressive strength
50 16 146 64.9 32.98 59
-9 -5 -5 -5
Water cond. (m/sec) 14 2 x 10 7.35 x 10 1.02 x 10 2 x 10 2 x 10-8

7. Interpretations
The geological settings of the studied area are very complex. This area of the Pest
side and geology of the station area of Kálvin square differs from other parts of the new
metro line. In Buda the prevailing lithology is the Kiscell Clay [9], forming a significant
part of the Oligocene sequence [10].

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Fig. 6. Dry vs. water saturated densities of major lithotypes

Fig. 7. Water content of major lithotypes

Fig. 8. Changes in cohesion and in compressive strength with depth, data set of K-4 drilling

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Fig. 9. Changes in cohesion and in compressive strength with depth, data set of K-5 drilling

The dense and very complex network of faults at Budapest area [11] makes the
geological interpretation of the area very difficult (Fig. 4). Significant numbers of
drillings were made in this area [6], so that in terms of numbers appropriate data are
available. However, their reliability is not always clear. The descriptions are often
controversial or difficult to interpret. The intercalations of sandy layers and bentonitic
horizons also have a very complex pattern and thus there are several solutions for the
compilation of geological cross sections. It is in accordance with the previous findings
of the neighboring area of Rákóczi square [12].
In terms of physical properties there are differences between the Oligo-Miocene
sediments of Kálvin square area and the Oligocene clays of other parts of Budapest. The
Oligocene clays have larger bulk densities, higher compressive strength and cohesion
[13], [14] than these clays at Kálvin square area. Even the expanded zone of Oligocene
Kiscell Clay has higher strength values [15]. Especially significant differences are
observed, when parameters are compared to the ones of over-consolidated Oligocne
clays [9], [16]. According to published data [17], [18] the Eocene sedimentary rocks -
especially the marl of Buda side - has much higher strength than these sedimenst. In
comparison with other data published of Transdanubian clays the average values of
index of plasticity are very similar since the average value of Transdanubian clays is
20.9 [19], while that of the clays of Kálvin square is 19.2 (Table V). The shear strength
and other strength parameters of Oligocene clays of Budapest area are also larger than
that of these clays [14], [20]. It would be possible to measure the rate of over-
consolidation of these clays by the CPU method as it was described by [21], however no
tests have been performed so far.
The inhomogeneous lithology, the intercalations of sandy layers in the fine silty and
clayey sediments explain the variations of physical properties with depth (Fig. 8,
Fig. 9). The low values at greater depth represent sandy intercalations and lenticular
sand bodies.

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8. Summary
According to archive core drilling data and core logs, the prevailing lithologies at
the area are fine sediments silts and clays. Above these sediments Quaternary river
deposits are found. The intercalations of sandy layers and bentonitic clays makes it
difficult to use one uniform physical parameter for the deeper part of the sedimentary
succession. The sections and the statistical processing of data are the preparatory steps
of the geomathematical analyses. The database will be studied by using multivariate
statistical analysis. In case of Kálvin square, further investigations are needed to clarify
the rate of over-consolidation and to allow a better approval of the increase in strength
with depth. Adding additional engineering geological data and physical properties
would increase the reliability of the results. The appropriate filtration and processing of
the data can justify and clarify the lithological and tectonically descriptions. These data
sets are essential for compiling geological profiles. The complex geological structure of
the area requires additional and more reliable geological information to track better the
rapid lateral and vertical changes in lithologies. Sufficient data would help to provide
better input data for the design of subsurface structures in the area for example the new
metro station of the line 4 at Kálvin square.

The presentation of the research has been supported in the framework of the project
‘Talent care and cultivation in the scientific workshops of BME’ project by the grant
TÁMOP - 4.2.2.B-10/1-2010-0009.

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