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Interview Etiquettes

1) First Impression: Enter the interview room with enthusiasm and energy. This can help to mask
your nervousness. Smile, make eye contact, and try to maintain an open posture. Introduce
2) Dress Sense: Always dress up and dress conservatively for a job interview. Your poise indicates
your sincerity as well as well-groomed approach - that you respect the recruiter and the interview
3) Body language: Recruiters often assess a candidate’s’ attitude and interest in the job through
body language.  It is important to signal a positive body language. Sitting up straight is one such
indication. A slouch or too much of a relaxed pose may convey lack of respect or interest.
4) Greeting: How we greet people reveals a great deal about us, our confidence, our attitude, and
our grooming. Practice to give a good handshake. Never have your left hand in a trouser pocket
when shaking hands, and don't feel obligated to return a double handshake (left hand placed over
the two hands shaking).
5) Taking your seat: Wait to be asked to take your seat, do not proactively do so. Do not place
personal items on the table such as cell phones, handbags, briefcases, water bottles etc.   You may
place a portfolio or notepad and pen in front of you. If a beverage is offered, decline politely.
6) Use of speech: Reinforce your professionalism and your ability to communicate effectively by
speaking clearly and avoiding hesitation sounds such ‘aah’, ‘you know’, ‘you see’, ‘like’, ‘so’ etc.
Avoid jargons as this may come across as pomposity on your part. Don’t start chatting. The key
to being a good conversationalist is to listen carefully and ask thoughtful questions. Therefore,
do your research beforehand.
7) Conversation Approach: An interview is a TWO-WAY exchange. It is important to keep the
conversation flowing instead of turning it into a Q & A exercise. Be honest, but manage your
self-disclosure so that it does not become a point of vulnerability for you. Be polite and
8) Attitude constitutes 90%: Attitude is expressed in every answer. Turn every situation into an
expression of your positive nature and willingness to succeed – the cup is always half-full in an
interview situation.
Important actions

 Resume: Accurate, up-to-date, honest, concise and clear

 Review: know your resume, skills, values, interests & accomplishments and have examples ready
to illustrate your point if need be (e.g.: can you give us two examples of your positive attitude/
leadership skills/proactive behavior…)
 Research: learn everything about the company you’re interviewing with such as
 Web and mobile sites
 Expert opinions
 Annual Report (if possible)
 Current news items
 Practice before you get on to the field

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