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Chapter 15


As revealed in the earlier chapter, during development also involves changes in the adult
that encompasses alterations of form
embryonic development, the fertilised ovum or
associated with ageing. In this chapter, you
zygote divides by mitosis and forms a single
will be acquainted with various aspects of
group of cells. This group of cells undergoes
embryonic and post-embryonic growth. Also,
systematic changes and eventually is
the intricacies of cellular growth will find place
transformed into tiny individual. The
in this description. After that, thrust will be
occurrence of cell proliferation signifies that
given on the general aspects of regeneration.
embryonic development is featured by growth.
At the end, a discussion on the nature and
Growth usually involves cell proliferation. The
causes of ageing are included in this chapter.
other characteristics of development are
morphogenesis that brings forth new form by 15.1 GROWTH
cell movements, and differentiation that
produces increased diversity of cells. As these Growth is defined as an irreversible increase
two aspects are outside the arena of this in the mass or overall size of a tissue or an
chapter, we will restrict our discussion on organism. This increase in body size of a
growth only. Considerable growth occurs growing animal involves some concurrent
during late embryonic or foetal period of changes in their cells, tissues and organs.
mammals. Still, development does not stop at Growth is accomplished by three strategies.
birth, or even at the adulthood. During post- These are cell proliferation, or cell enlargement
embryonic development, an embryo gradually without division, or secretion of large amount
grows into an adult. Each day the adult of extracellular materials (Fig. 15.1). To cite
humans continuously peel off and replace examples : lens cells grow by multiplication;
more than a gram of skin cells, generate cardiac and skeletal muscle cells grow by
millions of erythrocytes and renew the digestive increase in volume; neurons grow by extension
tract epithelium from stem cells. Besides these and growth of the axons and dendrites;
continuous daily changes, there are many cartilage and bone cells grow by secretion of
instances of development in adult life. extra-cellular matrix. Generally, growth
Metamorphosis (the transition from a larval involves synthesis of protoplasm (nucleus and
stage to an adult stage) also involves cytoplasm) or apoplasmic substances (matrix
development (post-embryonic). The third of the bone marrow, or fibres of the connective
category of post-embryonic development is tissue or even water). Growth occurs when the
regeneration, creation of new organ after the synthetic activities (anabolism) of cells exceed
original one has been removed. Interestingly, their destructive activities (catabolism). There
all such post-embryonic developments are also will be no growth if the synthesis equals
characterised by growth, morphogenesis and destruction. Prolonged starvation may lead to
differentiation. Finally, post-embryonic increased catabolism of reserve food (e.g., fat

Animals grow at different rates at different

periods of life. Human growth provides a good
model for growth. The human embryo is about
150 µm at the time of implantation. It grows
to about 50 cm over the nine months of
gestation. During the first two months after
implantation, the basic human body plan is
laid down, but the embryo does not grow
considerably. Starting from about 4 months
of implantation, the embryo grows at the rate
of 10 cm per month. During the first year after
birth, growth occurs at a rate of 2 cm per month.
The growth rate, then declines steadily; it then
shoots at puberty (Fig. 15.2). After completion

Fig. 15.1 Strategies of growth

in the adipose tissue). In extreme situation,

destruction of the constituent proteins of the
protoplasm, leading to decrease in the mass of
living matter, may be observed. This is opposed
to growth and, thus, may be called degrowth.
However, growth is the central aspect of all
developing systems.
Embryonic Growth
In early embryonic development, the cells
produced during cleavage and blastula formation
get smaller and smaller at each cleavage division. (a)
These cells exhibit little growth. During
gastrulation, the primary organ rudiments of the
embryo are laid down and the basic morphological
plan is established. However, such organ
rudiments are too small and are incapable of
performing specific functions; they remain in the
prefunctional state. With further advancement of
development, these prefunctional organ
rudiments grow, differentiate and attain functional
state. The distinct cell types produced by the
process of differentiation exhibit growth. To be
precise, how much an organism or an organ
grows (growth programme) is specified at an early (b)
stage of development. Overall growth of the
organism mainly occurs in the period after the
basic morphological plan is established.
Fig. 15.2 Growth pattern in humans :
Post-embryonic Growth (a) Average growth,
All higher animals grow at a specific rate and (b) Comparative growth of boys
rhythm. But the rate of growth is not uniform. and girls

of puberty, the physical growth of human body unique precision following the cycle of phases
starts declining; it almost stops after 22-23 years G1, S, and G2 and M. Synthesis of new DNA
of age. and proteins during the interphase results in
Also, the growth of different parts of the the growth of cells. Growth of individual cells
body varies; different organs grow at different is the most essential component of the growth
rates (Fig. 15.3). At 9 weeks of development, of multicellular bodies. Unfortunately, because

Fig. 15.3 Human body parts grow at different rates

the head of a human embryo is more than a of the small size of cells, measuring the growth
third of the length of the whole embryo; it of individual tissue cells is very difficult.
becomes about one-fourth. After birth, the rest However, actual measurements of growth of
of the body parts grow at a faster rate. In the single cells between two mitoses have been
adult, the head is about one-eighth of the whole made on unicellular organisms. This can also
body. be achieved by tissue culture.
Cellular Growth Types of Growth
The growth of multicellular organisms is based It is possible to relate the growth of the
on the activities of individual cells that organism with the growth of their cells. Thus,
constitute the body. Such cellular growth three basic types of cellular growth can be
involves reproduction (division) and growth identified. These are auxetic growth,
(increase in volume) of cells. You are familiar multiplicative growth and accretionary growth.
with the types of cell divisions. When a In auxetic growth, the volume of the individual
eukaryotic cell duplicates (divides) itself, it increases due to growth of the individual cells;
follows a fixed sequence of events called cell no division or proliferation of cells occurs. Such
cycle. The cell grows in size, the chromosomes growth is observed among the rotifers,
and DNA replicate, and the cytoplasm is almost nematodes and some tunicates. In
doubled in preparation for cell division. You multiplicative growth, mitotic proliferation of
are familiar with how cells divide with the the constituent cells leading to increase in

number is a must. It is typically found in the rises gradually, in the middle part, the curve
embryonic growth of animals. In accretionary rises steeply and in the last part, the curve rises
growth, the growth of the animal is based on slowly, and then approaches a horizontal line
the activity of special cells. In the signifying the limit of growth in each particular
post-embryonic life, majority of cells are case. A curve of this shape is known as sigmoid
differentiated and perform specific functions. curve. The difference between the initial and
Yet, some cells of the adults remain in the final weight or size of an individual in a given
undifferentiated state and retain the ability to period of time is regarded as the absolute
divide mitotically. These cells are called reserve increase. This growth curve characterises the
cells, and supply new cells for reinforcing and growth of all higher animals and human.
replacing the incapacitated differentiated cells. Hormonal Control of Growth
For example, the erythrocytes are differentiated
non-dividing cells, and the proliferating Embryonic growth depends on growth factors.
erythropoietic tissues constantly supply new For example, fibroblast growth factors (FGFs)
erythrocytes. Secretion of extracellular matrix control cell proliferation in the development of
by chondrocytes and bone osteocytes, which limbs in chick; insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)
do not divide, serve other examples of play a key role in both embryonic and post-
accretionary growth. embryonic growth of mammals. Growth
hormone (GH) is produced in the pituitary
Growth Curve
gland and plays a critical part in normal
Under nutritionally non-limiting conditions,
childhood growth and post-embryonic growth
each animal attains the definite mature size
of humans and other mammals. Within the first
very well. Although increase in mass often
year after birth, secretion of growth hormone
accompanies increase in length or height (linear
by the pituitary gland begins. Hypothalamus
dimensions), only weight is considered as an
produces and releases both growth hormone-
index of growth. Weight of an animal, taken at
regular interval, if plotted against time on a releasing hormone and somatostatin. Growth
diagram, a curve is obtained. This curve hormone-releasing hormone promotes growth
resembles the shape of S and is called growth hormone synthesis and secretion, while
curve (Fig. 15.4). In the initial part, the curve somatostatin inhibits its production and
release. Growth hormone also controls its own
release by negative feedback signals to the
hypothalamus. It works by stimulating the
production of IGF, which comes mainly from
the liver and, in turn, promotes the synthesis
of growth hormone. Studies reveal that cells
must receive signals through growth factors
or other proteins for division and survival. In
the absence of required signal, internal death
programme is activated and the cells commit
suicide by apoptosis. Growth rate of a growing
tissue depends on the rates of both cell
proliferation and cell death.
As stated earlier, our body spontaneously loses
cells from the surface layer of the skin and the
inner lining of intestine. We have the inherent
capacity to replace these cells. Such
Fig. 15.4 Growth curve of a 500-kg animal spontaneous loss of cells and their renewal is

common in many animals. Time and again, you development in adult life. Therefore,
might have incurred accidental cut or injuries regeneration may be considered as a
in your body. Such injuries result in the morphogenetic process, in which replacement
destruction of tissues producing wounds. Your or revival of damaged or severed body parts
experience will tell you that wounds are healed (structures) takes place. As will be revealed
up and repaired in course of time. In fact, this later, in some cases, regeneration reaches its
ability to repair the damaged wound is the climax and leads to the reconstruction of the
characteristic of animals in general. A large entire multicellular body from a small fragment
variety of animals possess the power to repair of tissue of the individual concerned.
and remodel even the lost organ or larger part Regeneration Among Animals – a Survey
of the body. Such ability of the fully developed Some animals exhibit great ability of
organism to replace lost parts by growth or regeneration. The capacity of regeneration,
remodelling of somatic tissue is known as however, varies widely in different animals. In
regeneration. As mentioned earlier, Hydra and Planaria, small fragments of the
regeneration is also a developmental process body can give rise to a whole animal; so
that involves growth, morphogenesis and also in the sponges. When a hydra or a planaria
differentiation in the post-embryonic life. In is cut into many pieces, each part reconstitutes
fact, it is the reawakening of embryonic itself into a tiny but whole individual


Fig. 15.5 Regeneration in Hydra

(Figs. 15.5 and 15.6). The regenerative faculty

of hydra is so powerful that it can regenerate
perennially its decapitated head. It is virtually
immortal and, hence, it has been named so
after the mythological monster, Lerna, which
had seven heads.
Nematodes show very low regenerative
ability. Some annelids (e.g., earthworms and
their related groups) can renew all of the
anterior and posterior body segments after an
Fig. 15.6 Regeneration in Planaria amputation. But, in majority of annelids this

ability is restricted to the extent of regeneration Consequently, the regenerated individual

of four or five segments. Many arthropods (e.g., initially becomes very tiny; subsequently, it
spiders, crustaceans and insect larvae) can resumes feeding and attains the normal size.
regenerate lost appendages. Regeneration of Such type of revival is viewed as morphallaxis
damaged eyestalks and eyes, and parts of head or morphallactic regeneration. On the
and foot is observed in some gastropod molluscs. contrary, regeneration of a lost limb (Fig. 15.7)
Echinoderms, like starfish, brittle star and sea in salamander (amphibian) involves
lily, can regenerate arms and part of the body; dedifferentiation of adult structures in order
sea cucumber can regenerate respiratory organ to form an undifferentiated mass of cells. These
(tree) and alimentary canal after ejecting them cells are highly proliferating. They accumulate
outside the body through the anus. In ascidians, under the epidermis that has already expanded
blood cells can give rise to a fully functional from the margin of the wound and, within next
organism. Among the amphibians, newts, two days, bulge out to form a conical lump.
salamanders and their larvae (tadpole and This lump of dedifferentiated cells along with
axolotl) can regenerate a lost tail, limb or external the epidermal covering is called regeneration
gill. Removal of the lens from the eye of a newt blastema or the regeneration bud. These
results in the regeneration of a new lens from the dedifferentiated cells continue to proliferate
pigmented epithelium of the iris. Fish can and eventually redifferentiate to form the
regenerate their damaged fins. Reptiles, such as rudiment of limb, which eventually transforms
lizards, can evade offence by shedding their tails into a new correctly patterned limb structure.
and regenerating it later on. This adaptation is This type of regeneration is named as
an example of self-mutilation and is called epimorphosis or epimorphic regeneration.
autotomy. Birds exhibit no regeneration, except In the regeneration of mammalian liver or
their beak. Although mammals cannot regenerate kidney, the cells divide but do not form an
the lost limb, they can replace to a limited capacity undifferentiated mass of cells or tissues; they
the digits, a part of liver or kidney, if removed. produce cells similar to themselves and
They can also restore fractured bone by a maintain their differentiated functions. This
regenerative process. In every case, regeneration intermediate type of regeneration is called
is achieved at the tissue level only. compensatory regeneration.
Types of Regeneration Factors Controlling Amphibian Limb
The first stage of regeneration or repair is Regeneration
closure of the wound by the expansion or Amputation of newt’s tail triggers a complex
spread of the adjoining epidermis over the series of events, which lead to faithful
wound. Wound healing is essentially a repair regeneration, both of the mesenchymal tissues
process and found in all animals. Hence, it is of the tail and of the nervous system within it,
thought to be a repairative regeneration. namely spinal cord and associated ganglia. The
Regeneration of the whole animal from a small mesenchymal progenitor cells of the tail,
body fragment in hydra, and limb regeneration blastema cells, are thought to originate
in amphibians (e.g., salamanders, newt), are through a process of dedifferentiation similar
closely linked with developmental processes. to that described in the limb; and their division
However, a clear distinction can be made is controlled by the nerve and the wound
between the two cases of regeneration. Based epidermis. Similarly, the proliferation of cells
on cellular mechanisms, regeneration can of the regeneration blastema of newt’s
be divided into two broad categories : amputated limb is dependent on nerve fibres.
morphallaxis and epimorphosis. In hydra, It is thought that the neurons release some
regeneration occurs mainly by the trophic factors, such as glial growth factor
re-patterning or remodelling of existing tissues (GGF), fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and
and the re-establishment of boundaries. This insulin-like growth factors (IGFs). IGFs are
type of regeneration involves little new growth. necessary for growth and cartilage

Fig. 15.7 Regeneration of the forelimb of Newt : (a) Distal amputation, (b) Proximal amputation

differentiation in tail blastema. Trophic factors transferrin, an iron transport protein that is
expressed by peripheral nerves support or necessary for mitosis in all dividing cells.
inhibit limb regeneration in newt and mediate
neural effects on blastemal growth. GGF and
FGFs are small peptide growth factors with
multiple biological functions; they also play Every organism uses energy from t he
significant roles in patterning, growth and sun. After developing and maintaining its
differentiation. Another neural agent is identity for a definite period of time, it fails to

perform its physiological functions at normal The maximum life span of wild animals
rate. Then, deterioration prevails over synthesis is very difficult to estimate because signs of
and the organism ages. Entropy, a measure of senility, or extreme old age, are seldom seen in
the disorder or randomness, always wins. the wild. Animals living under natural
Ageing can be defined as the time-related conditions rarely approach their
deterioration of the physiological functions maximum possible age because of very high
necessary for survival and fertility. The science death rates due to infant mortality, diseases,
predators, bad weather, accidents, or
of ageing is often referred to as gerontology.
competition for food and shelter. For this reason,
The scientists studying the science of ageing
most of the reliable information about the length
are known as gerontologists.
of the life span comes from zoos, where accurate
Maximum Life Span records are kept and animals live under
Ageing affects all the individuals of a species conditions almost ideally suited to prolong life.
and there are two kinds of life span. One is The life span of some selected animals is shown
maximum life span, the maximum number in the Table 15.1. The maximum life span of a
of years survived or the greatest age reached domestic dog is about 20 years, and that of a
by any member of a species. The other is laboratory mouse is 4.5 years.
average life span, the average number of years The maximum life span of humans has
survived or age reached by members of a been estimated to be about 121 years. This
population. Life expectancy, the number of rests on the fact that a man in Japan,
years an individual can expect to live, is based Shirechiyo Izumi, reached the age of 120 years,
237 days in 1986. He died after developing
on average life spans. It is defined as the age at
pneumonia. Average life span and life
which half the population still survives. Thus,
expectancy of humans have grown
maximum life span is the characteristic of
dramatically. In general, the rate of mortality
species and life expectancy is the characteristic of humans has gone down and the life span
of populations. has increased. It is 56 in India, whereas in the

Table 15.1 : Life Span of Some Animals

Name of Animals Maximum Name of Animals Maximum life
life span span (Years)
Ant Queen 15 Squirrel 16
Carp 47 Guinea-pig 7 .5
Toad 36 House Mouse 3 .5
Bullfrog 30 House Rat 4 .6
Mud Puppy 23 Indian Elephant 70
Giant Salamander 55 Horse 62
Cobra 28 Hippopotamus 49
Turtle 123 Fin Back Whale 80
Alligator 68 Dog 20
Giant Tortoise 152 Cat 28
Humming Bird 8 Lion 30
Parrot 80 Tiger 25
Swan 102 Pig 27
Great Horned Owl 68 Chimpanzee 45
Eagle 55 Rhesus Monkey 29
Turkey Buzzard 118

United States it is 78. The increase in life span and more difficulty in detecting moving targets.
is due to improvements in sanitation, the Hearing : It becomes more difficult to hear
discovery of antibiotics, and medical care. higher frequencies with age. Hearing declines
Genetic, lifestyle and disease processes, all more quickly in men than in women.
affect the rate of ageing and several distinct Personality : After about the age 30, personality
processes are involved. Individuals age at is stable. Sudden changes in personality
extremely different rates. In fact, even within sometimes suggest disease processes.
one person, organs and organ systems show Now, as scientists make headway against
different rates of decline. However, some chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease,
generalities can be made. It is important to some think that life span of humans can be
remember that these statements do not apply extended even further. Of late, the dream of
to all people. extending life span has shifted from legend to
Heart : It grows slightly larger with age. laboratory. As gerontologists explore the genes,
Maximal oxygen consumption during exercise cells, and organs involved in ageing, they are
declines in men by about 10 per cent with each uncovering more and more of the secrets of
decade of adult life, and in women, by about longevity.
7.5 per cent. However, cardiac output stays Causes of Ageing
nearly the same as the heart pumps more With ageing, an impairment of physiological
efficiently. functions occurs. This is called senescence.
Lungs : Maximum breathing (vital) capacity Senescence results in the decreased ability to
may decline by about 40 per cent between the deal with a variety of stresses and an increased
ages of 20 and 70. susceptibility to diseases. The general
Brain : With age, the brain loses some cells senescent phenotype is characteristic of each
(neurons) and others become damaged. species. Although there is no consensus on
However, it adapts by increasing the number what causes ageing, some cause and effect
of connections between cells – synapses – and relationships can be ascertained at the cellular
by regrowing the branch-like extensions, level. Accordingly, the theories of ageing fall
dendrites and axons, that carry messages in into two groups : programmed theories and
the brain. damage or error theories. The programmed
Kidneys : They gradually become less efficient theories stress internal biological clocks or
at extracting wastes from the blood. Bladder “programmes”, whereas the damage or error
capacity declines. Urinary incontinence, which theories embrace external or environmental
may occur after tissues atrophy, can often be forces that damage cells and organs. The
managed through exercise and behavioral programmed theories hold that ageing follows
techniques. a biological timetable, perhaps a continuation
Body fat : The body does not lose fat with of the one that regulates childhood growth and
age, but redistributes it from just under the development. The damage or error theories
skin to deeper parts of the body. Women are underscore environmental assaults to our
more likely to store it in the lower body – hips systems that gradually cause things to go
and thighs – men in the abdominal area. wrong. However, these theories of ageing are
Muscles : Without exercise, estimated muscle not mutually exclusive.
mass declines 22 per cent for women and Programmed theories have three
23 per cent for men between the ages of sub-categories : Endocrine theory,
30 and 70. Exercise can prevent this loss. Programmed Senescence theory and
Sight : Difficulty focussing close up may begin Immunological theory. Endocrine Theory
in the 40s; the ability to distinguish fine details holds that biological clocks act through
may begin to decline in the 70s. From 50 on, hormones to control the pace of ageing. The
there is increased susceptibility to glare, greater idea that hormones are linked to ageing is not
difficulty in seeing at low levels of illumination, new. We have long known that some hormones

decline with age. Human growth hormone (GH) Damage or error theories embrace the
levels decrease in about half of all adults with aspects of rate of living, free radicals,
the passage of time. Production of the sex crosslinking, wear and tear, error catastrophe
hormones, estrogen and testosterone tends to and somatic mutation as the causes of ageing.
fall off. Hormones with less familiar names, like Living theory opines that ageing is the by-
melatonin and thymosin, are also not as product of metabolism; the greater an
abundant in older as in younger adults. The organism’s rate of oxygen basal metabolism,
female hormone, estrogen, slows the bone the shorter its life span. According to free
thinning that accompanies ageing and may help radicals theory, accumulated damage caused
prevent frailty and disability. After menopause, by oxygen radicals causes cells, and eventually
fat tissue is the major source of a weaker form of organs to stop functioning. A free radical is a
estrogen than that produced by the ovaries. The molecule with an unpaired, highly reactive
male hormone, testosterone, may decline with electron. An oxygen-free radical is a
age, though less frequently or significantly than by-product of normal metabolism, produced
estrogen in women. Researchers are investigating as cells turn food and oxygen into energy. In
its ability to strengthen muscles and prevent need of a mate for its lone electron, the free
frailty and disability in older men when radical takes an electron from another
administered as testosterone therapy. They are molecule, which, in turn, becomes unstable
also looking at its side effects, which may include and combines readily with other molecules. A
an increased risk of certain cancers, particularly chain reaction can ensue, resulting in a series
prostate cancer. The hormone, melatonin, of compounds, some of which are harmful.
released from the pineal gland, responds to light They damage proteins, membranes, and
and seems to regulate various seasonal changes nucleic acids, particularly DNA, including the
in the body. As it declines during ageing, it may DNA in mitochondria, the organelles within the
trigger changes throughout the endocrine cell that produce energy. The damage caused
system. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), by oxygen radicals is responsible for many of
produced in the adrenal glands, is a weak male the bodily changes that come with ageing. Free
hormone and a precursor to some other radicals have been implicated not only in ageing,
hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. but also in degenerative disorders, including
DHEA is being studied for its possible effects on cancer, atherosclerosis, cataracts, and
selected aspects of ageing, including immune neurodegeneration. Crosslinking theory
system decline, and its potential to prevent certain highlights that an accumulation of crosslinked
chronic diseases, like cancer and multiple proteins damages cells and tissues, slowing
sclerosis. According to programmed down bodily processes and results in ageing.
senescence theory, ageing is the result of the In a process called non-enzymatic
sequential switching on and off of certain genes, glycosylation or glycation, glucose molecules
with senescence being defined as the time when attach themselves to proteins, setting in motion
age-associated deficits are manifested. Studies a chain of chemical reactions that ends in the
on immune system reveal that B or proteins binding together or crosslinking, thus
T lymphocytes, having the receptors for self- altering their biological and structural roles.
antigens, undergo programmed cell death The process is slow but increases with time.
or apoptosis. This mechanism eliminates Crosslinks, which have been termed advanced
about 90 per cent of all the B cells made in the glycosylation end products (AGEs), seem to
bone marrow. A parallel process occurs with toughen tissues and may cause some of the
T cells in the thymus. Immunological theory deterioration associated with ageing. AGEs
maintains that a programmed decline in have been linked to stiffening connective tissue
immune system functions leads to an increased (collagen), hardened arteries, clouded eyes, loss
vulnerability to infectious diseases and thus of nerve function, and less efficient kidneys.
causes ageing and death. These are deficiencies that often accompany

ageing. They also appear at younger ages in breakdown in the health of the organism falls.
people with diabetes, who have high glucose Likewise, death is also a biological event that
levels. Diabetes, in fact, is sometimes occurs due to breakdown in body functioning.
considered an accelerated model of ageing. Not This is caused, usually due to shortfall of
only do its complications mimic the physiologic oxygen supply to the tissues. Causes of human
changes that can accompany old age, but also death are many. Firstly, tissues of vital organs
its victims have shorter -than-average life (like heart, liver, lung, kidney, etc.) become
expectancies. As a result, much research on weakened due to ageing. These affect the
crosslinking has focussed on its relationship proper functioning of physiological processes,
to diabetes, as well as ageing. Wear and tear including metabolic disorders. Death becomes
theory holds that cells and tissues have vital inevitable in course of time. Secondly,
parts that wear out to bring up ageing. In the malfunction of body’s immune system reduces
normal wear and tear of cellular life, DNA the resistance of the body to different antigens.
undergoes continual damage. Attacked by As a result, the individual becomes vulnerable
oxygen radicals, ultraviolet light, and other to many diseases.
toxic agents, it suffers damage in the form of Although death is often related with age, it
deletions, or destroyed sections and mutations, is not known if the process of ageing itself is a
or changes in the sequence of DNA bases that disease or a natural process of the organism.
make up the genetic code. DNA is damaged There is no answer as yet, whether there is a
throughout life; the repair process may be a built-in general death factor, or whether
major factor in ageing, health and longevity. humans will be immortal if all diseases are
Biologists theorise that DNA damage leads to conquered. Scientists are trying to distinguish
malfunctioning of genes, proteins, cells and between changes which are associated with
deterioration of tissues and organs. It is known normal ageing, and those associated with
that an animal’s ability to repair certain types external or internal pathological effects.
Osteoporosis is a good example of this
of DNA damage is directly related to the life
problem. This disorder predisposes an
span of its species. Humans repair DNA, for
individual to bone fractures. It is generally
example, more quickly and efficiently than mice
regarded as an age-related disease, particularly
or other animals with shorter life spans. This
severe in post-menopausal women. However,
suggests that DNA damage and repair are in
there are also a number of pathological
some way, part of the ageing puzzle. The
conditions that predispose one to this disorder,
theory of error catastrophe asserts that or are associated with the development of
damage to mechanisms that synthesise osteoporosis, such as prolonged immobility,
proteins, results in faulty proteins, which poor nutrition, and excessive alcohol intake or
accumulate to a level that causes catastrophic corticosteroid treatment. Another prominent
damage to cells, tissues, and organs. Somatic example is impairment in body temperature
mutation theory advocates that genetic control. It is partly assumed to be due to the
mutations occur and accumulate with ageing process, but it may be made worse by
increasing age, causing cells to deteriorate and cerebrovascular disease or the dementing
malfunction. process, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Postural
Ageing and Death hypotension is another of those problems that
Biological ageing affects everybody. Ageing is have both age-related and pathological
a deleterious process, involving the functioning sources. What appears to happen in most of
of cells, and therefore, organs, and finally, the the age-related vulnerabilities is that
organism itself. This process is subtle in most physiological systems decline with age,
cases, usually manifesting itself when the resulting in a shift in the accuracy of the body
changes become extreme, or not until the to control the chemical and cellular
system as a whole is stressed. As we age, the environment, and thus, leaving individuals
amount of stress required to cause a more prone to diseases of ageing.


Growth is the central aspect of all developing systems. Growth in animals

occurs after the basic body plan has been laid down. Growth involves
cell proliferation, cell enlargement and secretion of large amounts of
extracellular matrix. Based on the relation of cell division with the growth
of the organisms, three basic types of cellular growth – auxetic,
multiplicative and accretionary – can be identified. All higher animals
grow at a specific rate and rhythm. Animals grow at different rates at
different period of life. Plotting weight of an animal, taken at regular
interval, against time on one can draw growth curve. This curve is
S-shaped and is known as sigmoid curve. It represents the increase of
the mass of the animal.
In mammals, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are required for normal
embryonic growth. These factors mediate the effects of growth hormone
after birth. Human embryonic and post-embryonic growth is largely
controlled by growth hormone, which is made in the pituitary gland.
Growth rate of a growing tissue depends on the rates of both cell
proliferation and cell death.
Regeneration is the ability of the fully developed organism to
replace a lost part of its body. It is a revival of morphogenesis in the
post-embryonic life. Many animals exhibit great ability to regenerate.
In mammals, regeneration is achieved at the tissue level only. The
two main mechanisms involved in regeneration are morphallaxis, and
epimorphosis. In hydra, regeneration occurs mainly by morphallaxis
in which the remodelling of existing tissues and the re-establishment
of boundaries take place. Regeneration of limb in amphibians involves
epimorphosis : a blastema is formed by dedifferentiation of cells, which
divide, and eventually redifferentiate to form the new correctly
patterned limb structures. Regeneration of mammalian liver or kidney
is attained by compensatory regeneration : the cells divide but do not
form an undifferentiated mass of cells or tissues; they produce cells
similar to themselves and maintain their differentiated functions.
Regeneration of limb and tails in newts is controlled by some trophic
Ageing can be defined as the time-related deterioration of the
physiological functions necessary for survival and fertility. Ageing is
largely caused by wear and tear. The maximum number of years
survived, or the greatest age reached by any member of a species is
called maximum life span. Average life span denotes the average
number of years survived or age reached by members of a population.
The number of years an individual can expect to live is known as life
expectancy. The maximum life span is the characteristic of species,
but life expectancy is the characteristic of populations. Ageing leads to
an impairment of physiological functions, called senescence.
Programmed theories of ageing hold that ageing follows a biological
timetable, perhaps a continuation of the one that regulates childhood

growth and development. The damage or error theories underscore

environmental assaults to our systems that gradually cause things to
go wrong. However, these theories of ageing are not mutually exclusive.
Although ageing is largely caused by wear and tear, it is also under
genetic control.
Ageing is a deleterious process. With age, the amount of stress
required to cause a breakdown in the health of the organism falls. Death
is also a biological event that occurs due to breakdown in body
functioning. It is not known if the process of ageing itself is a disease or
a natural process of the organism. However, physiological systems decline
with age, resulting in a shift in the accuracy of the body to control the
chemical and cellular environment, and thus, leaving individuals more
prone to diseases of ageing.


1. Define growth. What is degrowth?

2. What are the basic types of cellular growth?
3. What is a sigmoid curve? Why is it so called?
4. Name three hormones/factors that help in growth.
5. Differentiate between auxetic growth and multiplicative growth.
6. What is accretionary growth?
7. What is regeneration? Give some examples.
8. What is morphallaxis? How does it differ from epimorphosis?
9. ___________ and ____________ exhibit great ability of regeneration.
10. ___________________ is an iron transport protein necessary for mitosis
in all dividing cells.
11. ___________________ may be considered as reawakening of embryonic
development in adult life.
12. Nematodes show very ___________________ regenerative ability.
13. What is ageing ?
14. What is autotomy?
15. Mention the factors controlling amphibian limb regeneration.
16. Distinguish between compensatory regeneration and epimorphic
17. Distinguish between repairative regeneration and morphallactic
18. What is gerontology?
19. What is senescence?
20. Write in brief the programmed senescence theory.
21. What is apoptosis?
22. Write down the aspects of damage or error theories of senescence.

23. What is Alzheimer’s disease?

24. How do free radicals make senescence faster?
25. Match the items of Column I with that of Column II :
Column I Column II
(i) accretionary growth (a) science of ageing
(ii) gerontology (b) self-mutilation
(iii) somatic mutation theory (c) erythropoiesis
(iv) autotomy (d) cells malfunction
(e) Programmed cell death

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