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Social Studies Lesson Plan

Name: Kaitlyn Oakley & Lauren Blanton

Grade: 5

Topic/Concept: Economics and Financial Literacy


● Pencil
● Notebook
● Moneypalooza game and printable game pieces (Found at: )
○ Moneypalooza board (5 boards- one/group)
○ Board game rules (5 rule sheets- one/group)
○ Earn cards (5- one/group)
○ Spend cards (5- one/group)
○ Money- printable (5 sections- one/group)
○ Dice (5- one/group)
○ Coin (5- one/group)
● Smartboard/screen to display powerpoint for mini-lesson

Teaching Behavior Focus:

● Attend to Equity
● Promote collaboration
○ Design learning environment that enable student collaboration
○ Foster student engagement through discussion
● Prime students for engagement
○ Monitor learning activities
○ Provide clear directions
○ Classroom management
○ Include guided demonstration
Learning Objectives (measurable):

● Students will be able to define budget, spending, and saving.

● Students will be able to explain how they budget, spend, and save money during the
Moneypalooza game.
● Students will be able to explain how budgeting, spending, and saving affects their lives in
the real world.


5.E.2.1 - Explain the importance of developing a basic budget for spending and saving.

5.E.2.2 - Evaluate the costs and benefits of spending, borrowing and saving.

Assessment Plan (How will you know that your students met the objective?):

● Summative Assessment- Exit Ticket Reflection on the Moneypalooza game

○ Exit ticket ideas
■ 2 main things you learned (and why you thought they were important)
■ Pick a vocabulary word that you learned and explain it
■ Give students a budget and they choose how they would spend it
(example: at a grocery store)

New Vocabulary:

● Budget - a plan for how income will be used for both spending and saving.
● Spending - to pay money for goods or services.
● Saving - putting money aside that is not spent.
● Borrowing- money one has received from another party with the agreement that it will be

Lesson Development (hook/engage/launch, step by step in real time, include questions you
will ask in real time, closure/revisiting learning objectives):

Launch: Opening Whole-Class Discussion (5 minutes)

● “Can anyone tell me what money is?” (what you buy stuff with, bills, coins, etc.)
● “Raise your hand if you have ever received money before.”
○ “Why was it given to you?” (Allowance, chores, birthday money, holiday money,
random gifts, working something like a lemonade stand, etc.)
○ “Where/who did the money you received come from?” (Parents, grandparents,
other family, guardians, friends, a person you worked for, etc.)
○ “Where do you think that money came from or where do you think money comes
from in general?” (piggy banks, a money factory, the bank, the ATM, work, etc.)
○ “What did you do with the money you received?” (I bought __, I saved it, I gave
it to someone else, etc.)
● “Raise your hand if you have ever heard the word ‘budget’ before.”
○ “What does budget mean?” (when people plan how they’re going to spend their
money, when people save their money, when people decide to not spend all of
their money right away, etc.)
○ “Has anyone ever given you advice about money before? What did they tell you?”
(don’t spend it all in one place, if you save up then you can buy something nice,
think about what you want to spend it on, etc.)
● “Today we’re going to be talking about money, and the importance of creating a budget
for spending and saving to help you make the most out of the money you receive or earn.
This is an important skill to learn even now because it might help you make a plan to
save up for something big that you want from a store!”

Mini-Lesson: Budgeting, Spending, Saving (15 minutes)

● Use the Google Slides presentation linked below to help students understand the
vocabulary terms: budget, spending, and sharing.

● Each of the slides has speaker notes of where to add in the definitions of the vocabulary
terms and the definitions are written out.
● If time-permitting, discuss as a whole-class the “Think About It…” questions on the last

Activity: Moneypalooza Game (30 minutes)

● “We are going to play a game called moneypalooza! This is a board game that allows you
to make choices about how to spend, save, and share your money!”
● To play “You will take turns rolling the dice, you will move the number of spaces that
landed on the dice clockwise (show students what clockwise is) around the board.You
will then look at the rule sheet to see what you are supposed to do when you land on the
space that you do.”
● “For example, if you land on the EARN space, take an EARN card from the deck. If you
decided to use the earning opportunity, you will take the amount of money on the card
from the bank, but you have to skip your next turn since you will be working. If you do
not decide to use the earning opportunity, you do not get money from the bank, or skip a
● “For each EARN, SPEND, SAVE, or SHARE card, there are different ways you can use
your money! It is all up to you!”
● “Does anyone have any questions? I will be walking around to ask questions and see your
money making decisions!”

Closing Discussion: (10 minutes)

Whole group discussion

● Discuss what it means to “budget and save money”- mini overview

● Teacher will ask “what did you learn from our lesson about budgeting money”
● Teacher will ask “from what you learned, how will it change how you budget
your money for the future”
● “You all did such a wonderful job learning how to save, borrow, and budget your
money! What else did you learn?” Students will talk to a partner about what they
learned from the lesson and the game (2 minutes to talk with partner, 2 minutes to
discuss responses with whole group)
● Students will complete exit ticket (below)

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