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IIT BHU (COPS or club of programming society)

(Made by Jyotitaditya N Bose)

1.Schedule and timeline for events
The timeline is decided by the seniors at the starting of the year and they stick to it for the
whole year They have a lot of workshop dedeicated towards various technologies,various
competeitions and meeting almost twice a week.
2. How they keep all their members motivated
They have amazing senior junior interaction.They also have startup and project hubs funded
by mncs where student regrdless of their year and branch can work on various technologies
3. Organizational structure of the club
They have 4 dedicated sub societies(CTF,ML,CP,Dev)and they have two joint secretary
along with secretary which is the topmost position in the club
4. Involvement of faculty.
No mandatory faculty involvement but faculty can help the students in their project
5. Participation and achievements in competitions.
GsoC- Last year they had 9 students who qualified for GsoC
Society members are very active in codechef and codeforces and have an an amazing quality
as coders and have various hackathons as mentioned intheir society

6. Senior junior interaction

As mentioned earlier the senior-junior interaction is pretty strong and doubts are cleared
when raised

7. How much do people spend time on development and competitive coding.

Cp has more prominence in their coding culture as the large chunk of students wannt to apply
for job.(IIT Bhu has the beat track record in terms of placemnt)But development,hacking and
machine learning is also encouraged
8. Workshops conducted.
Around 30-40 Workshops wrer conducted for the first years on various technologies and
upcoming ideas
They have courses on machine learning and A.I by MIT professors in the campus (offline)
9. Websites and social media pages.
Resourses website


Facebook page-


10. Existing or completed projects if any.

Any project pertaning to college about coding is first discussed with the COPS first

11. Any special events organized in holidays.

Contests on Hackerrank,kaggle,CTf
Contest for making websites

People contacted-Raman Garg (1 st year electrical )

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