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Class Notes



Questions/Main Ideas Notes

1. Every person has a

different schedule? Bad time Mgr.  Only put thngs. in
Always sayin: “Don’t have time to do this…”
2. What’s your important
things to do? 5 CONCEPTS
 What’s imprtnt. to u?  Made a
3. What’s your less ! Don’t  What career worry (Present Concerns)
important things to do? Ex.: Test bills… urgent
!Do  Long term needs
4. When do you work in Ex.: health, relationships, sports
your best? Early
mornings? At mid-day? When u wrk. best?
At afternoons? At night?
-  ?
5. Stick to my schedule
makes me a good time
-  ?
6. Make changes and do
-  ?
not stick to my schedule
makes me a bad time - í ?
Good time Mgr. 
 Put thngs. Dffclt / Imprtnt @ your  enrgy time  Power
 Put thngs.  Imprtnt @  effctv time period
 Put lil. thngs. / dayly @ blank slots  ‘Lazy Hours’:
o Ex.: review emails, clean the house
 Be realistic, be kind to yrself. (time to cushions, meals)
 Sched. ‘lazy time’ (wknds)
 Stick to your schedule

Summary: Time Management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the
right activity. Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per
their importance in your best effective time period. Every person has a different schedule, a unique
schedule, but best way to be more efficient with time is asking yourself which activity is more important and
how much time should be allocated to the same? Know which work should be done earlier and which can be
done a little later.

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