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Format for Writing Case Study

1) Basic Concepts
 Introduction: Brief description about Research Methods
 Different types of Research Methods (Briefly write about different
types of Research Methods)
Co-relational Studies
Self Report Measures (Survey, questionnaire, psychological
tests, interviews)
Case Study : (Describe in details the case study method)
Psychological theories used to understand the

2) Introduction to Case Study (You can do your case study on any

famous personality, an event (Shaheen Bagh, Indian Elections, Anti-
corruption movement, etc. ) you are interested in, company
profile/marketing strategy you are you are interested in (Cadbury’s
advertisement strategy, Amul, Fair and Lovely, Axe perfume,
Facebook, etc.)

A) Introduce your participant: An introduction is necessary to

establish the focus of your case and provide orientation to your
reader. It should consist of a few clear and concise opening
statements, which typically include information on:
o Name (pseudonym)
o Age
o Marital status
o Occupation

A) If you are writing on a phenomenon or a company, you are

interested in Briefly describe that to the reader (when it started, where
it started, what it deals with)

3) Family History : In this section you will write about the relationship of
the person with their family? What did the family think about them? How
did the family supported them?
a. Parents and siblings, nature of the relationships between family
b. Any family tensions and stresses and family models of coping
c. Family history of psychiatric illness (incl. drug/alcohol abuse, suicide
d. Include a genogram (drawing of family tree)

B) If you are doing a case history of the company you will write about the
early reactions that society, culture, news, organizations have about that
product or company. If that company/Phenomena went into phases of
development use a pictorial description to denote conflicting, rising, and stable
phases of development.

4) Development history : In this section, you will write about the struggles
and victories the participant faced in early years of their life, how was their
childhood like, what psychological strengths and weakness from early
childhood led to their success or failure in later life.

 Early development
 Childhood
 School
 Adolescence
 Occupation
 Sexual history
 Marital history
 Children
 Social network
 Habits
 Leisure
 If possible, comment on your participants personality traits

B) If you are doing your project on a company/phenomena you will

write about the early years of the company what strategies did they use
to succeed, what failures did they confront, how and why they changed
their strategy.

Psychological Analysis: (2 pages)

Using any psychological theory (for example: leadership theory, personality

theory, group theory, advertisement principles, explain why you think the person
grew out the way they did)

 for the company use any psychological theory to explain the success and
failure they confronted? What early strengths and weakness led to success
and failure in later stage.

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