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Oscar Leonardo Bohórquez Fitatá
3rd Grade 20 students 2hours
- To Give the students vocabulary tools for them to learn to identify the
world around them
- Students will be able to identify the way that signal rules work around
their environment
- Students will understand the function of the function of the traffic light
- Student will be able to tell what they need to do when they see each
- Students will be able to use this knowledge on their daily routine
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Activities Time Resources Interaction
Warming up, Presentation 30 minutes Transit signals Teacher will present all the transit signals to the class
and Identification of the
big cards and their meaning, then the students will draw them
transit signals by the
students by groups and will decorate the classroom with them
Traffic light 20 minutes Big Traffic light picture With the teacher guidance students will identify the
identification traffic light function with the song “red says stop”
students will learn the song and sing it by themselves
The street story 30 minutes Street map and flash A group of 5 Students will be given the signals and
cards with signals characters flash cards will pass to the picture and together
with the teacher will create a small story pasting the cards
on the picture with duct tape, each group of students will
create their own story
The street memory game 40 minutes Street map, flash Teacher will paste the signal flash cards on the street
cards and a sheet of map randomly, after 1 student of each group will
paper come close to it and will have 1 minute to try to
memorize the places where it was posted then the
student will go back to their group and together with
them will try to draw the image by themselves, this
will be done 5 times, other groups must wait until
everyone is ready with their drawings
Extra activity // Small ball Students will play with the small ball throwing it to
one of their partners doing the last standing game,
each student will need to remember the last one word
- Material may get damaged before the class
- Students may not know the traffic signals on their native language
- Observe if the students are able to use the vocabulary and remember it
on the activities
- Identify if the student is able to give accurate instructions to their partners
about the trophic
- Look if the student is able to identify their own environment through the
Extra class work
Students will draw the signals around their homes and put the names on them
on English

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