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This study presents a fundamental understanding of prefabricated systems

and to achieve sustainable modular construction.

1 2019rce9542 GLANI G MARIA
2 2019pcs5488 GOUTHAM M
3 2019pcs5573 ABHINAV SHARMA


Modular Buildings In
Modern Construction
Assignment No:1

Malaviya National Institute of Technology- Jaipur

Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jhalana Gram, Malviya Nagar

Jaipur, Rajasthan -302017

Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering,
M.Tech.Student, Department of Civil Engineering,
M.Tech.Student, Department of Civil Engineering,

The advanced world experience in the construction of modular buildings
is analyzed. Modular construction is a process in which a building is constructed
off-site, under controlled plant conditions. It is emphasized that modular
construction has the potential to shorten project design and engineering time,
reduce costs and improve construction productivity thereby helps in the
development of sustainable building. The installation of modular buildings is
cost efficient, safe and eco- friendly. Modular construction is beyond the limits
of low-rise construction and is extensively introduced into multi-storey and high-
rise construction .This study presents a fundamental understanding of
prefabricated systems and to achieve sustainable modular construction.

In this direction energy saving construction technology is used. Material

resources, eco- friendly production and the latest engineering equipment and
materials are developed. It allows modernizing modular systems and introducing
them in construction on a larger scale. It is very important that the use of
modular units makes the construction cheaper including the construction of high-
rise buildings. A myth that high-rise residential houses are only for the rich is
being destroyed. This is one of the promising trends where the interested experts
should find the ways of solving the problem of building affordable residential
housing for different population groups under the conditions of urban
Keywords: Modular construction; Prefabricated blocks; Modular high-rise
building, sustainable buildings,
Modular is a construction method involves constructing sections away from the
building site, then delivering them to intended site. Installation of the
prefabricated sections is completed on site. Prefabricated sections are sometimes
placed using a crane. The modules can be placed side-by-side, end-to-end, or
stacked, allowing a variety of configurations and styles. Modular buildings are
built to equal or higher standards as on-site stick-built homes.

Modular construction is cheaper and less time consuming to erect compared with
traditional construction methods, however it also brings with it a raft of
sustainability benefits as well. Construction global takes a look at three ways in
which modular buildings are a lot more environmentally friendly compared to
traditionally constructed buildings. This form of construction has the potential to
contribute significantly towards improved environmental sustainability in the
construction industry while providing fast outputs with value for theinvestments.

Prefabricated units can be transported over long distances on truck-trailer-trailer

and be subject to vertical vibrations, the intensity of which increases with the
roughness of the road surface. The risk of damage caused to fittings and their
attachments can be exacerbated by fatigue in long haulages the amount of loads
placed on the truck-trailer-trailer and their disposition could also be influential to
the dynamic amplification behaviour. The effects of variation in various relevant
mean-squared values of the vertical accelerations experience on the chassis.
Finally, recommendations are made on the design dynamic loading on the
components, and their mountings, taking into account uncertainties that are
associated with factors affecting the amount of transmitted verticalaccelerations.
Modular construction is the process of manufacturing multiple building sections
in a facility for assembly at a remote building site. The building sections, called
modules, will fit together once assembled on site with plumbing, electrical
connections running throughout. One of the great advantages in the modular
construction process is that many of the processes happen at the same timewhich
can cut the construction time in half.

The modular building construction process is often compared to building with

blocks, in that each piece is constructed to fit perfectly with the next piece. The
end result is a high-quality product constructed in a safe and efficient work
environment. But how can a building be built to last in such a short amount of
time? Steps to ensure efficiency, durability and dependability are top priority in
modular builds, just as they are in traditional construction builds. Individual
modulesaretypicallybuiltbetween8′and14′feetwidesotheycanbetransported on the
road to the buildingsite.

Module lengths depend on the overall building configuration, square footage

footage based on the size and number ofmodules:

 2*(14′[W] * 50′[L]) = 1,400 squarefeet

 10*(12′[W] * 32′[L]) = 3,840 squarefeet

At the same time that module construction is happening at the manufacturing

facility, prep work is being done at the building site. This includes excavation,
grading, foundation, and utilities.

Once all the individual modules are constructed off-site, they are delivered and
staged at the building set in a pre-determined order to make final assembly as
efficient as possible. A crane is used to place the modules and construct the
complete building.While the planning to ensure all connections fit together
properly involves some complexity, the overall modular construction strategy
isn’t hard to understand. In fact, we have broken the modular construction
process down to 7 easy stepsfrom concept to completion: Design, Engineering,
Permits & Approvals, Site Development, Plant Fabrication, Transportation,

The entire process of modular construction places significance on the design
stage. This is where practices such as Design for Manufacture and
Assembly(DfMA) are used to ensure that assembly tolerances are controlled
throughout manufacture and assembly on site. It is vital that there is enough
allowance in the design to allow the assembly to take up any "slack" or
qmisalignment of components. The use of advanced CAD systems, 3D printing
and manufacturing control systems are important for modular construction to be


3.3.1 Permanent Modular Construction

Figure 7 Permanent Modular Construction

Permanent Modular Construction (PMC) is an innovative, sustainable
construction delivery method utilizing offsite, lean manufacturing techniques to
prefabricate single or multi-story whole building solutions in deliverable module
sections. PMC modules can be integrated into site built projects or stand alone as
a turn-key solution and can be delivered with MEP, fixtures and interior finishes
in less time -- with less waste, and higher quality control compared to projects
utilizingonlysite-builtconstruction.Recentresearchhascomeoutsupportingthe fact
that modular construction is an efficient construction process and poised to help
the construction industrygrow.“Manufacturing building components off-site
provides for more controlled conditions and allows for improved quality and
precision in the fabrication of the component.” - National Institute of Standards
and Technology and the National Research Council.

3.1.1 RelocatableBuilding

Figure 8 Relocatable Buildings

A Relocatable Building (RB) is a partially or completely assembled building that
manufacturing facility using a modular construction process. Relocatable
buildings are designed to be reused or repurposed multiple times and transported
to different building sites. They are utilized for schools, construction site offices,
medical clinics, sales centers, and in any application where a relocatablebuilding
can meet a temporary space need. These buildings offer fast delivery, ease of
relocation, low-cost reconfiguration, accelerated depreciation schedules and
enormous flexibility. Relocatable buildings are not permanently affixed to real
estate but are installed in accordance with manufacturer’s installation guidelines
and local code requirements. These buildings are essential in cases where speed,
temporary space, and the ability to relocate arenecessary.



When several similar pieces are constructed all at once, economies of scale arein
effect.Mostoftheconstructionandfinishingworktakesplaceinside,sothereare no
expensive weather-related delays that are passed on tocustomers.

Speedy Construction

Modular homes are faster to build because they’re built on a continuously

operatingassemblyline.On-siteinspectorscancheckoneachbuildingcomponent as it
becomes ready, without having to wait for a city inspector to sign off on
everything. Once all the pieces arrive on site, all that remains is to join them

Superior Acoustics

Modular homes have much better acoustics than traditionally-built houses. In

regular dwellings, sound propagates through the walls and ceiling, which is why
floating floors are often laid to suppress noise. In prefabricated homes, each
module is a separate piece of construction. When they are connected, noise isn’t
transferred as easily from one to the another.

Higher Quality of building

Utilizing factory-based construction for 50 to 70 percent of the total building

needs results in higher construction and project quality for several reasons:

 Reduced waste: A quality labor force and the inherent Quality Control
(QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) of a factory environment means less material
waste versus conventionalconstruction.
 Working conditions: A well-lit indoor space with a constant and comfortable
temperature and protection from elements provides a productive work
environment for constructioncrews.
 Consistency: Reporting to a fixed location with no extraordinary commute to
a job site leads to a more consistent schedule, allowing workers to function
 Quality control: An integrated team of tradesmen who work together on
numerous projects over a period of years lead to tighter tolerances, greater
cooperation, and faster resolution of any sub-systeminterferences
The reason is much more detailed shop drawings of modular homes than in the
case of traditional houses. Modular houses usually have every detail elaborated.


Due to the component-based factory-construction process used during

manufacturing, modular units are inherently “greener” than a similar site-built
structure and allow for:

 Less time in calendar days spent on-site by constructioncrews

 Reduced noise, dust, staging, traffic, deliveries, work site risk and potential
 No impact from inclement weather such as rain, snow, cold, heat andwinds
 Fewer workers to manage onsite, resulting in reduced parkingneeds
 Reduced materialwaste

Lower risk of damage

Significantlylowerriskoftheftanddamagecausedbythirdparties.Thetheftmost often
occurs when the house is not yet adequately secured. Theft of building materials
and equipment can be made by labourers working on your construction site. If
you are building a house traditionally and wondering why you ran out of tiles,
theft may be thecause.

Contractor’s benefits

Modular homes also benefit your contractor and his employees. Employees who
buildahouseinafactorydonothavetowastetimeonlongtravelstoconstruction area.
They do not have to work in cold or in rain conditions. They have more
comfortable working conditions in factory. They can also spend more time with
family and friends. A satisfied employee is a good employee. If you want your
home to be made by good professionals, the biggest chance for it is to choose

Smaller Rooms
buttheroomsizesareusuallysmaller.Thepiecesofamodularhomecan’tbetoo big to
transport by road, so they can’t generally be more than 14 to 16 feet wide and 60
to 75 feet long.

Difficult Financing

Modularhomesneedtobepaidforinadvanceorfinancesonastep-by-stepbasis. In
most cases, owners can’t get a traditional bank loan until construction on the
home is complete and will have to take out a loan from their modular builder.
These loans may carry higher interest rates than regular mortgages. If you can’t
afford to pay on your own or get a loan at higher rates, financing your modular
construction project can be difficult.

Reduced Resale Value

Modular homes also have a stigma surrounding them: that they are of lower
quality, which makes them extremely difficult to resell. Modular buildings have
historically been associated with lower quality homes that boast dated designs,
such as every home buyer’s nightmare: popcorn ceilings. Today, the modern
modular structure is trying to revamp how the market perceives these homes,
however, it is worth noting that it may be a few years before modular homes are
viewedasequals,ifnotsuperior,tostickframehomesinNorthAmerica.Despite their
advantages, modular homes are difficult to resell due to the assumption that they
are of lower quality. Modern modular structure is seeking to revamp how
thesehomesarecommonlyperceived,butitmaybeawhilebeforethepublicsees them
as equal to traditional brick and mortarstructures.

Land Restrictions

Although they are growing in popularity, some local authorities may not allow
you to build a modular home. Aspiring homeowners will want to confirm thatthe
area where they want to purchase land and build the home will allow it. Because
you may come across some outdated zoning rules that may be a drain on the
project or even prevent you from building a modular structure altogether.

Heat accumulation

Timber houses are much lighter than masonry houses, so they do not keep warm
and cool down quickly. This is a big drawback. Most central heating installations
operate during the day and are switched off at night. In a modular timber house,
we can’t afford it. In the event of any interruption in the heating operation, the
house will get really cold.

Fire resistance

The walls and ceilings of timber made modular houses have only 1 hour fire
resistance. In brick houses, usually two hours.In addition, wood is a combustible
materials in the construction of our house, the lower the losses in the event of a


purposes: office and household, warehouses, sanitary and special purpose
premises,etc.However,inrecentyears,theyhavebeenintroducedinmulti-storey and
even in high-rise construction. Modular construction combines various
technologies based on rapid construction principles. In modern understanding,
talking about the modular components of the system, two main directions in the
construction of modular buildings can be distinguished: the use of separate
elements of a frame system (beams, columns, floorings, wall panels, etc.) thatare
produced offsite and assembled onsite; the use of 3D elements (block containers)
including necessary internal engineering facilities, interior and exterior finishing
andbuilt-infurnitureandequipment.Itisproposedtoconsiderthesedirectionsin detail
on the examples of advanced world experience in modularconstruction.
Summing up it should be noted that modular construction technologies are
becoming widely used all over the world finding more and more applications.
Modular construction is beyond the limits of low-rise construction and is
extensively introduced into multi-storey and high-rise construction. In this
direction energy saving construction technology is used. Material resources, eco-
friendly production and the latest engineering equipment and materials are
developed. It allows modernizing modular systems and introducing them in
construction on a larger scale. It is very important that the use of modular units
makes the construction cheaper including the construction of high-rise buildings.
A myth that high-rise residential houses are only for the rich is being destroyed.
This is one of the promising trends where the interested experts should find the
ways of solving the problem of building affordable residential housing for
different population groups under the conditions of hyperdense urban
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4. V P Generalov, E M Generalova, Problems of classifying comfortable

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5. E M Generalova, V P Generalov, Designing High-Rise Housing: The

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