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Department Of Architecture


Stage II – Literature study


Bachelor of architecture(B.arch) 9th semester

GUNJAN BAREJA, 17001006024
Oct – Feb 2021

Modular/ Pre-fabricated architecture techniques, means and methods have been explored since the dawn of
industrial revolution. Modular Architecture is any building system in which a few standardized components
are used to build a structure on a scale much larger than the components. Pre-Fab architecture adds a factory
made approach to the process of building construction. This type of construction is the practice of
assembling the components of a building in factory and then transporting them to the construction site for
installation. Ideally, the parts should be easy to duplicate and simple to assemble. Modular/ prefabricated
construction represents a specific type of prefabrication in which the module/ building components are
assembled off-site.
Faster speed of construction and thus, faster return on the
investment, is one of the major drivers of this type of
construction which can take place at a variety of scales, from
single-house to high-rise, and for various types of functions
including residential, student housing, schools, commercial
buildings etc. Other benefits include safer, more productive
working conditions in manufacturing settings, which is of
particular value in extreme climate regions.
Prefab architecture offers various opportunities for improving
The quality of construction along with reduction in the cost and
time taken.
Figure 1 Assembly of pre-fabricated modules to form a
residential building

1.1 Opportunities: Why Prefabrication?

The main opportunities associated with prefabricated buildings can be categorized into three groups of
schedule, cost and quality opportunities.

1.1.1 Building Schedule (Time)

Modular prefabricated architecture allows the freedom of overlapping module construction processes with
on-site work, as a result compressing the building schedule. This is clearly a quicker method to construct a
building. While the modules are being assembled on site, new modules can constantly be created in the
factory. These modules can then be transported directly to the site precisely when they are required.
A McGraw-Hill study found that in 66% of modular and prefabricated construction projects the schedule
was positively affected with time savings of 4 weeks or more in 35% of projects. For the 34% of projects not
reporting time savings, 6% said that prefabrication/modularization increased the project’s duration while the
other 28% noted that prefabrication/modularization made no difference to the project’s schedule. The
schedule was measured from the beginning of design through project completion. Time savings are achieved
through concurrent factory and on-site work, fewer weather delays, and less on-site material staging. For
modular projects, design is often more time intensive due to the added degree of coordination necessary to
allow for module fabrication.

The production rate of modules, and thus of a prefabricated building, depends on various parameters. The
time taken for completion depends on the
• size of the manufacturing unit,
• the complexity of the module,
• the degree to which modules in the buildings are alike,
• the type of building and the extent to which completion of module is required before it is transported
to site.
Large manufacturing units can offer far better rates of productivity when compared to small scale
manufacturers. This rate is subject to a high degree of variability depending on the project and module
complexity. Once completed, modules can be stored until they are ready for site delivery assuming adequate
storage space exists at the factory.
The degree to which modules are complete when sent to the site also varies substantially from project to
project. Many manufacturers recommend completing the modules to the greatest extent possible to minimize
on-site construction time. For multi-module buildings, finishing around connection points on site is
recommended to allow for greater installation tolerances.
According to Jeff Brink, structural engineer at DCI, the shortened construction schedule is the biggest cost
opportunity on a modular project. Reducing the time that large expenses, such as cranes and hoists, are
needed on site is a reduction in the overall project budget. An accelerated construction schedule also means
that owners can carry their financing costs for shorter periods. Simply put, ‘Time is Money’, and in today’s
context, ‘Quicker is Sustainable’.
The reduced time for construction also has major implications on energy consumption of a building. As
discussed before, a building consumes energy in four phases, Design phase, Construction Phase, Operation
phase and Demolition phase. Modular architecture has a capability to majorly reduce the energy
consumption of a building during the construction phase as well as design phase, solely by virtue of its
design and construction process. Quicker construction directly relates to reduced energy consumption while
erecting the building. It leads to reduced time expenditure on site, hence reduced fuel and energy
consumption by machinery and vehicles.
Modular architecture tends to have a simpler design resolution, due to major constraints on sizes and shapes
of modules. This, though a negative trait, can majorly reduce the amount of time, energy and resources spent
during the design process.
1.1.2 Cost

A McGraw-Hill survey indicated that 65% of firms currently using prefabrication or modular construction
reported reductions in their project budgets. A majority of these cost reductions are due to secondary items,
such as a shorter construction schedule, the reduction of expensive labor, less waste, and increased quality
Working in a regulated factory environment is quicker than working on the site. This is majorly because of
controlled climate, no weather interruptions, ergonomic factory organization and optimized repetition, along
with a better possibility of mechanical help. The base wages of workers is lower in factory based
construction as compared to on-site construction. This is due to manageable commuting distances and
scheduling consistencies. A worker in a factory can manage accommodation near the factory, whereas a
worker working on a site has to move from one site to another, which adds to travelling expenses and hence
the base wages. Scheduling consistencies mean that the work finishes as per schedule, thus avoiding extra
payment to workers due to extension of working hours.
Because of speed of construction and mechanical aids, the crew sizes in a factory are smaller than they
would be on site. This directly influences the overall labor cost of the building.
The material cost in prefabricated construction can also be significantly reduced. Assuming there is enough
space in a factory to store materials, the manufacturer can buy materials in bulk at the start of the contract,
thus reducing the potential of price escalations and repeated delivery charges.
However, transportation of finished modules adds onto the overall cost of the building. Shipping costs have
to be weighed against the savings in labor cost and material cost to analyse the feasibility of adopting
modular construction. The location of a factory also plays a major role in cutting down the cost of
There are overheads which need to be managed in a factory set-up. A factory in a more rural setting tends to
have lesser overheads than an urban factory. This implication of prefab construction is suitable for modular
constructions in rural areas. Closer manufacturing units will reduce the cost for transportation significantly.
It can also produce a few more job opportunities to the locals. Also, since design and construction processes
are so inter-related, the vernacular practices of the place can also have an impact on the design of the
building, making it less of template architecture, and more of a space and user centric one.

1.1.3 Quality

Modular projects report lower errors and defects, higher worker productivity and safety, improved material
quality, building performance, and improved sustainability.The quality of the finished product is
significantly better than on-site construction.
• Lower Errors and Defects
Because components of modular units are constructed in a factory setting, the overall process can result in a
higher quality product. In the factory, workers can mock up an entire module and work out many of the
design defects before the rest of production begins. This process can reduce the amount of unseen defects
associated with typical on-site stick built construction. Also, building within a factory allows for a greater
consistency of parts and makes it much easier to reproduce the module quickly and accurately (this is a
typical characteristic of a factory assembly line). The assembly line technique allow for close tolerance,
standardization, predictability and consistency among parts.
Also, before modular units are placed and stitched-up, supervisors and workers alike have a unique
advantage to inspect work from both, or all, sides. The occurrence of defects is decreased when the process
is so visible. Monitoring assemblies as they are installed, as well as the unit’s construction as a whole, can
help ensure lower incidents of error or defect, which in turn could help speed up the overall schedule and
keep costs down.

• Worker Productivity and Safety

Modular factories provide the opportunity to work within a controlled environment, away from the elements
of on-site construction. For instance, many moisture issues are eliminated simply by moving construction
The factory setting also allows for easier access to technology. Computers with the latest construction
documents, or 3-D modelling information, can be provided and readily accessible. This helps cut down on
assumptions and communication errors, and ensure employees are working from the most current set of
plans and specifications.
The factory setting also offers improved physical access to workstations, as well as a faster flow of work.
Improved ergonomics, and working on a ground level rather than multiple stories above the ground, helps
keep workers safe and focused. Additionally, tools and materials are centrally located. Rather than lugging
equipment from floor to floor, factory workers are able to move from module to module, or even have the
module come to them. This helps create a production flow, and enables the overall schedule decrease.

• Building Performance
Performance and quality of acoustics, insulation, air infiltration and structural capacities are all increased in
modular construction when compared to quality of on-site stick built construction.
Acoustics in modular building are usually better as a result of the inherent qualities of multi-unit construction.
Because each module is framed independently, there is no possibility of direct sound transfer allowing for a
more isolated environment. Furthermore, additional acoustical barriers can easily be added and integrated in
each module increasing the isolation.
Due to higher degree of workmanship and installation quality, air infiltration can be expected to be
significantly low in modular buildings. The thermal insulation of the building is also enhanced because of
easy and efficient integration of insulators in the module. The enhanced building performance is important
when considering the sustainable aspect of modular construction.
The introduction of techniques like vapour barriers is easier and more efficient in pre-fabricated building
modules or panels. Attaching the insulation and vapour barrier in the factory lends to a much higher quality
installation than what can typically be achieved in on-site construction (Garrison & Tweedie, 2011).

• Recyclability and Reusability

The idea of recyclability and reusability are inherent with modular architecture. The assembly line method
of construction allows predictability and consistency in parts and materials, which significantly reduced
building waste in modular construction. Modularity increases the ease associated with the disassembling of
parts required in order to recycle building materials after the building is no longer used.
After this deliberation, pre-fab architecture in its current form seems to be a very viable technique for the
construction of buildings of all kinds and scales. However, even after being introduced more than two
decades ago, modular architecture has not been adopted as a common practice for construction, especially in
“Though modularity has been a longstanding part of construction, its adoption is still hampered by an
association with poor quality components and design limitations.”


Modular architecture can be considered as the ‘oldest new idea in architecture’. Every now and then,
modular architecture is advertised as the next big thing, even though it has been there for over 25 years.
Design and construction of modular buildings, however, require high levels of collaboration among project
parties, especially architect, structural engineer and manufacturer, in the early design process to account for
major constraints in the design with respect to transportation of modules, installation logistics, permits and
inspection schedules.
More specifically, weight and size of the modules to be transported and installed, and the structural
capability of the final product need to be carefully considered in the design of modular buildings. Pre-
fabricated construction is subjected not only to the local building codes of the area, but also have to deal
with and satisfy the local transportation codes, in relation to transportation through trucks. The weight and
size of each unit has to follow the regulations setup by the transport authorities, and needs to be below the
maximum permissible load as per the norms.
The perception of the end user is of great importance for the growth, development and adoption of modular
architecture as a commonly used practice for building construction. However, the users are still skeptical
towards using modular architecture as a construction technique, especially in India. Even though pre-
fabricated construction is considered as a first choice practice for construction of buildings like industries,
schools, hotels, dormitories, prisons etc., it still has to gain acceptance in other building typologies like
residential construction.
One of the major reasons why modular construction has failed to gain popularity in developing nations, like
India, is that it requires intensive infrastructural investment to establish factories and warehouses where such
large scale constructions can efficiently happen, before the design and construction process even starts.
Though it can be treated as a one-time initial investment, pre-planning and large amounts of funding is
required. The involvement and co-operation of government in this process of modular construction is also
very important. A large number of permits have to be taken to establish such factories and warehouses.
Inspections have to be passed, which takes up a lot of time before these manufacturing units can be set up.
Modular architecture can work most effectively in a PPP (Public-Private Partnership) model.
These manufacturing units also require skilled labor which specializes in factory based construction and in
specific types of jobs required during construction. Finding such labor in the countries with a large unskilled
and unemployed population is also a major task at hand. The claim that pre-fabricated construction
techniques produces jobs is not particularly true for all members of the population, as a high level of
specialization and training is required.
Even if the issue of finding skilled labor is resolved, the issue of co-ordination between contractors still
exists. Most contractors in India specialize in on-site, in-situ construction. These contractors have much
more on-site expertise and hence lower costs in doing the site works than the modular manufacturers, hence
the modular manufacturers do not generally perform site work. Small to mid-size general contractors seem
unwilling to take the risk of new technology and construction systems such as modular prefab unless there is
significant proven benefits and demand for the modular construction type – a ‘wait and see’ approach. It is
observed that large scale developers with huge financial backing support modular manufacturing. This
makes it easy to use pre-fabrication technology in large scale housing projects etc., as these developers are
the financers and owners of the projects and majorly influence decisions. However, small scale contractors
still show aversion to use new techniques and technologies, because they see large amounts of risks
Very often, quicker and cheaper construction is perceived to be lacking in quality. Also, due to design
constraints, factory based modular construction tends to lose its ingenuity in design. It fails to provide a
unique identity to a building which the user can relate to. This is due to limitations on sizes and shapes of

Modular construction has often been regarded as an offspring of the modernist train of thought. However, if
we look into the basic concept of modularity, it has pre-existed humanity itself. The natural world has
always shown examples in its dwelling units. A bird’s nest or a spider’s web cans conceptually be regarded
as pre-fabricated dwelling units, as there is a tendency to use materials which have undergone fairly
elaborate manufacturing processes to make them useable, like sticks, twigs and silk.
However, modular architecture as we know it is also not a concept which has popped out of the oven just
now. The process of sending complete, ready-cut building components to be assembled has been part of the
construction process in America since the 17th century. In the 1850s, the balloon frame system of
construction revolutionized the speed with which new housing could be built. During the Second World
War, prefabrication technology found its most pronounced application in the form of portable and mobile
shelters for soldiers in the battlefield.
Over recent decades, Prefabrication and modularity have evolved from just being applicable to single family
homes to being used for urban towers and other building typologies. Architects and developers have
recognized the potential for it to be useful in all kinds of construction.
Shipping container housing modules have gained widespread popularity as dwelling units which can be
erected quickly and very efficiently, with minimum effort and energy expenditure. They use shipping
containers as the basic module of the unit, forming the walls, floor and ceiling. However, these types of units
have become the face of modular architecture in general perception. Such impression leads to users being
averse to modular construction, as they are considered very unstable, raw, monotonous and lacking unique
identity. However, with more and more architects and developers recognizing capabilities of modular design
and construction and deliberating on developing newer avenues and techniques for the same has opened new
doors for pre-fab architecture.
One needs to understand that modular and pre-fabricated architecture is not limited to such systems. In fact
it has a very intrinsic property of being able to be applied to various forms of constructions and building
typologies. It has evolved from being a ‘balloon frame’
construction technique, in 1830s, to ‘shipping container
housing’ and now to ‘panelized construction’, over the span
almost 2 centuries. Panelized construction is one of the
commonly used forms orpre-fabrication. It is partnership
between in-situ construction and industrial manufacturing.
The structural framework is erected on the site, (RCC or
wood/bamboo) and pre-cast wall panels are fitted in the
framework. These panels are already finished and equipped
with electrical and water lines. These panels can be pre-cast
concrete, aerated concrete blocks, Figure 2 Panelized construction using pre-fabricated wooden
wooden panels etc. It brings the wall assembly process into a factory’s controlled and regulated environment.
A hybrid prefabricated/site-built strategy for construction has the potential to integrate sustainable design
principles and advanced construction strategies with traditional local construction methods and available
Pre-fab architecture is slowly shedding its reputation for having low structural integrity and architectural
ingenuity, and its capabilities as a quick and efficient construction technique are being highlighted. Over the
past decade, the sophistication in the design and construction process of modular buildings has greatly
increased, with pioneering work of assembling large modules to create even larger building systems with the
use of overhead cranes of capacity of over 100 tons.


India is yet to be hit the tidal wave, which is pre-fabricated architecture. The construction industry is yet to
get out of the inertia of traditional architecture. However, modularity is not a new concept for India. There
are distinct traces of modularity which being showcased in the vernacular architecture of almost all parts of
the country.

The traditional architecture of the north-eastern states of India is essentially based on natural, renewable
materials like bamboo, mud, grass, straw, cane leaves etc. They usually build bamboo frames for the basic
structure of the house and later add bamboo or straw weaved inlays as partition. These houses are
constructed over bamboo posts and bamboo diagonal bracings are tied to form the stilt areas. The structure
above is formed by horizontal members tied across the bamboo posts with jute ropes and using dowel and
tenon joints. The stilt height is typically 1.50 to 2.00 meters from the ground level. The space below the stilt
is often used to store a canoe for emergency usage during floods .The stilted houses are typically designed to
keep out the effects of heavy monsoon and flash floods.

Figure 3 Illustration of a typical Assamese house, using prefabricated

wall panels
Conceptually, this method of construction can be regarded as modular, namely panelized, because the
bamboo weaved inlays are added as prefabricated wall sections to the pre-existing bamboo structural
frame. These inlays are often covered with mud plaster, mainly for insulation and to prevent infiltration.

Such techniques can be observed in various other corners of the country. Exploiting these ingenious methods
of construction through organized and regulated pre-fabrication can create a unique type of modular
architecture which is innovative, local and also very sustainable, both in qualitative and quantitative
measures. Developing these means of building construction can help grow past the obstacle of extensive
infrastructural requirements for modular architecture.
This will lead to a re-evaluation of modular architecture with rural and vernacular guiding principles. The
promotion of local materials and skills into pre-fabricated design methods can lead to an amazing
amalgamation of traditional ideology and modernist train of thought. Such an ingenious technology which
involves local knowledge of materials and building techniques along with the efficiency, time saving and
quality associated with manufacturing in a climate controlled, regulated factory environment. This merge of
technologies can give rise to a system of construction which is both modern as well as sustainable.
This will possibly create a new style of architecture which meets the current requirements of loading,
structural stability, aesthetics and ease of construction along with being sustainable and vernacular in its
techniques, materials and ideologies.

A response to such thoughts would be an attempt on introducing pre-fabrication of wall sections in the
vernacular setting of North-East India. Interventions like off-site fabrication of wall sections in a controlled
environment of a portable workshop could lead to significant decrease in the amount of time taken to complete
the building. Also, structural members and joints would be more precisely made, with proper reinforcements
which would provide structural integrity to the building. Introduction of electrical lines and water pipes and
new technologies for insulation, acoustic performance, passive cooling etc., would be easier and more feasible.

3. Global Scenario
The prefabricated construction system has been identified as one of the replacement to altering the speed of
conventional construction methods at a rapid rate. These modules are then transported and installed on-site as
load-bearing structural blocks of the structure. This type of prefabricated structure also provides
environmental benefits, such as the decline of construction waste and CO2 emissions, and less interruption to
the building site’s neighbours by minimizing on-site noise and dust. These advantages are the driving force
within the European building industry for the expansion of prefabricated building systems. Moreover, due to
increase in population, other countries (i.e. US, Canada, Japan, etc.) also use modular construction technology
to construct houses, apartments, offices, etc. Sustainable growth has become globally essential as human race
moves through the 21st century. The mainstream construction “work” is, consequently, transferred from the
site to the manufacturing units. Assembly lines will carry out most of the work, which means numerous
parallel activities can be carried out with no stoppage. The procedure is highly planned, which requires a
smaller labour force at higher productivity. Prefabricated construction improves quality, safety, productivity,
labour efficiency, construction timeframe, construction waste, noise, dust, and energy use. These advantages
can improve the entire industry and benefit all stakeholders in the industry chain, making prefabricated
construction more green, environmentally-friendly, and sustainable.

4. Prefabrication Adoption in India

The prefab production was pioneered by Hindustan Housing Factory. The corporation transformed its name
due to the diversity of its operations and is now recognized as Hindustan Prefab Limited or HPL. The
government-run corporation prefabricates mainly precast concrete for architectural and civil projects and is
located in Delhi. When components are manufactured in a stable environment, quality of construction
increases. Materials are used more resourcefully, are safer from climatic damage, and can be reused. In the
last few decades, Indian Infrastructure and Construction sector has grown exponentially. It is main driving
factor for the economic growth. The manufacturing is focusing to take up more versatile and technically
intense projects. Consequently, the focal point has moved from cost efficiency to time and capability. On
25th June 2015 The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) was launched which involve manufacture of
about 20 million houses by 2022 for urban poor while rural housing which envisages 10 million houses in
next three years was launched on 1st April, 2016. In order to attain this enormous task, Ministry of Housing
and Urban Development, has adopted numerous innovative pre-fab construction systems, developed within
the country. So, there is a need to change our gears in the direction of the prefabrication and pre-cast
techniques which stress upon the reduced time and the enlarged productivity. It will not end-the product but
would only have an effect on the procedure of construction. As it will offer opportunity for dealing with the
lack of skilful labour and the deteriorating workmanship standards. The quality of construction is much
superior when components are manufactured in a steady environment.

They also have the potential to deal with the problem of mass housing crisis in India that we face these days.
There is a huge housing crisis in cities which has rendered millions to live in dilapidated conditions. The
simple way to clear this build-up is mass housing. The idea of mass housing with a superior density and
floor area ratio seems to resolve the setback considerably. This reduces cost on individual owners. Mass
housing further economises by standardising resources and structural components, thus ensuing in well-
organized management of materials and resources. Even though precast technology is extensively used all
over the country but the utilization of this technology is restricted in some parts. At present it is used in
business-related towers and a small number of government housing projects. Following are the reasons why
precast construction is unpopular in India:
1. Contractors’ prefer for employing low cost labour as against high capital investment
2. Lack of appropriate transportation systems is main obstacle for precast technology as huge precast
elements are transported from factory to construction site for erection.
3. Less level of standardization of technology.

5. Prefabrication Technologies
There is a recent advancement in design and technology along with increasing importance in the
construction area to address the technical, social, and economic and sustainability issues of prefabricated
construction techniques. This is a feasible solution compared to the existing conventional techniques.
Majority of the advanced nations have by now accepted prefabricated construction technique and is gaining
its advantages. Few techniques adopted by India are given in Table 1

Table 1: Prefabrication Technology

Prefabrication Technology Types

Formwork Systems 1. Monolithic concrete construction system

2. Modular tunnel form
3. Kayson's formwork system
4. Sismo building technology

Precast Sandwich Panel Systems 1. Panel prefab system:

2. Advanced building system
3. Ferrocement sandwich panel
4. Structural insulated panels (SIPs)
5. Glass fibre reinforced gypsum (GFRG)
panel system
6. Prefabricated modular units using organo-
clay/ glass fibre reinforced polymer

Light Gauge Steel Structural Systems 1. Pods- Small rooms of light steel frame with
all fittings and finishing

Precast Concrete Construction Systems 1. Industrialized 3-S System using cellular

light weight concrete slabs & precast
2. Pre-stressed precast system using hollow
core slab, beams, columns etc:
3. Waffle crete building system:

Steel Structural Systems 1. Speed floor system:

2. Timber-concrete prefabricated composite
wall system:
3. Factory made fast track modular building

5.1 Formwork Systems

5.1.1 Monolithic concrete construction system:
In this system, using suitable grade of concrete RCC framed construction of columns and beams; all walls,
floors, slabs, columns, beams, stairs, together with door and window openings are cast-in-place
monolithically in one operation. This is made up of Aluminium/Plastic/Aluminium-Plastic Composite
especially custom designed modular formwork is simple to handle with minimum labour & without use of
any apparatus as shown in Fig. 4. Being modular formwork system, it facilitates in speedy construction of
multiple/mass unit scale. Lightweight Aluminium formwork systems are used. In the concrete form a soft
alloy weld wire is utilized in the weld process. Fixing of the formwork is finished using tie, pin & wedges
system. Skilled labour is not required to do the work.

Figure 4: Monolithic construction by aluminium plastics

5.1.2 Modular tunnel form:
Tunnel formwork is used to reduce cycle time and also the slab & the wall are cast monolithically, this
system is one type of construction techniques used for multi storied building construction as shown in Fig. 5.
Steel components are used. Its effectiveness also stems from the fact that no starter concrete is necessary for
walls; it allows easy arrangement and de-shuttering, hot air curing to allow early stripping. It also favours a
consistent working sequence to improve labour efficiency. The major element of the system is the half
tunnel, it provides the firmness and smooth face needed to produce a consistently high quality finish to the
concrete and Manufacturing is entirely done from steel. When two half tunnels are placed together this
creates a tunnel. These tunnel sections are in two lengths, 1.25 and 2.5m and are set together to construct a
tunnel length that suits the building dimensions. The tunnel is customized to the room width and height by
the inclusion of infill sections which are sacrificed at the end of the job. These are not loose fittings but are
an integral part of the tunnel .

Figure 5: Cellular construction using modular tunnel

5.1.3 Kayson’s formwork system:

The Cast-in-situ monolithic reinforced concrete construction system is Kayson’s integrated solution to the
problem of large-scale residential housing development as shown in Fig. 6. It is widely recognized as one of
the most practical, economically and technically feasible solutions to the problem of building cost-effective,
descent, durable and earthquake-proof housing on a mass scale. Indeed, Kayson’s constant efforts over the
past thirty years to adapt the system to varied topographical and climatic conditions has resulted in the
development of a unique method for building large scale housing faster, better and at a lower cost, in
virtually any corner of the globe.

• This utilizes a large steel formwork system.

• These forms are simple to install, durable, more accurate and produce higher quality structures. It
gives the opportunity to repeat the entire construction phase within a period of only 48 hours.
• It uses a formwork system that allows the builder to cast foundations, walls, and ceilings in
accordance to a pre-defined cycle. It is a combination of speed; quality and precision of factory/off
site production with the flexibility and economy of in-situ construction.
• Other formwork systems are heavier than these forms.
• The wall forms can be removed within just five to eight hours .

Figure 6: Kayson’s formwork system construction

5.1.4 Sismo Building Technology:

It is an insulating shuttering kit for complete building based on a three-dimensional lattice made of
galvanized steel wire. The lattice is filled with different materials to serve as formwork as shown in Fig. 7.
Steel wire lattice is the basic structure of the module. At the external sides of the lattice, infill panels are
inserted, which convert the lattice into a closed structure that can be filled with concrete. Depending on the
function of the wall these infill panels are used: load bearing or not, insulated or otherwise. As during the
concrete filling steel wire acts as armature and anchoring for the finished material and it holds reinforcement
bars in position. There are a variety of components made from this technology: 3D lattice (2.2 mm Ø
galvanized steel wire), Infill panels (EPS, rock wool, and mineral board), Structural filler (concrete) and
Finishing (plastering, natural stone, panelling etc.).

Figure 7: Construction of a wall with Sismo Technology

5.2 Precast Sandwich Panel Systems

5.2.1 Advanced building system:
These are industry made panels, consisting of self extinguishing expanded polystyrene sheet (generally
corrugated) with minimum thickness not less than 60 mm and density of 15 kg/m3, sandwiched between two
engineered sheet of welded wire fabric mesh. High strength galvanized wire of 2.5 mm to 3 mm dia is used
in it. It is pierced entirely through the polystyrene .30 mm thick shotcrete of cement & coarse sand in the
ratio of 1:4 applied to make these panels with minimum under pressure. Successfully used in many countries
with involvement of different agencies and brand names Morocco, Algeria, South Africa, Kenya, Austria,
Malaysia, Ireland, Romania & Australia. The system is shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 8: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) core panel system

5.2.2 Panel prefab system:
Precast construction system is in general a large panel system, modular system or a grouping of both.
Precast large construction panel system consists of a range of precast elements such as walls, beams, slabs,
columns, staircase, landing and a few personalized elements that are standardized and planned for stability,
durability and structural integrity of the structure as shown in Fig. 9. Designing, strategic yard planning,
lifting, handling and transportation of precast elements is involved in precast residential buildings. This
technology is appropriate for construction of high-rise buildings resisting seismic and wind induced lateral
loads along with gravity loads. Maximum number of repetitions of moulds is obtained in planning of
building frame. These elements are cast in a factory which is developed at or near the site which provides a
cost-effective solution in terms of storage space and transportation.

Fig.9. panel prefab system Fig.10. ferrocement sandwich panel

5.2.3 Ferrocement sandwich panel:

In developed countries, ferrocement is a significant laminated unit of building constructions as shown in Fig.
10. It might be used as an independent part of structures like water tanks, walls, infill frames, chemises, silos
and marine structures. Cement, sand, wire mesh and water are constituents of Ferrocement and have some
attractive properties such as fire-resistance, antirust, seismic resistance, and rot or blow down in hurricanes.
It is used in repairing of damaged buildings or retrofitting also. Ferrocement acquire large tensile strength
and supreme cracking behaviour if compared to regular reinforced concrete .

5.2.4 Structural insulated panels (SIPs):

SIP is a sandwich panel utilised as construction member such as wall, roof, and floor for concrete structures
as shown in Fig. 11. It vary in altered thicknesses of two layers of rigid material as skin and a thicker layer
as core. Based on its appliance, it can be made of a variety of materials. It is usually made of plastic foam
such as Polyurethanes (PUR). PUR foam has superior performance against fire, flaming, and smoke rating.
Injected PUR foam can be easily adhered to all SIP components such as skin material, top plates, and
electrical boxes. Thus, it allows tough bond between mating surface and the foam .

Fig.11. structural insulated panels (SIP’s) Fig.12. glass fibre reinforced gypsum panel system

5.2.5 Glass fibre reinforced gypsum (GFRG) panel system:

Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) Panel also identified as Rapid wall is made-up of calcined gypsum
plaster, reinforced with glass fibres as shown in Fig. 12. The panel was initially developed in 1990 in
Australia for mass scale building construction. In recent times, these panels are being created in India and
are being used. The thickness of panel is 124mm to a length of 12m and height of 3m, contains cavities that
may be fully filled, partially filled or unfilled with reinforced concrete as per structural requirement. Filling
these with plain reinforced concrete possesses substantial strength capable of resisting lateral loads due to
earthquake and wind. GFRG panel can also be used favourably as in-fills (non-load bearing) in grouping
with RCC framed columns and beams. GFRG Panel is manufactured in semi-automatic plant using water
repellent emulsion and glass fibre rovings, cut, spread and imbedded uniformly into the slurry with the help
of screen roller. Before shifting to storage area or the cutting table the panels are dried at a temperature of
275oC. These panels can be cut as per dimensions & requirements of the building planned. It is suitable for
low rise to medium rise building.

5.3 Light Gauge Steel Structural Systems:

5.3.1 Pods:
Small rooms of light steel frame with all fittings and finishing. It is based on factory made galvanized light
gauge steel components, designed as per code requirements as shown in Fig. 13. Cold forming method is
used to produce the panels and assembled forming structural steel framework of a building of varying sizes
of wall and floor. Special types of screws and bolts are used in joining. In residential floors, industrial
buildings, commercial buildings, hotels Cold formed sections are broadly used. LGSF is gaining ground in
India due to its flexibility, fast construction and durability after being used in North America, Australia and
Japan. It is usually ideal for one to three storey high buildings (residential and commercial). Advisable
maximum span for these buildings should be 7.5 m. These could be used for short-term or permanent
structures such as schools and classroom, military and civil housing needs, post – disaster relief structures
and industrial units .

Fig.13. light gauge steel structural systems Pod Fig.14. 3-S System

5.4 Precast Concrete Construction Systems:

5.4.1 Industrialized 3-S System
using cellular light weight concrete slabs & precast columns: This technology is being used since 1972, and
is based on industrial unit mass manufactured structural prefab components meeting the requirements of
Indian Standards. The major precast elements are:

• RCC hollow columns with notches

• RCC solid beams (T/L/Square Shape)
• Staircase
• RCC precast slab
• AAC precast slab
• AAC precast block

Appropriate sizes of precast dense concrete hollow column shell are used in mixture with precast dense
concrete rectangular / ‘T’ shape / ‘L’ Shape beams with light weight reinforced autoclaved cellular
concrete/Precast RCC slabs for floors and roofs. On-site concerting along with secured embedded
reinforcement of components and jointing is accomplished for various structures with appropriate size,
length and configuration to ensure monolithic continuous resilient, ductile and durable behaviour. The
hollow columns are grouted with appropriate grade of in situ concrete. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete slabs
could also be used as floor / roof slabs. Joints are filled with reinforced screed concrete (minimum 40 mm
thick) of M20 grade minimum. RCC screed is laid over whole area of slab before flooring / water proofing
[15]. The system is shown in Fig. 14.

5.4.2 Wafflecrete building system:

It consists of huge, structural, ribbed panels of reinforced precast concrete, bolted together and the joints
between the panels are caulked to form the walls, floor and pitched or flat roofs of buildings as shown in
Fig. 15. The surface of each panel consists of 51 mm thick slab with overall panel thickness of 152 mm or
203 mm. In single storey buildings, floors are constructed using precast reinforced concrete floor panels
supported on precast concrete grade beams on well- compacted earth is used in single storey buildings.
While for buildings of more than one storey, the walls are supported on foundations designed as per the soil
condition. Where there is a danger of water or wind erosion of the ground adjacent to the building a concrete
apron is laid around the perimeter of building. Internal walls consist of either reinforced precast concrete
ribbed panels, conventional masonry walls or concrete walls. Before the walls are lined services like water
supply and electricity shall be normally accommodated in preformed slots in the ribs of panels. Trapping the
moisture generated from the concrete curing time is reduced. The structure after construction can be shifted
from one place to another as the structure is joined using bolt connections .

Fig.15. Wafflecrete building system Fig.16. Pre-stressed precast system using hollow core slab

5.4.3 Pre-stressed precast system:

using hollow core slab, beams, columns etc: The current and future market demand for the building industry
can be fulfilled by the precast pre stressed hollow core slab. A precast hollow core slab is a pre-stressed
concrete member with constant voids which extend all through the length of the slab, provided to decrease
the weight and, hence the cost and as a side advantage, to use for covered electrical or mechanical runs.
Mainly used as floor or roof deck systems, hollow core slabs also have appliance as wall panels, spandrel,
members and bridge deck units. Hollow core slab Span length reach up to (18m) with no columns or any
supporting. This arrangement can be preferably used in residential, commercial, car parks or repetitive
construction projects. Precast prestressed hollow core slabs provide maximum structural efficiency with the
use of high strength concrete, yet at the same time requiring less material utilization [23]. The system is
shown in Fig. 14.
5.5 Steel Structural Systems:
5.5.1 Speed floor system:
These are suspended concrete flooring system using a roll formed steel joist as an essential part of the final
concrete and steel composite floor. An integrated continuous one-way slab and a hybrid concrete/steel tee-
beam in other direction as shown in Fig. 17. The joists of altered depths are manufactured from pre-
galvanized high tensile steel in a one pass roll former, where it is roll formed, punched, pushed and slotted in
a fully mechanized instrument. Depending on the span. The joist depth and the concrete thickness may vary,
forced loads and other efficient considerations. It’s suitable for use in all types of construction.

Fig.17. speed floor system

5.5.2 Factory made fast track modular building system:

This comprises of prefabricated steel construction with different
walling components. With minimal usage of concrete, about 70
percent of the work is done in the factory, which enables system to
deliver the building within a few days of work at site as shown in
Fig. 18. The flooring, ceiling tiles, electrical and plumbing fittings
are pre-fitted with steel unit. These modules are transported to the
site for putting in place which is completed using crane and other
required machineries., factory made 3–D Expanded Polystyrene
(EPS) wall panels are fixed and shotcreting is done from both sides
after all the components are assembled and erected at site. The
distinctiveness of system is the well-organized and synchronized
activities of site preparation and building construction in factory,
rather than two phased traditional process.
Fig.18. factory made fastrack modular building system
5.5.3 (SIP’sTimber-concrete prefabricated compo- site wall system:
Wood has been used as building material mainly attached with brickwork or stone in Europe. In order to
develop the seismic resistance of masonry buildings wooden structural elements has been in a practice. It
was composed basically of two parts, a slab of reinforced concrete (RC) with a thickness of 50 mm
connected with particular connectors. A structure made of CGF panels for load-bearing walls and floors is a
modular system in which the panels are prefabricated. The panels are then assembled providing insulation
inside the frames and then are easily transported to the site as shown in Fig. 17. After having a foundation
curb in the ground, the panels are hooked to it and to each other with nails and screws [24].

Fig.19. Section through a panel timber-concrete prefabricated composite wall system

5.6 Sim[PLY] framing system:

In these framing system plywood subcomponents, fastened together with tab and slot joints with hand-
fastened steel cable ties are composed together to form structural members in the system as shown in Fig.
20. Due to its renewability, low-carbon footprint, ease-of-use, minimum weight, and affordability Wood is
the perfect choice for this sustainable light-frame system. Furthermore, the CNC procedure allows for
systems within a given house, including electrical wiring and plumbing. This promotes quick and exact
assembly. Mainly are used to maximize material efficiency and lessen plywood waste. The prefabrication
allows for disassembly of the house to be rapid and simple, taking only three days. Small, efficient, and
mass-produced structures use this Sim [PLY] system.
Fig.20. Sim[PLY] framing system

5.7 Ultra-thin phase change material technology:

To improve the thermal performance of building envelops and to achieve the goal of energy saving, thermal
energy storage (TES) is one of the best ways to get better thermal performance. Ultra-thin phase change
materials (PCMs) are a series of functional materials that give high-energy storage density in a thin
temperature interval. PCM the appliance areas are mostly some cities of Europe .

5.8 Prefabricated mud wall unit:

For faster building construction Low-cost materials are in use. Encouraged to improve and “modernize”
natural construction systems, which are environmentally friendly as shown in Fig. 21. Tsuchikabe (in
Japanese),also recognized as mud wall, is a combined designed for walls built with clay and mud using
customary Japanese craft techniques. It is also identified as wattle-and-daubin Western countries, and has
been used globally since the Bronze

Fig.21. prefabricated mud wall unit

6. Futuristic Pathways:
Prefabrication is a promising strategy to realize lean construction. Among the diverse degrees of
prefabrication, modular buildings make the most of the gain in time savings, because they are prefabricated
to a better degree of finish. These are based on local building codes and standards, in the similar way as on-
site built construction; thus, of equal quality to an on-site built construction. Although, maintenance during
occupancy, deconstruction, and recycle or reuse of modular buildings as they are just not limited to design,
manufacturing, and construction stages [28]. Abundant projects incorporating prefab (on various levels)
have already been completed successfully, and numerous more are planned. The potential for enlargement in
the building economy; embracing higher output, total sustainability, improving place of work and workforce
security, was hypothetical some ages ago, but is a practical recognition today and in future, through prefab.
The effective factors are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Effective factors in increased used of prefabrication systems in future

Effective factor Effect of using prefabrication

Program The ability to progress work as a parallel operation in a factory and on a

construction site

Factory tolerances and They will show a higher quality and consistency to that achieved on site

Energy consumption Reduction in energy consumption due to the automation

Labour markets Access to cheaper labor markets according to factory base systems

Program certainty Greater program certainty as a result of computerization

Safety The factory environment can allow better safety than the construction

7. Market Overview
This is a market summary from India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF)

Study Period: 2016 - 2026

Base Year: 2020

CAGR: 8.5 %

The Prefabricated Building Market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 8.5% during the
forecast period mainly driven nations’ initiatives like “Digital India”, “Smart Cities” etc. The next decade
belongs to prefabrication with the Indian construction sector expected to expand to a size of USD 1 trillion
and contribute over 15% to the overall GDP.

The concept of prefabrication is gaining prominence in the Indian construction market. The entry of
prefabricated homes in India has paved the way to innovative and technologically advanced construction and
design methods for all kinds of construction, such as high rises, low rises, villas, and mass townships.

India is comparatively backward and slow in incorporating prefab constructions into the real estate market.
According to an industrial source, India has only around 1-2% of prefabricated buildings, out of its more than
USD 100 billion real estate market. One of the main reasons for low penetration of prefabrication solutions in
India is a mindset blockade in India, with most developers averse to investing in modular methods of
construction and hesitant to incorporate prefabrication in their new and ongoing projects.

There is a big opportunity for prefab companies in India and hundreds or thousands of plants are expected to
be required in the future. Over the next few years, India would feature among the fastest-growing countries in
terms of construction output, making the technology intervention a key component. India is expected to
become the third largest construction market in the world by 2025.

The construction sector in the country is expected to expand to a size of USD 1 trillion, over the next decade,
and contribute over 15% to GDP. Given the high anticipated growth of the Indian construction industry, during
the forecast period, the prefabricated structures are expected to gain popularity. Slated to have the world’s
third largest construction industry by 2025, India is witnessing a high uptake of modular techniques with its
construction sector slowly transforming and behaving more like the business of manufacturing.
The government is taking major steps to strengthen the infrastructure for the ever-growing population. In a
country which is already congested with its high population, there is a need to build mass housing to make
homes for 900 million more people by 2050. In the top seven cities alone, the demand is estimated to increase
by 32% year-on-year as of 2019.

Application Commercial

Other Applications ( Industrial, Institutional, and Infrastructure)

Material Type
Other Material Types

7.1 Scope of the Report

The India Prefabricated Buildings Market covers the growing trends and projects in prefab building markets,
like commercial construction, residential construction, industrial construction. The report also covers the
industry along the type of material used, like concrete, timber, glass, metal, and other types. Along with the
scope of the report also it analyses the key players and the competitive landscape in the India Prefabricated
Buildings Market. The impact of COVID’19
has also been incorporated and considered during the study.

7.2 Key Market Trends

Government Initiatives in Infrastructure and Construction Sector to Boost the Industry

The demand for infrastructure in India is at an all-time rise. As the government is now looking towards
accelerating the growth of infrastructure in India, it has given approval for Real Estate Investment Trust
(REIT) to help investors come forward to invest in the Indian real estate market, thus creating an opportunity
worth USD 19.65 billion in the Indian market over the coming years. Through GHTC- I, Global Housing
Technology Challenge, the government plans to bring the latest technologies in the construction sector.

Through the Smart-Cities mission, the nation aims to create sustainable world-class cities and has allocated a
budget of USD 29.2 billion. As of Jun 2020, 75% of the projects planned were completed with USD 16.5
billion in investments. Through HRIDAY, a scheme to develop the heritage cities, an amount of USD 16.5
million has been approved by the central government. With many other initiatives and plans by the government
like AMRUT, PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, a national housing scheme), the infrastructure and
construction sector is set to see a rapid growth which in many ways boosts the prefabrication industry.

Precast Concrete Holds Largest Share in the Market

Precast concrete holds the largest share in the market driven by the increase in the off-site construction activity.
The rampant infrastructure development held by the government in the country has driven the high demand
for supporting materials such as concrete which is also quite large. It is also expected to exhibit growth with
a rise in non-residential and residential construction due to rising urbanization.

The precast concrete construction technology is one of the most promising solutions to deal with the rising
demand for housing and infrastructure construction. Cement production is reached 337.32 million tonnes in
2018-19 and stood at 278.79 million tonnes from April 2019-January 2020. According to data released by the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), cement and gypsum products attracted
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth USD 5.28 billion between April 2000 and December 2019.

Currently, 67% of housing accounts for the biggest consumption of cement and concrete, followed by infra at
13%, commercial real estate at 11%, and industrial real estate at 8 %. To meet this rising demand for precast
materials cement companies are expected to increase capacity to over 56 metric tonnes next three years. Many
factors like increasing urbanization, growing population and rising focus of government on infrastructural
development are driving India ready mix concrete market.

7.3 Competitive Landscape

The report covers the major players operating in the India Prefabricated Buildings Industry. The market is
highly competitive with no major players. The market is fragmented, and the market is expected to grow
during the forecast period due to the increase in the prefab construction building investments and up-coming
major projects in the country and other few factors are driving the market.

Prefabricated building systems and construction hold high potential to improve the efficiency and performance
of the Indian construction industry in a more sustainable sense. L&T, one of the biggest companies in the
construction sector in India, signed an MoU with the US-based engineering company KBR for the construction
of modular process plants for refinery and petrochemical projects.

Major Players



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