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Teacher: Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Subject: 6th grade


Standards: ML1.PS1.Ip1: Students are able to express, in spoken and written language- basic greetings,
farewells, courtesies, and likes/dislikes.
ML1.PS3 .INT1: Students are able to identify some main ideas and details when reading and
listening as well as show comprehension of simple instructions.
ML1.PS4.P1: Students will be able to give basic information about self and others.
ML1.PS8.CCC3: Students compare basic elements of the target language to their own, recognizing
differences in sound, writing, cognates and intonation.

Objective: ● To talk about and read about professions, family and adjectives.
● To understand noun/adjective agreement and definite/indefinite articles with professions:
singular/plural, feminine/masculine *(No article when stating profession in Spanish) I am
a teacher = Yo soy maestro.

Student Activity: 1.​ ​ACTIVITY 1: ​ Description of a family member on PowerPoint, Google Slides, Free
hand drawing, Microsoft Word, etc. (you choose the platform) ​Email your teacher your

DIRECTIONS: ​ Choose one male family member and one female family member or
create an imaginary male and female member and include the following:

Example for the male:

1. Name & relation​: Mi hermano se llama Roberto Gama.

2. Origin:​ Él es de Fort Worth, Texas.
3. Age and birthday​: Tiene catorce años y su (his/her) cumpleaños es el
veinticuatro de enero.
4. One physical adjective and one personality adjective​: Roberto es alto y
5. Profession:​ Es estudiante en Northwestern Middle School.
6. At least one “like”​: Le gusta jugar videojuegos y jugar baloncesto.
7. One dislike​: No le gusta bailar.

● *This is in third person: he/she

● *Don’t forget to make the adjectives masculine or feminine depending on the subject.

ESTIMATED TIME:​ 30 minutes

2.​ A
​ CTIVITY 2:​ Listening Activity

DIRECTIONS:​ Click on the link and listen to the story in Spanish and write down at
least 5 words in Spanish that you understood in the video. Include the English meaning
as well. Example: nombre = name

: ​


Resources Professions Vocabulary Link:

Adjective Vocabulary link: ​

Family Vocabulary link:​ ​

Grading Category Activity 1 will be counted as a formative grade.

Help Session Wednesday, April 22, 2020 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. through email.
Gama: ​

Sisson: ​

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