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Committee: Environment Commission (EC) Sub-commission 1

Question of: Air pollution and weather interaction in East Asia

Submitted by: Peru

Co Submitted by:


Alarmed by the fact that there is a high concentration of primary and secondary trace gases
which are frequently observed in the industrialized and urbanized regions, causing adverse
effects on the health of humans, ecosystems, and plants,
Keeping in mind that East Asia is a region experiencing complex air pollution, due to
a) fossil fuel combustion
b) biomass burning
c) dust storms
d) biogenic emissions,
resulting in dramatic changes in temperatures and weather conditions,
Concerned that the effects of pollution developing from Asia has caused the upper atmosphere
to react with stronger cyclones and storms,
Noting with deep concern that the increasing of coal burning and cars emissions are a vital
source of pollution in many Asian countries,
Fully aware of the fact that Beijing and many other major cities often have air pollution more
than 100 times higher than acceptable limits set by the WHO standards,
Taking into account that in Asia the extreme overuse of aerosols can go as high as six miles up
in the atmosphere, which causes cloud formations and weather imbalances,

1. Encourages all Asian and MDCs to cooperate and work towards a solution;

2. Emphasizes the fact that new rigid laws with facing money penalties and even jail
should be enforced to decrease the amount of gas in the urban and industrial areas, e.g.
a) restriction of number of cars allowed per family
b) annual checks on the exhaust of all vehicles;

3. Calls for an immediate program which will create a public awareness of the devastation
of the climate change caused by East Asia starting from
a) educational programs
b) local communities
c) health centers;

4. Further recommends that more companies are involved in manufacturing electric cars
at lowers prizes so that the citizens can afford them;

5. Suggests that the governments invest in aiding the production of solar energy cars with
a view to the reduction of petrol and gas consumption and the use of renewable energy
causing less air pollution;

6. Endorses a decrease in the number of industries in big cities and a rapid acceleration in
the transition away from coal and toward clean energy sources, like:
a) wind
b) solar
c) water

7. Further requests the immediate ban of aerosols;

8. Draws the attention to the implementation of a regulated law for the power plants

9. Authorizes research into major projects concerning the effects it will have on the air
quality for instance highways should be a considerable distance away from residential
areas to protect people from the effects.

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