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Experiment 1: Determination of Na2CO3 and NaOH in a mixture by titration

Titration Burette Pipette Indicator used End point

solution solution

Standardization HCl 20 ml of 0.05 N 2-3 drops of methyl yellow to orange

of HCl Na2CO3 orange indicator

Estimation of HCl 20 mL of made Step 1: Phenolphthalein disappearance of

Na2CO3 and up solution pink color

Step 2: Methyl orange yellow to orange

Equivalent weight of Na2CO3 = 53

Equivalent weight of NaOH = 40
Experiment 2: Determination of strength of HCl by conductometric titrations
Experiment 3: Determination of Hardness of water by EDTA method
Experiment 4: Estimation of Fe2+ ions by Potentiometric titrations
Experiment 5: Estimation of amount of chloride in a water sample.
Titration Burette solution Pipette Indicator used End point

Standardization AgNO3 10 mL NaCl

of AgNO3 solution
(0.02N) Reddish brown
Estimation of AgNO3 10 mL of 2 drops of 2% Potassium
chloride made up chromate (K2CrO4)
(diluted to
100 mL)
Equivalent weight of Chloride = 35.46
Experiment 6: Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by Ostwald
viscometry method
Experiment 7: Determination of the strength of a mixture of acetic acid and
hydrochloric acid by conductometry

Burette solution NaOH solution (0.5N)

20 mL of made up acid mixture solution

Pipette solution (diluted till the cell is immersed properly)

 A conductance cell is immersed in the diluted pipette solution (Mixture of HCl and
 Conductance is measured using conductivity meter.
 Conductance is measured after each addition of 0.5 mL of NaOH.
 Initially conductance decreases and at one point starts to increase slowly (end point
corresponding to strong acid) and later increases sharply (end point corresponding to
weak acid)
 A plot of conductance against volume of NaOH gives both the end points. The two
intersection points V1 and V2 are noted.
 The strength of HCl and CH3COOH are obtained using formula N1V1 = N2V2.

Model graph:

Titration table:

S. No. Volume of Conductance

NaOH (mL) (ohm-1)
Experiment 8: Determination of strength of HCl using pH meter

Burette solution NaOH solution

Pipette solution 10 mL of made up HCl solution (diluted till the pH meter is
immersed properly)

 A pH meter is immersed in the diluted pipetted solution (HCl)

 Pilot titration is performed by addition of NaOH and pH is measured after addition of each 1 mL
using pH meter
 pH increases gradually with abrupt increase at one point
 from the plot of pH Vs volume of NaOH, the approximate end point is obtained
 Fair titration is conducted in similar manner by the addition of burette solution in portions of
0.2 mL
 Plot of ΔpH/ΔV Vs volume of NaOH, gives the end point accurately.
 The strength of HCL is obtained using N1V1 = N2V2

Pillot titration Fair Titration

S. Volume of pH ΔpH S. Volume pH ΔpH ΔV ΔpH/
No. NaOH No. of NaOH ΔV

Model Graphs:

Pilot Graph Fair Graph

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