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1 Directions: Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank; a list of choices will appear. Select
the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

Although some prevention efforts have succeeded, many analysts believe that the Blank 1 solution
to the global AIDS crisis is the development of a vaccine that will prevent people from Blank 2 AIDS
in the first place. Many researchers believe that the development of a Blank 3 vaccine is possible and
absolutely necessary in order to eradicate AIDS. However, many pharmaceutical companies do not
want to invest in AIDS vaccine research because of the large expense involved and the belief that
profits could not be made on the vaccines. Funding for research to develop an AIDS vaccine comes
from several sources, mainly the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), UNAIDS, the U.S.
National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. government agencies, and a few multinational
pharmaceutical companies.

In the Blank 4, AIDS continues to spread in the developing world. Although successes have occurred,
many experts contend that much more needs to be done. They argue that the Blank 5 to AIDS needs
to be of greater duration, greater quality, and greater scope to reach the many areas of life which
AIDS touches and affects.

1-first ,next, intermediate, important,ultimate




5- answer,response,cure,prevention,reply.

Question 2 of 15-Directions: Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank; a list of choices will
appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

The savage, in spite of his membership of a small Blank 1, lived a life in which his initiative was not
too much hampered by the community. The things that he wanted to do, usually hunting and war,
were also the things that his neighbours wanted to do, and if he felt an inclination to become a
medicine man he only had to ingratiate himself with some individual already Blank 2 in that
profession, and so, in due course, to succeed to his powers of magic. If he was a man of exceptional
talent, he might invent some improvement in weapons, or a new Blank 3 in hunting. These would
not put him into any opposition to the community, but on the contrary, would be welcomed. The
modern man lives a very different life. If he sings in the street he will be thought to be Blank 4 and if
he dances a policeman will reprove him for impeding the traffic.





Question 3 of 15-Directions: Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank; a list of choices will
appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.
The Chinese worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years. In turn, all emperors who came to power
added pieces of the wall to protect their Blank 1 But the wall was not a solid wall. It was a line of
Blank 2 barricades. First Emperor Oin wanted a much better barricade to protect his people from the
Mongol invaders to the north. He wanted a Blank 3 wall 30 feet wide and 50 feet high. First Emperor
Qin used peasants, captured enemies, criminals, scholars, and anyone else who irritated him, and
put them all to work building the Great Wall. Labourers were not paid for their work. It was Blank 4
labour. About 3000 people worked on the wall during the Qin Dynasty. Rocks fell on people. Walls
caved in. Workers died of exhaustion and Blank 5 Labourers were fed only enough food to keep
them alive. There is an old Chinese saying, “Each stone in the wall represents a life lost in the wall’s






Question 4 of 15 -Directions: Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank; a list of choices will
appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

There was a/an Blank 1 when the summit of Mount Everest was about as isolated as you could get,
but now climbers who reach the roof of the world will be able to pause to check their Blank 2 or
perhaps surf the internet.

A Nepalese telecommunications company has Blank 3 a 3G mobile phone network around the
mountain and says its coverage will even reach the summit.

Ncell says the installation of base stations along the Blank 4 to the mountain has, for the first time,
brought a mobile data service to local people, tourists and climbers.

When Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing reached Everest's summit in 1953, expedition leaders had
to send runners to carry Blank 5 to the nearest telegraph office.

Satellite, then mobile voice phones have since helped Blank 6 travel faster, but now a station near
Everest base camp in the Khumbu valley has heralded a communications revolution in the Himalayan
country, Ncell's parent company, the Swedish-based TeliaSonera, says.







Question 5 of 15Directions: Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank, a list of choices will
appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.
Before the start of World War I, the Gibson girl was the rage; she did not date, and waited until a
proper young man Blank 1 to her for marriage. However, nearly a whole generation of young men
had died in the War leaving a whole Blank 2 of young women without desirable suitors. They
decided not to waste away their young lives waiting idly for spinsterhood but to enjoy life. The new
women broke away from the set conventions, turned fashionable, they Blank 3 the black wool
stockings and became crazy about new fashions, wore rayon stockings, feet, ankles, and calves
formerly hidden were now on show. Scott Fitzgerald referred to them as a “whole race going
hedonistic deciding on pleasure”. The famous film star Louise Brooks became the ideal for young
girls, Brook’s exuberant social life, her contacts with the wealthy and her Blank 4 life style inspired
young women to break away from the Victorian traditions of repression and conventionality. The
Victorian cult of true womanhood preached “piety and purity” as the cardinal virtues for women.
They were supposed to follow the dictates of men and domesticity was the chief ideal to be Blank 5
to maintain chastity and purity.



3-Adopted,created,Discarded,Brought forth


5 -Shunned,Traced,Pursued,glamorous

Question 6 of 15-Directions: In the text below, some words are missing. Click words from the drop-
down box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word
back to the box below the text.

Freud was an Austrian neurologist and his psychoanalytical theories had a great Blank 1 on art,
literature, philosophy and criticism. He propounded Blank 2 of the unconscious mind, mechanism of
repression and value of dreams to Blank 3 the mystery of unconscious desires. Freud’s research
concentrated on association, dream Blank 4 and the hidden conscious.

Exclude,comprehend, reasons, theories, magic, impression, analysis, lesson, impact

Question 7 of 15-Directions: In the text below, some words are missing. Click words from the drop-
down box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word
back to the box below the text.

A huge fish that is impervious to piranha attacks could become the Blank 1 for a new class of ultra-
tough composite materials. Its scales are so tough that piranha teeth crack when they Blank 2 down
onto them. Each scale is coated with a rock-hard mineral material, but they have soft Blank 3 made
from strings of stretchy protein. The fish is called the Arapaima, and it's Blank 4 to Brazil.

Soote, thrill, inspiration, alien, chomp, cores, exterior, native

Question 8 of 15-Directions: In the text below, some words are missing. Click words from the drop-
down box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word
back to the box below the text.

The environment we are in Blank 1 our moods, ability to Blank 2 relationships, effectiveness in work
or play — even our health. In addition, the early childhood group environment has a very Blank 3
role in children’s learning and development.
Negative, Affects, Mitigates, form, Try, Crucial, stress

Question 9 of 15-Directions: In the text below, some words are missing. Click words from the drop-
down box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word
back to the box below the text.

People say that a dog knows its name because it comes when it is called, and that it remembers its
master, because it looks sad in his absence, but Blank 1 its tail and Blank 2 when he returns. That the
dog behaves in this way is matter of Blank 3, but that it knows or remembers anything is an Blank 4,
and in fact a very doubtful one.


Question 10 of 15-The text boxes in the left panel have been placed in a random order. Restore
the original order by dragging the text boxes from the left panel to the right panel.

1. In the United Stales, Lake Erie was dead; in Japan, people were dying of mercury poisoning.

2. The environmental revolution has been almost three decades in the making, and it has changed
forever how companies do business.Today many companies have accepted their responsibility to do
no harm to the environment.

3. In the 1960s and 1970s, corporations were in a state of denial regarding their impact on the

4. Then a series of highly visible ecological problems created a groundswell of support for strict
government regulation.

Question 11 of 15-The text boxes in the left panel have been placed in a random order. Restore
the original order by dragging the text boxes from the left panel to the right panel.

1. Would it kill you to not drive for the fun of it, possibly walk or car pool?

2. These machines release chemicals into the air which pollutes the stuff we breathe into our bodies.

3. If we want to breathe healthy air so we can enjoy the outdoors, we’re going to have to be more
conscious on what we do.

4. Every time we gun that engine or peel our tires we pollute the air.

5. We use huge machinery to destroy the rainforest.

Learning through ‘doing

Modern education attaches great importance to learning through doing. It is fully recognized that
the knowledge gained through actually doing the task is more effective and lasting than that gained
through mere reading. That is why all the modern methods of education give top priority to some
hand-work round which they base the teaching of the curriculum.

Three R’s replaced

In the past, whereas education laid stress on training of three R’s i.e. Reading, Writing and
Arithmetic, modern education attaches great importance to the training of three H’s i.e. Head, Heart
and Hand. It has been realized that the head, the heart and the hand get the best training through
self-activity with hands and brain, especially when carried out in cooperation with others. Mere
reading of books or listening to others does not help much in this direction.
Participation, not listening

In modern education, the student is not merely a passive listener but is an active participant in the
process of education. In the past, it was the teacher who did most of the talking. Now it is the
student who is expected to be more active and up and doing and the teacher is merely a guide. For
the healthy development of the mind, it is most essential that the student should be an active giver
and not merely a passive receiver. It is this activity of the mind which will lead to emotional
integration, so necessary for a healthy personality. If the child is merely a recipient, all the time
listening to his teachers, his own personality gets dwarfed because the teachers’ personalities
dominate over his personality.

Question 12 of 15-Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses.
More than one response is correct.

Which of the following statements about modern education can be supported from the text?

1. A basic craft is compulsory in the curriculum of modern education.

2. Knowledge gained through practical training is permanent.

3. It lays greater emphasis on activity based training.

4.Here the teacher plays merely a supportive/facilitating role.

5.Modern education provides greater opportunity for development of distinctive personality.

A clean river nurtures plankton and water-weeds, which are the food and nourishment of small fish.
This natural cycle of life becomes a feature of any stretch of water; even an artificially created piece
of water like a pond or a canal will, if left alone, start its own “life cycle”, beginning with things that
wriggle in the mud. In a short time, small predators will move in, and a complex little food chain will
have started. All water, whether still or flowing, is richly productive, for where there is water there is
life. You often see people fishing in a narrow water channel; they fish in ponds the size of puddles, in
streams that look like gutters. And they are nearly always rewarded with a catch. The combination of
water and organic matter can always be counted upon to produce some kind of living matter. The
one condition is that the water must have a certain proportion of oxygen, for all life needs some
oxygen. In other words, it must not be polluted with chemicals.

Question 13 of 15-Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses.
More than one response is correct.

Which of the following statements are supported by information given in the text?

1. In all food chains, the weak and sickly are the first to become prey to their enemies.

2. Predators reduce the fish population.

3.The presence of adequate oxygen in waters is likely to ensure that we get a better catch of the fish
we want.

4.The absence of oxygen in water ensures that the quality of fish it supports is poor.

5.Water and organic matter combine to start “life cycle”.

Directions: Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct
response. Only one response is correcUntil the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in
England. However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the
globe as a result of exploration, trade, colonization, and missionary work. English gradually became
the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy. Currently, more than 80
percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the
world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising,
media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million
English users in the world, and over half of these are nonnative speakers, constituting the largest
number of nonnative users of any language in the world.

Question 14 of 15-Which of the following most accurately summarizes the opinion of the author in
the text?

1.Small enclaves of English speakers have grown in various parts of the world.

2. Over the past 500 years, small English communities have proliferated all over the world.

3.English has become the dominant language of international communication.

4. English is the native language of more than half a billion people of the world.

Directions: Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct
response. Only one response is correct.

It is believed that Cushitic-speaking people were the first ethnic group to migrate to today's Kenya. It
is believed that they moved in from northern Africa somewhere around 2000 BCE. Then came the
Arab Traders who started frequenting the Kenyan coast way back in the first century CE (Common
Era). The Kenyan coast served host to communities of iron workers, subsistence farmers, hunters
and fishermen who supported the economy with agriculture, fishing, metal production and trade
with foreign countries.

Question 15 of 15-Which of the following statements is not true with reference to Kenya?

1. Settlers from Arab Countries constitute a significant fraction of Kenya's population today.

2.Cushitic speaking people moved into today's Kenyan territory around 2000 years ago.

3. Arab traders started paying regular visits to Kenya ever since the turn of the Common Era.

4.The Kenyan coast has over the centuries served host to diverse communities and cultures.

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