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3.1 Location and Time Research

This research will be conducted at SMAN 3 Medan class XI in the even
semester of 2016/2017 from December to May 2017. In this time interval includes
preliminary survey activities, preparation of research proposal, test of instrument,
data collection, data analysis, and final report writing. Preliminary survey
activities are expected to be completed in December, drafting a research proposal
in January, and instrument trial in February, data collection in April, data analysis
in May and final report writing in June.

3.2 Population and Sample Research

The population of this study is all students of class XI IPA SMAN in the
academic year 2016/2017 using the curriculum 2013. Thus, students from any
school to be examined as sample as able basically represent the population.
Because of the limited time, energy, and other facilities to support this research,
the sample will be studied only students of grade XI IPA SMAN 3 Medan. This
school is chosen as a sample to ensure the smooth implementation of the planning
research because the chemistry teacher at this school has approved the
implementation of this research, and the number of students required for the
conduct of this research meets the prescribed requirements. The sample used in
this research is 3 classes who students average is ± 35 students, taken by using
purposive sampling technique who its population characteristic must be reflected
in the sample consisting of 3 groups namely experimental class I, experimental
class II, and experimental class III. The experimental class I will be learned by
applying cooperative learning model STAD type with animation video media,
experiment II class will be learned by applying cooperative learning model NHT
type with animation video media and experiment class III will be taught by
cooperative learning model jigsaw type with animation video media. The average
intelligence in the three classes is equivalent. All three classes have the same
chemistry subject teachers, learning resources (books) used the same, and the
same number of hours of study.
The samples taken in the study were taken by three classes taken by using
purposive sampling technique, the population characteristic must be reflected in
the sample consisting of three groups: experimental group I, experimental group
II and experimental group III. The experimental class I will be taught by applying
STAD type cooperative model with animation video media, experiment II class
will be learned by applying NHT type cooperatif model with animation video
media and experiment class III will be taught by applying cooperative model of
jigsaw type by using animation video media.

3.2 Research Variables

The variables in this study are as follows :
1. Independent Variables
The Independent variable in this study are the cooperative learning model
types STAD, NHT, Jigsaw integrated of windows movie maker media in Salt
Hydrolisis topic.
2. Dependent Variables
Dependent Variables is students’ learning outcomes in Hydrolisis Salt in
XI Class at SMAN 3 Medan.
3. Control Variables
In this research, the variables is the students sample from the same teacher,
same curriculum, same books and some material that will teach in experimental
class I,experimental class II, and experiment class III.
3.3. Researh Instrument
The required data is quantitative data. In the form of learning outcomes,
assessment data using several cooperative learning models are STAD type, NHT
type and Jigsaw type with animation video media in Salt Hydrolysis Topic.
To obtain data on learning outcomes, the researchers used the research
instrument in the form of objective test in the form of multiple choice and each
item consists of five answers (a, b, c, d, and e) with only one most correct answer.
Instrument tests given before carrying out teaching (pre-test) to determine the
initial ability of students later after being treated, do post-test to determine the
extent to which the learning outcomes that have been implemented.
Before the issue was tested in the treatment group, the first question tested
on students outside the study sample. A test instrument tests carried out on
samples whose characteristics are similar to the characteristics of the study
sample. In addition, the condition of the test instrument with attempted test actual
research conditions. This step is taken to determine the validity, reliability,
different, level of difficulty of questions, and distractor. Thus will be obtained
issues that meet the required quality in the preparation of the test device to be
tested in the treatment groups in the actual research.
3.3.1. Validity of Content
Validity of content is often use in learning outcomes assessment. The main
objective is to know how far the students mastering the subject matter that had
been taught, and the changes of physocology that appear of the students after the
certain learning process. If see from the function in learning outcomes assessment,
this validity of content is often called curricular and formula validity.
The formula of validity connecting to the questions of the aspects in the
problems that really in the formula about the item that want to measure. This is
also called rationality or logically variable. (Arikunto,2009)
In this research, the instrument validity of learning outcomes assessment
enough with validity of content that do with expert judgement. The researcher
prepares th keywords of instrument of learning outcomes assessment learn based
on the instructional objectives. Then, the reseracher choose the experts validator
to analyze by the experts validator. This is doing by reseracher to get the validity
of nstruments test that valid or non valid.
Table 3.1 Classification Content of Validity Analysis

The Range of Value Interpretation

0,00 – 0,09 Very Low

1,00 – 1,99 Low

2,00 – 2,99 Enough

3,00 – 3,99 High

4,00 – 5,00 Very High

3.3.2 Validity of Item Test
Validity of item test is the statistic test taht used to determine how valid an
item to question to measure the variable that researched. With the correlation
techniques of Paint Biserial that is analyzed technique of bivariate. The
correlation is also can use to know the problems validity, that is also can use to
know th eproblems validity, that is the sore of each problems correlated with the
total score. The number of correlation index Point Biserial has symbol rpbs.
Correlation formula as follows :

Mp−Mt p
rpbi = SDt q√
Where : rpbi = point biserial index correlation
Mp = mean of score that correctly answer
Mt = mean of total score
SDt = standard deviation total
P = subject proportion that correctly answer to subject total
q = l-p subject proportion that wrongly answer

3.3.3 Reliability of Test

Realibility is stability/ reliability/ constancy / a measuring device, so that if
the tool is being used always give consistent results. Reliability test was used to
determine the consistency of measuring tools, measuring instruments used are
reliable and remains consistent if the measuring is repeat. Reliability problems can
be searched by the formula invented by Kuder and Rhicoderson namely: KR-21.
Where :

K S2− X́ (K − X́ ) (∑ X )
r 11 = ∑ X −
and N
S2 (k−1) S2=

X́ = The Average Score

r11 = Coefficient of reliability test
K = Number of item test
S2 = Variance Score
p = Proportion of subjects who answered correctly
q = Proportion of subjects who answered incorrectly

(Silitonga, 2014)

1.4.1 Level of Difficulty Test

Questions are good if the problem is not easy and not too difficult. If the
questions are too easy it will be not stimulate the students to enhance effortsto
solve them. Conversely if the question is too hard it will cause students to become
desperate and do not have the spirit to try again because beyond its reach. To
calculate the difficulty level of tests used this following formula (Arikunto.2009)

Description :
P : difficulty level
B : total of student with correct answered
JS : total of student
The bigger the price P, the easier the item, otherwise the smaller P, the
item is more difficult. A test item is said to be eligible if the price of P ranges:
0.20 to 0.80. If P <0.20 means the test items are too hard, and if P> 0.80 means
test items are too easy. (Silitonga, 2013)
1.4.2 Distinction Power
Distinction power is used to determine the ability of test to distinguish
between between students who are smart (high caliber) with students stupid (less
capable). Figures showing the amount of power depending on an item called a
distinction power index (index discriminant) symbolized by D where prices range
between -1 D s / d + 1 if:
D = +1.0 : means all the top group (JA) can answer the item correctly, whereas
all lower group (JB) answered with one.
D = -1.0: means all the top group (JA) can answer that with any item, whereas all
lower group (JB) answered correctly.
D = 0: means all the top group (JA) can answer these items are equally right or
equally wrong.
D= −
JA J B =P - P

JA = many upper student groups who correct answer
JB = many lower student groups who wrong answer
BA = total of upper group students
BB = total of lower group students
PA = proportion of upper groups who answer right
PB = proportion of lower groups who answer false

(Sugiharti, 2015)

3.4.6 Destructor
Destructor is assumed good if the amount of students that choose the
destructor is same or close to ideal number. Destructor is all of the answer
alternative. Examples : A B C D E. The answer is B, so that A C D E are
destructor. An item called has the condition from the distructor effectivity, if :

1. The destructor less than 5 % of test students

2. The chooser of higher group ≤ the lower group
3. Not more than 5 % blangko students.
If students are blank more than 5% or a group of voters
on more than the bottom group of voters, then most likely "something was wrong"
on the item should be aborted or revised. Distruktor effectiveness is determined
by the formula:

X 100 %
Where : IP = destructor index
JPA = the chooser of upper group students
JPB = the chooser of lower group students
JA = total of upper group students
JB = total of lower group students
The quality of the destructor index is based on these categories :

IP = 76 % - 125 % : Very Good

IP = 51 % - 75 % or 126 % - 150 % : Good
IP = 26 %- 50 % or 151 % - 175 % : Enough
IP = 0 % - 25 % or 176 % - 200 % : Bad
IP = more than 200% : Very Bad
(Sugiharti, 2015)

3.4. Research Procedures

3.5.1.Preparing Research Stage
1. Doing observation to the school to find out the problems that occur in the
learning process, especially in class XI about chemistry lessons and learning
2. Preparation of research proposals.
3. Approval of research proposal.4. Doing validity of content (content validity)
against multiple choice test instruments by way of expert judgment on expert
4. Doing analysis of validity and reliability of non-test instrument that is
observation sheet of student attitude assessment on expert validator.
5. Testing the instrument test on the students to determine the distinguishing
power, distractor, the level of difficulty and reliability of the problem that will
be given to the students as the research sample.
6. Maintain a research permit.
7. Consulting with principal where the research carried out by carrying a research
8. Consultating and Discussing with chemistry teacher of class XI SMAN 3
9. Composing learning materials in which experimental class I is learned using
cooperative learning model type STAD with video of animation media in
experimental class I, using cooperative learning model type NHT with video of
animation media in experimental class II, using cooperative learning model
type Jigsaw with video of animation media in experimental class III
10. Establishing student learning evaluation.
3.5.2 Implementation of Research Stage
1. Randomly specifies three classes of some existing parallel classes as a class
sample. The first class is used as experimental class I and second class is used
as experiment class II and third class is used as experiment class III.
2. Before the learning begins, first do the data collection of students in each
experimental class I and experiment class II and experiment class III.
3. Conducting pretest (T1) in experiment class I and experiment class II and
experiment class III to measure initial ability, normality and sample
homogeneity before treatment is given.
4. Setting student samples are students who are relatively homogeneous status.
Giving treatment X (The treatment given to experiment class I is learning using
cooperative learning model type STAD with animation video media, treatment
Y (The treatment given in experiment class II is learning by using cooperative
learning model model type NHT with animation video Media) and Z treatment
(Treatment given in experiment class III that is learning by using cooperative
learning model model type jigsaw with animation video media) for some time.
5. During the research process, keep the condition of both groups the same as the
teacher teaching, the book used, the length of time teaching and others.
6. During the research process, each experimental class observed the affective
aspect of critical thinking through observation sheet of students' attitude
assessment observed by the observer at the time of learning is ongoing from the
beginning to the end of learning.
7. After the learning process given in the experimental class I and in the second
experiment class finished, the next step gives posttest (T2) to measure the
learning outcomes in experiment class I and class II experiment and class
experiment III and provide posttest (T2) to measure learning outcomes in class.
3.5.3.Final Research Stage
1.The pretest and posttest values of each experimental class I and experimental
class II students, eksperiement III are tabulated.
2.Calculating the mean (mean) and standard deviation of pretest data and posttest
data obtained in experimental class I and experiment class II and experiment II
3. Conducting test requirements statistical analysis, especially normality test and
homogeneity test on pretest data and posttest data to know the normality and
homogeneity of a data.
4.. Applying statistical test is One Way Anova test to test whether there are
differences in student learning outcomes in experimental class I, differences in
student learning outcomes in experimental class II, with student learning
outcomes in experimental class III.
5.Cabulating the value of students' critical thinking attitude at each meeting of
each student in experimental class I and experiment II class and experiment III.
6. Calculating the mean (mean) and standard deviation of students' critical
thinking attitude in experimental class I and experiment II class and experiment
7. Testing statistical requirement test, especially normality test and homogeneity
test of students' critical thinking attitude in experimental class I and experiment
II class, and experiment class III to know the normality and homogeneity of
8.Applying statistical test that is one way anova to test whether there is difference
of student character in experiment class I, experiment III compared with class
experiment class III character.
9. Analyzing descriptively the attitude of student character by comparing the r
value data.
3.5. Research Design
Based on the problems and research objectives, this type of research is an
experimental research by grouping research samples into three groups. The three
groups were each used as experimental group I, experimental group II and
experiment group III. In the experimental group I conducted the learning process
by applying the STAD Co-operative model using video animation media,
experiment II class applied NHT cooperative model using video animation media
and experiment class III using jigsaw type cooperative model using video
animation media. The design of the research using T1, T2 and T3 designs are
preliminary and final test, whereas X is the treatment of learning model used, as in
table 3.1.

Tabel 3.1. Designing Research

Groups Initial Test Treatment Final Test

Eksperimen I T1 X T2
Eksperimen II T1 Y T2
Eksperimen III T1 Z T2
Description :
X = The treatment given in the experimental class I is learning
using STAD type cooperative model with video of animation
Y = The treatment given in experiment class II is learning using
NHT type cooperative model with video of animation media
Z = The treatment given in experiment class III is learning by
using cooperative model of jigsaw type with video of
animation media
T1 = Intial Test (Pretest)
T2 = Final Test (Posttest)

Preparing Instrument Preparing

Population Research
Validation Instrument
Sample Class

Instrument is Valid Pretest

Homogeinity Testing and

Distributed Normal

Experiment Class II Experiment Class III Stage
Experiment Class I Observa- Observa-
Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning
tion sheet tion
Model Type Jigsaw with about Model Type NHT with sheet Model Type STAD with
Video Animation Media Character Video Animation Media about Video Animation Media

Final Test

Result Study Final

Analyze Data

Picture 3.2 The Schematic of Research

3.6.3 Data Collection Techniques

1. Doing the statistical analysis requirements test mainly normality test and
homogeneity test.
2. Performing analysis data for pretest and posttest scores.
3. Percent (%) Improving students’ learning outcomes.
4. Testing of hypothesis test using ANOVA one way
5. Making conclusions of research.

3.7 Technical Data Analyst

In this study, data were obtained from the experimental class. Scoring
double selection can be performed using the formula:

X 100
Skor = N
Where :
B = Many items are answered correctly.
N = Many items overall
(Silitonga, 2013)

3.7.1 Normality Test

Normality test was used to determine whether the populations are normally
distributed or not. To test normality of the data was used SPSS-21 fow windows
by using Kolmogrov-Smirnov formula, analyze non parametric test.
The test of normality test:
a. Making the hypothesis in sentence
Ho = sample data are normally distributed
Ha = sample data are not normally distributed
b. Statistic Test
c. Alpha = 0,05
d. From the result of processing in SPSS got the mark sign
e. Critical part: Ho is rejected if Sign <Alpha

3.7.2 Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is aim to determine whether the data have a homogenous
variance or not. The calculation of homogeinity test was using SPSS-21 for
windows with Levine’s test formula. If the value of sign is > 0,05, the data is

3.7.3 Normalized Gain

According to Meltzer, to calculate the students’ learning outcomes is

applied the normalize gain formula or gain factor. The formula used was equation:

post test score− pretest score

% g= × 100 % g < 0.3 = low
maximum score− pretest score
0.3 < g ≤ 0.7 = medium
g > 0.7 = high
% Increasing of students’ learning outcomes = average gain class x 100 %

3.7.4 Hypothesis Testing

To testing the hypothesis used one-way ANOVA test with the following steps:
1. Calculate the average of each sample of the three experimental classes
2. Calculating SSw (Sum of Square Within) and SSbet (between)

SSw =Σ ¿

SSBet =¿
⏞ ni ¿

SStotal = SSw + SSBet

3. Calculating free Degree
dbet = k – 1
dw = ntotal – k
dtotal = -1

4. Making table of conclusion

Tabel 3.7. Tabel of One Way Anova
Sources SS (Total of Df (Free S2 (Middle of F
Quadrat) Degree) Quadrat)
Between k
k-1 SSbet S 2bet
SSBet =¿
⏞ ni ¿
Σ d f bet Sw

Within Group SSw =Σ ¿ ntotal - k SS w
(galat) dfw
Total ntotal - 1
Description :
Ni = number of samples per group
K = number of groups
Ntotal = total number of samples

5. Calculate F arithmetic with α = 0.05, Fcount> Ftable then there is a difference

between the groups.

S 2bet
6. Conduct Tukey's test to make sure there is a difference

S 2bet

n √
n = number of samples per group
q = statistic value based on k and dfw
S2w = Estimated variance between groups

(Silitonga, 2014)
3.6. Guidelines for Non-Instrument Rating test
Guidelines for observation in the form of indicators and scoring. Each
character or attitude has totaled four indicators. Each indicator has a score. The
maximum score of four awarded to students if it appears four descriptor and score
at least one if it only appears one descriptor. Criteria scoring for each indicator is
as follows:
Description of scoring;

1. If the four descriptors, the value score is 4

2. If the three descriptors appear then the value score is 3
3. If two descriptors appear then a score is 2
4. If the descriptors appear then the value score is 1
5. None desksriptor seemed then a score is 0
Based on the calculation formula values such attitudes maximum score
every aspect of attitude is twelve. To classify the students' character in the
category of low, medium, and high percent can be determined from the following
Tabel 3.4 Persentation of Character Student Value
Presentation Level Category
0% - 33% Low
34% - 67% Enough
68% - 100% Good

And to calculating the value of the attitude used the following equation:
Get Scores
Attitudes Value = x 100%
Maximum Scores
% of students’ characters = Score gotten x 100 %
Maximum score
% improvement of character = score (1st meeting + 2nd meeting + 3rd meeting)

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