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University of Technology doctoral students:

Department of Architecture Inaam Qasim Abdullah

supervisor: Dr. Mahmood AlBarbooti 2019-2020


Survival of the ancient buildings

Restoration and preservation of the ancient buildings have become

interesting works, and a kind of infatuation for archaeologists, historians,
engineers, and restorers all over the world.

When buildings remain for years after they have been used for the
reason which they were built, or they may suffer material losses as a result of
sudden disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or as a result of wars, suitable
solutions must be found to them better than destroying them.

Re-use of the ancient buildings is considered one of the best solutions

to make them breathe new air in a different from. Some of them have live
pictures in people's minds, so reconstructing them completely or part of them
is important to maintain their continuity. This conservation give a share in
definition the heritage of their grandparents and the past to coming
generations. It is also possible to take advantage of these ancient buildings to
attract tourists and specialized researchers and activate the tourist and
commercial activity, the ancient buildings are not just buildings but rather
history and civilization.

Learning by practicing from previous experiences, architectural

experience, artistic and archaeological culture, and personal sense are all
characteristics that must be available in performing the conservation the
ancient buildings. Therefore, It needs a lot of experience to put suitable
solutions especially in cases where the principles and rules of restoration and
conservation not apply literally.

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