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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric - Task 1 –Recognition task
forum – Task 2 Pre-knowledge task

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic Unit
Academic Level Professional, specialization, master
Academic Field Formación interdisciplinar básica común
Course Name English 2
Course Code 90021
Course Type Methodologic - Can be yes ☐ No ☒
practical enabled
Number of Credits Select the Faculty or Academic Unit

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Individu
☐ Collaborative ☒ r of 1
activity: al
Moment of Unit
Initial ☒ ☐ Final ☐
evaluation: Intermediate:
Evaluative score of the Delivery Environment of the activity:
activity: 25 points Monitoring and evaluation environment
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity:
activity: October 10 2018
th October 17th 2018
Competence to develop:
 Interchange personal information within the group.
 Describe the course activities through the creation of a crossword.
 Determine personal learning objectives through the Pre-knowledge
test in order to start being aware of the personal learning process
and performance.
 Design a personal portfolio.
Topics to develop:
 Expressions to introduce yourself.
 Greetings.
 Demonstrative determiners: This/Those - There/here.
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop
Task-based learning. The student uses the foreign language in a
communicative context, in order to carry out a task: planning,
describing, inviting, summarizing, etc. The construction of this work, will
count with the orientation and accompaniment from the e-mediator.
Activities to develop
Stage 1: Introduce yourself and update your profile in campus.
 Upload a photograph on your profile in campus (complete face). You
don’t have to write any paragraph in your profile.
To post in the forum:
 Write a short paragraph introducing yourself (in English). Give
information related to:

Name – Age – Marital status – Hobbies – Occupation – What you

study at UNAD – Family- Extra information you want to share.

Use the following guide to introduce yourself. You can
change it according to your personal information.

Hello everyone/Hi. My name is/I am ____________________. I am

______ years old. I was born in _____________. Now I am a student
at the _______________ Program at UNAD. I am _____________
and I work at ________________. I like ____________,
___________, __________, _____________ and __________. I live
with ____________________. I am (single/married) and have
________ children.

You can say good bye with the following expressions:

 It’s is nice to start this course with all of you!
 I hope we can do a great team.
 Hope to hear from you soon!
 Best wishes for all of you!

Stage 2: Explore the course.

 Read the document RUTA DEL ESTUDIANTE. Click here:

 Go to the environments of the course and check the activities, links,

resources and tasks.
 According to your exploration of the course, choose 8 words related
to the course activities. Example: writing, job, agenda,
collaborative, etc.
 Create a crossword with those words. Write 8 clues for each word.
Use this link:
 Video: How to create the crossword:
 Then, post the link of your crossword in the forum. Example:

 Choose one of your partners’ crosswords and complete it. Then,

post a screenshot with the answers.1 Example:

Si los miembros del grupo no han participado, usted puede continuar
con las siguientes actividades de la guía. Si al finalizar la tarea, nadie ha
participado, puede entregar el portafolio sin el crucigrama de un
Write simple and short sentences for writing the clues
(no more than 13 words). Use the following guide:

 This is a __________________________
 You do this ________________________
 You can find this in __________________
 There, you can _____________________

Stage 3: Pre-knowledge task.

Go to Evaluation environment and answer Task 2. Pre-knowledge
task, to test your English knowledge before starting the course. The
score does not affect the grade of the course.
After that, complete the following chart and post it in the forum (it can
be in Spanish):

Autoevaluación de Pre-saberes
A través de este ejercicio usted podrá identificar sus fortalezas y
debilidades para el inicio del curso, con el fin de que usted plantee
estrategias de mejora en el proceso que va a iniciar en el curso de
inglés 2.

¿Qué puntaje obtuvo en el Test de Pre-saberes? : Escriba el

puntaje obtenido: _________________________
De acuerdo con los resultados
obtenidos en el test de Pre-saberes, ALTO MEDIO BAJO
evalúe Alto, Medio o Bajo su nivel
de competencia en inglés.
 Soy capaz de comprender y utilizar
expresiones cotidianas de uso muy
frecuente, así como frases sencillas
destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de
tipo inmediato.
 Puedo presentarme a mí mismo y
a otros, pedir y dar información
personal básica sobre mi domicilio,
mis pertenencias y las personas que
 Puedo relacionarme de forma
elemental siempre que mi interlocutor
hable despacio y con claridad.
A continuación, verá las competencias que usted desarrollará
en este curso y que están alineadas con el Marco Común de
Referencia MCER para el nivel A2.
Léalas y busque un enlace de una página web que le servirá
para potenciar esas habilidades. Copie el enlace en la casilla
 Seré capaz de comprender frases  ENLACE:
y expresiones de uso frecuente
relacionadas con áreas de experiencia
que son especialmente relevantes
para mí (información básica sobre
mí mismo y mi familia, compras,
lugares de interés,
ocupaciones, etc.)
 Sabré comunicarme a la hora de  ENLACE:
llevar a cabo tareas simples y
cotidianas que no requieran más que
intercambios sencillos y directos de
información sobre cuestiones que son
conocidas o habituales para mí.
 Sabré describir en términos  ENLACE:
sencillos aspectos de mi pasado y mi
entorno, así como cuestiones
relacionadas con mis necesidades
Estrategias de estudio y mejoramiento.
De acuerdo con el nivel actual de competencia con el cual
usted inicia el curso y con las metas que éste curso tiene,
haga una búsqueda de recursos extra que le faciliten
potenciar las habilidades en inglés para el nivel 2.
¿Qué estrategia podría implementar en este curso para mejorar en
los anteriores aspectos?

Busque una página web que le pueda servir para estudiar cada
habilidad de inglés:
Busque un diccionario en línea con el Enlace:
que se pueda apoyar a lo largo del
Stage 4: Consolidate your Portfolio.
In a Power Point document consolidate steps 1 to 3. Use the following
template and see the example given in this link2:
Click there to download

 Complete the checklist at the end of the Power Point presentation.

Did I upload a complete-face photograph in my profile?

Did I write a short paragraph introducing myself?

Did I post the screenshot of my profile in the forum?
Did I choose 8 words after checking the environments of
Stage 2

the course?
Did I create the crossword?
Did I post the link of my crossword?
Did I complete the crossword of one of my partners? And

Descargue la plantilla como lo indica la imagen.
posted in the forum?
Did I do the Pre-knowledge test?

Did I complete the self-evaluation chart?


Did I use the Power Point template?

Does the Power point presentation have 7 slides?
Don’t forget to add this chart at the end of the Power Point document
and upload it in Calaméo.
 Publish the Power Point document to Calaméo:
Stage 5: Upload the final product
 Copy the link of your publication in a Word document and upload it in
the Evaluation and Monitoring Environment.

Collaborative environment
for the
Monitoring and evaluation environment
Each activity of this task is individual. The final product
must be sent individually.
Students construct the final portfolio through the
process they develop collaboratively.
Products to
deliver by At the end of this task, you will collect the evidence of
student the task in your own Portfolio. This is a Power Point
document that you will upload in the platform
Follow each step, post all the activities in the forum
and get feedback from your partners and tutor.

3. General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of
activities for Each student has to develop each step of the task and
the post the evidence in the forum.
The final product must be sent in the Evaluation and
Monitoring Environment.
Roles to
perform by Each student must give feedback to one of his/her
the student partners.
in the Each student is responsible for his/her process.
Roles and
y for the The final product must be sent in the Evaluation and
delivery of Monitoring Environment in a PDF or Word document.
products by
Use of
Always cite the references.
In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article
99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) “To
plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or
part of a writing, report, task or document of invention
performed by another person. It also implies the use of
cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there
is no coincidence between them and the reference” and
Plagiarism paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit,
policy educational resources or results of research products,
which have intellectual rights reserved for the

The academic punishments that the student will face

a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic
work or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero
(0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work
of any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0),
without leading to disciplinary measures.

To know how the documents must be cited, check the

following document:
Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta
edición. Taken from

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity type: Individual Activity ☒ ☐
Moment of the Unit
Initial ☒ ☐ Final ☐
evaluation Intermediate:
Assessed Performance levels of the individual activity
Aspects High score Media score Low score
Doesn’t upload
the profile. Does
Uploads profile not share the
Does not upload
picture and screenshot, do
profile, or the
interests. Shares not write the
Information introduction
the construction of introduction 5
update -Stage paragraph lacks
the paragraph paragraph or points
1 of some
introducing does the activity
his/herself. during the last
three days of the
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points) (up to 1 points)
Creates the Does not show Does not
crossword with the the process of develop the
8 words. The clues creation of the stage or does the 8
construction -
define the words of crossword. activity during points
Stage 2
the crossword. They Does not write 8 the last three
don’t have more definitions for days of the task.
than 13 words and creating the
use the pattern crossword. Delivers the task
given in the guide. Does not share after the
Completes one of the link of the deadline.
his/her partners’ crossword in the
crossword and posts forum.
it in the forum. Does not
complete one of
his/her partners’
crossword and
posts it in the
(up to 8 points) (up to 5 points) (up to 2 points)
Does not do
some of the
following tasks: Does not do the
Complete the task, or does it
Pre-knowledge during the last
Completes the Pre-
Pre- test. three days of the
knowledge task.
knowledge Complete the task. 8
Completes the self-
assessment - self-assessment points
assessment chart.
Stage 3 chart. Delivers the task
Delivers the after the
activity in a deadline.
different format
or way (mail).
(Up to 8 points) (up to 5 points) (up to 2 points)
Does not do
some of the
Consolidates the following tasks: Does not do the
portfolio in a Power Consolidate the task, or does it
Point document that portfolio in a during the last
is uploaded in Power Point three days of the
construction 4
Calaméo. document. task.
and delivery - points
Shares the link of Upload the
Stage 4
the portfolio. document in Delivers the task
Answers the Calaméo. after the
checklist. Share the link of deadline.
the portfolio.
Answers the

(Up to 4 points) (Up to 2 points) (Up to 1 point)

Final score 25 points

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