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Niken Setyaningrum1, Atik Badi'ah2

Nursing Study Program, Global Solar STIKES, Yogyakarta
Nursing Study Program, Ministry of Health POLTEKES, Yogyakarta

Background: Hypertension is one of the deadliest diseases in the world and is currently listed
as the third killer disease after heart disease and cancer. Based on the 2014 survey sample
registration hypertension is the fifth leading cause of death in Indonesia. Based on WHO
estimated in 2025 the incidence rate of hypertension increased by 29.2%. Hypertension is
associated with the quality of sleep and stress levels as they relate to the sympathetic nerve
response. If not identified properly it can worsen the condition of patients with hypertension.
Hypertension can be controlled by non-pharmacological therapy using progressive muscle
relaxation technique relaxation with remembrance.
Purpose: This study was to determine the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation with
the remembrance of the decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in stress levels.
Method: The design of this study using Quasi-experimental design with
Comparison Group, Sample was taken using purposive sampling. The study was conducted in
the region 2 Yogyakarta Gamping Puskesmas. The sample size in this study were 40
respondents to the division of each sample of 20 respondents in the intervention group and the
control group.
Results: There are significant differences between the intervention group (PMR and dhikr) with
the control group (PMR) to decrease systolic blood pressure (p <0.01), diastolic blood pressure
(p <0.01) and a decrease in stress levels (p <0, 05).
Conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation techniques with remembrance performed
simultaneously can be used to lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

Keywords: Hypertension, Stress Levels, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Remembrance

This prediction is based on the number of

PRELIMINARY hypertensive patients and population growth
Hypertension is a disease that can today (Armilawati et al, 2007) ,
affect anyone, young and old, rich and poor. The relationship between stress and
Hypertension is one of the deadliest diseases hypertension occurs through the sympathetic
in the world and is currently listed as the third nerve activity can increase blood pressure
killer disease after heart disease and cancer gradually (Yundini, 2008). The response to
(Adib, 2009). Currently the number of stress stimulates the adrenal glands to
hypertensive patients is increasing every produce hormones cortisol and epinephrine
year. Approximately 80% increase in cases of (adrenaline), which affect the endocrine
hypertension that occurs mainly in developing system, the nervous and immune (Blauer-
countries, is expected to rise to 1.15 billion Wu, 2002 cit Lorentz, 2006). Endorphins
cases in 2025 from 639 million cases in 2000. serves to inhibit the production of cortisol and

MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 8
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

epinephin. According to Saleh (2010) states the clinic, until now there has been exercised
that to increase the production of endorphins non-pharmacological to lose blood pressure.
can be done with excersice, meditation, Therefore, it should be considered to use
prayer or remembrance to get some peace. non-pharmacological approaches that are
Pharmacologic treatment takes a long natural for controlling high blood pressure
time and give side effects to the body, this and control stress levels.
condition can be relatively inexpensive, long
time and can improve the boredom resulting METHOD
incompliance to therapy. Non- The design used in
pharmacological therapy is a factor that plays This study is the "Quasi-experimental Design
a major role in lowering blood pressure since with Comparison Group". In this study
the last five years. This type of therapy compared changes in blood pressure and
includes lifestyle changes consisting of stress levels in hypertensive patients is in the
quitting smoking, losing excess weight, intervention group of progressive muscle
lowering excessive alcohol consumption, relaxation with remembrance while the
physical exercise, reduced salt intake and control group received the intervention of
increasing fruit and vegetable consumption progressive muscle relaxation.
and lowering fat intake (Medicine, 2006; Adib, The population in this study were all
2009). patients with primary hypertension who
Based on the above research and the control routine in the clinic Limestone 2
tendency of some additions incidence of Yogyakarta, the captured data is data in
hypertension each year, the healing January 2016 amounted to 121 people.
properties of a long illness and complications Researchers avoid the drop out by adding
arising can lead to the development of human 10% of the estimated sample size was 1.8
resources is becoming less socially and rounded to 2 so that a sample size of each -
economically. Good cost burden borne by a total of 20 respondents in each group. The
people, communities and governments will samples in this study to determine the
grow, while the effectiveness and efficiency of respondents' purposive sampling will be used
declining so we need a disease management in research. Research conducted Gamping
of hypertension is well to achieve the goal of Puskesmas working area 2 Yogyakarta. This
health development is more successful (Perry study was conducted over five months, from
& Potter, 2005). July to September, 2016.
Results of a preliminary study on the A univariate analysis performed to
working area of Puskesmas limestone 2 describe all the variables studied. Bivariate
obtained the data that 10 patients with analysis to determine differences in the
hypertension have all said that if they feel intervention group and the control of blood
dizzy and blood pressure to rise directly to pressure decline analysis using Mann
the clinic, patients taking the drug provided by Whitney test, whereas to determine

MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 9
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

differences in the intervention group and the DISCUSSION

control group on the level of stress using The results found that both groups
Indeependen sample t test were given PMR and remembrance as well
(Paired t-test). as the group given PMR course, equally
decreased blood pressure and stress levels.
RESULTS The results of the analysis of the study found
In response karakteristrik showed most no significant difference in blood pressure
respondents were women as much as 65%. and deterioration in stress levels in the group
Age at most are between the ages of 50 to 69 that performed PMR and zikr with the group
years, with 70%. The education level of given PMR alone with values of p <0.05.
42.5% of respondents sebayak junior high When viewed from the mean score decrease
school. Berdasarka most respondents work is blood pressure in both systole and diastole
work as private employees as much as and score tingkt stress reduction, conducted
57.5%. PMR group, be more effective than the group
The majority of respondents have a given PMR with remembrance
family history of hypertension 70%, while for simultaneously.
a history of smoking 70% of respondents did Progressive muscle relaxation aimed at
not smoke. All the respondents did not have a decreasing anxiety, stress, muscle tension
history of drinking alcohol, while for the and sleeplessness. When the body and mind
duration of diagnosed hypertension as much relax, automatically tension that often makes
as 42.5% were in the range of more than 3 the muscles will tighten ignored (Ramdhani,
years (Table 1). 2009).
Wilcoxon analysis results of the intervention
group and control group to variable blood
pressure showed p <0.05, which means that
there are significant differences between the
two groups to lower systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. Independent sample t test
analysis in the intervention group and control
group to variable levels of stress showed p
<0.05 means that there are significant
differences between PMR and remembrance
group (intervention) with PMR group alone
(control) the level of stress in hypertensive
patients (Table 2).

MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 10
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

characteristics Intervention (n = 20) Controls (n = 20)

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Male 7 35% 7 35%
woman 13 65% 13 65%
40-49 3 15% 2 10%
50-59 7 35% 7 35%
60-69 6 30% 8 40%
70-79 4 20% 3 15%
Education No
school - - - -
SD 3 15% 3 15%
JSS 7 35% 10 50%
SLTA 7 35% 5 25%
College 3 15% 2 10%
Does not 5 25% 4 20%
PNS / TNI / Police - - 1 5%
General employees 12 60% 11 55%
entrepreneur 2 10% 4 20%
farmer 1 5% - -
Family History There
is 14 70% 14 70%
No 6 30% 6 30%
history of smoking
Yes 5 25% 7 35%
No 15 75% 13 65%
History of Alcohol
Yes - - - -
No 20 100% 20 100%
Hypertension <1 2 10% 5 25%
13 years old 8 40% 8 40%
> 3 years 10 50% 7 35%

Table 2. Differences drop in blood pressure and a decrease in the level of

intervention (PMR and remembrance) and the control group (PMR) stress between groups
Group n The mean p-value
variables decrease
Systole Blood Pressure (mmHg) PMR and remembrance 20 14.60 0,001 *
PMR 20 26.40
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) PMR and remembrance 20 15.63 0,006 *
PMR 20 25.38
Stress level PMR and remembrance 20 12.10 0,034 **
PMR 20 15.85

Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents

Note: * Wilcoxon Test, ** Independent sample
t test

MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 11
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

When muscles in a relaxed state, lactic

At the time of relaxed condition is acid will be removed through the
achieved then the action hypothalamus bloodstream, but when muscles contract in
will adjust and decreased activity of the long term, the blood circulation becomes
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous blocked and fatigue formed rapidly, which will
systems. The sequence of physiological lead to tension and produces pain in the neck
effects and symptoms and sign will be muscles , shoulders and so on. Research
disconnected and psychological stress will Sutherland et al, showed that certain
be reduced. Relaxation techniques behaviors may more frequently occur during
commonly used muscle relaxation, periods of stress, this can be reduced by
relaxation with guided imagery and doing relaxation, as well as with research
relaxation response from Benson Oktavianis (2010) states that the progressive
(Smeltzer and Bare, 2002). muscle relaxation significantly able to reduce
Subandi (2002), states that in the work stress on caregivers of elderly in nursing
human body there are 620 skeletal muscles, Elderly.
these muscles can be trained to consciously Based on the research of
composed of bonding parallel fibers, and remembrance with the setting of breath and
each fiber is made of a number of slim relaxation can increase the activity of
filaments which can shrink and extends baroreceptors as the process gives impulses
(dilated). When thousands of slim filament afferent reaches the heart center, further
working in coordination, the muscles will increasing the activity of the parasympathetic
contract, in the form of glycogen sugar nervous system and releases the hormone
decomposes into force and lactic acid that acetylcholine, which increases the
can cause fatigue. permeability of potassium ions in the SA node
thereby reducing pulsation in the SA node, a
decrease in the transmission of impulses will
decreased heart rate, stroke volume and
cardiac output. Deep breathing relaxation
therapy (deep breathing) can increase
oxygen saturation, improve the state of
oxygenation in the blood, and create a state
of relaxation in the body (Muttaqin, 2009).
Increased oxygen can indirectly lower
the lactic acid by increasing the supply of
oxygen and lower the oxygen needs of the
brain, so it is expected that the balance of
brain oxygen. Slow, deep breathing can
stimulate the autonomic nervous response

MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 12
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

through spending endorphin vasodilation of brain blood vessels allowing

neurotransmitters that affect a decrease in more brain oxygen supply to brain tissue
sympathetic nerve responses and enhancing perfusion is expected to be adequate
the parasympathetic response. (Denise, 2007; Downey, 2009).
Sympathetic nerve stimulation
increases the activity of the body, while the CONCLUSIONS AND
parasympathetic response is much lower
Coupled with remembrance PMR or
ativitas body or relaxation so as to lower the
PMR alone can lower blood pressure and
metabolic activity (Velkumary &
lower levels of stress in hypertensive
Madanmohan, 2004). Parasympathetic nerve
patients. For patients with hypertension need
stimulation and inhibition of sympathetic
to make a PMR or PMR coupled with
nerve stimulation to relaxation also result in
remembrance to control their blood pressure.
Breathing Exercise on Autonomic

Adib, M. (2009). Easy Ways to Understand and.
Avoid Hypertension, Heart, and Yundini
Yogyakarta: Dianloka Hypertension.
February 2, 2015.
Armilawaty. (2007). The risk of hypertension and
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MEDISAINS: Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 18 No. 1, APRIL 2018 | Page 13
N Setyaningrum, A Badi'ah │ Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Recitation of the
decrease in blood pressure and Decrease Stress Levels in Patients with Hypertension

Potter, AP, & Perry, A. (2005). Fundamentals

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