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April 18, 2020

BSN 2Y2-2


Write the maternal effects and the fetal/neonatal effects of the following commonly abused substances.

Maternal Effects Fetal/Neonatal Effects

Antidepressants - Relief of anxiety and - Transient respiratory problems,

depression; risk anomalies with irritability, poor tone, persistent
paroxetine, small risk of pulmonary hypertension.
anomalies with other
Caffeine - Stimulates CNS and cardiac - Crosses placental barrier and
function, causes vasoconstriction stimulates fetus; teratogenic
and mild diuresis, half-life triples effects are undocumented.
during pregnancy.
Opioids - Malnutrition, anemia, - FGR, LBW, perinatal asphyxia,
increased incidence of STDs, HIV meconium aspiration syndrome,
exposure, hepatitis, thrombosis, fetal or neonatal death, SIDS,
cardiac disease, spontaneous child abuse and neglect; long
abortion, preterm labor. term developmental effects
Tobacco - Decrease placental perfusion, - Prematurity, LBW,
abruption placenta, anemia, neurodevelopmental problems,
PROM, preterm labor, increased incidence of SIDS,
spontaneous abortion. perinatal mortality.
Amphetamines and - Malnutrition, vasoconstriction, - Increased risk for FGR,
Methamphetamines tachycardia, hypertension, prematurity, abnormal sleep
spontaneous abortion, preterm patterns, agitation, poor feeding,
labor, abruption placentae, vomiting.
preeclampsia, retroplacental
Alcohol - Spontaneous abortion, - Fetal demise, FGR, fetal alcohol
Abruption placentae spectrum disorders, FAS (facial
and cranial anomalies,
developmental delay, cognitive
impairment, short attention
Cocaine - Hyperarousal state, euphoria, - Fetal hypoxia, tachycardia,
generalized vasoconstriction, meconium staining, stillbirth,
hypertension, tachycardia, STDs, prematurity, irritability, sleep
spontaneous abortion, abruption followed by agitation, poor
placenta, preeclampsia, PROM, response to comforting or
preterm labor, precipitous interaction, possible attention
delivery. and language problems.
Marijuana - Often used with other drugs: - Unclear; more study needed;
tobacco, alcohol, cocaine; exact maybe related to problems in
effects undetermined. motor development; increased
risk of anomalies or mortality

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