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Social Change:Advocacy Speeches

General Requirements:

1. You are writing two speeches to two audiences, both on the same topic. One
audience agrees with your position; one audience disagrees with your
2. Both speeches should be about a page in length.
3. Both speeches should have clearly distinguishable techniques for reaching
the audiences.
4. You will present one of your speeches to the class.

Things to think about as you are crafting your speech:

1. What is MY ethos? Why do I care about this topic? Have a part in the
conversation? Have a stake in the issue? Capitalize on this stake!
2. Who are my audiences? You will need to do a little research and
a. What are the positions and main arguments for both sides?
b. What are the counter arguments?
c. How can I engage them?
3. Who is the establishment in the situation and what is their “status quo”?
What do they want to maintain?
4. Who are your allies (people who also want social change). Are there
organizations that you can partner or align your ideas with?
5. What has the narrative been so far concerning your topic? Who is doing all
the talking? Who are people listening to?
6. Who has been portrayed as the “good citizen” or the “bad citizen”?

Stylistic techniques that may help you structure your speech.

1. Repetition – repeating your call to action or a strong, emotional plea can be
very effective.
2. Think about your appeals – logos, pathos, etc. How are you balancing your
3. Concessions and Refutations (claims and counter-claims) are you
4. Figurative language – include allusion (alluding to historical events,
literature, important figures, biblical allusions, etc), imagery, plays on words
5. Tone – if you are trying to influence an audience, how does your tone change
from the introduction and build to your call to action?
6. Structure and organization – are you clearly guiding your audience through
your points in a logical manner with clear transitions?
7. Grammar and correct sentence structure – if you are not using correct
conventions, you loose credibility with your audience.

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