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Al Tusi

“War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery,
Ignorance is Strength”

I start off this article with a popular quote by

George Orwell in his book 1984, a reference to the
official motto of the fictional country of Oceania
and a satirical comparison to the modern policies
and ideologies adopted by U.S.A. In his book,
George Orwell comments on the hypocrisy of
Oceania’s Government, where Ministry of Peace
oversee wars and Ministry of Love carry out torture
of political prisoners, a possible reference to the
recent invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. in
the name of ‘bringing peace and harmony’ to the
nation. The invasions did install democracy, but in a
huge cost of the nation’s economy, it’s rich heritage
and landscapes and several innocent civilians
butchered and left to rot in the streets. The worse
part: The unstable government weakened by the
ongoing economic crisis and the food shortage,
failed to curb a growing population of rioting
extremists, which slowly grew into a massive
terrorist outfit threatening the harmony in not only
the nation of its origin, but also exploit the
neighboring lands and other faraway lands in gain
of blood and bounty. The Global Leaders silently
stood by watching as the nations of Iraq and
Afghanistan tear itself apart in chaos. and the lust
for wealth and power between their politicians
failed their country in preventing arising crises and
conflicting and watched the country smear itself in
Wars causes chaos and destruction, antonyms of
peace. Over the years, main objective of voluntary
wars has been sugarcoated with ‘bringing peace’
but failed to implement the same every time. It was
necessary to mention the cases of Afghanistan and
Iraq since these have shown the world ‘how worse
could the consequences of war be’. In both these
cases, the initiator U.S. had drawn allies to help
them ‘bring peace’ and those who didn’t wish to
comply were condemned as ‘sympathizers of
violence and terrorism’. Now the question arises: If
US allied with several other powerful countries
combined couldn’t put an end to conflicts in other
nation and could only end up making the situation
‘worse’, then how is it that most of the alt-right
leaders and some of its ignorant audience still
uphold the baseless myth that ‘War promotes
peace’? There is no base in what they speak and
they could only take help of imaginary theoretical
cases and situations to uphold their statement.
Even to this day, some of these imbecile leaders
reckon that the US had ‘done a great job’ in
preventing what could have been worse than the
present scenario. In short, these people are
advocating violence and genocide of other races
and communities and only wish to create division
among people. Tell me, how could burning of lands
and fields and destroying the livelihood of
thousands of innocent civilians bring peace in a
country? It is a shameful opinion honored by those
who wish downfall in other nations. Unless all of the
Global leaders come together to condemn the
invasions and hypocrisies of the American
Government, there’ll be negligible hope of bringing
peace in the war-torn nations like Iraq and

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