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A Project Report


Investigation of Harmonic Mitigation

Techniques using ETAP

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Electrical by

Gokhale Gaurish Shreedhar (B120132536)

Koli Samruddhi Jogendra (B120132557)
Suradkar Rahul Subhash (B120132632)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Dr. Ravindra K. Munje

Department of Electrical Engineering

K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research,
Amrutdham, Panchavati, Nashik – 422003
This is to certify that the project report titled “Investigation of Harmonic Mitigation
Techniques using ETAP” submitted by
Gokhale Gaurish Shreedhar (B120132536)
Koli Samruddhi Jogendra (B120132557)
Suradkar Rahul Subhash (B120132632)
is a record of bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance in the partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the award of the degree Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

(Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Munje) (Prof. (Dr.) B. E. Kushare) (Prof. (Dr.) K. N. Nandurkar)

Guide Head, Electrical Engg. Dept. Principal

Place: K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik-422003

Examiner’s Certificate
This is to certify that the project report titled “Investigation of Harmonic Mitigation
Techniques using ETAP” submitted by
Gokhale Gaurish Shreedhar (B120132536)
Koli Samruddhi Jogendra (B120132557)
Suradkar Rahul Subhash (B120132632)
has been approved for the award of the degree Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Examiner 1 Examiner 2

Place: K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik – 422003.

We hereby declare that the work presented in this project report entitled “Investigation of
Harmonic Mitigation Techniques using ETAP” is an original work carried out by us under
the supervision of Prof. Dr. R. K. Munje, Electrical Department, K. K. Wagh Institute of
Engineering Education and Research, Nashik.
We further declare that work reported in this project report is our original and independent
work and has not been previously submitted to this or any other University for the award of
the degree, diploma, associate-ship or any other similar title.

Date: Gokhale Gaurish Shreedhar

Place: K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Koli Samruddhi Jogendra
Education and Research, Nashik Suradkar Rahul Subhash

Abstract should be of 300-350 words. With the logical sequence and maintaining the flow,
answers to the following questions should be discussed in the abstract.
Why the study is to be carried out? (Motivation)
What is the study about? (Problem Statement)
How the study is carried out? (Approach)
What are the main results? (Answers to the problems)
What is the conclusion? (Overall conclusion)

Key-words: (3 to 5 important words to be written alphabetically)

Table of Contents
Certificate i
Examiner’s Certificate ii
Declaration iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
Abbreviations vii
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Symbols and Notations x

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.3 Problem Identification 3
1.4 Organization of Report 6

2 System Overview 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 System Description 8

3 Mathematical Modeling/Model Development/Theoretical Foundation 17

3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Heading Depending on Topic/Title 17
3.3 Conclusion 22

4 System Design/ Applied Methodology/ Contribution 25

4.1 Introduction 25
4.2 Design Procedure/Methodology 32
4.3 Experimental/Simulation Results 35
4.4 Conclusion 37

5 Implementation and Testing 40

5.1 Introduction 40
5.2 Implementation 44
5.3 Testing and conclusion 48

6 Conclusion and Future Scope 56

6.1 Conclusion 56
6.2 Future Scope 57

A Appendix
References 58
Publications on this Project 61
Acknowledgements 62

(All the abbreviations should be written alphabetically)
2WBMR Two-wheeled balancing mobile robot
DC Direct current
IPBMR Inverted pendulum balancing mobile robot
ISMC Integral sliding mode control
LMI Linear matrix inequality
LQG Linear quadractic gaussian
LQR Linear quadratic regulator
MIMO Multi input multi output
MPC Model predictive control
PID Proportional-integral-derivative
SISO Single input single output
SMC Sliding mode control
TWIP Two-wheeled inverted pendulum
VSC Variable structure control
VSS Variable structure system
VSCS Variable structure control system

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Double integrator 9
Figure 2.2 Double integrator with feedback 9
Figure 2.3 Phase plane plot when K  0.3 10
Figure 2.4 Phase plane plot when K  3 10
Figure 2.5 Spiraling to zero 11
Figure 2.6 Phase plane plot when K=1 11
Figure 2.7 Phase plane plot when K=-1 11
Figure 2.8 Asymptotically stable VSS 12
Figure 2.9 Sliding mode in variable structure system 13
Figure 2.10 Illustration of sliding mode and reaching mode 15
Figure 3.1 Process flow diagram of white wine 24
Figure 3.2 Process flow diagram of red wine 25
Figure 4.1 Typical batch growth curve 27
Figure 4.2 Experimental data 34
Figure 4.3 Comparison of experimental data and simulation result 35
Figure 4.4 Response of model 35
Figure 4.5 MATLAB implementation of S-function 38
Figure 4.6 Open loop response of the model 39

List of Tables
Table 3.1 Content of the wine grape varieties 23
Table 4.1 Readings of fermentation tank noted on March 2, 2009 33
Table 4.2 Daily readings of the winery plant (Red Wine) 33
Table 4.3 Fermenter characteristics (of Shivprasad Wines) 38

Symbols and Notations
(All the symbols and notations should be italic (typed in math-environment) and
alphabetically written with sequence as small letters, capital letters, Greek letters, special
characters, etc. with unit at the end (if applicable))
aij Submatrices of system matrix A
bij Submatrices of input matrix B
D Disturbance
fi System function of ith state
K Positive scalar
m Input dimensions
n System state dimension
p Output dimension
s Sliding surface function
t Time, s
u Control input
ueq Equivalent control input
ud Discontinuous control input
x System state
y System output
A System matrix
B Input matrix
C Output matrix
In Identity matrix of order n
K System feedback gain
S Hyperplane matrix
Δ Positive scalar
Partial differentiation of ith function with respect to jth state

sgn(.) Signum function

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
(This should include Goals and Objective: (What was to be achieved?) and Motivation (Why
undertake the project?))

1.2 Literature Review

(Review of at least 10-15 related research papers. Overview of the technical area, i.e.
background technical context. Example is given below.)
The two-wheeled inverted pendulum has been suggested as a handy carrier due to its high
maneuverability and small footprint [1, 2]. It has been recommended as a suitable unit for home
and office surroundings [3]. Controlling such a system is a challenging problem due to nonlinear
and complex dynamics, uncertain environmental conditions, parameter uncertainties, etc. [4].
The modeling of the system is also complicated due to the rolling/slipping constraints of the
wheels. Despite its dynamic complexity, a number of two-wheeled inverted pendulums have
been created by research institutions and companies [5]. One of the most reported proposals of a
two-wheeled inverted pendulum was done by Yamafuji et al. in 1988 [6]. By 1996, Ha et al. [7]
established an autonomous two-wheeled inverted pendulum type robot driven by two
independent driving wheels on the same axle and it had a gyro-type sensor to measure the
inclination angular velocity of the robot’s body. In 1999, Shiroma et al. [8] designed comparable
robots that synchronized with each other to carry a load supportively. In 2003, Bui et al. [9]
proposed a welding mobile robot consisting of a welding torch mounted on a two-wheeled
inverted pendulum that was able to follow a specified welding trajectory. Later in 2010, Ding et
al. [10] designed a two-wheeled inverted pendulum platform that is anticipated to act as a
personal transporter with a modifiable seat to keep the rider posture permanently vertical. Earlier
in 2002, Grasser et al. [11] elaborated on the development of a two-wheel vehicle which was
able to stabilize the system using two decoupled DC motors. In 2004, Sasaki et al. [12] designed
a similar vehicle but without a steering control stick. Instead, the steering was commanded by
the user leaning towards one side. In 2007, Li et al. [1] proposed a dual function vehicle that
would serve both as a person and goods transporter. In 2009, a similar robot was proposed as a
baggage transporter that could follow predefined paths [13].

1.3 Problem Identification
From the above literature review, two main challenges can be revealed. These are
discussed in the following. (Discuss the problems)

1.4 Organization of Report

The report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 presents the dynamic model of two-
wheeled inverted pendulum balancing mobile robot, modeling of the model, linearization and
linear system properties of the model. Chapter 3 describes the design of a conventional sliding
mode controller and its application to the model. These results are compared with the linear
quadratic regulator design. Chapter 4 demonstrates the applicability of two types of sliding
mode controllers for disturbance rejection. The first is based on integral sliding mode control
and the other is based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI). Finally, chapter 5 provides
concluding remarks and future work.

Chapter 2
System Overview
2.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter, a brief introduction of the inverted pendulum balancing mobile
robot (IPBMR) or two-wheeled balancing mobile robot (2WBMR) is given along with the
literature review. The motivation and objectives of this report are also discussed. This chapter
presents a detailed description of the system is given with the assumptions. Justifications for
the assumptions are also elaborated.

2.2 System Description

(Detailed description of the system with block diagram or circuit diagram with specifications
of the components/parts/parameters. Related assumptions and justifications of assumptions.
Some definitions, features of the system. Mathematical treatment of the system. Description of
physical/mathematical laws, physical characteristics, etc.)

2.5 Conclusion
(Summary of this chapter (What is presented? and why presented?). Important highlights,
features, responses of the system.)

Chapter 3
Mathematical Modeling/Model Development/Theoretical
3.1 Introduction
(Review of the last chapter and topics to be covered in this chapter. What is the importance of
this chapter? Refer previous chapter for example.)

3.2 Heading Depending on the Project Content

3.3 Conclusion
(Summary of the chapter.)

Chapter 4
System Design/ Applied Methodology/ Hardware Development/
4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter, (review of the last chapter).
Discussion about different design options.
The main objective of the report is (brief about the objective). Hence, in this chapter, (work
carried out in this chapter).

4.2 Design of System

Physical Realization: Circuit Design, Algorithms, Mechanical Superstructure, steps in the

4.3 Experimental/Simulation Results

Discussion and interpretation of results.

4.4 Conclusion
In this Chapter, (summary of this chapter.)

Chapter 5
Implementation and Testing
5.1 Introduction
(Review of previous chapter and topics to be covered in this chapter.)

5.2 Implementation
(Software/ hardware interfacing)
To show that it works but also it does not work for (Limitations)

5.3 Testing and conclusion

(Verification, Validation, and Evaluation)
 Validation: Have I built the right system? Does it satisfy the requirements?
 Verification: Have I built the system right? Is it computing the right answer?
 Evaluation: How good is the system?

Chapter 6
Conclusion and Future Scope
6.1 Conclusion
(Summary of work done and critical appraisal of work done.)
The work carried out in the report can be summarized briefly as follows.

6.2 Future Scope

(Proposal for enhancement or re-design)
The project work presented in this report can be extended along with a number of
directions. Some of the future directions are mentioned below.
1) The developed MATLAB/SIMULINK model can be used for other comparable systems and
control algorithms can be easily applied to the highly nonlinear complex model.
2) The real-time application of the designed controller can be investigated to get a better insight.

(Datasheet/derivation/ methods, analysis, experiments, additional data, Mathematical
derivation, Design, etc.)

[1] F. Ding, J. Huang, Y. Wang, T. Matsuno, T. Fukuda, and K. Sekiyama, “Modeling and
Control of a Novel Narrow Vehicle”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics, Tianjin, 2010, pp. 1130-1135. (IEEE Conference)
[2] F. Grasser, A. D'Arrigo, S. Colombi, and A. C. Rufer, “JOE: A Mobile, Inverted Pendulum”,
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 1, February 2002, pp. 107-114.
(IEEE Journal)
[3] M. Sasaki, N. Yanagihara, O. Matsumoto, and K. Komoriya, “Forward and Backward
Motion Control of Personal Riding-type Wheeled Mobile Platform”, IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2004, pp. 3331-3336. (IEEE
[4] T. Takei, R. Imamura, and S. Yuta, “Baggage Transportation and Navigation by a Wheeled
Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No.
10, October 2009, pp. 3985-3994. (IEEE Journal)
[5] Segway Robotics, “Project PUMA”, Available:
segway-project-puma-concept-auto-shows. (Report with a website)
[6] Z. Li, and Y. Zhang, “Robust Adaptive Motion/Force Control for Wheeled Inverted
Pendulums”, Automatica, Vol. 46, 2010, pp. 1346-1353. (Elsevier Journal)
[7] T. Takei, O. Matsumoto, and K. Komoriya, “Simultaneous Estimation of Slope Angle and
Handling Force When Getting On and Off a Human-Riding Wheeled Inverted Pendulum
Vehicle”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis,
MO, 2009, pp. 4553-4558. (IEEE Conference)
[8] MATLAB/ SIMULINK Control Design Toolbox User Manual, 2014. (Software)
[9] C. Edward, and S. K. Surgeon, Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Application, System and
Control Book Series. (Book)

Publications on this Report
[1] G. S. Gokhale, S. J. Koli, R. S. Suradkar, R. K. Munje “Case Study on Harmonic Analysis
of Personal Computers”, National Power, Energy, and Control Conference (NPECC-2016)
December 23-24, 2016, K. K. Wagh Institue of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik.

It is a privilege for us to have been associated with Prof. Dr. R. K. Munje, our guide,
during this project work. We are thankful to him, for his constant inspiration and valuable
guidance, carefully reading and editing our work and always boosting our confidence to
complete work.
(Say thanks to your industry, industry guide)
We express our gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) K. N. Nandurkar, Principal and Prof. (Dr.) B.
E. Kushare, Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, for their constant encouragement,
co-operation, valuable guidance, and support. We express our sincere thanks to our academic
and class coordinators Prof. A. M. Jain, Prof. (Mrs.) T. N. Date and all the faculty members
of the Electrical Department for their unfailing inspiration.
(Special thanks to faculty members who helped you to carry out the experiment)
We take this opportunity to thank all our classmates for their company during the course
work and for the useful discussions, we had with them.
We would be failing in our duties if we do not make a mention of our family members
including our parents and our siblings for providing moral support, without which this work
would not have been completed.
This kind of work cannot be finished without any others’ help, even some of them have
not aware of their contribution and importance in producing this report. It is a great pleasure
for us to take this opportunity to express our gratefulness to all of them.

(Names of Students)


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