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Inglés V

Producto de aprendizaje Observaciones

Primer parcial
Writing task 1
You and your friends are on the beach on
summer holidays write an e-mail to your family
explaining the activities you do in the morning,
afternoon, evening and night.
(60 – 70 Words)
Writing task 2
A foreing friend is coming to visit Mexico for
first time write an e-mail explaining the activities
you are going to do.
(60 - 70 words
Cuadro comparativo de Presente Simple, y
Presente continuous tiempo donde se incluyan
lo siguiente:
 Uso
 Forma
 Expresiones de tiempo
 Ejemplos

Writing task 1
Teacher asks you think about hobbies and
write which hobbies you have done and which
of them has helped to improve some aspects of
your life.
(60 – 70 words)
Writing task 2
When you were a kid there were happening
strange events in your house. Write a story
about it.

Cuadro comparativo donde se incluyan los

siguientes tiempos verbales:
 Past Simple
 Past continuous

Incluir ejemplos, imágenes y reglas

Cuadro comparativo donde se incluyan los
siguientes tiempos verbales:
 Past Simple
 Past continuous

Incluir ejemplos, imágenes y reglas

Tercer parcial
Writing task 1
Write an email to an American visitor professor
you are going to meet at the Benito Juarez
Airport. Give all the necessary information he
needs to know when he arrives. (60 words).

Cuadro comparativo en donde se incluya los

siguientes modos verbales:
 Would
 Could
 Should
 Must
 Have to
Incluir ejemplos y reglas gramaticales.

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