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Experiment No: 02

Name of The Experiment: Demonstration of the operation and current

voltage characteristics of a typical LED.

An LED is a semiconductor device that emits electromagnetic radiation at optical and infrared
frequencies. The device is a p-n junction diode made from p-type semiconductors, useually
GaAs,GaP or SiC. They emit light only when an external applied voltage is used to forward
bias the diode above a minimum threshold value. The gain in electrical potential energy
delivered this voltage is sufficient to force electron to flow out of the n-type material, across
the junction barrier and into the p-type region. This threshold voltage for the onset current flow
across the junction and the production of the light is Vo
The emission of light occurs after electrons enter into the p-region (and holes into the n-
region). These electrons are a small minority surrounded by holes (essentially the anti-
particles of the electrons) and they will quickly find a hole to recombine with. Energetically, the
electron relaxes from the excited state (conduction band) to the ground state (valance band).
The diodes are called light emitting because they the energy given up by the electron is
relaxes is emitted as a photon. Above the threshold value, the current and light output
increases exponentially with the bias voltage across the diode. The color of the light is
determined by the energy band gap of the semiconductor. The quanta of energy or photon
has an energy E = hf. The relation between the photon energy and the turn-on voltage Vo is
eVo= Eg = hf = hc / λ

Figure-1: The electron flow over the barrier at the p-n junction when they are given sufficient
potential energy.
Where Eg is the size of the energy gap, Vo is the threshold voltage , f and λ are the frequency
and wavelength of the emitted photons, c is the velocity of light , e is the electronic charge
and Plank’s constant.

LED light, project board, resistance, potentiometer/variable resistance, power supply,
multicenter, connecting wires.

1. Firstly we constructed the circuit in figure 2. Then we examined the figure 2 closely
so that I we could sure to install the LED properly. We also noticed that the LED had
a flat side for possibly a notch. Which identified that it’s a cathode lead.

Figure-2: Circuit diagram for the experiment

2. We turned the positive (+) voltage control clockwise to apply the approximately 15
volts dc to 1000 ohm potentiometer R1 would be used to control the voltage applied
to the LED and series 1000 ohm resistor R2. As we continued this experiment we
increased this input voltage and observe the voltage across the LED and the current
flowing through it. As we performed the following steps be sure to notice the
variations in the LEDs brightness.
3. We then turned potentiometer R1 fully counterclockwise after that we turned on our
4. After doing these we turned R1 clockwise until the voltage across R2 is equal to 1
volt. since R2 has a value of 1000 ohms the current through it would equal to its
voltage drop divided by its resistance or

I = 1/1000 = 1 miliampere
Since this same current was flowing through the LED, the LED’s forward current
must then be equal to 1 miliampere.
An LED is often small in area and integrated optical compounds may be used to shape is
relation pattern.

Figure-3: An LED (a) and its symbol (b)

The forward current of an LED, IF is the current which flows across the LEDs lead from the
anode to cathode, in order for the LED to receive sufficient current to power on. Different
kinds of LEDs have different forward current requirement. However, for visible light LEDs
usually should receive a forward current of almost 20mA of current. Infrared LEDs usually
require a bit more current usually about 50mA of current. Typically the forward voltage of and
LED is about 1.8-3.3 volts, it varies by the color of the LED.

Experimental Data:
LED current-voltage measurement data.

Sl no Forward current, If (in mA) Forward voltage (in volts)

01. 0.0 1.45
02. 0.04 1.50
03. 0.23 1.55
04. 0.44 1.60
05. 1.00 1.65
06. 1.95 1.70
07. 3.00 1.75
08. 4.23 1.80
09. 5.49 1.85
10. 6.01 1.90
11. 8.20 1.95
12. 9.8 2.00
13. 11.44 2.05
For some values of voltage corresponding current across the LED are observed. Which are
shown on the graph.

 LEDs are very sensitive devices and the amount of current flowing through an LED is
very important. Also, the brightness of an LED depends on the amount of current drawn
by LED.
 Every LED is rated with a maximum forward current that is safe to pass through it
without burning off the LED. Allowing current more than rated current will actually burn
the LED.
 It should not be exceeded 20mA maximum current rating for GaP, GaAs or SiC LED.

 The V-I characteristics was observed for forward current and forward voltage
 All the connections were correctly connected.
 There is no current increased in the increased in voltage up to 1.45 volts, after reaching
the voltage at 1.5 volts the current is begin to increase. So 1.5 voltage is called the
knee voltage.
 After reaching the voltage at knee voltage, the forward current was increased very
rapidly with the increased of voltage.

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