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Non organelle

b) Non organelle Characteristics Functions

1. Plasma/cell -made of_________ & -it regulates
membrane phospholipids the_______of
-________ permeable out of the cytoplasm
2. Cell wall -made of _________. -gives _____ to plant

(Plant cell) - _______ to all fluids -provides mechanical

________ for the plant
3. Cytoplasm -jelly-like matrix -medium for _______
reactions in the cell.
-medium which
organelles are _______.

-contains organic and

inorganic substances

Cell Structure : Organelle

a) Organelle Characteristics Function

1. Nucleus -the largest organelle -control all _______ of the cell

-has _______ thread -contain _______ which determine the

characteristics and cell functions.
2. Vacoule -fluid filled sac enclosed -vacoule in plants store chemicals such
by membrane called as water,________, ________, mineral,
(plant cell) tonoplast. _________.

-the fluid is called -vacoule regulate _________ in plant cell and

__________. paramecium

-supports ___________ plants

3. -cylindrical shape -the site of _________ production through
Mitochondrion cellular respiration.
-made up of ________
Glucose + O2 Energy + H2O + CO2
membrane units
-energy released is used for cellular _______.
4. Lysosomes -contain hydrolytic ______. -release enzyme to _______ material in food
vacuoles in organisms like Paramecium
(animal cell) -membrane-bound sac
-break down complex organic molecules (eg
protein, lipid, polysaccharides & nucleic

-digest _____, dead or damage _______ to

enable a cell to renew itself
5. Chloroplast -lens-shaped -traps _______ (energy) during
(plant cell) -contains __________.
6. Centriole -small cylindrical structure -form spindle fibres during cell ______ in
animal cells
(animal cell)
7. Ribosome -small spherical organelles -the site of _______ synthesis

-either attached to RER -use information from nucleus to make

or free these proteins.
8. Endoplasmic -The membranes of ER i) RER – _________ (made by ribosomes)
are continuous with the to Golgi apparatus.
nuclear membrane
reticulum (ER) -Protein are packaged in vesicles which
-has ______ attached to its are called ____________.
i) RER surface
ii) Synthesis of ________ (phospholipids
-does not have _______ and steroids)

ii) SER attached to its surface - _________ of drugs & poisons

9. Golgi body/ -stacks of flattened -processing, _________ and ________ center

membranous sacs. of synthesized proteins (such as
apparatus enzyme/hormone/antibody, phospholipids and
-new membrane is carbohydrate & glycoproteins (such as
continuously added to one mucus).
end of Golgi apparatus and
buds off as _______ -all these modified substances, enclosed in a
vesicles at the other end. _______ vesicle and bud off from the Golgi
body to the cell membrane/other parts of the

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