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During 200 use of computer soft wares increased and helped a lot in decision making

process, with the passage of time and during 10 years a drastic change occurred

worldwide with the invention of social media, Facebook. Previously there was no data of

consumers except in few areas of private sector but that was not made public not

everyone had access to that data then with the invention of Facebook , twitter rich data

is available publicly. But later on due to this the owner of Facebook prosecuted and

made changes in default privacy settings of data in 2017, due to loop holes private data

was hacked and even sold, so with the invention of technology the data which is more

important than employees i.e. of consumers used in HR,on websites/ Facebook there

are millions of reports/reviews of consumers about products and also there are pages of

trip advisories with millions of consumer reviews and are publicly available with access

to all and there id data about markets, countries, shares, due to all this the field of data

sciences emerged and contributed by three or four areas with major of computer

science, economic predictive analysis, financial analysis and HR data usage with the

help of soft wares and by improving decision related to HR called HR analytics or

people analytics. The HR analytics did not grow so fast like other fields did, historically

people related with HR are deprived, the people related with finance will guide the boss

about increments and HR is more or less limited to attendance only and no one has

accepted strategic importance of HR . With the invention of HR analytics it is easy for

HRM to exhibit their role in strategic decision making with quantifying the outputs and

savings and long term historic predictions of employees.

This is all about how could you make HR functions effective using electronic tools, HR

analytics is largely use of data and using it for improvement of performance of HRM.
Here more focus is on data and its analysis, analytics is combination of computer

sciences and statistical tools and techniques, for example SPSS is a computer program

used for data analysis and is amalgamation of computer science, statistics and field in

which analysis is being done. The emergence of analytics in HRM is from the day

computers are invented, initially computers were just used for record keeping like that of

diseases and attendance etc., but with the passage of time revolutionary advances

were made in the field of medical sciences, now even operations are made with the help

of machines and computer and in the field of social sciences and HR as well almost all

fields are revolutionized and also in performance evaluation of employees so trends can

be set with the help of data, in Pakistan it is still underutilized with so many reasons like

people are not used to it, people are reluctant to attend the workshops, people generally

resist changes therefore firstly either data is not entered at all or it is entered rich but is

not used at all. For example in one organization there are 500 employees and you have

data of leaves and arrival timings also the data of age is also available now predictive

analysis means you want to relate more than one variable and data of age and leaves is

analyzed by correlation regression, likely if you have data of leaves continuous and data

of gender is categorical then it will be T- test run. Trends are not set because of two

things one is either data is not available or the other thing is that the data usage is not

that easy. Now the articles, why HR is failed to set the big data challenge? They start

with defining big data in HR analytics, the data that explains more is called big data, is

any data that is too big to be stored, managed and analyzed. HR analytics is defined as

analysis of data related with human resource and to interpret and improving decision

making is called HR analytics.

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