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Important Pick-Up Information

Welcome to our new-look Farmers Market! The Westfield Farmers Market has set up
this combination of online shopping & real-world pickup to keep shoppers and local
farmers/producers connected, especially in light of the Governor’s 3/21 Executive Order
explicitly citing Farmers Markets as essential. To safeguard everybody’s health, please
follow these protocols for picking up your orders. We know they may be tedious, and we
will likely make adjustments as we go along, but please be patient.

Pickup is ​BY CAR ONLY​, to maximize social distance. If you don’t have a car, please
have a friend go. If you are symptomatic, please send somebody else to pick up.
Windows of pickup times have been defined, again, to spread out traffic. The windows
are Saturday (starting May 2nd):
- 10:00 - 10:30 am Last names from​ A through G
- 10:30 - 11:00 am Last names ​H through L
- 11:00 - 11:30 am Last names ​M through R
- 11:30 - noon Last names ​S through Z

Pickup location is the North Avenue Train Station Parking Lot. Use the entrance from
North Avenue near the Westfield Fire Department.

Please follow these protocols:

- Bring with you a sheet of paper with your​ Local Line Customer/Account Name
written in letters large and heavy enough to be seen from several feet
- Have your vehicle’s trunk (somewhat) empty
- Get into the car line and stay in your car with your windows up
- Stop in front of the vendor table; the vendor will approach
- Stay in your car
- Hold up paper with your ​Customer/Account name
- Pop or unlock your trunk to allow the vendor to place your purchase in your
- Proceed to the next vendor from whom you have purchased
- DO NOT hop-scotch the line​. Stay in line until you reach the end.
- Exit onto North Avenue

Thank you in advance for your patience as we iron out details to make the process as
smooth as possible. Send suggestions to ​​.

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