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Analysis Case Study Wastewater Treatment Plant to Know Dates Bondowoso


Roviyatul Cholilah, Desi Kirana Putri, Camelia Giga Kandela


Industry know an industry that is commonly found in Indonesia. Industry The

majority of the demand by the rural communities because of the technology in its
manufacture are still modest. In addition, the raw material for making out is also very
easy to obtain. Not only raw materials obtained easily, the sales price is relatively

The results of this study, the waste from processing out in the form of pulp.
Tofu is a solid waste. Tofu has health benefits such as energy resources, accelerate
wound healing and others. In addition, the pulp can be used as animal feed, crackers
tofu, tempeh gembus and others. As for liquid waste, if not managed properly will
cause negative impacts such as odors and pollute the water, but in the Bondowoso
palm plant, wastewater issued has been managed by the Department of
Environment and Transportation Bondowoso. Environment Agency and the
Transportation refers to the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), which is a
study of the impact on the environment.

This study was conducted to determine the benefits of a sewage treatment

plant Bondowoso out dates. The method used in this research is a field survey and
interview. Data analysis using primary data and secondary data.

Keywords: Industrial know, solid waste, liquid waste, EIA


Industry know very much at all is found in Indonesia. Tofu is a traditional food that is
liked by the people of Indonesia, and even made special food. In addition, know also
a source of protein and are also highly favored by the people of Indonesia. Industry
know is growing very rapidly in Indonesia because of the use of the technology used
in the manufacture of a very simple idea or still traditional. So that the many people
who jumped into the industry. In addition to a very simple technology, raw materials
used in the manufacture of the very simple idea, the main ingredient is soybean. Price
sales were relatively cheap so it is very suitable for the medium. A wide assortment
of food that can be made of the idea that demand very much.

Industry know in the manufacturing process inevitably results in waste.Waste

generated that have two solid waste and wastewater management. First, the solid
waste generated in the form of pulp. Tofu has many health benefits and is used for
animal feed, crackers tofu, tempeh gembus and others. Of solid waste does not cause
negative impacts but the positive impact because it can be beneficial to living beings.
Second, the resulting wastewater can pollute the environment if not managed
beforehand. The negative impact arising from the liquid waste is not managed in
advance that pollute the river water and cause the unpleasant smell, which can
interfere with comfort ng yes communities exist around the plant. The liquid waste is
dangerous when the river water consumed by people for many chemicals that can
cause skin diseases. However, in the factories know Kurna Bondowoso cooperate
with an Environmental Living and Transportation Department Bondowoso so that
wastewater produced already managed. Although not optimal results are maintained.
of the waste is still causing the unpleasant smell but relatively low. The waste
management through three stages. Of such cooperation, tofu can be used as an
example to other people if you want to establish cooperation with the industry know
what to DLH (Department of Environment and Transport) in order not to pollute the
environment and no protests from local residents.

3.1 Types of Research

3.1.1 This study used qualitative methods of analyzing the waste management
plant out, the impact of waste disposal plants and benefits from plant waste is

3.2 Place and Time Research

3.2.1 1. This research was conducted in Tofu Factory located in Bondowoso.

The plant named Factory Know Dates Bondowoso Bondowoso located
in City Center, Jalan Piere Tendean next to the Office of Water
Resources and Public Works Bondowoso. The factory owner named
Mr. Joni ie.

2. The research was conducted at the Department of Environment and

Transportation Bondowoso.

3.2.2 The study was conducted in November 2019.

3.3 How to Research

3.3.1 The research was conducted by field studies are conducted field surveys
to Know Dates Factory Bondowoso and do an interview to the informant
(Tofu Factory owner Dates Bondowoso) to obtain information that helps in
our study.

3.3.2 The research was conducted by the field study is to do an interview with
one of the officers of the Environment and Transportation Department
Bondowoso to get information about how the waste MANAGEMENT Know
Dates Factory Bondowoso.

3.4 Data Analysis

3.4.1 Primary Data

The study was conducted by analyzing how the waste management plant
studied, the impact of industrial waste, and waste utilization plant.
Researchers conducted a field survey to know the plant.

3.4.2 Secondary Data

Research done by reading and seeing articles that exist, so the

researchers make articles such as a supporting material in the study.

3.5 Data Collection Tool

Tools - a tool used in the study for data collection are:

3.5.1 Researcher as key research

3.5.2 Sources as an information center in the research is the main reference in

getting information for research

3.5.3 Book to record the interviews

3.5.4 Camera as documentation in research


4.1 Positive Impact Waste Tofu Factory Dates Bondowoso

Results of management know, the waste generated is also having a positive

impact on daily life - today. Dates Tofu Factory Bondowoso in solid waste generated
in the form of pulp is used as livestock feed. So that the pulp is sold to cattle farmers,
they work together with the tofu factory. Wastewater produced not only have a
negative impact but also can lead to a positive impact that is used as a pesticide and
fungicide. In addition there are several benefits of tofu, among others:

1. Used as crackers tofu

The waste from the pulp used for food which is often called crackers tofu.

2. Raw materials of organic liquid fertilizer

Tofu can be used to manufacture organic liquid fertilizer as organic fertilizer
can fertilize and tanamnnya soil and can grow well because tofu contains
protein fat, crude fiber, and calcium and EM4 use in the manufacture of
organic fertilizers aims to accelerate the fermentation.

3. Used for tempe gembus

Tofu can be used as a meal a day - a day that is mixed with yeast which is
often called tempe gembus. Gembus Tempe is also much loved by the
people, the majority of rural masyaraka are still consuming tempe.

4. Used as fish paka

Tofu is usually used for fish feed is mixed with egg white, because tofu
contains a lot of protein so that it can help the development and growth of
fish quickly.

5. Used for Nata de Soya

Tofu has a lot of protein and have a high nutrient, can be used in the
manufacture of foods such as Nata de Soya. The food is white, supple and
much loved by the community.

6. Used for flour

Flour can also be made of tofu because it has a lot of protein and calories
are very high. It managed to produce flour such as wheat flour and rice flour.
In addition, the flour can be used in the manufacture of such a cake and
others - others.

7. Used for poultry feed

Tofu blended with residual oil mill can be used to feed poultry such as
chickens, ducks and the like, because the animal is very happy with tofu but
it can accelerate the growth of the birds.
4.2 Impact Treatment Plant Neagtif Know Dates Bondowoso

Waste management plant out often creates a lot of problems in society

because it pollutes the environment. This is caused because the factory owners
know they do not cooperate with the Environment Agency in the management of the
factory waste, which can cause environmental pollution, especially water pollution,
because the waste disposal in the river around the plant. But in Bondowoso Dates
Tofu Factory, factory tersebt been working with the Environment Agency and the
Transportation Bondowoso in waste management know. So it does not pollute the
surrounding environment. The waste management but less than the maximum,
because they cause odor for the people who are around the plant waste disposal

1. Disrupting the lives of biotic

From these events polluted water quality will decline so it can disturb plants
in the river or water contaminated as a result of disposal of such waste. So
that the ecosystem would be difficult to breed. Because water is used as the
process of photosynthesis that are in the river.

2. detrimental to health
Wastewater from the factory waste disposal can cause health problems
because they contain substances that are toxic to living mkhluk. In addition,
the waste can create a bacteria that can cause disease or germs - germs that
can harm plant products and also know the human keshatan. Not only that, if
the disposal is done to the river it will cause damage to the ecosystem in the
river. Not just the ecosystem, if used river water surrounding communities for
everyday life, it can cause diseases such as itching - itching. diarrhea, colitis
and other - lian. If the disposal is done in the well, it will cause the soil in the
contaminated wells, so that the well can not be used for consumption,

3. Create odor
Liquid waste disposal can cause the unpleasant smell, which can impair the
comfort of the people who were in the area of the river where the waste
disposal plant. Although it is managed, the odor is still there but only a low
relatof. This happens can inflict several factors one of which is less than the
maximum management so that the odor generated there. In addition, the
technology used in the management of a very simple yet it can also lead to
manageability is not maximized. Tidek unpleasant odor is also caused by a
mixture of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus derived from the decay of proteins
contained in the waste.

4. Residents lost access to clean water

As a result of the disposal of waste into the river residents around the river
could not use the water to the maximum, because the water is contaminated
by wastewater from the sewage plant. When used, it can cause a variety of
skin diseases, not only that, if the water is not close keungkinan in
consumption could result in people who mengkounsumsi poisoning, because
the water contains many toxic substances mixed-mixed from a wide variety of

5. Air pollution
Meningktnya air pollution caused by the smell of the waste. They contain the
odor of gas - gas that does not rule out the possibility, the air will be dirty. In
addition, the gas - the gas is toxic so it is not good for health.

4.3 Process Wastewater Treatment Plant to Know

Tofu is made from soybeans that have been processed through the selection
of the various stages which then produces the end product is out firmness and
density. The processes that must be passed this takes quite a long time. Therefore,
manufacturing know takes a lot of human resources and key raw materials such as
soybeans and water clean enough.
Once out processed and ready to didistirbusikan to consumers, then being
left for tofu. This tofu waste will be recycled, such as being fed to livestock. In
addition, tofu can be processed into foods rich in protein benefits, for example steak
out and nata de soya. Residual dregs know this is very beneficial to the community.
Although dregs were left out the results of production waste, but still useful to be
used as processed food as well as animal feed residents.

Before establishing a business or factory, the prospective owner must first

have a license so that the business operations officially recorded and bsinisnya can
be run in accordance with applicable regulations. Usually, manufacturers or small
business start-ups do not take care of operational permit because underestimate
impacts that could eventually happen.

Residual waste production know divided into two types, ie, wastewater and
solid waste. Liquid waste is in the form of residual production fluids and usually smell
was overpowering. This liquid waste containing organic matter. And if directly
discharged will cause environmental pollution, since there is a high organic matter in
the liquid waste.

The liquid waste will be reprocessed before it will be discharged into the river.
Wastewater produced by the plant to Know Dates are dealt with and under the
auspices of the Department of Environment and Transportation, the regency, East
Java. There is a special team to handle associated with wastewater treatment in
various industries and factories in Bondowoso. Environment and Transportation
Department is responsible for residual waste treatment process of this production.
Business owners only provide a place for the disposal of waste that has been
processed earlier and ensure it does not contaminate the environment.

Quoted the source, sewage treatment process is divided into 4 stages before
finally ready to be discharged into the river. The treatment process is arranged so as
to minimize the content that is harmful to the environment in the liquid waste. The
content of organic matter in the wastewater is dangerous when mixed with the soil.
Land that has been polluted by organic substances liquid waste out earlier will affect
the pH of the soil. If the pH of the soil water balance, would be very dangerous if
used for everyday activities such as washing, cooking and drinking local residents.
Liquid wastes generated a lot of negative impacts than positive impacts her.
Therefore, sewage treatment requires appropriate treatment in order to minimize the
impact ditimbulkan.nantinya.

Liquid waste that has been processed by the Department of Environment and
Transportation will be dumped into the nearest river. The factory owner knows to
send officers to monitor the flow in the river. The officer responsible for ensuring that
the flow of water along the river is not clogged. If the river flow is blocked, then the
liquid waste was going to accumulate and cause bubbles that could interfere with the
activities of people around the river. Bubbles that arise due to blockage of river flow
can damage the beauty and the beauty of the environment.

Environment Agency and the Transportation refers to the EIA (Environmental

Impact Assessment), which is a study of the impact on the environment. Application
of EIA in Indonesia had no legal basis in the form of Government Regulation No. 27
Year 2012 on "Environmental Permit" to replace PP 27, 1999 regarding the EIA.
Preparation of the EIA was initiated when an activity or project and will be used in
decision making.

EIA is useful not only for the government but also to business owners and the
public. Business owners took part in carrying out the EIA, because they play an
important role and this also concerns about their businesses. Business owners
should also understand the purpose of the establishment of the EIA, so when
running the study does not abuse. The community also has an important role in the
success of this EIA program. This is because people should also have views on the
EIA to increase knowledge and if at any time will be used.
Solid waste from the manufacturing process to know the form of pulp
remainder consisting of leather processing soybeans and other impurities. Solid
waste can still be used as animal feed. Dates Tofu Factory business owners have
sold their remaining solid waste to cattle farmers and goats in the area around the
plant is located. Solid waste was placed in a sack and then sold to farmers.

But can be used as animal feed, pulp can also be used as processed foods,
including know gembus, steak out, and nata de soya. Solid waste from the rest of the
processing can be sold to traders know processed out earlier. They memanfaatkaan
pulp out to be value for money that can be profitable.

Wastewater and solid waste which is the remainder of the end of the
manufacturing process know has a different way of treatment. Business owners
should be able to create opportunities that exist, namely by reselling pulp out to
people who can process it. Then, the business owner must be fully responsible
associated with wastewater treatment administered Environment Agency and the
Transportation and will be thrown into the river. Business owners must ensure that
the waste discharged into the river was not contaminating the surrounding
environment. Due to it, our environment can be maintained beauty.


Bondowoso plant waste out of dates produced two lmbah the solid waste and liquid
waste. The solid waste generated in the form of pulp, which can be used for animal
feed, pulp chips, tempe gembus and many benefits for health. Wastewater produced
to cause pollution of the environment but in a tofu factory Bondowoso date has been
managed by the Department of Environment and Transportation, but not mkasimal
so they meinmbulkan bad odor.

From the above results can be symbolized that the owners know the dates
Bondowoso more emphasis to the DLH (Department of Environment and Transport)
in order to manage liquid waste to the fullest and do not cause the unpleasant smell
even though only relatively low.



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