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Submitted By:

Iftikhar ud din (071)

Ahmed Shabbir (019)

Assignment 02

Submitted to: Ma’am Sumaira Saleem
A modifier changes clarifies,, qualifies, or limits a particular sentence in order to add, emphasis,
explanation or detail. Modify means to change something or alter it. A Modifier is an adjective
or adverb or adjective clause or adverb clause that modifies other words in a sentence to make
it more descriptive.Basically, Modifier modifies other words in a sentence to it more descriptive.
A Modifier can be a single word,apharse or a clause.Forexample,Inthesentence,FluffyCat,Orange
Cat, the cat I saw on the street.Fluffy,Orange and I saw on the street are modifiers as they make
the word more detailed or specific.

To add something

“Modifier is a word or a group of words that makes the meaning of another word more specific OR add
description to a sentence”

 The friendly students bought me the chocolate cake.
 I saw a red ball.
 My hair colour is purple.

There are two types of Modifiers according to parts of speech:

 Adjective Modifier
 Adverb Modifier

i. Adjective Modifier:
An Adjective modify nouns and pronouns.

For example,

 You sang a beautiful song.

 The girl was pretty.

ii. Adverb Modifier:

An Adverb modifies verbs,adjectives and other adverbs.

For Example,
 You sang Beautifully.
 He ran fastly.

Adverbs can also modifies adjectives and other adverbs:

 The very pretty girl.

 She spoke quite passionality about politics.


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