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Deconstructing Standards

6.10(D) describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events such as ocean basin formation, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and mountain building

Big Idea in Standard (Nouns and Adjectives)

Describing major geological events that plate tectonics cause such as; ocean basin,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building.

UNDERSTANDINGS from Standard: QUESTIONS from Standard:

To meet the standard, students will understand that… To understand, students will need to consider…
 Tectonic plate movement causes geological  What are the different plate boundaries?
events  What plate boundary creates an earthquake?
 Different boundaries cause different geological  What plate boundary creates a mountain?
events  What plate boundary creates an ocean basin?
 Where and how geological events occur  What plate boundary creates a volcano and
volcanic eruption?
 How do the plate tectonics move in order to
create these geological effects?
Real-World Performances in Standard (Verbs)
Geologist- study the earth and the formations to explain why geological features are formed.
Marine geologist- studies the plate tectonics, effects of seismic shifts and underwater
volcanoes, ocean floor spreading, weatherization.

Performance Task Ideas:

Plate tectonics jigsaw- become an expert in one of five geological effects; earthquakes, volcanoes, sea floor
spreading, ocean basin, mountain building,
Graham cracker activity- Students will take graham crackers and marshmallows and demonstrate how the
boundaries move and the geological effects they create.

PBL 101
UT Tyler – Ingenuity Center

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