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abundant, awareness, barreling forward, cocoons, consider, extraction,

flourishes, foundational, impact, indigenous, lifespan, magnificently,
make small shift, nourished, persistent, proliferating, pronounced, sigh of
relief, take it for granted, unifies

This is your home planet Earth a living spaceship flying through the
cosmos at 1,000 miles per hour no matter what type of who you are. You
are _____________ to earth. Earth is _____________ to all life and
_____________ us - so _____________ present and _____________ in
our experience that we often ______________________.
During this global quarantine our sense of separation from nature is
more _________________ than ever and yet while humanity
_____________ itself indoors nature _____________ breathing a
_____________ from humanity's _____________ + _____________ the
engine of modern civilization merely turned off. And while it's off we have
a moment to _____________ do we really want this machine to keep
_____________ in the same way?
Before we turn it back on: What would we change? How do we?
What do we know now that we got wrong when we built all of these
systems? And how can we _____________________ to bring it all back
into harmony with nature? What if we decided that
__________________ billions of single-use items was simply not an
option? What if we consider the full __________________ of everything
we created and the _____________ it will have on our planet for seven
generations? What if we decided to live in the _____________ that we
have _____________ and supported in every moment by the fruits of our

annually, betrayed, birthed, demanding, exhaled, giving rise, heart of

hearts, outrage, paradigm, recognise, secular, shift, sparked, symbiotic,
syncronized, thrive

We must remember that the water that fills our bodies was (given)
_____________ by the earth. The air we breathe was first
_____________ generously from our friends in the plant kingdom. Our
food begins with this and results in this. This is the magic of our beautiful
and majestic planet Earth. In our _____________________ we know
that we have _____________ her in many ways. But now is an
opportunity to make a fundamental _____________.

On April 22nd we celebrate the 50th __________________ of

Earth Day. Earth Day began in 1970 after a major ecological disaster
_____________+ _____________ + _____________ to a movement of
nearly 20 million people in the United States _____________ greater
environmental protection since then Earth Day has grown into the largest
_____________ holiday on the planet with over 1 billion people
celebrating it _____________ in over 190 countries around the world.
While the engines off this is our moment to step into a new
_____________ (point of view) for humanity a moment where we
_____________ our _____________ nature with our living home, this
living being.
No matter what your situation is or where you are we invite you to
find a way to connect with nature and give thanks. Join us for a global
___________________ moment of meditation at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time
on April 22nd at / unified. The earth can _____________
without us but we cannot survive without her. Visit in / unify on April 22nd to join the celebration.

enhancement – enrichment
enhance - enrich

And now this is the moment of truth: 

This is your home planet Earth a living spaceship flying through the cosmos at
1,000 miles per hour no matter what type of who you are. You are i_____________
to earth. Earth is f___________________ to all life and u_____________ us - so
m_____________________ present and a_____________________ in our
experience that we often t_____________________.

During this global quarantine our sense of separation from nature is more
p_____________________ than ever and yet while humanity
c_____________________ itself indoors nature f_____________________
breathing a s_____________________ from humanity's p_____________________
e_____________________ the engine of modern civilization merely turned off. And
while it's off we have a moment to c_____________________ do we really want this
machine to keep b_____________________ in the same way?

Before we turn it back on: What would we change? How do we ?

What do we know now that we got wrong when we built all of these systems? And
how can we make small s_____________ to bring it all back into harmony with
nature? What if we decided that p____________________ billions of single-use
items was simply not an option? What if we consider the full l__________________
of everything we created and the i_________________ it will have on our planet for
seven generations? What if we decided to live in the a_________________ that we
have n__________________ and supported in every moment by the fruits of our
We must remember that the water that fills our bodies was (given)
b________________ by the earth. The air we breathe was first
e_________________ generously from our friends in the plant kingdom. Our food
begins with this and results in this. This is the magic of our beautiful and majestic
planet Earth. In our h_____________________ we know that we have
b_________________ her in many ways. But now is an opportunity to make a
fundamental s______________. On April 22nd we celebrate the 50th
a___________________ of Earth Day. Earth Day began in 1970 after a major
ecological disaster s__________________ + o_________________ +
g_____________________ to a movement of nearly 20 million people in the United
States d_____________________ greater environmental protection since then Earth
Day has grown into the largest s_____________________ holiday on the planet with
over 1 billion people celebrating it a_____________________ in over 190 countries
around the world. While the engines off this is our moment to step into a new
p_________________ for humanity a moment where we r___________________
our s___________________ nature with our living home, this living being.
No matter what your situation is or where you are we invite you to find a way
to connect with nature and give thanks. Join us for a global
s_____________________ moment of meditation at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time on April
22nd at / unified. The earth can t_____________ without us but we
cannot survive without her. Visit in / unify on April 22nd to
join the celebration.

This is your home planet Earth a living spaceship flying through the cosmos at
1,000 miles per hour no matter what type of who you are. You are indigenous
(őshonos) to earth. Earth is foundational (alapvető) to all life and unifies (egyesít)
us - so magnificently (pazarul) present and abundant (bőséges) in our experience
that we often take it for granted (magától értetődőnek vesz).

During this global quarantine our sense of separation from nature is more
pronounced (kifejezett) than ever and yet while humanity cocoons (begubózik)
itself indoors nature flourishes (virágzik) breathing a sigh of relief
(megkönnyebbült sóhaj) from humanity's persistent extraction (állandó,
constant kitermelés) the engine of modern civilization merely turned off. And while
it's off we have a moment to consider (megfontol): do we really want this machine
to keep barreling forward (tovaszáguld) in the same way?

Before we turn it back on: What would we change? How do we ?

What do we know now that we got wrong when we built all of these systems? And
how can we make small shifts (kis változtatásokat tesz) to bring it all back into
harmony with nature? What if we decided that proliferating (burjánzó) billions of
single-use items was simply not an option? What if we consider the full lifespan
(élettartam) of everything we created and the impact (hatás, influence, effect) it
will have on our planet for seven generations? What if we decided to live in the
awareness (tudat) that we have nourished (táplál) and supported in every moment
by the fruits of our earth?
We must remember that the water that fills our bodies was (given) birthed
(szül) by the earth. The air we breathe was first exhaled (kilehel) generously from
our friends in the plant kingdom. Our food begins with this and results in this. This is
the magic of our beautiful and majestic planet Earth. In our heart of hearts (szívünk
mélyén) we know that we have betrayed (elárul) her in many ways. But now is an
opportunity to make a fundamental shift (módot talál).
On April 22nd we celebrate the 50th anniversary (évforduló) of Earth Day.
Earth Day began in 1970 after a major ecological disaster (OIL SPILL) sparked
outrage (felháborodást keltett) giving rise (létrehoz) to a movement of nearly 20
million people in the United States demanding (megkövetel) greater environmental
protection since then Earth Day has grown into the largest secular (világi) holiday
on the planet with over 1 billion people celebrating it annually (évente) in over 190
countries around the world. While the engines off this is our moment to step into a
new paradigm (nézet) for humanity a moment where we recognize (felismer) our
symbiotic (életközösségbeli) nature with our living home, this living being.
No matter what your situation is or where you are we invite you to find a way
to connect with nature and give thanks. Join us for a global synchronized
(összehangolt) moment of meditation at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time on April 22nd at / unified. The earth can thrive (gyarapszik) without us but we cannot
survive without her. Visit in / unify on April 22nd to join the

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