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Mrs. Christa Mathew Ms. Samjhana Neupane
Assistant Professor Msc. Nursing 1st year
Advanced Nursing Department SNSR

There are so many alternatives ways of treatment in whole world other than allopathy.
Alternative medicine include various healing approaches and therapies that originate from
around the world. Alternative medicine include therapies and health care practices However
many such practices are popular, and some are used in hospital Patient are most likely to seek
alternative medicine for conditions such as chronic low back-pain, stress, migraine, headaches,
menopausal symptoms, cancer and arthritis.
Alternative therapies: Are used instead of conventional or mainstream medical modalities.
Complementary therapies are used in conjunction with conventional or mainstream medical
Alternative therapies: It refers to a broad group of natural and spiritual healing methods that are
different than the conventional western medicine ( or pharmaceutical medicine). Many of these
healing methods have been used for centuries in many different cultures.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term commonly used to describe a
broad range of healing philosophies, approaches and therapies that focus on the whole person
including biopsychosocial and spiritual aspect.
CAM therapies when used alone referred as alternative therapies.
When CAM therapies are used in combination with other conventional therapies referred as
complementary therapies.
Complementary therapy Alternative therapy
Used together with conventional medicine Used in place of conventional medicine.
An example of a complementary therapy is An example of an alternative therapy is using a
using meditation to help lessen a patient’s special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing
discomfort following surgery. surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy that has been
recommended by a conventional.

Types of Complementary And Alternative Medicine

1. Alternative Medical Systems
2. Mind-Body Interventions
3. Biologically-Based Therapies
4. Manipulative and Body-Based Methods
5. Energy Therapies
1) Alternative Medical Systems :
Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice. Often, these
systems have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used.
Types of alternative medical system:
I. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture and Acupressure
II. Ayurveda
III. Unani
IV. Siddha
V. Homeopathy
VI. Naturopathic medicine
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine that originated in China over 5,000
years ago. It is based on the belief that living beings have a vital energy, called "qi” that
circulates through twelve invisible energy lines known as meridians on the body.
Acupuncturists insert needles into specified points along meridian lines to influence the restore
balance to the flow of qi. There are over 1,000 acupuncture points on the body.
Acupuncture is considered a safe therapy when the practitioner has been trained and uses
sterilized needles.
Mechanism of accupunture:
There are numerous theories about how acupuncture works. Some of them are:
 acupuncture stimulates the release of pain
 acupuncture influences the release of neurotransmitters, substances that transmit nerve
impulses to the brain
 acupuncture influences the autonomic nervous system
 acupuncture stimulates circulation
 acupuncture influences the electrical currents of the body.
Indication of Accupunture:
 migraines and tension headaches
 sinusitis
 common cold
 addictions, quit smoking
 Meniere's disease
 arthritis
 menstrual cramps
 asthma
 weight loss
 infertility
 Infection
 Broken needle puncture of an internal organ
 Bleeding
 Fainting
 Seizure
 Person with bleeding disorders
 Thrombocytopenia
 Skin infection
It is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to
stimulate the body’s natural self curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release
muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing.
Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while
acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands ( and even)
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine in India. Its documentation dates to Veda (5000B.C.)
The word “Ayurveda”(Ayur+veda) implies THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. The Ayurveda has been
used and transmitted from one generation to another. The oldest healing science in existence,
from all other system emerged. Ayurveda is the oldest Medical System of Medicine. Ayurveda is
a science dealing not only with treatment of some disease but is a complete way of life.
Ayurveda emphasizes re- establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and
body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit. According to Ayurveda,
everything is composed of five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. These elements
combine to form the three doshas i.e. Vata ,kapha and pitta
In Sanskrit , word ayurveda consists of the word ayes meaning life and veda meaning related to
knowledge or science. • The aim is to remove the cause of disorders, prevent illness and
harmonize body, mind and consciousness. Ayurveda aids is maintaing good health, increasing
longevity and overall quality of life.
 The vata dosha is a combination of space and air. People with vata as their main dosha
are believed to be quick-thinking, thin, and fast, and are susceptible to anxiety, dry skin,
and constipation.
 The kapha dosha represents the elements of water and earth. Kapha is believed to be
responsible for strength, immunity, and growth.
 The pitta dosha combines fire and water. It is thought to control hormones and the
digestive system.
Ayurvedic treatment Plan:
 Diet
 Cleansing and detoxification
 Herbal medicine
 Yoga
 Meditation
 Exercise
 Massage
Indication for Ayurvedic treatment:
 Anemia  Bronchitis
 Arthritis  Cancer
 Asthma  Chicken Pox
 Back Ache  Cholera
 Bleeding Gums  Cough and Cold
 Blood Dysentery  Dengue
 Unani medicine is based on the Greece philosophy. According to basic principles of
unani, the body is made up of the four basic elements, i.e Earth, Air, Water , Fire which
have different Temperaments, i.e. Cold, Hot Wet and Dry.
 Treatment dependent on the temperament , hereditary effects, sign and symptoms,
external observation,examination of the pulse, urine and stool.
 Dietotherapy, climatic therapy, regimental therapy, diaphoresis, diuresis, massage.
 Pharmacotherapy: Local herbal drugs. Only minor surgery is in vogue in this system.
Siddha medicine is a form of medical treatment of diseases using substances of all possible
origins in a way that balances the possible harmful effect of each substance. Siddha medicine
was developed by outstanding Dravidians (ancient tamils), locally called Cittars. Preparations are
made mainly out of the parts of the plants and trees such as leaves, bark, stem , root etc but
include also minerals and some animal substances. This form of medicines is still today well
known as in South India. The use of metals like gold, silver and iron powders in some
preparations is a special feature of siddha medicine, which claims it can detoxify metals to
enable them to be used for stubborn diseases.
Homeopathic remedies are typically derived from plants, herbs, minerals, or animal products.
After being crushed and dissolved in alcohol and/or water, the selected substance undergoes a
long process of dilution and succession (a process that involves vigorous shaking of the
solution). The solution is then stored.
It is a therapy based on the concept that disease can be treated with drugs (minute dose) . •
Homeopathy developed is based on the principles that cures like, a substance that when it is
given in minute doses.
 Diarrhea
 Migraines
 Motion sickness
 The flu
Side effects :
 Since they're so diluted, homeopathic remedies don't usually cause adverse effects.
 In some cases, however, patients may briefly feel worse after first beginning their
homeopathic treatment.
 Naturopathy uses body's natural healing abilities in prevention and treatment of disease
through a healthy lifestyle.
 It builds immunity, improves mental health, and enhances body functions.
 Naturopathy mainly focuses on finding the cause of the disease rather than merely
treating the symptoms of disease.
 It uses diet, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and other therapies to return the
body to a state where it can heal itself.
 weight loss
 Fatigue
 Menstrual cycle disturbances (e.g. , cramping, fluid retention, irregular cycles)
 Stress and anxiety
 Mild depression
 Mood swings
 Allergies
 Arthritis
 Menopause related problems (e.g. hot flushes, insomnia, mood changes)
 Sleep problems
 Poor immunity
 Arthritis
 Blood sugar imbalances
 Slow metabolism
 General wellbeing
 Preconception care and fertility
Naturopathy is a ssyatem of man building in harmony with the constructive principles of Nature
on physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of living.
According to manifesto of British Naturopathic Association, “ Naturopathy is a system of
treatment whuch recognizes the existence of the vital curative force within the body”. It
therefore, advocates aiding human system to remove the cause of disease i.e. toxins by expelling
the unwanted and unused matters from human body for curing disease.
Types of Naturopathy:
• Rebalancing food
• Essential oils, and other bach flowers, herbs and plants
• Relaxation techniques
• Massage


Mind body medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health. As
Hippocrates once wrote, “ The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in
getting well”. This mind body medicine in a nutshell. Methods by which an individual can,
independently or with assistance, consciously control some functions of the sympathetic nervous
system ( e.g heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure)
Types of Mind Body Interventions:
 Yoga
 Meditation and Breathing
 Relaxation
 Hypnosis
 Biofeedback

i) YOGA:
Yoga is science which helps to co-ordinate body and mind more effectively. It promotes
mental , physical, social, spiritual health. It is also helps in prevention and cure of various
psychosomatic disorders, psychic and physical disorders.
 According to Yoga sutra of Patanjali-“Yoga is restraints of the activities of the mind”
 Benefits from Yoga:
 All round fitness.
 Builds muscle strength.
 Betters your bone health.
 Increase blood flow.
 Drops blood pressure.
 Protect spine.
 Weight loss.
 Stress relief.
 Help in focus.
 Boosts your immune system.
 Helps in deeper sleep & Inner peace.
 Improvement in personal, social behavior.
 Better circulation of oxygenated blood in the body.

ii) Meditation and Breathing:

Meditation means sitting or resting quietly, often with the eyes closed, which stills the mind
for greater self-awareness. Meditation also helps in reduction of pain and relieving stress. It
also involves sometimes the repetitive sounding of a mantra, which helps the person to focus.
Meditation promotes relaxation.
Technique of meditation and breathing
 Meditation and rhythmic breathing
 Progressive relaxation
 Relation by sensory pacing
 Relaxing with music

iii) Relaxation:
Relaxation techniques are aimed at relaxing muscles and quieting the mind and are mainly
designed to relieve tension and strain. It is also used as an alternative treatment for insomnia.
Characteristics of relaxation:
 Decreased heart rate
 Decreased respiratory rate
 Decreased BP
 Decreased oxygen consumption
Clinical application:
 Lowering heart rate
 Lowering BP
 tension
 Improving well being
 Reducing symptoms of distress
 Depression
 Anxiety

iv) Hypnosis:
Hypnosis is a sort of conscious sleep or trance that can help people deal with addictions, pain or
anxiety disorders. In hypnosis, a person is put into an advanced state of relaxation in which he is
relatively unaware of his surroundings but not entirely unconscious about it. A hypnotized
person follows the instructions given by the hypnotherapist and tends not to be to psycho logic
stress and conflict.
Indications of Hypnosis:
 Habit Disorders
 Habit Disorders
 Relaxation
 Anxiety States
 Psychotic Disorders

v) Biofeedback:
Biofeedback is a group of therapeutic procedures that use electronic or electromechanical
instruments to measure the process and information to person about their neuromuscular and
autonomic nervous system. The information or feed back is given in physical, physiological
activity or visual feedback signals.
People are trained to exercise some control over the way their bodies work and involves
measuring a subject's bodily processes such as blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature using
electronic sensors. Biofeedback helps a person to be more aware of what his body is doing, and
to bring reactions under control.
Common Biofeedback techniques:
 Temperature biofeedback
 EMG biofeedback
 EEG biofeedback
 Galvanic Skin Response
Indication of Biofeedback:
Biofeedback helps the treating:
 pain
 stress
 Insomnia
 Headache


Biologically based therapies in complementary and alternative medicine use substances found in
nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins. There are mainly following types of biological based
 Herbal Medicine
 Orthomolecular Medicine
Herbal medicine: is a system, which uses various remedies derived from plants and their
extracts to treat disorders and maintain good health. Either a whole single herb or a mixture of
different herbs can be used.Though herbal medicine exhibits a slower and deeper action they
assist the body to eliminate and detoxify,thus taking care of the problem that’s causing the
symptoms.Herbal medicines are available as extracts, infusions, pills, and powders.
Indications of herbal medicine:
 Minor burns
 Wound healing
 Hypertension
 Diabetes
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Motion sickness
Orthomolecular medicine: involves the use of proper nutrition or nutritional supplements to
maintain and restore health. Orthomolecular medicine uses combinations of minerals, vitamins
and amino acids normally found in the body to treat specific conditions.
Indications of Orthomolecular medicine:
 Arthritis
 Cardiovascular disease
 Hypertension
 Beriberi
 Night blindness
 Osteomalacia
 Pernicious anemia
 Rickets
 Scurvy
 Xerophtalmia


Manipulative and body-based methods in complementary and alternative medicine are based on
manipulation and/or movement of one or more parts of the body.
Types of Manipulative and Body Based Methods:
 Chiropractic
 Osteopathy
 Massage Therapy
 Reflexology
Chiropractic is based on the theory that disease conditions result from misalignments of body
structures, especially the spine.
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment by manipulation that mainly focuses on
musculo- skeletal problems.
Massage Therapy is the manipulation of body tissues to promote wellness and reduce pain and
Reflexology is the practice of stimulating points on the feet, hands and ears to improve health or
give a beneficial effect on some other parts of the body.

Biofield therapies are intended to affect energy fields that purportedly surround and penetrate the
human body. The existence of such fields has not yet been scientifically proven. Some forms of
energy therapy manipulate biofields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body by
placing the hands in, or through, these fields.
Types of Energy Therapies:
 Reiki
 Therapeutic Touch
 Bioelectromagnetic-based Therapies
Reiki is a technique, which uses the channeling and flow of energy through the body to improve
health and promote healing. It is very much different from conventional healing therapies.
Because in a Reiki therapy, there are no medicines or tools needed to heal diseases. This method
is used to treat Anxiety , Stress , Arthritis , Endometriosis ,Chronic fatigue syndrome ,Insomnia,
Depression , Migraines , Hot flashes , Cramps.
Therapeutic Touch: This technique uses the therapist's healing energy to identify and repair
imbalances in a person's biofield. They believe that by placing their hands on or near a patient's
body they can direct energy and correct disturbances. This method is used to treat Pain , Fever,
Swelling, , Infections ,Premenstrual syndrome , headaches &TT is useful in treating diseases
such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Bioelectromagnetic-based Therapies : Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies use pulsed energy
or magnetic fields to alter the body's electromagnetic fields and cure illness. Magnets have
become a popular treatment for various musculoskeletal conditions and even to relieve pain. It is
used for Osteoporosis , Arthritis , Effective in healing non-union fracture hip , Pain
Role of Nurse in complementary and alternative therapy:
 The integrative medicine approach is consistent with the holistic approach nurses are
taught to practice.
 Nurses have the potential for becoming essential participants in this type of health care
 Nurses should be knowledgeable of CAM therapies to make appropriate
 Nurses should also provide advice to client regarding when to seek conventional
therapies or CAM therapies.
 Nurses need to be aware of their state nurse practice act with regard to CAM therapies
and practice only with in the scope of these laws.
 Nurses have knowledge regarding current researches being done in this area to provide
accurate information not only to patient but to other health care professionals.

Perry and potter. Fundamentals of nursing. 6th ed. Mosby an imprint of Elsevier NEW DELHI
pp 915- 26.
Black Joyce M. et al .Medical Surgical nursing. 1st ed. Singapore. W.B. Sunder 1997: pp780-5.
Brar,nc and rawat.hc 2015. Textebook of advanced nursing practice. Jaypee brothers medical
publisher ltd. Page no: 933-944
http//. www. Alternative and complementary medicines therapies. com

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