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Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: February 21, 2020

Name: Tessa Domingo
Essential Question:
How does fast fashion negatively impact our environment?
Three Points to Prove: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change
#2: fast fashion leads to a substantial amount of landfill waste
#3: fast fashion pollutes the ocean with microfibers

Point that this Source Proves: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change
#2: fast fashion leads to a substantial amount of landfill waste

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Natsai Audrey Chieza says that “Our fossil fuel-based activities are reshaping the earth with a kind of violence
that is capable of dramatically changing the climate, of accelerating a loss of biodiversity and even sustaining
human conflict. We're living in a world where the denial of this dependence has become deadly”

According to Natsai Audrey Chieza, “The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world”.

As said by Natsai Audrey Chieza, “Biotechnology is going to touch every part of our lived experience. It is
living; it is digital; it is designed, and it can be crafted. This is a material future that we must be bold enough to

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Our world has surrounded and based our lives around fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are one of the
main causes to climate change. But this has become a very valuable material system to us as a people. Natsai
Audrey Chieza says that “Our fossil fuel-based activities are reshaping the earth with a kind of violence that is
capable of dramatically changing the climate, of accelerating a loss of biodiversity and even sustaining human
conflict. We're living in a world where the denial of this dependence has become deadly”. This is a problem in the
fashion industry because fossil fuels are used in the production of textiles. It is apparent that within the
production of fast fashion, there are main causes to climate change. Because of this, it is needed for people to
find a new material system that is not petroleum-based and thus harm our environment.
This textile industry is causing big problems to our environment. According to Natsai Audrey Chieza,
“The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world”. This production of textiles, which are used in the
production of clothing and apparel, is most ecologically harmful in the finishing and dying stage. Processing these
textiles also consume huge amounts of water. Not only that, the textile industry’s materials are mostly petroleum
based. Much of this waste, with the help of the demand for fast fashion, ends up in landfills every year. These
textiles wastes are also very difficult to recycle.
Our world is far deep into using fossil fuels and living in a world that harms our environment through the
textile industry. And Natsai Audrey Chieza says that we can only fix this through a new type of material
system. As said by Natsai Audrey Chieza, “Biotechnology is going to touch every part of our lived experience. It
is living; it is digital; it is designed, and it can be crafted. This is a material future that we must be bold enough to
shape.” This is a way to make our world more sustainable and develop our world. This would need to happen
because fast fashion and the textile industry is increasingly harming our environment quickly.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Chieza, Natsai Audrey, director. TED. TED,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is researched from a Ted ED talk. Ted ED only has speakers who
are qualified and trusted in their department.

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