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Hygiene Tips

By Kriston Love, Dietetic Intern

Adapted from World Health Organization

With the new concern of CVIOD-19 or coronavirus, staying healthy and knowing how to
protect yourself and others from getting sick is important. It is key to do what you can do to
help stop the spread of the virus and also protect those around you who may have weakened
immune systems from other underlying diseases or medical conditions. The following is a list of
ways you can help protect yourself and others from getting sick.

Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is a big part of decreasing the chances of spreading germs. Even if
your hands are not visibly dirty, you should frequently clean them by using alcohol-based hand
rub or soap and water. You should wash your hands:
 After coughing or sneezing
 When caring for the sick
 Before, during, and after you prepare food
 Before eating
 After toilet use
 When hands are visibly dirty
 After handling animals or animal waste

Social Distancing and Traveling

You should avoid close contact with others and traveling when you are experiencing
cough and fever. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, you should seek medical
care early and share previous travel history with health care provider. If you must travel, avoid
close contact, frequently wash hands, and avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth. When coughing
and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow and tissue. You should throw tissue
away immediately and wash hands. If choosing to wear a face mask, be sure to cover mouth
and nose and avoid touching mask during wear. Be sure to immediately discard mask after use
and wash after removing mask.

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