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TC 148 MAM 2020

Office: Jl.Anyelir No.08 Pelem  ( 0354 ) 392987 Pare Kediri


TITLE GOAT (The Greatest of All Time)
3 MAIN POINTS 1. A little thing can influence something big
2. Inspiration lead us to new ideas, influencer lead us to
3. The Greatest influencer in the world

OPENING Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Your excellency Mr.Kalend Osen as the director of Basic
English Course
Respectable all teachers of BEC specially (...) as supervisor of
Moonlight meeting
Honorable Sister Sania as the chief of Moonlight meeting
And Unforgettable all of my friends Will be Internasional

I Thank you for Allah, for his gracious and for giving us media
to learn learn and learn, moreover(terutama) from our prophet
Muhammad Saw. May we get his syafaah hereafter. And thank
you for MC for giving me time.
TRANSITION Happy Brothers and Sisters
MAIN POIN 1 Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Quotes by
charity Inn.
Who has read or watched or heard something or just simply be
absent-minded and suddenly new and abstract idea came?
If you had this kind of experience, so you are same with Issac
Newton. In this case, he was sleeping. Yeah, he was only
sleeping under a tree than an apple suddenly fell on him.
Inspiration came as simple as that. The thing is how we can
execute the idea like Issac do. If Mr. Fu said 'do it'. Yeah, just
like that.
TC 148 MAM 2020

Office: Jl.Anyelir No.08 Pelem  ( 0354 ) 392987 Pare Kediri

TRNSITION Brothers and sisters

MAIN POINT 2 Issac is one of the best example for us to execute our ideas. In
other side, executing idea might as well be accompanied by
something like attitude. Now, let’s we look at Jack ma and
what he said. He said that he is not a smart person but he
collect smart people. Smart person couldn't work together and
he made them work together.
Do you aware that attitude is included there. To collect people
at least he have to behave. Imagine if someone ask you rudely,
who will join(follow)? That’s why we need to behave and also
figure who leads us to behave namely influencer.
TRANSITION Happy Audience
MAIN POINT 3 ‫تسمك في وجه تحيط صدقة‬
Have you smiled today?
It’s a simple quote but most of people forget it. It’s a quote
from our prophet Muhammad saw. One simple thing to behave.
One simple example of good attitude from the greatest
influencer in the world. I said it according to Michael Hart’s
book. If you have no inspirational person now. Just read and
know more about our prophet. Because every little thing he did
can be inspiration. We don’t know if our greatest idea will
come after doing little lesson from the greatest human.
TRANSITION Oke everybody
CLOSING Remember to always behave, your skill is nothing to do
without good attitude. Execute your ideas, your ideas is nothing
withou execution.

CTA Everyone can inspire

Everything can inspire
But Inspiration is nothing to do without execution
And our prophet is the greatest

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