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I have gained stronger writer skills over this course and can tell my writing has improved.

I am aware to
writing run on sentences. I am aware to not making complete sentences. I have learned how to make a
strong thesis statement. I have learned how to use and notice ethos, pathos and logos. I have found the
25 Songs Article and links to the Two Videos of the Same Songs were most helpful. The most mistakes
made was not proof reading enough. I have learned to make smaller paragraphs. I have learned to
correct these mistakes by reading other student’s papers and noticed how my papers could improve. I
have learned these mistakes by the learning exercises during this course. I have learned a lot more than
expected in this course and I had a great experience in this course. The course work made English fun
and interesting to learn. I can’t express enough all my gratitude to the great teacher I had. If I had any
questions or concerns there were always a fast reply back. I appreciate all the videos and emails
explaining how assignments were expected to be done. I appreciate the second chance to fix mistakes
on the assignments. I liked the helpful comments from the other students during assignments. I have
truly enjoyed taking this English course.

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