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Hi Teacher in this moment i go to talk a litler aboute to de Get verb

Most relevant meanings of the verb to get in English Then I will share
with you the five most important meanings of the verb ‘get’ in English
that you must, by all means, learn by heart to be able to use them as
naturally as a native.

We must also see the care we put in its correct pronunciation:

1.-Get to a site
Voy a llegar ahí a las siete I’m going to get there at seven
Llegaré a Madrid a las nueve I’ll get to Madrid at nine

2.-Reach an object at a considerable distance

Ve a cogerlo Come on get it /guéret/
¿Me puedes alcanzar eso? Can you get that for me?

Llegarás a ser un buen profesor You will get to be a good teacher

¿Me puedes conseguir un boli? Can you get me a pen?

5.-Receive something
Recibí una carta I got a letter
Recibí un mensaje tuyo I got a message from
you /áe_gára/

Thank you very much teacher

I hope a ten

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